blob: 2151f77d6291fff0a21adb0963ef30d8b64cd868 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
* Manages the flushing of log to media and scanning of logs. All appends to the log file go
* through this class.
* Internally it manages a circular buffer where appends initially go. Appends are first
* appended to this in memory circular log. As the in memory circular log fills up or as the
* user requests, memory buffer is flushed to the underlying media.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
/* Package protected */class LogFlushManager
/** Ever increasing logical log sequence number assigned to user log records. Bumped up under append lock */
private long logLSN = Long.MIN_VALUE + 1;
/** Memory buffer size in bytes */
private final int logBufferSize;
/** Synchronizes appends */
private final Lock appendLock = new ReentrantLock();
/** Synchronizes flushes to media */
private final Lock flushLock = new ReentrantLock();
/** Used to wait on ongoing flush */
private final Condition flushCondition = flushLock.newCondition();
/** In memory LogBuffer */
private LogBuffer logBuffer;
/** Flush status */
private FlushStatus flushStatus = new FlushStatus();
/** Current LogFile appends go to */
private LogFileManager.LogFileWriter currentLogFile;
/** Log manager */
private LogManager logManager;
/** Size of data appended to the currentLogFile so far */
private long appendedSize;
/** Sof limit on the log file size */
private long targetLogFileSize;
/** If logging cannot succeed, then loggingFailed is set to true and further logging is prevented */
private boolean logFailed;
/** The Checksum used */
private Checksum checksum = new Adler32();
* Creates a LogFlushManager instance. We define the memory buffer size, and the default maximum
* size for each Log file (this maximum size may be exceeded, if one user record is bigger than
* this maximum size. Log file may be smaller too.
* @param logManager The associated LogManager
* @param logMemoryBufferSize The buffer size
* @param logFileSize The default max size for each Log file.
public LogFlushManager( LogManager logManager, int logMemoryBufferSize, long logFileSize )
if ( ( logMemoryBufferSize < 0 ) || ( logFileSize < 0 ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_748, logMemoryBufferSize, logFileSize ) );
logBufferSize = logMemoryBufferSize;
targetLogFileSize = logFileSize;
this.logManager = logManager;
logBuffer = new LogBuffer( logBufferSize, currentLogFile );
* Appends the given user record to the log. Position where the record is appended is returned as part of
* userRecord.
* @param userLogRecord provides the user data to be appended to the log
* @param sync if true, this calls returns after making sure that the appended data is reflected to the underlying file
* @throws IOException If we had an issue while appending some record in the file
* @throws InvalidLogException If the log system is is declared as invalid, due to a previous error
public void append( UserLogRecord userRecord, boolean sync ) throws IOException, InvalidLogException
boolean appendedRecord = false;
byte[] userBuffer = userRecord.getDataBuffer();
int length = userRecord.getDataLength();
LogAnchor userLogAnchor = userRecord.getLogAnchor();
int recordSize = LogFileRecords.RECORD_HEADER_SIZE + length + LogFileRecords.RECORD_FOOTER_SIZE;
// The addition of a record is done in a protected section
// Get out immediately if the log system is invalid
if ( logFailed )
throw new InvalidLogException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_750 ) );
// Get a new sequence number for the logged data
long lsn = logLSN++;
// Compute the checksum for the user record
checksum.update( userBuffer, 0, length );
if ( currentLogFile == null )
// We are just starting, get the current log file
currentLogFile = logManager.switchToNextLogFile( null );
appendedSize = currentLogFile.getLength();
// If we try to store more data that what can be hold by the current file,
// we have to switch to the next file
if ( appendedSize > targetLogFileSize )
// Make sure everything outstanding goes to the current log file
flush( lsn, null, 0, 0, true );
currentLogFile = logManager.switchToNextLogFile( currentLogFile );
appendedSize = currentLogFile.getLength();
if ( recordSize <= logBufferSize )
ByteBuffer writeHead = logBuffer.writeHead;
while ( !appendedRecord )
// First get the rewind count then the position to which the readhead advanced
int readHeadRewindCount = logBuffer.readHeadRewindCount.get();
int readHeadPosition = logBuffer.readHeadPosition;
if ( ( logBuffer.writeHeadRewindCount == readHeadRewindCount ) ||
( ( logBuffer.writeHeadRewindCount == readHeadRewindCount + 1 ) &&
( readHeadPosition < writeHead.position() ) ) )
if ( writeHead.remaining() >= recordSize )
// Write the header
writeHeader( writeHead, recordSize, lsn );
// Write the data
writeHead.put( userBuffer, 0, length );
// Write the footer
writeFooter( writeHead, ( int ) checksum.getValue() );
appendedRecord = true;
// ( writeHead.remaining() < recordSize )
if ( writeHead.remaining() >= LogFileRecords.RECORD_HEADER_SIZE )
// Write a skip record
writeHeader( writeHead, -1, -1 );
// rewind buffer now
if ( logBuffer.writeHeadRewindCount != ( readHeadRewindCount + 1 ) )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Unexpected sequence number for read/write heads:"
+ logBuffer.writeHeadRewindCount +
" " + readHeadRewindCount );
if ( ( readHeadPosition - writeHead.position() ) > recordSize )
// Write the header
writeHeader( writeHead, recordSize, lsn );
// Write the data
writeHead.put( userBuffer, 0, length );
// Write the footer
writeFooter( writeHead, ( int ) checksum.getValue() );
appendedRecord = true;
flush( lsn, null, 0, 0, true );
flush( lsn, userBuffer, 0, length, true );
userLogAnchor.resetLogAnchor( currentLogFile.logFileNumber(), appendedSize, lsn );
appendedSize += recordSize;
catch ( IOException e )
logFailed = true; // Mark log subsytem failed
catch ( InvalidLogException e )
logFailed = true; // Mark log subsystem failed
if ( sync )
flush( lsn, null, 0, 0, false );
* Syncs the log upto the given lsn. If lsn is equal to unknow lsn, then the log is
* flushed upto the latest logged lsn.
