blob: e60115a8b31bf91b4d12d5220946ba79b1b60b05 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ldap.server.authz;
import org.apache.ldap.server.DirectoryServiceConfiguration;
import org.apache.ldap.server.interceptor.BaseInterceptor;
import org.apache.ldap.server.interceptor.NextInterceptor;
import org.apache.ldap.server.interceptor.InterceptorChain;
import org.apache.ldap.server.jndi.ServerContext;
import org.apache.ldap.server.configuration.InterceptorConfiguration;
import org.apache.ldap.server.partition.DirectoryPartitionNexus;
import org.apache.ldap.server.invocation.InvocationStack;
import org.apache.ldap.server.authn.LdapPrincipal;
import org.apache.ldap.server.schema.ConcreteNameComponentNormalizer;
import org.apache.ldap.server.subtree.SubentryService;
import org.apache.ldap.common.filter.ExprNode;
import org.apache.ldap.common.aci.MicroOperation;
import org.apache.ldap.common.aci.ACIItemParser;
import org.apache.ldap.common.aci.ACIItem;
import org.apache.ldap.common.exception.LdapNamingException;
import org.apache.ldap.common.message.ResultCodeEnum;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.naming.Name;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.ParseException;
* An ACI based authorization service.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$
public class AuthorizationService extends BaseInterceptor
/** the logger for this class */
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( AuthorizationService.class );
private static final String ENTRYACI_ATTR = "entryACI";
private static final String SUBENTRYACI_ATTR = "subentryACI";
private static final String AC_SUBENTRY_ATTR = "accessControlSubentries";
/** the partition nexus */
private DirectoryPartitionNexus nexus;
/** a tupleCache that responds to add, delete, and modify attempts */
private TupleCache tupleCache;
/** a groupCache that responds to add, delete, and modify attempts */
private GroupCache groupCache;
/** a normalizing ACIItem parser */
private ACIItemParser aciParser;
/** use and instance of the ACDF engine */
private ACDFEngine engine;
/** interceptor chain */
private InterceptorChain chain;
/** whether or not this interceptor is activated */
private boolean enabled = false;
* Initializes this interceptor based service by getting a handle on the nexus, setting up
* the tupe and group membership caches and the ACIItem parser and the ACDF engine.
* @param factoryCfg the ContextFactory configuration for the server
* @param cfg the interceptor configuration
* @throws NamingException if there are problems during initialization
public void init( DirectoryServiceConfiguration factoryCfg, InterceptorConfiguration cfg ) throws NamingException
super.init( factoryCfg, cfg );
nexus = factoryCfg.getPartitionNexus();
tupleCache = new TupleCache( factoryCfg );
groupCache = new GroupCache( factoryCfg );
aciParser = new ACIItemParser( new ConcreteNameComponentNormalizer(
factoryCfg.getGlobalRegistries().getAttributeTypeRegistry() ) );
engine = new ACDFEngine( factoryCfg.getGlobalRegistries().getOidRegistry(),
factoryCfg.getGlobalRegistries().getAttributeTypeRegistry() );
chain = factoryCfg.getInterceptorChain();
enabled = factoryCfg.getStartupConfiguration().isAccessControlEnabled();
* Adds perscriptiveACI tuples to a collection of tuples by accessing the
* tupleCache. The tuple cache is accessed for each A/C subentry
* associated with the protected entry. Note that subentries are handled
* differently: their parent, the administrative entry is accessed to
* determine the perscriptiveACIs effecting the AP and hence the subentry
* which is considered to be in the same context.
* @param tuples the collection of tuples to add to
* @param dn the normalized distinguished name of the protected entry
* @param entry the target entry that access to is being controled
* @throws NamingException if there are problems accessing attribute values
private void addPerscriptiveAciTuples( Collection tuples, Name dn, Attributes entry ) throws NamingException
* If the protected entry is a subentry, then the entry being evaluated
* for perscriptiveACIs is in fact the administrative entry. By
* substituting the administrative entry for the actual subentry the
* code below this "if" statement correctly evaluates the effects of
* perscriptiveACI on the subentry. Basically subentries are considered
* to be in the same naming context as their access point so the subentries
* effecting their parent entry applies to them as well.
if ( entry.get( "objectClass" ).contains( "subentry" ) )
Name parentDn = ( Name ) dn.clone();
parentDn.remove( dn.size() - 1 );
entry = nexus.lookup( parentDn );
Attribute subentries = entry.get( AC_SUBENTRY_ATTR );
if ( subentries == null ) return;
for ( int ii = 0; ii < subentries.size(); ii++ )
String subentryDn = ( String ) subentries.get( ii );
tuples.addAll( tupleCache.getACITuples( subentryDn ) );
* Adds the set of entryACI tuples to a collection of tuples. The entryACI
* is parsed and tuples are generated on they fly then added to the collection.
