blob: ccdba1631113aa64ca2c482c6d03befbe0a0f3a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.Name;
import javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.ReferralException;
import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
* Tests the referral handling functionality within the server's core.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$
public class ReferralITest extends AbstractAdminTestCase
private static final boolean SUNJNDI = false;
private boolean sunjndi = System.getProperty( "sunjndi" ) != null || SUNJNDI;
private TestData td = new TestData();
public void setUp() throws Exception
if ( !sunjndi )
public void tearDown() throws Exception
if ( td.refCtx != null )
if ( !sunjndi )
else if ( td.rootCtx != null )
* NOTE: We may encounter conflicting circumstances where the ManageDsaIT control
* is included in the request controls yet the Context.REFERRAL is set to
* something other than ignore: throw or follow. We have to figure out what to
* do in these cases.
* Simply throw an illegal state exception when this happens?
* NOTE: Need to figure out the behavoir of referral handling during search
* when aliases are being dereferenced.
* Get's the root "ou=system" in either the embedded instance or an
* external instance. We do this to mold test cases to make sure the
* ApacheDS JNDI LDAP provider behaves just like the SUN JNDI LDAP
* provider does.
private LdapContext getSystemRoot() throws NamingException
if ( !sunjndi )
return sysRoot;
Hashtable<String,Object> env = new Hashtable<String,Object>();
env.put( JndiPropertyConstants.JNDI_FACTORY_INITIAL, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" );
env.put( "java.naming.provider.url", "ldap://" );
env.put( "", "uid=admin,ou=system" );
env.put( "", "longsecret" );
env.put( "", "simple" );
return new InitialLdapContext( env, null );
private class TestData
LdapContext rootCtx;
Name ctxDn;
LdapContext refCtx;
List refs;
private void addReferralEntry() throws NamingException
String ref0 = "ldap://fermi:10389/ou=users,ou=system";
String ref1 = "ldap://hertz:10389/ou=users,dc=example,dc=com";
String ref2 = "ldap://maxwell:10389/ou=users,ou=system";
td.rootCtx = getSystemRoot();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds a referral entry regardless of referral handling settings
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add a referral entry ( should be fine with or without the control )
Attributes referral = new AttributesImpl( "objectClass", "top", true );
referral.get( "objectClass" ).add( "referral" );
referral.get( "objectClass" ).add( "extensibleObject" );
referral.put( "ref", ref0 );
referral.get( "ref" ).add( ref1 );
referral.get( "ref" ).add( ref2 );
referral.put( "ou", "users" );
// Just in case if server is a remote server destroy remaing referral
td.rootCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "ignore" );
td.rootCtx.destroySubcontext( "uid=akarasulu,ou=users" );
catch ( NameNotFoundException e )
td.rootCtx.destroySubcontext( "ou=users" );
catch ( NameNotFoundException e )
td.refCtx = ( LdapContext ) td.rootCtx.createSubcontext( "ou=users", referral );
catch ( NameAlreadyBoundException e )
td.refCtx = ( LdapContext ) td.rootCtx.lookup( "ou=users" );
referral = td.refCtx.getAttributes( "" );
assertTrue( referral.get( "ou" ).contains( "users" ) );
assertTrue( referral.get( "objectClass" ).contains( "referral" ) );
private void checkAncestorReferrals( ReferralException e ) throws Exception
assertEquals( "ldap://fermi:10389", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://hertz:10389/cn=alex%20karasulu,ou=apache,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://maxwell:10389", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertFalse( e.skipReferral() );
private void checkParentReferrals( ReferralException e ) throws Exception
assertEquals( "ldap://fermi:10389", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://hertz:10389/cn=alex%20karasulu,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://maxwell:10389", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertFalse( e.skipReferral() );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for an add operation with the parent context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testAddWithReferralParent() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to add a normal entry below the referral parent. We should
// encounter referral errors with referral setting set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
Attributes userEntry = new AttributesImpl( "objectClass", "top", true );
userEntry.get( "objectClass" ).add( "person" );
userEntry.put( "sn", "karasulu" );
userEntry.put( "cn", "alex karasulu" );
td.refCtx.createSubcontext( "cn=alex karasulu", userEntry );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkParentReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for an add operation with an ancestor context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testAddWithReferralAncestor() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to add a normal entry below the referral ancestor. We should
// encounter referral errors with referral setting set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
Attributes userEntry = new AttributesImpl( "objectClass", "top", true );
userEntry.get( "objectClass" ).add( "person" );
userEntry.put( "sn", "karasulu" );
userEntry.put( "cn", "alex karasulu" );
td.refCtx.createSubcontext( "cn=alex karasulu,ou=apache", userEntry );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkAncestorReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for an delete operation with the parent context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testDeleteWithReferralParent() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to delete a non-existent entry below the referral parent.
