blob: 2d1f597a445f4c2228c5ee6e8e7c58e266c5bf73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
* Tests for the DefaultServerAttribute class
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class DefaultServerAttributeTest
private static BootstrapSchemaLoader loader;
private static Registries registries;
private static OidRegistry oidRegistry;
private static AttributeType atCN;
private static AttributeType atSN;
// A SINGLE-VALUE attribute
private static AttributeType atC;
// A Binary attribute
private static AttributeType atPwd;
private static final Value<String> NULL_STRING_VALUE = new ClientStringValue( null );
private static final Value<byte[]> NULL_BINARY_VALUE = new ClientBinaryValue( null );
private static final byte[] BYTES1 = new byte[]{ 'a', 'b' };
private static final byte[] BYTES2 = new byte[]{ 'b' };
private static final byte[] BYTES3 = new byte[]{ 'c' };
private static final byte[] BYTES4 = new byte[]{ 'd' };
private static final ClientStringValue STR_VALUE1 = new ClientStringValue( "a" );
private static final ClientStringValue STR_VALUE2 = new ClientStringValue( "b" );
private static final ClientStringValue STR_VALUE3 = new ClientStringValue( "c" );
private static final ClientStringValue STR_VALUE4 = new ClientStringValue( "d" );
private static final ClientBinaryValue BIN_VALUE1 = new ClientBinaryValue( BYTES1 );
private static final ClientBinaryValue BIN_VALUE2 = new ClientBinaryValue( BYTES2 );
private static final ClientBinaryValue BIN_VALUE3 = new ClientBinaryValue( BYTES3 );
private static final ClientBinaryValue BIN_VALUE4 = new ClientBinaryValue( BYTES4 );
* Initialize the registries once for the whole test suite
public static void setup() throws NamingException
loader = new BootstrapSchemaLoader();
oidRegistry = new DefaultOidRegistry();
registries = new DefaultRegistries( "bootstrap", loader, oidRegistry );
// load essential bootstrap schemas
Set<Schema> bootstrapSchemas = new HashSet<Schema>();
bootstrapSchemas.add( new ApachemetaSchema() );
bootstrapSchemas.add( new ApacheSchema() );
bootstrapSchemas.add( new CoreSchema() );
bootstrapSchemas.add( new SystemSchema() );
bootstrapSchemas.add( new InetorgpersonSchema() );
bootstrapSchemas.add( new CosineSchema() );
loader.loadWithDependencies( bootstrapSchemas, registries );
atCN = registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry().lookup( "cn" );
atC = registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry().lookup( "c" );
atSN = registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry().lookup( "sn" );
atPwd = registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry().lookup( "userpassword" );
@Test public void testAddOneValue() throws NamingException
AttributeType at = TestServerEntryUtils.getIA5StringAttributeType();
DefaultServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( at );
// Add a String value
attr.add( "test" );
assertEquals( 1, attr.size() );
assertTrue( attr.getAttributeType().getSyntax().isHumanReadable() );
Value<?> value = attr.get();
assertTrue( value instanceof ServerStringValue );
assertEquals( "test", ((ServerStringValue)value).get() );
// Add a binary value
assertEquals( 0, attr.add( new byte[]{0x01} ) );
// Add a Value
Value<?> ssv = new ServerStringValue( at, "test2" );
attr.add( ssv );
assertEquals( 2, attr.size() );
Set<String> expected = new HashSet<String>();
expected.add( "test" );
expected.add( "test2" );
for ( Value<?> val:attr )
if ( expected.contains( val.get() ) )
expected.remove( val.get() );
assertEquals( 0, expected.size() );
@Test public void testAddTwoValue() throws NamingException
AttributeType at = TestServerEntryUtils.getIA5StringAttributeType();
DefaultServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( at );
// Add String values
attr.add( "test" );
attr.add( "test2" );
assertEquals( 2, attr.size() );
assertTrue( attr.getAttributeType().getSyntax().isHumanReadable() );
Set<String> expected = new HashSet<String>();
expected.add( "test" );
expected.add( "test2" );
for ( Value<?> val:attr )
if ( expected.contains( val.get() ) )
expected.remove( val.get() );
assertEquals( 0, expected.size() );
@Test public void testAddNullValue() throws NamingException
AttributeType at = TestServerEntryUtils.getIA5StringAttributeType();
DefaultServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( at );
// Add a null value
attr.add( new ServerStringValue( at, null ) );
assertEquals( 1, attr.size() );
assertTrue( attr.getAttributeType().getSyntax().isHumanReadable() );
Value<?> value = attr.get();
assertTrue( value instanceof ServerStringValue );
assertNull( ((ServerStringValue)value).get() );
@Test public void testGetAttribute()
AttributeType at = TestServerEntryUtils.getIA5StringAttributeType();
DefaultServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( at );
attr.add( "Test1" );
