blob: b5ac0493fd330da237a55a42e274ddb8393c238e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A simple {@link Authenticator} that authenticates clear text passwords
* contained within the <code>userPassword</code> attribute in DIT. If the
* password is stored with a one-way encryption applied (e.g. SHA), the password
* is hashed the same way before comparison.
* We use a cache to speedup authentication, where the DN/password are stored.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class SimpleAuthenticator extends AbstractAuthenticator
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( SimpleAuthenticator.class );
/** A speedup for logger in debug mode */
private static final boolean IS_DEBUG = log.isDebugEnabled();
* A cache to store passwords. It's a speedup, we will be able to avoid backend lookups.
* Note that the backend also use a cache mechanism, but for performance gain, it's good
* to manage a cache here. The main problem is that when a user modify his password, we will
* have to update it at three different places :
* - in the backend,
* - in the partition cache,
* - in this cache.
* The update of the backend and partition cache is already correctly handled, so we will
* just have to offer an access to refresh the local cache.
* We need to be sure that frequently used passwords be always in cache, and not discarded.
* We will use a LRU cache for this purpose.
private LRUMap credentialCache;
/** Declare a default for this cache. 100 entries seems to be enough */
private static final int DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 100;
* Define the interceptors we should *not* go through when we will have to request the backend
* about a userPassword.
private static final Collection USERLOOKUP_BYPASS;
Set<String> c = new HashSet<String>();
c.add( NormalizationService.NAME );
c.add( AuthenticationService.NAME );
c.add( ReferralService.NAME );
c.add( AuthorizationService.NAME );
c.add( DefaultAuthorizationService.NAME );
c.add( ExceptionService.NAME );
c.add( OperationalAttributeService.NAME );
c.add( SchemaService.NAME );
c.add( SubentryService.NAME );
c.add( CollectiveAttributeService.NAME );
c.add( EventService.NAME );
c.add( TriggerService.NAME );
USERLOOKUP_BYPASS = Collections.unmodifiableCollection( c );
* Creates a new instance.
* @
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public SimpleAuthenticator()
super( "simple" );
credentialCache = new LRUMap( DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE );
* Creates a new instance, with an initial cache size
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public SimpleAuthenticator( int cacheSize)
super( "simple" );
credentialCache = new LRUMap( cacheSize > 0 ? cacheSize : DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE );
* A private class to store all informations about the existing
* password found in the cache or get from the backend.
* This is necessary as we have to compute :
* - the used algorithm
* - the salt if any
* - the password itself.
* If we have a on-way encrypted password, it is stored using this
* format :
* {<algorithm>}<encrypted password>
* where the encrypted password format can be :
* - MD5/SHA : base64([<salt (8 bytes)>]<password>)
* - crypt : <salt (2 btytes)><password>
* Algorithm are currently MD5, SMD5, SHA, SSHA, CRYPT and empty
private class EncryptionMethod
private byte[] salt;
private String algorithm;
private EncryptionMethod( String algorithm, byte[] salt )
this.algorithm = algorithm;
this.salt = salt;
* Get the password either from cache or from backend.
* @param principalDN The DN from which we want the password
* @return A byte array which can be empty if the password was not found
* @throws NamingException If we have a problem during the lookup operation
private LdapPrincipal getStoredPassword( LdapDN principalDN ) throws NamingException
LdapPrincipal principal = null;
String principalNorm = principalDN.getNormName();
synchronized( credentialCache )
principal = (LdapPrincipal)credentialCache.get( principalNorm );
byte[] storedPassword = null;
if ( principal == null )
// Not found in the cache
// Get the user password from the backend
storedPassword = lookupUserPassword( principalDN );
// Deal with the special case where the user didn't enter a password
// We will compare the empty array with the credentials. Sometime,
// a user does not set a password. This is bad, but there is nothing
// we can do against that, except education ...
if ( storedPassword == null )
storedPassword = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
// Create the new principal before storing it in the cache
principal = new LdapPrincipal( principalDN, AuthenticationLevel.SIMPLE, storedPassword );
// Now, update the local cache.
synchronized( credentialCache )
credentialCache.put( principalDN.getNormName(), principal );
// Found !
storedPassword = principal.getUserPassword();
return principal;
* Get the user credentials from the environment. It is stored into the
* ServcerContext.
