blob: 8f419aed18b766ec3e88a38dc791a18dc7ccde55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
import static;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
* Test cases for the schema service. This is for
* <a href="">DIREVE-276</a>.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$
@ApplyLdifs( {
// Entry # 1
"dn: cn=person0,ou=system\n" +
"objectClass: person\n" +
"cn: person0\n" +
"sn: sn_person0\n",
// Entry # 2
"dn: cn=person1,ou=system\n" +
"objectClass: organizationalPerson\n" +
"cn: person1\n" +
"sn: sn_person1\n" +
"seealso: cn=Good One,ou=people,o=sevenSeas\n" +
"seealso:: Y249QmFkIEXDqWvDoCxvdT1wZW9wbGUsbz1zZXZlblNlYXM=\n",
// Entry # 3
"dn: cn=person2,ou=system\n" +
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson\n" +
"cn: person2\n" +
"sn: sn_person2\n" }
@RunWith ( CiRunner.class )
public class SchemaServiceIT
/** The Directory service */
public static DirectoryService service;
* For <a href="">DIRSERVER-925</a>.
* @throws NamingException on error
public void testNoStructuralObjectClass() throws NamingException
Attributes attrs = new AttributesImpl( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, SchemaConstants.TOP_OC );
attrs.get( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT ).add( "uidObject" );
attrs.put( SchemaConstants.UID_AT, "invalid" );
getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "uid=invalid", attrs );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION, e.getResultCode() );
* For <a href="">DIRSERVER-925</a>.
* @throws NamingException on error
public void testMultipleStructuralObjectClasses() throws NamingException
Attributes attrs = new AttributesImpl( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, SchemaConstants.TOP_OC );
attrs.get( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT ).add( SchemaConstants.ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_OC );
attrs.get( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT ).add( SchemaConstants.PERSON_OC );
attrs.put( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, "comedy" );
attrs.put( SchemaConstants.CN_AT, "Jack Black" );
attrs.put( SchemaConstants.SN_AT, "Black" );
getSystemContext( service ).createSubcontext( "cn=Jack Black", attrs );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION, e.getResultCode() );
* For <a href="">DIRSERVER-904</a>.
* @throws NamingException on error
public void testAddingTwoDifferentEntitiesWithSameOid() throws NamingException
String numberOfGunsAttrLdif = "dn: m-oid=,ou=attributeTypes,cn=other,ou=schema\n" +
"m-usage: USER_APPLICATIONS\n" +
"m-equality: integerOrderingMatch\n" +
"objectClass: metaAttributeType\n" +
"objectClass: metaTop\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"m-name: numberOfGuns\n" +
"m-oid:\n" +
"m-singleValue: TRUE\n" +
"m-description: Number of guns of a ship\n" +
"m-collective: FALSE\n" +
"m-obsolete: FALSE\n" +
"m-noUserModification: FALSE\n" +
String shipOCLdif = "dn: m-oid=,ou=objectClasses,cn=other,ou=schema\n" +
"objectClass: top\n" +
"objectClass: metaTop\n" +
"objectClass: metaObjectclass\n" +
"m-supObjectClass: top\n" +
"m-oid:\n" +
"m-name: ship\n" +
"m-must: cn\n" +
"m-may: numberOfGuns\n" +
"m-may: description\n" +
"m-typeObjectClass: STRUCTURAL\n" +
"m-obsolete: FALSE\n" +
"m-description: A ship\n";
StringReader in = new StringReader( numberOfGunsAttrLdif + "\n\n" + shipOCLdif );
LdifReader ldifReader = new LdifReader( in );
LdifEntry numberOfGunsAttrEntry =;
LdifEntry shipOCEntry =;
assertFalse( ldifReader.hasNext() );
// should be fine with unique OID
LdapContext root = getRootContext( service );
root.createSubcontext( numberOfGunsAttrEntry.getDn(), numberOfGunsAttrEntry.getAttributes() );
// should blow chuncks using same OID
root.createSubcontext( shipOCEntry.getDn(), shipOCEntry.getAttributes() );
fail( "Should not be possible to create two schema entities with the same OID." );
catch( NamingException e )
assertTrue( true );
* Test that we have all the needed ObjectClasses
* @throws NamingException on error
public void testFillInObjectClasses() throws NamingException
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( service );
Attribute ocs = sysRoot.getAttributes( "cn=person0" ).get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 2, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
ocs = sysRoot.getAttributes( "cn=person1" ).get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 3, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
ocs = sysRoot.getAttributes( "cn=person2" ).get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 4, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "inetOrgPerson" ) );
* Search all the entries with a 'person' ObjectClass, or an ObjectClass
* inheriting from 'person'
* @throws NamingException on error
public void testSearchForPerson() throws NamingException
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( service );
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
Map<String, Attributes> persons = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = "", "(objectClass=*person)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
persons.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// admin is extra
assertEquals( 4, persons.size() );
Attributes person = persons.get( "cn=person0,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