attr.add( "Test2" );
attr.add( "Test3" );
Attribute attribute = ServerEntryUtils.toBasicAttribute( attr );
assertEquals( "1.1",attribute.getID() );
assertEquals( 3, attribute.size() );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "Test1" ) );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "Test2" ) );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "Test3" ) );
* Test the contains() method
@Test public void testContains()
AttributeType at = TestServerEntryUtils.getIA5StringAttributeType();
DefaultServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( at );
attr.add( "Test 1" );
attr.add( "Test 2" );
attr.add( "Test 3" );
assertTrue( attr.contains( "test 1" ) );
assertTrue( attr.contains( "Test 2" ) );
assertTrue( attr.contains( "TEST 3" ) );
* Test method getBytes()
public void testGetBytes() throws InvalidAttributeValueException
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
attr1.add( (byte[])null );
assertNull( attr1.getBytes() );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
attr2.add( BYTES1, BYTES2 );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES1, attr2.getBytes() ) );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
attr3.add( "a", "b" );
catch ( InvalidAttributeValueException ivae )
assertTrue( true );
* Test method getId()
public void testGetId()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
attr.setId( " CN " );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
attr.setId( " CommonName " );
assertEquals( "commonname", attr.getId() );
attr.setId( " " );
assertEquals( "", attr.getId() );
* Test method getString()
public void testGetString() throws InvalidAttributeValueException
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
attr1.add( (String)null );
assertNull( attr1.getString() );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
attr2.add( "a", "b" );
assertEquals( "a", attr2.getString() );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
attr3.add( BYTES1, BYTES2 );
catch ( InvalidAttributeValueException ivae )
assertTrue( true );
* Test method getUpId
public void testGetUpId()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertNotNull( attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getUpId() );
attr.setUpId( "CN" );
assertEquals( "CN", attr.getUpId() );
attr.setUpId( " Cn " );
assertEquals( "Cn", attr.getUpId() );
attr.setUpId( " " );
assertEquals( "", attr.getUpId() );
* Test method hashCode()
public void testHashCode()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atSN );
assertNotSame( attr1.hashCode(), attr2.hashCode() );
attr2.setAttributeType( atCN );
assertEquals( attr1.hashCode(), attr2.hashCode() );
attr1.put( (String)null );
assertNotSame( attr1.hashCode(), attr2.hashCode() );
assertEquals( attr1.hashCode(), attr2.hashCode() );
attr1.put( "a", "b" );
assertNotSame( attr1.hashCode(), attr2.hashCode() );
attr2.put( "a", "b" );
assertEquals( attr1.hashCode(), attr2.hashCode() );
// Order matters
attr2.put( "b", "a" );
assertNotSame( attr1.hashCode(), attr2.hashCode() );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
ServerAttribute attr4 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
assertNotSame( attr3.hashCode(), attr4.hashCode() );
attr3.put( (byte[])null );
assertNotSame( attr3.hashCode(), attr4.hashCode() );
assertEquals( attr3.hashCode(), attr4.hashCode() );
attr3.put( new byte[]{0x01, 0x02}, new byte[]{0x03, 0x04} );
assertNotSame( attr1.hashCode(), attr2.hashCode() );
attr4.put( new byte[]{0x01, 0x02}, new byte[]{0x03, 0x04} );
assertNotSame( attr1.hashCode(), attr2.hashCode() );
// Order matters
attr4.put( new byte[]{0x03, 0x04}, new byte[]{0x01, 0x02} );
assertNotSame( attr1.hashCode(), attr2.hashCode() );
* Test method SetId(String)
public void testSetId()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
attr.setId( "Cn" );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
attr.setId( " CN " );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
attr.setId( " " );
assertEquals( "", attr.getId() );
attr.setId( " commonName " );
assertEquals( "commonname", attr.getId() );
attr.setId( null );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae )
assertTrue( true );
attr.setId( "" );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae )
assertTrue( true );
attr.setId( " " );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae )
assertTrue( true );
attr.setId( " SN " );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae )
assertTrue( true );
* Test method isValid()
public void testIsValid() throws NamingException
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
// No value, this should be valid
assertTrue( attr.isValid() );
attr.add( "test", "test2", "A123\\;" );
assertTrue( attr.isValid() );
// If we try to add a wrong value, it will not be added. The
// attribute remains valid.