// We should encounter referral errors with referral setting set to
// throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.refCtx.destroySubcontext( "cn=alex karasulu" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkParentReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a delete operation with an ancestor context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testDeleteWithReferralAncestor() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to delete a non-existent entry below the referral ancestor.
// We should encounter referral errors when referral setting is set to
// throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.refCtx.destroySubcontext( "cn=alex karasulu,ou=apache" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkAncestorReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for an delete operation with the parent context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testCompareWithReferralParent() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to compare attributes in an entry below the referral parent.
// We should encounter referral errors with referral setting set to
// throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
if ( td.refCtx instanceof ServerLdapContext )
LdapDN dn = new LdapDN( "cn=alex karasulu,ou=users,ou=system" );
( ( ServerLdapContext ) td.refCtx ).compare( dn, "sn", "karasulu" );
// abort the test because we're using the sun jdni provider
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkParentReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a compare operation with an ancestor context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testCompareWithReferralAncestor() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to compare attributes in an entry below the referral ancestor.
// We should encounter referral errors when referral setting is set to
// throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
if ( td.refCtx instanceof ServerLdapContext )
LdapDN dn = new LdapDN( "cn=alex karasulu,ou=apache,ou=users,ou=system" );
( ( ServerLdapContext ) td.refCtx ).compare( dn, "sn", "karasulu" );
// abort the test because we're using the sun jdni provider
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkAncestorReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a modify operation with the parent context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testModifyWithReferralParent() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the attributes of an entry below the referral
// parent. We should encounter referral errors with referral setting
// set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.refCtx.modifyAttributes( "cn=alex karasulu", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, new AttributesImpl(
"description", "just some text", true ) );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkParentReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a modify operation with an ancestor context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testModifyWithReferralAncestor() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the attributes of an entry below the referral
// ancestor. We should encounter referral errors when referral setting
// is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.refCtx.modifyAttributes( "cn=alex karasulu,ou=apache", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, new AttributesImpl(
"description", "just some text", true ) );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkAncestorReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a modify operation with the parent context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testModifyWithReferralParent2() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the attributes of an entry below the referral
// parent. We should encounter referral errors with referral setting
// set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
ModificationItemImpl[] mods = new ModificationItemImpl[]
{ new ModificationItemImpl( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, new AttributeImpl( "description", "just some text" ) ) };
td.refCtx.modifyAttributes( "cn=alex karasulu", mods );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkParentReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a modify operation with an ancestor context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testModifyWithReferralAncestor2() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the attributes of an entry below the referral
// ancestor. We should encounter referral errors when referral setting
// is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
ModificationItemImpl[] mods = new ModificationItemImpl[]
{ new ModificationItemImpl( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, new AttributeImpl( "description", "just some text" ) ) };
td.refCtx.modifyAttributes( "cn=alex karasulu,ou=apache", mods );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkAncestorReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a modify rdn interceptor operation (corresponds to a subset of the modify
* dn operation) with the parent context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testModifyRdnWithReferralParent() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the last component of the entry's name which
// resides below an parent which is a referral. We should encounter
// referral errors when referral setting is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.refCtx.rename( "cn=alex karasulu", "cn=aok" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkParentReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a modify rdn interceptor operation (corresponds to a subset of the modify