Attribute ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 2, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
person = persons.get( "cn=person1,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 3, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
person = persons.get( "cn=person2,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 4, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "inetOrgPerson" ) );
public void testSearchForOrgPerson() throws NamingException
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( service );
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
Map<String, Attributes> orgPersons = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = "", "(objectClass=organizationalPerson)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
orgPersons.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// admin is extra
assertEquals( 3, orgPersons.size() );
Attributes orgPerson = orgPersons.get( "cn=person1,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( orgPerson );
Attribute ocs = orgPerson.get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 3, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
orgPerson = orgPersons.get( "cn=person2,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( orgPerson );
ocs = orgPerson.get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 4, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "inetOrgPerson" ) );
public void testSearchForInetOrgPerson() throws NamingException
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( service );
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
Map<String, Attributes> inetOrgPersons = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = "", "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
inetOrgPersons.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// admin is extra
assertEquals( 2, inetOrgPersons.size() );
Attributes inetOrgPerson = inetOrgPersons.get( "cn=person2,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( inetOrgPerson );
Attribute ocs = inetOrgPerson.get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 4, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "inetOrgPerson" ) );
public void testSearchForSubSchemaSubEntryUserAttrsOnly() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE );
Map<String, Attributes> subSchemaEntry = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getRootContext( service ).search( "cn=schema", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
subSchemaEntry.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// We should have only one entry in the result
assertEquals( 1, subSchemaEntry.size() );
// It should be the normalized form of cn=schema
Attributes attrs = subSchemaEntry.get( "cn=schema" );
assertNotNull( attrs );
// We should have 2 attributes in the result :
// - attributeTypes
// - cn
// - objectClass
assertEquals( 2, attrs.size() );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "cn" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "objectClass" ) );
public void testSearchForSubSchemaSubEntryAllAttrs() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE );
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]{ "*", "+" } );
Map<String, Attributes> subSchemaEntry = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getRootContext( service ).search(
"cn=schema", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
subSchemaEntry.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// We should have only one entry in the result
assertEquals( 1, subSchemaEntry.size() );
// It should be the normalized form of cn=schema
Attributes attrs = subSchemaEntry.get( "cn=schema" );
assertNotNull( attrs );
public void testSearchForSubSchemaSubEntrySingleAttributeSelected() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE );
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]{ "nameForms" } );
Map<String, Attributes> subSchemaEntry = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getRootContext( service )
.search( "cn=schema", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
subSchemaEntry.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// We should have only one entry in the result
assertEquals( 1, subSchemaEntry.size() );
// It should be the normalized form of cn=schema
Attributes attrs = subSchemaEntry.get( "cn=schema" );
assertNotNull( attrs );
// We should have 1 attribute in the result :
// - nameForms
assertEquals( 1, attrs.size() );
assertNull( attrs.get( "attributeTypes" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "cn" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "creatorsName" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "createTimestamp" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "dITContentRules" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "dITStructureRules" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "ldapSyntaxes" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "matchingRules" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "matchingRuleUse" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "modifiersName" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "modifyTimestamp" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "nameForms" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "objectClass" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "objectClasses" ) );
* Test for DIRSERVER-1055.