* @param uptoLSN lsn to flush upto. Unkown lsn if caller just wants to sync the log upto the latest logged lsn.
* @throws IOException If we had an issue while flushing some record in the file
* @throws InvalidLogException If the log system is is declared as invalid, due to a previous error
void sync( long uptoLSN ) throws IOException, InvalidLogException
if ( uptoLSN == LogAnchor.UNKNOWN_LSN )
uptoLSN = logLSN - 1;
// If nothing to flush, then just return
if ( uptoLSN == LogAnchor.UNKNOWN_LSN )
flush( uptoLSN, null, 0, 0, false );
* Flushes the changes in the log buffer upto the given point. The given point is determined as follows:
* appendLock is held: flushLSN is the highest lsn generated by the logging system and no more appends can
* proceed. In this case log is flushed until where the write head is.Log record with the flushLSN might not
* have been appended yet.
* Otherwise: Given flushLSN is appended to the log already. Log is flushed upto max(flushLSN, current flashSatus.uptoLSN)
* Also userBuffer != null => appendLockHeld == true
* Only one thread can do flush. Once a thread find out that a flush is already going on, it waits for the ongoing flush
* and is woken up to do its flush.
* flushStatus.uptoLSN represents the highest lsn that any thread wanted to sync. If a couple of threads wait on sync to
* complete, the thread that wakes up and does the sync will take it for the team and sync upto flushStatus.uptoLSN so
* that logging is more efficient.
* @param flushLSN max LSN the calling thread wants to sync upto
* @param userBuffer if not null, user buffer is appended to the log without any buffering
* @param offset offset of data in user buffer
* @param length length of user data
* @param appendLockHeld true if append lock is held
* @throws IOException If we had an issue while flushing some record in the file
* @throws InvalidLogException If the log system is is declared as invalid, due to a previous error
private void flush( long flushLSN, byte[] userBuffer, int offset, int length,
boolean appendLockHeld ) throws IOException, InvalidLogException
long uptoLSN = flushLSN;
if ( appendLockHeld == true )
// Update max requested lsn if necessary
if ( uptoLSN > flushStatus.uptoLSN )
flushStatus.uptoLSN = uptoLSN;
* Check if we need to do flush and wait for ongoing flush if
* necessary
while ( true )
if ( logFailed )
throw new InvalidLogException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_750 ) );
if ( ( flushStatus.flushedLSN >= uptoLSN ) && ( appendLockHeld == false ) )
if ( flushStatus.flushInProgress == false )
// Mark flush in progress and do the flush
flushStatus.flushInProgress = true;
// If not appendlock held, adjust uptoLSN with the max one requested by any thread
if ( appendLockHeld == false )
uptoLSN = flushStatus.uptoLSN;
uptoLSN = flushLSN;
long flushedLSN = LogAnchor.UNKNOWN_LSN;
flushedLSN = doFlush( uptoLSN, appendLockHeld );
// Now if there is a user buffer, flush from that
if ( userBuffer != null )
ByteBuffer headerFooterHead = logBuffer.headerFooterHead;
int recordSize = LogFileRecords.RECORD_HEADER_SIZE + LogFileRecords.RECORD_FOOTER_SIZE + length;
writeHeader( headerFooterHead, recordSize, flushLSN );
currentLogFile.append( logBuffer.headerFooterBuffer, 0, LogFileRecords.RECORD_HEADER_SIZE );
currentLogFile.append( userBuffer, offset, length );
writeFooter( headerFooterHead, ( int ) checksum.getValue() );
currentLogFile.append( logBuffer.headerFooterBuffer, 0, LogFileRecords.RECORD_FOOTER_SIZE );
flushedLSN = flushLSN;
catch ( IOException e )
// Mark the logger invalid, wakeup any waiters and return
logFailed = true;
flushStatus.flushInProgress = false;
if ( flushStatus.numWaiters != 0 )
throw e;
if ( flushedLSN != LogAnchor.UNKNOWN_LSN )
flushStatus.flushedLSN = flushedLSN;
if ( flushStatus.flushedLSN > flushStatus.uptoLSN )
// This should only happen with append lock held
if ( appendLockHeld == false )
throw new IllegalStateException( "FlushedLSN went ahead of uptoLSN while appendlock is not held: " +
flushStatus.flushedLSN + " " + flushStatus.uptoLSN );
flushStatus.uptoLSN = flushStatus.flushedLSN;
flushStatus.flushInProgress = false;
if ( flushStatus.numWaiters != 0 )
* Walks the log buffer and writes it to the underlying log file until the uptoLSN or current write head.