* dn operation) with an ancestor context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testModifyRdnWithReferralAncestor() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the last component of the entry's name which
// resides below an ancestor which is a referral. We should encounter
// referral errors when referral setting is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.refCtx.rename( "cn=alex karasulu,ou=apache", "cn=aok,ou=apache" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkAncestorReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a move interceptor operation (corresponds to a subset of the modify
* dn operation) with the parent context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testMoveWithReferralParent() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the last component of the entry's name which
// resides below an parent which is a referral. We should encounter
// referral errors when referral setting is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.refCtx.rename( "cn=alex karasulu", "cn=alex karasulu,ou=groups" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkParentReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a move interceptor operation (corresponds to a subset of the modify
* dn operation) with an ancestor context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testMoveWithReferralAncestor() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the last component of the entry's name which
// resides below an ancestor which is a referral. We should encounter
// referral errors when referral setting is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.refCtx.rename( "cn=alex karasulu,ou=apache", "cn=alex karasulu,ou=groups" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkAncestorReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a move interceptor operation (corresponds to a subset of the modify
* dn operation) with the parent context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testMoveWithReferralParent2() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the last component of the entry's name which
// resides below an parent which is a referral. We should encounter
// referral errors when referral setting is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.refCtx.rename( "cn=alex karasulu", "cn=aok,ou=groups" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkParentReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a move interceptor operation (corresponds to a subset of the modify
* dn operation) with an ancestor context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testMoveWithReferralAncestor2() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the last component of the entry's name which
// resides below an ancestor which is a referral. We should encounter
// referral errors when referral setting is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.refCtx.rename( "cn=alex karasulu,ou=apache", "cn=aok,ou=groups" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a ReferralException" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
checkAncestorReferrals( e );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a move interceptor operation (corresponds to a subset of the modify
* dn operation) with the parent context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testMoveWithReferralParentDest() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the last component of the entry's name which
// resides below an parent which is a referral. We should encounter
// referral errors when referral setting is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.rootCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.rootCtx.rename( "cn=akarasulu", "cn=akarasulu,ou=users" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a LdapNamingException with ResultCodeEnum = AFFECTSMULTIPLEDSAS" );
catch ( LdapNamingException e )
assertTrue( e.getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a move interceptor operation (corresponds to a subset of the modify
* dn operation) with an ancestor context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testMoveWithReferralAncestorDest() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the last component of the entry's name which
// resides below an ancestor which is a referral. We should encounter
// referral errors when referral setting is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.rootCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.rootCtx.rename( "cn=akarasulu,ou=deep", "cn=akarasulu,ou=users" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a LdapNamingException with ResultCodeEnum = AFFECTSMULTIPLEDSAS" );
catch ( LdapNamingException e )
assertTrue( e.getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a move interceptor operation (corresponds to a subset of the modify
* dn operation) with the parent context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testMoveWithReferralParent2Dest() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the last component of the entry's name which
// resides below an parent which is a referral. We should encounter
// referral errors when referral setting is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.rootCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.rootCtx.rename( "cn=akarasulu", "cn=aok,ou=users" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a LdapNamingException with ResultCodeEnum = AFFECTSMULTIPLEDSAS" );
catch ( LdapNamingException e )
assertTrue( e.getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
* Checks for correct core behavoir when Context.REFERRAL is set to <b>throw</b>
* for a move interceptor operation (corresponds to a subset of the modify
* dn operation) with an ancestor context being a referral.
* @throws Exception if something goes wrong.