assertEquals(0, attr.add( new byte[]{0x01} ) );
assertTrue( attr.isValid() );
// test a SINGLE-VALUE attribute. CountryName is SINGLE-VALUE
attr.setAttributeType( atC );
attr.put( "FR" );
assertTrue( attr.isValid() );
attr.add( "US" );
assertFalse( attr.isValid() );
* Test method add( Value... )
public void testAddValueArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
int nbAdded = attr1.add( new ServerStringValue( atCN, null ) );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr1.isHR() );
assertEquals( NULL_STRING_VALUE, attr1.get() );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr2.add( new ServerBinaryValue( atPwd, null ) );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr2.isHR() );
assertEquals( NULL_BINARY_VALUE, attr2.get() );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr3.add( new ServerStringValue( atCN, "a" ), new ServerStringValue( atCN, "b" ) );
assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr3.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr3.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr3.contains( "b" ) );
ServerAttribute attr4 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr4.add( new ServerBinaryValue( atPwd, BYTES1 ), new ServerBinaryValue( atPwd, BYTES2 ) );
assertEquals( 0, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr4.isHR() );
assertFalse( attr4.contains( BYTES1 ) );
assertFalse( attr4.contains( BYTES2 ) );
ServerAttribute attr5 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr5.add( new ServerStringValue( atCN, "c" ), new ServerBinaryValue( atPwd, BYTES1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr5.isHR() );
assertFalse( attr5.contains( "ab" ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( "c" ) );
ServerAttribute attr6 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr6.add( new ServerBinaryValue( atPwd, BYTES1 ), new ServerStringValue( atCN, "c" ) );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr6.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr6.contains( BYTES1 ) );
assertFalse( attr6.contains( BYTES3 ) );
ServerAttribute attr7 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr7.add( new ServerBinaryValue( atPwd, null ), new ServerStringValue( atCN, "c" ) );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr7.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr7.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
assertFalse( attr7.contains( BYTES3 ) );
ServerAttribute attr8 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr8.add( new ServerStringValue( atCN, null ), new ServerBinaryValue( atPwd, BYTES1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr8.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr8.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
assertFalse( attr8.contains( "ab" ) );
ServerAttribute attr9 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr9.add( new ClientStringValue( null ), new ClientStringValue( "ab" ) );
assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr9.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr9.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
assertTrue( attr9.contains( "ab" ) );
ServerAttribute attr10 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr10.add( new ClientBinaryValue( null ), new ClientBinaryValue( BYTES1 ) );
assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr10.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr10.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
assertTrue( attr10.contains( BYTES1 ) );
* Test method add( String... )
public void testAddStringArray() throws InvalidAttributeValueException
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
int nbAdded = attr1.add( (String)null );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr1.isHR() );
assertEquals( NULL_STRING_VALUE, attr1.get() );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr2.add( "" );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr2.isHR() );
assertEquals( "", attr2.getString() );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr3.add( "t" );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr3.isHR() );
assertEquals( "t", attr3.getString() );
ServerAttribute attr4 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr4.add( "a", "b", "c", "d" );
assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr4.isHR() );
assertEquals( "a", attr4.getString() );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "c" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "d" ) );
nbAdded = attr4.add( "e" );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr4.isHR() );
assertEquals( "a", attr4.getString() );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "c" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "d" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "e" ) );
nbAdded = attr4.add( BYTES1 );
assertEquals( 0, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr4.isHR() );
assertEquals( "a", attr4.getString() );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "c" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "d" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "e" ) );
assertFalse( attr4.contains( "ab" ) );
ServerAttribute attr5 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr5.add( "a", "b", (String)null, "d" );
assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr5.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( "d" ) );
ServerAttribute attr6 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr6.add( "a", (String)null );
assertEquals( 0, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr6.isHR() );
* Test method add( byte[]... )
public void testAddByteArray() throws InvalidAttributeValueException
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
int nbAdded = attr1.add( (byte[])null );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr1.isHR() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( NULL_BINARY_VALUE.get(), attr1.getBytes() ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr2.add( StringTools.EMPTY_BYTES );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr2.isHR() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( StringTools.EMPTY_BYTES, attr2.getBytes() ) );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr3.add( BYTES1 );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr3.isHR() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES1, attr3.getBytes() ) );