* @param tuples the collection of tuples to add to
* @param entry the target entry that access to is being regulated
* @throws NamingException if there are problems accessing attribute values
private void addEntryAciTuples( Collection tuples, Attributes entry ) throws NamingException
Attribute entryAci = entry.get( ENTRYACI_ATTR );
if ( entryAci == null ) return;
for ( int ii = 0; ii < entryAci.size(); ii++ )
String aciString = ( String ) entryAci.get( ii );
ACIItem item;
item = aciParser.parse( aciString );
catch ( ParseException e )
String msg = "failed to parse entryACI: " + aciString ;
log.error( msg, e );
throw new LdapNamingException( msg, ResultCodeEnum.OPERATIONSERROR );
tuples.add( item.toTuples() );
* Adds the set of subentryACI tuples to a collection of tuples. The subentryACI
* is parsed and tuples are generated on the fly then added to the collection.
* @param tuples the collection of tuples to add to
* @param dn the normalized distinguished name of the protected entry
* @param entry the target entry that access to is being regulated
* @throws NamingException if there are problems accessing attribute values
private void addSubentryAciTuples( Collection tuples, Name dn, Attributes entry ) throws NamingException
// only perform this for subentries
if ( ! entry.get( "objectClass" ).contains( "subentry" ) ) return;
// get the parent or administrative entry for this subentry since it
// will contain the subentryACI attributes that effect subentries
Name parentDn = ( Name ) dn.clone();
parentDn.remove( dn.size() - 1 );
Attributes administrativeEntry = nexus.lookup( parentDn );
Attribute subentryAci = administrativeEntry.get( SUBENTRYACI_ATTR );
if ( subentryAci == null ) return;
for ( int ii = 0; ii < subentryAci.size(); ii++ )
String aciString = ( String ) subentryAci.get( ii );
ACIItem item;
item = aciParser.parse( aciString );
catch ( ParseException e )
String msg = "failed to parse subentryACI: " + aciString ;
log.error( msg, e );
throw new LdapNamingException( msg, ResultCodeEnum.OPERATIONSERROR );
tuples.add( item.toTuples() );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Within every access controled interceptor method we must retrieve the ACITuple
* set for all the perscriptiveACIs that apply to the candidate, the target entry
* operated upon. This ACITuple set is gotten from the TupleCache by looking up
* the subentries referenced by the accessControlSubentries operational attribute
* within the target entry.
* Then the entry is inspected for an entryACI. This is not done for the add op
* since it could introduce a security breech. So for non-add ops if present a
* set of ACITuples are generated for all the entryACIs within the entry. This
* set is combined with the ACITuples cached for the perscriptiveACI affecting
* the target entry.
* The union of ACITuples are fed into the engine along with other parameters
* to decide where permission is granted or rejected for the specific operation.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void add( NextInterceptor next, String upName, Name normName, Attributes entry ) throws NamingException
// Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
next.add( upName, normName, entry );
tupleCache.subentryAdded( upName, normName, entry );
groupCache.groupAdded( upName, normName, entry );
// perform checks below here
SubentryService subentryService = ( SubentryService ) chain.get( "subentryService" );
Attributes subentryAttrs = subentryService.getSubentryAttributes( normName, entry );
NamingEnumeration attrList = entry.getAll();
while( attrList.hasMore() )
subentryAttrs.put( ( Attribute ) );
// Assemble all the information required to make an access control decision
Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
Collection tuples = new HashSet();
// note that entryACI should not be considered in adds (it's a security breach)
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, normName, subentryAttrs );
addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, normName, subentryAttrs );
Collection perms = Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.ADD );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), normName, null,
null, perms, tuples, subentryAttrs );
NamingEnumeration attributeList = entry.getAll();
while ( attributeList.hasMore() )
Attribute attr = ( Attribute );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < attr.size(); ii++ )
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), normName,
attr.getID(), attr.get( ii ), perms, tuples, entry );
// if we've gotten this far then access is granted
next.add( upName, normName, entry );
tupleCache.subentryAdded( upName, normName, entry );
groupCache.groupAdded( upName, normName, entry );
public void delete( NextInterceptor next, Name name ) throws NamingException
// Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( name );
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
next.delete( name );
tupleCache.subentryDeleted( name, entry );
groupCache.groupDeleted( name, entry );
Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
Collection tuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.REMOVE ), tuples, entry );
next.delete( name );
tupleCache.subentryDeleted( name, entry );
groupCache.groupDeleted( name, entry );
public void modify( NextInterceptor next, Name name, int modOp, Attributes mods ) throws NamingException
// Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( name );
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
next.modify( name, modOp, mods );
tupleCache.subentryModified( name, modOp, mods, entry );
groupCache.groupModified( name, modOp, mods, entry );
Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
Collection tuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.MODIFY ), tuples, entry );
NamingEnumeration attrList = mods.getAll();
Collection perms = null;
switch( modOp )
case( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE ):
perms = Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.ADD );
case( DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE ):
perms = Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.REMOVE );
case( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE ):
perms = new HashSet();
perms.add( MicroOperation.ADD );
perms.add( MicroOperation.REMOVE );
while( attrList.hasMore() )
Attribute attr = ( Attribute );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < attr.size(); ii++ )