* Check if modifyTimestamp and createTimestamp are present in the search result,
* if they are requested.
public void testSearchForSubSchemaSubEntryOperationalAttributesSelected() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE );
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
{ "creatorsName", "createTimestamp", "modifiersName", "modifyTimestamp" } );
Map<String, Attributes> subSchemaEntry = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getRootContext( service )
.search( "cn=schema", "(objectClass=subschema)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
subSchemaEntry.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// We should have only one entry in the result
assertEquals( 1, subSchemaEntry.size() );
// It should be the normalized form of cn=schema
Attributes attrs = subSchemaEntry.get( "cn=schema" );
assertNotNull( attrs );
// We should have 4 attribute in the result :
assertEquals( 4, attrs.size() );
assertNull( attrs.get( "attributeTypes" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "cn" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "creatorsName" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "createTimestamp" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "dITContentRules" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "dITStructureRules" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "ldapSyntaxes" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "matchingRules" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "matchingRuleUse" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "modifiersName" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "modifyTimestamp" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "nameForms" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "objectClass" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "objectClasses" ) );
public void testSearchForSubSchemaSubEntryBadFilter() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE );
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]{ "+" } );
Map<String, Attributes> subSchemaEntry = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getRootContext( service )
.search( "cn=schema", "(objectClass=nothing)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
subSchemaEntry.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// We should have no entry in the result
assertEquals( 0, subSchemaEntry.size() );
public void testSearchForSubSchemaSubEntryFilterEqualTop() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE );
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]{ "+" } );
Map<String, Attributes> subSchemaEntry = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getRootContext( service )
.search( "cn=schema", "(objectClass=top)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
subSchemaEntry.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// We should have only one entry in the result
assertEquals( 1, subSchemaEntry.size() );
// It should be the normalized form of cn=schema
Attributes attrs = subSchemaEntry.get( "cn=schema" );
assertNotNull( attrs );
// We should have 18 attribute in the result :
// - nameForms
// - comparators
// - normalizers
// - syntaxCheckers
assertEquals( 18, attrs.size() );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "attributeTypes" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "cn" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "subtreeSpecification" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "creatorsName" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "createTimestamp" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "dITContentRules" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "dITStructureRules" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "ldapSyntaxes" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "matchingRules" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "matchingRuleUse" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "modifiersName" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "modifyTimestamp" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "nameForms" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "objectClass" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "objectClasses" ) );
public void testSearchForSubSchemaSubEntryFilterEqualSubSchema() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE );
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]{ "+" } );
Map<String, Attributes> subSchemaEntry = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getRootContext( service )
.search( "cn=schema", "(objectClass=subSchema)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
subSchemaEntry.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// We should have only one entry in the result
assertEquals( 1, subSchemaEntry.size() );
// It should be the normalized form of cn=schema
Attributes attrs = subSchemaEntry.get( "cn=schema" );
assertNotNull( attrs );
// We should have 18 attribute in the result :
// - nameForms
// - comparators
// - normalizers
// - syntaxCheckers
assertEquals( 18, attrs.size() );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "attributeTypes" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "cn" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "subtreeSpecification" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "creatorsName" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "createTimestamp" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "dITContentRules" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "dITStructureRules" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "ldapSyntaxes" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "matchingRules" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "matchingRuleUse" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "modifiersName" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "modifyTimestamp" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "nameForms" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "objectClass" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "objectClasses" ) );
public void testSearchForSubSchemaSubEntryNotObjectScope() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]{ "+" } );