ServerAttribute attr4 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr4.add( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3, BYTES4 );
assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr4.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES1 ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES2 ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES3 ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES4 ) );
ServerAttribute attr5 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr5.add( BYTES1, BYTES2, (byte[])null, BYTES3 );
assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr5.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( BYTES1 ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( BYTES2 ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( (byte[])null ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( BYTES3 ) );
ServerAttribute attr6 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr6.add( "ab", (String)null );
assertEquals( 0, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr6.isHR() );
* Test method clear()
public void testClear()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( "cn", atCN );
assertEquals( 0, attr.size() );
attr.add( (String)null, "a", "b" );
assertEquals( 3, attr.size() );
assertTrue( attr.isHR() );
assertEquals( 0, attr.size() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
* Test method contains( Value... )
public void testContainsValueArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
attr1.add( (String)null );
assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
attr1.remove( (String)null );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
attr1.add( "a", "b", "c" );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE2 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE3 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1, STR_VALUE3 ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE4 ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() );
assertFalse( attr2.contains( BYTES1 ) );
assertFalse( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
attr2.add( (byte[])null );
assertEquals( 1, attr2.size() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
attr2.remove( (byte[])null );
assertFalse( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() );
attr2.add( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 );
assertEquals( 3, attr2.size() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE2 ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE3 ) );
assertFalse( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
* Test method contains( String... )
public void testContainsStringArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( "a" ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( (String)null ) );
attr1.add( (String)null );
assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( (String)null ) );
attr1.remove( (String)null );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( (String)null ) );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
attr1.add( "a", "b", "c" );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( "c" ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( "e" ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( (String)null ) );
* Test method contains( byte[]... )
public void testContainsByteArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( BYTES1 ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( (byte[])null ) );
attr1.add( (byte[])null );
assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( (byte[])null ) );
attr1.remove( (byte[])null );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( (byte[])null ) );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
attr1.add( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( BYTES1 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( BYTES2 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( BYTES3 ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( BYTES4 ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( (byte[])null ) );
* Test method testEquals()
public void testEquals()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertFalse( attr1.equals( null ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );
attr2.setId( "CN" );
assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );
attr1.setId( "CommonName" );
assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );
attr1.setUpId( "CN" );
assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );
attr1.add( "a", "b", "c" );
attr2.add( "c", "b", "a" );
assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );
attr1.setHR( true );
attr2.setHR( false );
assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
ServerAttribute attr4 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
attr3.put( NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
attr4.put( NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
assertTrue( attr3.equals( attr4 ) );
ServerAttribute attr5 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
ServerAttribute attr6 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertFalse( attr5.equals( attr6 ) );
attr5.put( NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
attr6.put( NULL_STRING_VALUE );
assertFalse( attr5.equals( attr6 ) );
ServerAttribute attr7 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
ServerAttribute attr8 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
attr7.put( "a" );
attr8.put( BYTES2 );
assertFalse( attr7.equals( attr8 ) );
ServerAttribute attr9 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
ServerAttribute attr10 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
attr7.put( "a" );
attr7.add( BYTES2 );
attr8.put( "a", "b" );
assertFalse( attr9.equals( attr10 ) );
* Test method get()