* @param ctx
* @param principalDn
* @return
* @throws LdapAuthenticationException
private byte[] getCredentials( ServerContext ctx, LdapDN principalDn ) throws LdapAuthenticationException
Object creds = ctx.getEnvironment().get( Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS );
byte[] credentials = null;
if ( creds == null )
credentials = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
else if ( creds instanceof String )
credentials = StringTools.getBytesUtf8( ( String ) creds );
else if ( creds instanceof byte[] )
// This is the general case. When dealing with a BindRequest operation,
// received by the server, the credentials are always stored into a byte array
credentials = (byte[])creds;
{ "Incorrect credentials stored in {}", Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS );
throw new LdapAuthenticationException();
return credentials;
* Looks up <tt>userPassword</tt> attribute of the entry whose name is the
* value of {@link Context#SECURITY_PRINCIPAL} environment variable, and
* authenticates a user with the plain-text password.
* We have at least 6 algorithms to encrypt the password :
* - SHA
* - SSHA (salted SHA)
* - MD5
* - SMD5 (slated MD5)
* - crypt (unix crypt)
* - plain text, ie no encryption.
* If we get an encrypted password, it is prefixed by the used algorithm, between
* brackets : {SSHA}password ...
* If the password is using SSHA, SMD5 or crypt, some 'salt' is added to the password :
* - length(password) - 20, starting at 21th position for SSHA
* - length(password) - 16, starting at 16th position for SMD5
* - length(password) - 2, starting at 3rd position for crypt
* For (S)SHA and (S)MD5, we have to transform the password from Base64 encoded text
* to a byte[] before comparing the password with the stored one.
* For crypt, we only have to remove the salt.
* At the end, we use the digest() method for (S)SHA and (S)MD5, the crypt() method for
* the CRYPT algorithm and a straight comparison for PLAIN TEXT passwords.
* The stored password is always using the unsalted form, and is stored as a bytes array.
public LdapPrincipal authenticate( LdapDN principalDn, ServerContext ctx ) throws NamingException
if ( IS_DEBUG )
log.debug( "Authenticating {}", principalDn );
// ---- extract password from JNDI environment
byte[] credentials = getCredentials( ctx, principalDn );
LdapPrincipal principal = getStoredPassword( principalDn );
// Get the stored password, either from cache or from backend
byte[] storedPassword = principal.getUserPassword();
// Short circuit for PLAIN TEXT passwords : we compare the byte array directly
// Are the passwords equal ?
if ( Arrays.equals( credentials, storedPassword ) )
if ( IS_DEBUG )
log.debug( "{} Authenticated", principalDn );
return principal;
// Let's see if the stored password was encrypted
String algorithm = findAlgorithm( storedPassword );
if ( algorithm != null )
EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod( algorithm, null );
// Let's get the encrypted part of the stored password
// We should just keep the password, excluding the algorithm
// and the salt, if any.
// But we should also get the algorithm and salt to
// be able to encrypt the submitted user password in the next step
byte[] encryptedStored = splitCredentials( storedPassword, encryptionMethod );
// Reuse the slatedPassword informations to construct the encrypted
// password given by the user.
byte[] userPassword = encryptPassword( credentials, encryptionMethod );
// Now, compare the two passwords.
if ( Arrays.equals( userPassword, encryptedStored ) )
if ( IS_DEBUG )
log.debug( "{} Authenticated", principalDn );
return principal;
// Bad password ...
String message = "Password not correct for user '" + principalDn.getUpName() + "'"; message );
throw new LdapAuthenticationException(message);
// Bad password ...
String message = "Password not correct for user '" + principalDn.getUpName() + "'"; message );
throw new LdapAuthenticationException(message);
private static void split( byte[] all, int offset, byte[] left, byte[] right )
System.arraycopy( all, offset, left, 0, left.length );
System.arraycopy( all, offset + left.length, right, 0, right.length );
* Decopose the stored password in an algorithm, an eventual salt
* and the password itself.