Map<String, Attributes> subSchemaEntry = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getRootContext( service )
.search( "cn=schema", "(objectClass=nothing)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
subSchemaEntry.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// We should have no entry in the result
assertEquals( 0, subSchemaEntry.size() );
public void testSearchForSubSchemaSubEntryComposedFilters() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]{ "+" } );
Map<String, Attributes> subSchemaEntry = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getRootContext( service )
.search( "cn=schema", "(&(objectClass=*)(objectClass=top))", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
subSchemaEntry.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// We should have no entry in the result
assertEquals( 0, subSchemaEntry.size() );
* Test for DIRSERVER-844: storing of base 64 encoded values into H-R attributes
* @throws NamingException on error
public void testSearchSeeAlso() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
Map<String, Attributes> persons = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getSystemContext( service )
.search( "", "(seeAlso=cn=Good One,ou=people,o=sevenSeas)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
persons.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// admin is extra
assertEquals( 1, persons.size() );
Attributes person;
Attribute ocs;
person = persons.get( "cn=person1,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 3, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
Attribute seeAlso = person.get( "seeAlso" );
assertTrue( seeAlso.contains( "cn=Good One,ou=people,o=sevenSeas" ) );
assertTrue( seeAlso.contains( "cn=Bad E\u00e9k\u00e0,ou=people,o=sevenSeas" ) );
* Doing a search with filtering attributes should work even if the attribute
* is not valid
* @throws NamingException on error
public void testSearchForUnknownAttributes() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
Map<String, Attributes> persons = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[] { "9.9.9" } );
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getSystemContext( service )
.search( "", "(objectClass=person)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
persons.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// admin is extra
assertEquals( 4, persons.size() );
Attributes person;
Attribute ocs;
person = persons.get( "cn=person0,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertNull( ocs );
ocs = person.get( "9.9.9" );
assertNull( ocs );
person = persons.get( "cn=person1,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertNull( ocs );
person = persons.get( "cn=person2,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertNull( ocs );
* Check that if we request a Attribute which is not an AttributeType,
* we still get a result
* @throws NamingException on error
public void testSearchAttributesOIDObjectClass() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
Map<String, Attributes> persons = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[] { "" } );
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getSystemContext( service )
.search( "", "(objectClass=person)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
persons.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// admin is extra
assertEquals( 4, persons.size() );
Attributes person;
Attribute ocs;
person = persons.get( "cn=person0,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertNull( ocs );
// We should not get this attribute (it's an ObjectClass)
ocs = person.get( "" );
assertNull( ocs );
person = persons.get( "cn=person1,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertNull( ocs );
person = persons.get( "cn=person2,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertNull( ocs );
* Check that if we request a Attribute which is an ObjectClass.
* @throws NamingException on error
public void testSearchAttributesOIDObjectClassName() throws NamingException
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
Map<String, Attributes> persons = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[] { "person" } );
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = getSystemContext( service )
.search( "", "(objectClass=person)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
persons.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
// admin is extra
assertEquals( 4, persons.size() );
Attributes person;
Attribute ocs;
person = persons.get( "cn=person0,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertNull( ocs );
// We should not get this attrinute (it's an ObjectClass)
ocs = person.get( "" );
assertNull( ocs );
person = persons.get( "cn=person1,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertNull( ocs );
person = persons.get( "cn=person2,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertNull( ocs );
* Check that if we search for an attribute using its inherited
* AttributeType (ie, looking for name instead of givenName, surname,
* commonName), we find all the entries.
* @throws NamingException
public void testSearchForName() throws NamingException
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( service );
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
Map<String, Attributes> persons = new HashMap<String, Attributes>();
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results = "", "(name=person*)", controls );
while ( results.hasMore() )
SearchResult result =;
persons.put( result.getName(), result.getAttributes() );
assertEquals( 3, persons.size() );
Attributes person = persons.get( "cn=person0,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
Attribute ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 2, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
person = persons.get( "cn=person1,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 3, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
person = persons.get( "cn=person2,ou=system" );
assertNotNull( person );
ocs = person.get( "objectClass" );
assertEquals( 4, ocs.size() );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "person" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
assertTrue( ocs.contains( "inetOrgPerson" ) );