public void testGet()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( "cn", atCN );
attr1.add( (String)null );
assertEquals( NULL_STRING_VALUE,attr1.get() );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( "cn", atCN );
attr2.add( "a", "b", "c" );
assertEquals( "a", attr2.get().get() );
attr2.remove( "a" );
assertEquals( "b", attr2.get().get() );
attr2.remove( "b" );
assertEquals( "c", attr2.get().get() );
attr2.remove( "c" );
assertNull( attr2.get() );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( "userPassword", atPwd );
attr3.add( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES1, (byte[])attr3.get().get() ) );
attr3.remove( BYTES1 );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES2, (byte[])attr3.get().get() ) );
attr3.remove( BYTES2 );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES3, (byte[])attr3.get().get() ) );
attr3.remove( BYTES3 );
assertNull( attr2.get() );
* Test method getAll()
public void testGetAll()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
Iterator<Value<?>> iterator = attr.getAll();
assertFalse( iterator.hasNext() );
attr.add( NULL_STRING_VALUE );
iterator = attr.getAll();
assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
Value<?> value =;
assertEquals( NULL_STRING_VALUE, value );
iterator = attr.getAll();
assertFalse( iterator.hasNext() );
attr.add( "a", "b", "c" );
iterator = attr.getAll();
assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
assertEquals( "a", );
assertEquals( "b", );
assertEquals( "c", );
assertFalse( iterator.hasNext() );
* Test method size()
public void testSize()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
attr1.add( (String)null );
assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
attr2.add( "a", "b" );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atC );
attr3.add( "US" );
assertEquals( 1, attr3.size() );
// TODO : forbid addition of more than 1 value for SINGLE-VALUE attributes
attr3.add( "FR" );
assertEquals( 2, attr3.size() );
* Test method put( byte[]... )
public void testPutByteArray() throws InvalidAttributeValueException, NamingException
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
int nbAdded = attr1.put( (byte[])null );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr1.isHR() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( NULL_BINARY_VALUE.get(), attr1.getBytes() ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr2.put( StringTools.EMPTY_BYTES );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr2.isHR() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( StringTools.EMPTY_BYTES, attr2.getBytes() ) );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr3.put( BYTES1 );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr3.isHR() );
assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES1, attr3.getBytes() ) );
ServerAttribute attr4 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr4.put( BYTES1, BYTES2 );
assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr4.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES1 ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES2 ) );
nbAdded = attr4.put( BYTES3, BYTES4 );
assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr4.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES3 ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES4 ) );
ServerAttribute attr5 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr5.put( BYTES1, BYTES2, (byte[])null, BYTES3 );
assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr5.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( BYTES1 ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( BYTES2 ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( (byte[])null ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( BYTES3 ) );
ServerAttribute attr6 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
attr6.setHR( true );
assertFalse( attr6.isHR() );
nbAdded = attr6.put( BYTES1, (byte[])null );
assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr6.contains( BYTES1 ) );
assertTrue( attr6.contains( (byte[])null ) );
* Test method put( String... )
public void testPutStringArray() throws InvalidAttributeValueException
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
int nbAdded = attr1.put( (String)null );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr1.isHR() );
assertEquals( NULL_STRING_VALUE, attr1.get() );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr2.put( "" );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr2.isHR() );
assertEquals( "", attr2.getString() );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr3.put( "t" );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr3.isHR() );
assertEquals( "t", attr3.getString() );
ServerAttribute attr4 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr4.put( "a", "b", "c", "d" );
assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr4.isHR() );
assertEquals( "a", attr4.getString() );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "c" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "d" ) );
nbAdded = attr4.put( "e" );
assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr4.isHR() );
assertEquals( "e", attr4.getString() );
assertFalse( attr4.contains( "a" ) );
assertFalse( attr4.contains( "b" ) );
assertFalse( attr4.contains( "c" ) );
assertFalse( attr4.contains( "d" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "e" ) );
nbAdded = attr4.put( BYTES1 );
assertEquals( 0, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr4.isHR() );
ServerAttribute attr5 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
nbAdded = attr5.put( "a", "b", (String)null, "d" );
assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
assertTrue( attr5.isHR() );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
assertTrue( attr5.contains( "d" ) );
ServerAttribute attr6 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
nbAdded = attr6.put( "a", (String)null );
assertEquals( 0, nbAdded );
assertFalse( attr6.isHR() );
* Test method put( Value... )
public void testPutValueArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
attr1.put( NULL_STRING_VALUE );
assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