* If the algorithm is SHA, SSHA, MD5 or SMD5, the part following the algorithm
* is base64 encoded
* @param encryptionMethod The structure to feed
* @return The password
private byte[] splitCredentials( byte[] credentials, EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod )
String algorithm = encryptionMethod.algorithm;
int pos = algorithm.length() + 2;
if ( ( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_MD5.equals( algorithm ) ) ||
( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_SHA.equals( algorithm ) ) )
// We just have the password just after the algorithm, base64 encoded.
// Just decode the password and return it.
return Base64.decode( new String( credentials, pos, credentials.length - pos, "UTF-8" ).toCharArray() );
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException uee )
// do nothing
return credentials;
else if ( ( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_SMD5.equals( algorithm ) ) ||
( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_SSHA.equals( algorithm ) ) )
// The password is associated with a salt. Decompose it
// in two parts, after having decoded the password.
// The salt will be stored into the EncryptionMethod structure
// The salt is at the end of the credentials, and is 8 bytes long
byte[] passwordAndSalt = Base64.decode( new String( credentials, pos, credentials.length - pos, "UTF-8" ).toCharArray() );
encryptionMethod.salt = new byte[8];
byte[] password = new byte[passwordAndSalt.length - encryptionMethod.salt.length];
split( passwordAndSalt, 0, password, encryptionMethod.salt );
return password;
catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException uee )
// do nothing
return credentials;
else if ( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_CRYPT.equals( algorithm ) )
// The password is associated with a salt. Decompose it
// in two parts, storing the salt into the EncryptionMethod structure.
// The salt comes first, not like for SSHA and SMD5, and is 2 bytes long
encryptionMethod.salt = new byte[2];
byte[] password = new byte[credentials.length - encryptionMethod.salt.length - pos];
split( credentials, pos, encryptionMethod.salt, password );
return password;
// unknown method
return credentials;
* Get the algorithm from the stored password.
* It can be found on the beginning of the stored password, between
* curly brackets.
private String findAlgorithm( byte[] credentials )
if ( ( credentials == null ) || ( credentials.length == 0 ) )
return null;
if ( credentials[0] == '{' )
// get the algorithm
int pos = 1;
while ( pos < credentials.length )
if ( credentials[pos] == '}' )
if ( pos < credentials.length )
if ( pos == 1 )
// We don't have an algorithm : return the credentials as is
return null;
String algorithm = new String( credentials, 1, pos - 1 ).toLowerCase();
if ( ( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_MD5.equals( algorithm ) ) ||
( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_SHA.equals( algorithm ) ) ||
( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_SMD5.equals( algorithm ) ) ||
( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_SSHA.equals( algorithm ) ) ||
( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_CRYPT.equals( algorithm ) ) )
return algorithm;
// unknown method
return null;
// We don't have an algorithm
return null;
// No '{algo}' part
return null;
* Compute the hashed password given an algorithm, the credentials and
* an optional salt.
private static byte[] digest( String algorithm, byte[] password, byte[] salt )
MessageDigest digest;
digest = MessageDigest.getInstance( algorithm );
catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e1 )
return null;
if ( salt != null )
digest.update( password );
digest.update( salt );
return digest.digest();
return digest.digest( password );
private byte[] encryptPassword( byte[] credentials, EncryptionMethod encryptionMethod )
String algorithm = encryptionMethod.algorithm;
byte[] salt = encryptionMethod.salt;
if ( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_SHA.equals( algorithm ) ||
LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_SSHA.equals( algorithm ) )
return digest( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_SHA, credentials, salt );
else if ( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_MD5.equals( algorithm ) ||
LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_SMD5.equals( algorithm ) )
return digest( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_MD5, credentials, salt );
else if ( LdapSecurityConstants.HASH_METHOD_CRYPT.equals( algorithm ) )
if ( salt == null )
salt = new byte[2];
SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
int i1 = sr.nextInt( 64 );
int i2 = sr.nextInt( 64 );
salt[0] = ( byte ) ( i1 < 12 ? ( i1 + '.' ) : i1 < 38 ? ( i1 + 'A' - 12 ) : ( i1 + 'a' - 38 ) );
salt[1] = ( byte ) ( i2 < 12 ? ( i2 + '.' ) : i2 < 38 ? ( i2 + 'A' - 12 ) : ( i2 + 'a' - 38 ) );
String saltWithCrypted = UnixCrypt.crypt( StringTools.utf8ToString( credentials ), StringTools.utf8ToString( salt ) );
String crypted = saltWithCrypted.substring( 2 );
return StringTools.getBytesUtf8( crypted );
return credentials;
* Local function which request the password from the backend
private byte[] lookupUserPassword( LdapDN principalDn ) throws NamingException
// ---- lookup the principal entry's userPassword attribute
Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
PartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
Attributes userEntry;
LookupOperationContext lookupContex = new LookupOperationContext( new String[] { SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT } );
lookupContex.setDn( principalDn );
userEntry = proxy.lookup( lookupContex, USERLOOKUP_BYPASS );
if ( userEntry == null )
throw new LdapAuthenticationException( "Failed to lookup user for authentication: " + principalDn );
catch ( Exception cause )
log.error( "Authentication error : " + cause.getMessage() );
LdapAuthenticationException e = new LdapAuthenticationException();
e.setRootCause( e );
throw e;
Object userPassword;
Attribute userPasswordAttr = userEntry.get( SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT );
// ---- assert that credentials match
if ( userPasswordAttr == null )
userPassword = ArrayUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
userPassword = userPasswordAttr.get();
if ( userPassword instanceof String )
userPassword = StringTools.getBytesUtf8( ( String ) userPassword );
return ( byte[] ) userPassword;
* Get the algorithm of a password, which is stored in the form "{XYZ}...".
* The method returns null, if the argument is not in this form. It returns
* XYZ, if XYZ is an algorithm known to the MessageDigest class of
* @param password a byte[]
* @return included message digest alorithm, if any
protected String getAlgorithmForHashedPassword( byte[] password ) throws IllegalArgumentException
String result = null;
// Check if password arg is string or byte[]
String sPassword = StringTools.utf8ToString( password );
int rightParen = sPassword.indexOf( '}' );
if ( ( sPassword != null ) &&
( sPassword.length() > 2 ) &&
( sPassword.charAt( 0 ) == '{' ) &&
( rightParen > -1 ) )
String algorithm = sPassword.substring( 1, rightParen );
if ( "crypt".equals( algorithm ) )
return algorithm;
MessageDigest.getInstance( algorithm );
result = algorithm;
catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
log.warn( "Unknown message digest algorithm in password: " + algorithm, e );
return result;
* Creates a digested password. For a given hash algorithm and a password
* value, the algorithm is applied to the password, and the result is Base64
* encoded. The method returns a String which looks like "{XYZ}bbbbbbb",
* whereas XYZ is the name of the algorithm, and bbbbbbb is the Base64
* encoded value of XYZ applied to the password.
* @param algorithm
* an algorithm which is supported by
*, e.g. SHA
* @param password
* password value, a byte[]
* @return a digested password, which looks like
* {SHA}LhkDrSoM6qr0fW6hzlfOJQW61tc=
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if password is neither a String nor a byte[], or algorithm is
* not known to class
protected String createDigestedPassword( String algorithm, byte[] password ) throws IllegalArgumentException
// create message digest object
if ( "crypt".equalsIgnoreCase( algorithm ) )
String saltWithCrypted = UnixCrypt.crypt( StringTools.utf8ToString( password ), "" );
String crypted = saltWithCrypted.substring( 2 );
return '{' + algorithm + '}' + StringTools.getBytesUtf8( crypted );
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance( algorithm );
// calculate hashed value of password
byte[] fingerPrint = digest.digest( password );
char[] encoded = Base64.encode( fingerPrint );
// create return result of form "{alg}bbbbbbb"
return '{' + algorithm + '}' + new String( encoded );
catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae )
log.error( "Cannot create a digested password for algorithm '{}'", algorithm );
throw new IllegalArgumentException( nsae.getMessage() );
* Remove the principal form the cache. This is used when the user changes
* his password.
public void invalidateCache( LdapDN bindDn )
synchronized( credentialCache )
credentialCache.remove( bindDn.getNormName() );