* @param uptoLSN max LSN until where log is flushed
* @param appendLockHeld true if appendlock held.
* @return lsn upto which flush is done. UNKNOWN_LSN if no flushing is done.
* @throws IOException
private long doFlush( long uptoLSN, boolean appendLockHeld ) throws IOException
ByteBuffer readHead = logBuffer.readHead;
ByteBuffer writeHead = logBuffer.writeHead;
boolean done = false;
int magicNumber;
int length;
long lsn = LogAnchor.UNKNOWN_LSN;
while ( !done )
int totalLength = 0;
while ( true )
* If append lock is held, we might hit write head. We can read
* the write head here when append lock is held
if ( appendLockHeld )
if ( ( writeHead.position() == readHead.position() ) &&
( logBuffer.writeHeadRewindCount == logBuffer.readHeadRewindCount.get() ) )
done = true;
// If less than header length left to process, then break and flush whatever we got so far
if ( readHead.remaining() < LogFileRecords.RECORD_HEADER_SIZE )
magicNumber = readHead.getInt();
if ( magicNumber != LogFileRecords.RECORD_HEADER_MAGIC_NUMBER )
throw new IllegalStateException( " Record header magic " +
"number does not match " + magicNumber + " expected " +
length = readHead.getInt();
// Did we hit a skip record at the end of the buffer?
if ( length == LogBuffer.SKIP_RECORD_LENGTH )
// Sanitize length, it includes header and footer overhead
if ( length <= ( LogFileRecords.RECORD_HEADER_SIZE + LogFileRecords.RECORD_FOOTER_SIZE ) )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Record length doesnt make sense:" + length + " expected:" +
// Add to the total length
totalLength += length;
lsn = readHead.getLong();
// Move to the next record, we processed 16 bytes already
readHead.position( readHead.position() + length - 16 );
if ( lsn >= uptoLSN )
done = true;
// If there is something to flush, then do it now
if ( totalLength > 0 )
int offset;
offset = logBuffer.readHeadPosition;
currentLogFile.append( logBuffer.buffer, offset, totalLength );
//move the position to the next record
logBuffer.readHeadPosition = readHead.position();
if ( !done )
// this means we need to rewind and keep flushing
logBuffer.readHeadPosition = 0;
return lsn;
* Write the log file header
private void writeHeader( ByteBuffer buffer, int length, long lsn )
buffer.putInt( LogFileRecords.RECORD_HEADER_MAGIC_NUMBER );
buffer.putInt( length );
buffer.putLong( lsn );
buffer.putLong( length ^ lsn );
* Write the log file footer
private void writeFooter( ByteBuffer buffer, int checksum )
buffer.putInt( checksum );
buffer.putInt( LogFileRecords.RECORD_FOOTER_MAGIC_NUMBER );
* Used to group the memory buffer data together
private static class LogBuffer
/** In memory buffer */
private byte buffer[];
/** Used to scan the buffer while reading it to flush */
private ByteBuffer readHead;
/** Advanced as readHead flushes data */
private int readHeadPosition;
/** Rewind count of readHead. Used to avoid overwriting non flushed data */
private AtomicInteger readHeadRewindCount;
/** Used to scan the buffer while appending records into it */
private ByteBuffer writeHead;
/** Rewind count of writeHead. used to avoid overwriting non flushed data */
private int writeHeadRewindCount;
/** Used to mark records that should be skipped at the end of the log buffer */
private final static int SKIP_RECORD_LENGTH = -1;
/** Header footer buffer used when writing user buffers directly */
private byte headerFooterBuffer[];
/** Used to format header footer buffer */
private ByteBuffer headerFooterHead;
* Create a new instance of a LogBuffer
private LogBuffer( int bufferSize, LogFileWriter currentLogFile )
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
readHead = ByteBuffer.wrap( buffer );
readHeadRewindCount = new AtomicInteger( 0 );
writeHead = ByteBuffer.wrap( buffer );
headerFooterBuffer = new byte[LogFileRecords.MAX_MARKER_SIZE];
headerFooterHead = ByteBuffer.wrap( headerFooterBuffer );
* Used to group the flush related data together
private static class FlushStatus
/** whether flush is going on */
boolean flushInProgress;
/** Current flush request */
long uptoLSN = LogAnchor.UNKNOWN_LSN;
/** Current flushed lsn */
long flushedLSN = LogAnchor.UNKNOWN_LSN;
/** Keeps track of the number of waiters */
int numWaiters;