attr1.put( STR_VALUE1, STR_VALUE2, STR_VALUE3 );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE2 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE3 ) );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE3 ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE3 ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() );
attr2.put( NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
assertEquals( 1, attr2.size() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
attr2.put( BIN_VALUE1, BIN_VALUE2, BIN_VALUE3 );
assertEquals( 3, attr2.size() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE2 ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE3 ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
assertFalse( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE3 ) );
* Test method put( List&lt;Value&gt; )
public void testPutListOfValues()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
List<Value<?>> list = new ArrayList<Value<?>>();
list.add( NULL_STRING_VALUE );
attr1.put( list );
assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
list.add( STR_VALUE1 );
list.add( STR_VALUE2 );
list.add( STR_VALUE3 );
attr1.put( list );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE2 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE3 ) );
list.add( STR_VALUE1 );
list.add( NULL_STRING_VALUE );
list.add( STR_VALUE3 );
attr1.put( list );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE3 ) );
list.add( STR_VALUE1 );
list.add( NULL_STRING_VALUE );
list.add( BIN_VALUE3 );
attr1.put( list );
assertEquals( 2, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
assertFalse( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE3 ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() );
list.add( NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
attr2.put( list );
assertEquals( 1, attr2.size() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
list.add( BIN_VALUE1 );
list.add( BIN_VALUE2 );
list.add( BIN_VALUE3 );
attr2.put( list );
assertEquals( 3, attr2.size() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE2 ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE3 ) );
list.add( BIN_VALUE1 );
list.add( NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
list.add( STR_VALUE3 );
attr2.put( list );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE1 ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
assertFalse( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE3 ) );
* Test method remove( Value... )
public void testRemoveValueArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( STR_VALUE1 ) );
attr1.setHR( true );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( STR_VALUE1 ) );
attr1.put( "a", "b", "c" );
assertTrue( attr1.remove( STR_VALUE1 ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.remove( STR_VALUE2, STR_VALUE3 ) );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( STR_VALUE4 ) );
attr1.put( "a", "b", "c" );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( STR_VALUE2, STR_VALUE4 ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr1.size() );
attr1.put( "a", (String)null, "b" );
assertTrue( attr1.remove( NULL_STRING_VALUE, STR_VALUE1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
attr1.put( "a", (String)null, "b" );
attr1.add( BYTES3 );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( NULL_STRING_VALUE, STR_VALUE1, BIN_VALUE3 ) );
assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
assertFalse( attr2.remove( BIN_VALUE1 ) );
attr2.setHR( true );
assertFalse( attr2.remove( BIN_VALUE1 ) );
attr2.put( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 );
assertTrue( attr2.remove( BIN_VALUE1 ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
assertTrue( attr2.remove( BIN_VALUE2, BIN_VALUE3 ) );
assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() );
assertFalse( attr2.remove( BIN_VALUE4 ) );
attr2.put( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 );
assertFalse( attr2.remove( BIN_VALUE2, STR_VALUE4 ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
attr2.put( BYTES1, (byte[])null, BYTES3 );
assertFalse( attr2.remove( NULL_STRING_VALUE, BIN_VALUE1 ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
attr2.put( BYTES1, (byte[])null, BYTES2 );
attr2.add( "c" );
assertFalse( attr2.remove( NULL_STRING_VALUE, BIN_VALUE1, STR_VALUE3 ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
* Test method remove( byte... )
public void testRemoveByteArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( BYTES1 ) );
attr1.put( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 );
assertTrue( attr1.remove( BYTES1 ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.remove( BYTES2, BYTES3 ) );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( BYTES4 ) );
attr1.put( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( BYTES3, BYTES4 ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr1.size() );
attr1.put( BYTES1, (byte[])null, BYTES2 ) ;
assertTrue( attr1.remove( (byte[])null, BYTES1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
* Test method remove( String... )
public void testRemoveStringArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( "a" ) );
attr1.setHR( true );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( "a" ) );
attr1.put( "a", "b", "c" );
assertTrue( attr1.remove( "a" ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr1.size() );
assertTrue( attr1.remove( "b", "c" ) );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( "d" ) );
attr1.put( "a", "b", "c" );
assertFalse( attr1.remove( "b", "e" ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr1.size() );
attr1.put( "a", (String)null, "b" );
assertTrue( attr1.remove( (String )null, "a" ) );
assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
EntryAttribute attr2 = new DefaultClientAttribute( "test" );
attr2.put( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 );
assertFalse( attr2.remove( (String)null ) );
assertTrue( attr2.remove( "ab", "c" ) );
assertFalse( attr2.remove( "d" ) );
* Test method iterator()
public void testIterator()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