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
name, attr.getID(), attr.get( ii ), perms, tuples, entry );
next.modify( name, modOp, mods );
tupleCache.subentryModified( name, modOp, mods, entry );
groupCache.groupModified( name, modOp, mods, entry );
public void modify( NextInterceptor next, Name name, ModificationItem[] mods ) throws NamingException
// Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( name );
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
next.modify( name, mods );
tupleCache.subentryModified( name, mods, entry );
groupCache.groupModified( name, mods, entry );
Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
Collection tuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.MODIFY ), tuples, entry );
Collection perms = null;
Collection remove = Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.REMOVE );
Collection add = Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.ADD );
Collection replace = new HashSet();
replace.add( MicroOperation.ADD );
replace.add( MicroOperation.REMOVE );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < mods.length; ii++ )
switch( mods[ii].getModificationOp() )
case( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE ):
perms = add;
case( DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE ):
perms = remove;
case( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE ):
perms = replace;
Attribute attr = mods[ii].getAttribute();
for ( int jj = 0; jj < attr.size(); jj++ )
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
name, attr.getID(), attr.get( jj ), perms, tuples, entry );
next.modify( name, mods );
tupleCache.subentryModified( name, mods, entry );
groupCache.groupModified( name, mods, entry );
public boolean hasEntry( NextInterceptor next, Name name ) throws NamingException
Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( name );
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
return next.hasEntry( name );
Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
Collection tuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
// check that we have browse access to the entry
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.BROWSE ), tuples, entry );
return next.hasEntry( name );
public NamingEnumeration list( NextInterceptor next, Name base ) throws NamingException
// Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( base );
// ServerContext ctx = ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller();
// LdapPrincipal user = ctx.getPrincipal();
// Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
// Collection tuples = new HashSet();
// addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, entry );
// addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
// addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
// engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), base, null,
// null, SEARCH_OPS, tuples );
return super.list( next, base );
public Iterator listSuffixes( NextInterceptor next, boolean normalized ) throws NamingException
return super.listSuffixes( next, normalized );
* Checks if the READ permissions exist to the entry and to each attribute type and
* value.
* @todo not sure if we should hide attribute types/values or throw an exception
* instead. I think we're going to have to use a filter to restrict the return
* of attribute types and values instead of throwing an exception. Lack of read
* perms to attributes and their values results in their removal when returning
* the entry.
* @param next the next interceptor to call in the chain
* @param user the user associated with the call
* @param dn the name of the entry being looked up
* @param entry the raw entry pulled from the nexus
* @throws NamingException
private void checkLookupAccess( NextInterceptor next, LdapPrincipal user, Name dn, Attributes entry )
throws NamingException
Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
Collection tuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, dn, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, dn, entry );
// check that we have read access to the entry
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), dn, null,
null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.READ ), tuples, entry );
// check that we have read access to every attribute type and value
Collection perms = Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.READ );
NamingEnumeration attributeList = entry.getAll();
while ( attributeList.hasMore() )
Attribute attr = ( Attribute );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < attr.size(); ii++ )
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), dn,
attr.getID(), attr.get( ii ), perms, tuples, entry );
public Attributes lookup( NextInterceptor next, Name dn, String[] attrIds ) throws NamingException
Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( dn );
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
return next.lookup( dn, attrIds );
checkLookupAccess( next, user, dn, entry );
return next.lookup( dn, attrIds );
public Attributes lookup( NextInterceptor next, Name name ) throws NamingException
Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( name );
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
return next.lookup( name );
checkLookupAccess( next, user, name, entry );
return next.lookup( name );
public void modifyRn( NextInterceptor next, Name name, String newRn, boolean deleteOldRn ) throws NamingException
// Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( name );
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
Name newName = ( Name ) name.clone();
newName.remove( name.size() - 1 );
newName.add( newRn );
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
next.modifyRn( name, newRn, deleteOldRn );
tupleCache.subentryRenamed( name, newName );
groupCache.groupRenamed( name, newName );
Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
Collection tuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.RENAME ), tuples, entry );
// if ( deleteOldRn )
// {
// String oldRn = name.get( name.size() - 1 );
// if ( NamespaceTools.hasCompositeComponents( oldRn ) )
// {
// String[] comps = NamespaceTools.getCompositeComponents( oldRn );
// for ( int ii = 0; ii < comps.length; ii++ )
// {
// String id = NamespaceTools.getRdnAttribute( comps[ii] );
// String value = NamespaceTools.getRdnValue( comps[ii] );
// engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(),