attr1.add( "a", "b", "c" );
Iterator<Value<?>> iter = attr1.iterator();
assertTrue( iter.hasNext() );
String[] values = new String[]{ "a", "b", "c" };
int pos = 0;
for ( Value<?> val:attr1 )
assertTrue( val instanceof ServerStringValue );
assertEquals( values[pos++], val.get() );
* Test method toString
public void testToString()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertEquals( " cn: (null)\n", attr.toString() );
attr.setUpId( "CommonName" );
assertEquals( " CommonName: (null)\n", attr.toString() );
attr.add( (String)null );
assertEquals( " CommonName: ''\n", attr.toString() );
attr.put( "a", "b" );
assertEquals( " CommonName: a\n CommonName: b\n", attr.toString() );
* Test method instanceOf()
public void testInstanceOf() throws NamingException
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertTrue( attr.instanceOf( "CommonName" ) );
assertTrue( attr.instanceOf( "" ) );
assertTrue( attr.instanceOf( " Cn " ) );
assertFalse( attr.instanceOf( " " ) );
assertFalse( attr.instanceOf( "sn" ) );
assertFalse( attr.instanceOf( "name" ) );
* Test method setUpId( String, AttributeType )
public void testSetUpIdStringAttributeType()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atSN );
attr.setUpId( null, atCN );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
attr.setUpId( " ", atCN );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
attr.setUpId( " CN ", atCN );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "CN", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
attr.setUpId( " CommonName ", atCN );
assertEquals( "commonname", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "CommonName", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
attr.setUpId( " ", atCN );
assertEquals( "", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
// Check with wrong IDs
attr.setUpId( "sn", atCN );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae )
assertTrue( true );
attr.setUpId( " ", atCN );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae )
assertTrue( true );
* Test method setUpId( String ) inherited from ClientAttribute
public void testSetUpIdString()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
attr.setUpId( "cn" );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
attr.setUpId( " CN " );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "CN", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
attr.setUpId( " CommonName ");
assertEquals( "commonname", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "CommonName", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
attr.setUpId( " " );
assertEquals( "", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
// Now check wrong IDs
attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
attr.setUpId( "sn" );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
attr.setUpId( " SN " );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
attr.setUpId( " surname " );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
attr.setUpId( " " );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
* Test method setAttributeType( AttributeType )
public void testSetAttributeType() throws NamingException
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
attr.setAttributeType( null );
catch ( IllegalArgumentException iae )
assertTrue( true );
attr.setAttributeType( atSN );
assertTrue( attr.instanceOf( "Surname" ) );
assertEquals( "sn", attr.getId() );
* Test method getAttributeType()
public void testGetAttributeType()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atSN );
assertEquals( atSN, attr.getAttributeType() );
* Test constructor DefaultServerAttribute( AttributeType )
public void testDefaultServerAttributeAttributeType()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
assertTrue( attr.isHR() );
assertEquals( 0, attr.size() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr.getAttributeType() );
* Test constructor DefaultServerAttribute( String, AttributeType )
public void testDefaultServerAttributeStringAttributeType()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( "cn", atCN );
assertTrue( attr1.isHR() );
assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr1.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr1.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr1.getAttributeType() );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( " CommonName ", atCN );
assertTrue( attr2.isHR() );
assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() );
assertEquals( "commonname", attr2.getId() );
assertEquals( "CommonName", attr2.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr2.getAttributeType() );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( " ", atCN );
assertTrue( attr3.isHR() );
assertEquals( 0, attr3.size() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr3.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr3.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr3.getAttributeType() );
* Test constructor DefaultServerAttribute( AttributeType, Value... )
public void testDefaultServerAttributeAttributeTypeValueArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN, STR_VALUE1, STR_VALUE2, NULL_STRING_VALUE );
assertTrue( attr1.isHR() );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr1.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr1.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr1.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( "a", "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN, STR_VALUE1, BIN_VALUE2, NULL_STRING_VALUE );
assertTrue( attr2.isHR() );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr2.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr2.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr2.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
* Test constructor DefaultServerAttribute( String, AttributeType, Value... )
public void testDefaultServerAttributeStringAttributeTypeValueArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( "cn", atCN, STR_VALUE1, STR_VALUE2, NULL_STRING_VALUE );