// user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, id,
// value, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.REMOVE ),
// tuples, entry );
// }
// }
// else
// {
// String id = NamespaceTools.getRdnAttribute( oldRn );
// String value = NamespaceTools.getRdnValue( oldRn );
// engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(),
// user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, id,
// value, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.REMOVE ),
// tuples, entry );
// }
// }
next.modifyRn( name, newRn, deleteOldRn );
tupleCache.subentryRenamed( name, newName );
groupCache.groupRenamed( name, newName );
public void move( NextInterceptor next, Name oriChildName, Name newParentName, String newRn, boolean deleteOldRn )
throws NamingException
// Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( oriChildName );
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
Name newName = ( Name ) newParentName.clone();
newName.add( newRn );
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
next.move( oriChildName, newParentName, newRn, deleteOldRn );
tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
groupCache.groupRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
Collection tuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, oriChildName, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, oriChildName, entry );
Collection perms = new HashSet();
perms.add( MicroOperation.IMPORT );
perms.add( MicroOperation.EXPORT );
perms.add( MicroOperation.RENAME );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
oriChildName, null, null, perms, tuples, entry );
Collection destTuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( destTuples, oriChildName, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( destTuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( destTuples, oriChildName, entry );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
oriChildName, null, null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.IMPORT ), tuples, entry );
// if ( deleteOldRn )
// {
// String oldRn = oriChildName.get( oriChildName.size() - 1 );
// if ( NamespaceTools.hasCompositeComponents( oldRn ) )
// {
// String[] comps = NamespaceTools.getCompositeComponents( oldRn );
// for ( int ii = 0; ii < comps.length; ii++ )
// {
// String id = NamespaceTools.getRdnAttribute( comps[ii] );
// String value = NamespaceTools.getRdnValue( comps[ii] );
// engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(),
// user.getAuthenticationLevel(), oriChildName, id,
// value, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.REMOVE ),
// tuples, entry );
// }
// }
// else
// {
// String id = NamespaceTools.getRdnAttribute( oldRn );
// String value = NamespaceTools.getRdnValue( oldRn );
// engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(),
// user.getAuthenticationLevel(), oriChildName, id,
// value, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.REMOVE ),
// tuples, entry );
// }
// }
next.move( oriChildName, newParentName, newRn, deleteOldRn );
tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
groupCache.groupRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
public void move( NextInterceptor next, Name oriChildName, Name newParentName ) throws NamingException
// Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( oriChildName );
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
Name newName = ( Name ) newParentName.clone();
newName.add( oriChildName.get( oriChildName.size() - 1 ) );
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
next.move( oriChildName, newParentName );
tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
groupCache.groupRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
Collection tuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, oriChildName, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, oriChildName, entry );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
oriChildName, null, null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.EXPORT ), tuples, entry );
Collection destTuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( destTuples, oriChildName, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( destTuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( destTuples, oriChildName, entry );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
oriChildName, null, null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.IMPORT ), tuples, entry );
next.move( oriChildName, newParentName );
tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
groupCache.groupRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
public NamingEnumeration search( NextInterceptor next, Name base, Map env, ExprNode filter,
SearchControls searchCtls ) throws NamingException
// Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( base );
// ServerContext ctx = ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller();
// LdapPrincipal user = ctx.getPrincipal();
// Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
// Collection tuples = new HashSet();
// addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, entry );
// addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
// addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
// engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), base, null,
// null, SEARCH_OPS, tuples );
return next, base, env, filter, searchCtls );
public boolean compare( NextInterceptor next, Name name, String oid, Object value ) throws NamingException
// Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
Attributes entry = nexus.lookup( name );
LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) InvocationStack.getInstance().peek().getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
return name, oid, value );
Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
Collection tuples = new HashSet();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( tuples, name, entry );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.READ ), tuples, entry );
engine.checkPermission( next, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, oid,
value, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.COMPARE ), tuples, entry );
return name, oid, value );
public void cacheNewGroup( String upName, Name normName, Attributes entry ) throws NamingException
this.groupCache.groupAdded( upName, normName, entry );