assertTrue( attr1.isHR() );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr1.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr1.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr1.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( "a", "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN, STR_VALUE1, BIN_VALUE2, NULL_STRING_VALUE );
assertTrue( attr2.isHR() );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr2.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr2.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr2.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( "CommonName", atCN, STR_VALUE1, STR_VALUE2, NULL_STRING_VALUE );
assertTrue( attr3.isHR() );
assertEquals( 3, attr3.size() );
assertEquals( "commonname", attr3.getId() );
assertEquals( "CommonName", attr3.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr3.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr3.contains( "a", "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr3.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
ServerAttribute attr4 = new DefaultServerAttribute( " ", atCN, STR_VALUE1, STR_VALUE2, NULL_STRING_VALUE );
assertTrue( attr4.isHR() );
assertEquals( 3, attr4.size() );
assertEquals( "", attr4.getId() );
assertEquals( "", attr4.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr4.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( "a", "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr4.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
* Test constructor DefaultServerAttribute( AttributeType, String... )
public void testDefaultServerAttributeAttributeTypeStringArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN, "a", "b", (String)null );
assertTrue( attr1.isHR() );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr1.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr1.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr1.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( "a", "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN, STR_VALUE1, BIN_VALUE2, NULL_STRING_VALUE );
assertTrue( attr2.isHR() );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr2.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr2.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr2.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( "a" ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
* Test constructor DefaultServerAttribute( String, AttributeType, String... )
public void testDefaultServerAttributeStringAttributeTypeStringArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( "cn", atCN, "a", "b", (String)null );
assertTrue( attr1.isHR() );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr1.getId() );
assertEquals( "cn", attr1.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr1.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( "a", "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( "CommonName", atCN, "a", "b", (String)null );
assertTrue( attr2.isHR() );
assertEquals( 3, attr2.size() );
assertEquals( "commonname", attr2.getId() );
assertEquals( "CommonName", attr2.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr2.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( "a", "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
ServerAttribute attr3 = new DefaultServerAttribute( " ", atCN, "a", "b", (String)null );
assertTrue( attr3.isHR() );
assertEquals( 3, attr3.size() );
assertEquals( "", attr3.getId() );
assertEquals( "", attr3.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atCN, attr3.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr3.contains( "a", "b" ) );
assertTrue( attr3.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
* Test method DefaultServerAttribute( AttributeType, byte[]... )
public void testDefaultServerAttributeAttributeTypeByteArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd, BYTES1, BYTES2, (byte[])null );
assertFalse( attr1.isHR() );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertEquals( "userpassword", attr1.getId() );
assertEquals( "userPassword", attr1.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atPwd, attr1.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( BYTES1, BYTES2 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( atPwd, STR_VALUE1, BIN_VALUE2, NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
assertFalse( attr2.isHR() );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
assertEquals( "userpassword", attr2.getId() );
assertEquals( "userPassword", attr2.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atPwd, attr2.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BYTES2 ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
* Test method DefaultServerAttribute( String, AttributeType, byte[]... )
public void testDefaultServerAttributeStringAttributeTypeByteArray()
ServerAttribute attr1 = new DefaultServerAttribute( "userPassword", atPwd, BYTES1, BYTES2, (byte[])null );
assertFalse( attr1.isHR() );
assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
assertEquals( "userpassword", attr1.getId() );
assertEquals( "userPassword", attr1.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atPwd, attr1.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( BYTES1, BYTES2 ) );
assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
ServerAttribute attr2 = new DefaultServerAttribute( "", atPwd, STR_VALUE1, BIN_VALUE2, NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
assertFalse( attr2.isHR() );
assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
assertEquals( "", attr2.getId() );
assertEquals( "", attr2.getUpId() );
assertEquals( atPwd, attr2.getAttributeType() );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( BYTES2 ) );
assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
* Test method testClone()
public void testClone()
ServerAttribute attr = new DefaultServerAttribute( atCN );
EntryAttribute clone = attr.clone();
assertEquals( attr, clone );
attr.setUpId( "CommonName" );
assertEquals( "cn", clone.getId() );
attr.add( "a", (String)null, "b" );
clone = attr.clone();
assertEquals( attr, clone );
attr.remove( "a" );
assertNotSame( attr, clone );
clone = attr.clone();
assertEquals( attr, clone );