public void testMoveWithReferralAncestor2Dest() throws Exception
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attempt to modify the last component of the entry's name which
// resides below an ancestor which is a referral. We should encounter
// referral errors when referral setting is set to throw.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.rootCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
td.rootCtx.rename( "cn=akarasulu,ou=deep", "cn=aok,ou=users" );
fail( "Should fail here throwing a LdapNamingException with ResultCodeEnum = AFFECTSMULTIPLEDSAS" );
catch ( LdapNamingException e )
assertTrue( e.getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
private void createLocalUser() throws Exception
LdapContext userCtx = null;
Attributes referral = new AttributesImpl( "objectClass", "top", true );
referral.get( "objectClass" ).add( "person" );
referral.put( "cn", "akarasulu" );
referral.put( "sn", "karasulu" );
td.rootCtx.destroySubcontext( "uid=akarasulu" );
catch ( NameNotFoundException e )
userCtx = ( LdapContext ) td.rootCtx.createSubcontext( "cn=akarasulu", referral );
catch ( NameAlreadyBoundException e )
userCtx = ( LdapContext ) td.rootCtx.lookup( "cn=akarasulu" );
referral = userCtx.getAttributes( "" );
assertTrue( referral.get( "cn" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );
assertTrue( referral.get( "sn" ).contains( "karasulu" ) );
private void createDeepLocalUser() throws Exception
LdapContext userCtx = null;
Attributes referral = new AttributesImpl( "objectClass", "top", true );
referral.get( "objectClass" ).add( "person" );
referral.get( "objectClass" ).add( "organizationalUnit" );
referral.put( "cn", "akarasulu" );
referral.put( "sn", "karasulu" );
referral.put( "ou", "deep" );
td.rootCtx.destroySubcontext( "uid=akarasulu,ou=deep" );
catch ( NameNotFoundException e )
td.rootCtx.destroySubcontext( "ou=deep" );
catch ( NameNotFoundException e )
Attributes attrs = new AttributesImpl( "ou", "deep" );
Attribute oc = new AttributeImpl( "ObjectClass" );
oc.add( "top" );
oc.add( "organizationalUnit" );
attrs.put( oc );
td.rootCtx.createSubcontext( "ou=deep", attrs );
userCtx = ( LdapContext ) td.rootCtx.createSubcontext( "cn=akarasulu,ou=deep", referral );
catch ( NameAlreadyBoundException e )
td.refCtx = ( LdapContext ) td.rootCtx.lookup( "cn=akarasulu,ou=deep" );
referral = userCtx.getAttributes( "" );
assertTrue( referral.get( "cn" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );
assertTrue( referral.get( "sn" ).contains( "karasulu" ) );
public void testSearchBaseIsReferral() throws Exception
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
td.rootCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
{ "ou=users", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
fail( "should never get here" );
catch ( ReferralException e )
assertEquals( "ldap://fermi:10389/ou=users,ou=system??sub", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://hertz:10389/ou=users,dc=example,dc=com??sub", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://maxwell:10389/ou=users,ou=system??sub", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertFalse( e.skipReferral() );
public void testSearchBaseParentIsReferral() throws Exception
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE );
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
{ "cn=alex karasulu", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
catch ( ReferralException e )
assertEquals( "ldap://fermi:10389/cn=alex%20karasulu,ou=users,ou=system??base", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://hertz:10389/cn=alex%20karasulu,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com??base", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://maxwell:10389/cn=alex%20karasulu,ou=users,ou=system??base", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertFalse( e.skipReferral() );
public void testSearchBaseAncestorIsReferral() throws Exception
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE );
td.refCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
{ "cn=alex karasulu,ou=apache", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
catch ( ReferralException e )
assertEquals( "ldap://fermi:10389/cn=alex%20karasulu,ou=apache,ou=users,ou=system??base", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://hertz:10389/cn=alex%20karasulu,ou=apache,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com??base", e
.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://maxwell:10389/cn=alex%20karasulu,ou=apache,ou=users,ou=system??base", e
.getReferralInfo() );
assertFalse( e.skipReferral() );
public void testSearchContinuations() throws Exception
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
NamingEnumeration list = "", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
Map<String, SearchResult> results = new HashMap<String, SearchResult>();
while ( list.hasMore() )
SearchResult result = ( SearchResult );
results.put( result.getName(), result );
assertNotNull( results.get( "ou=users,ou=system" ) );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Now we will throw exceptions when searching for referrals
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
td.rootCtx.addToEnvironment( Context.REFERRAL, "throw" );
list = "", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
results = new HashMap<String, SearchResult>();
while ( list.hasMore() )
SearchResult result = ( SearchResult );
results.put( result.getName(), result );
catch ( ReferralException e )
assertEquals( "ldap://fermi:10389/ou=users,ou=system??sub", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://hertz:10389/ou=users,dc=example,dc=com??sub", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://maxwell:10389/ou=users,ou=system??sub", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertFalse( e.skipReferral() );
assertNull( results.get( "ou=users" ) );
// try again but this time with single level scope
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
list = "", "(objectClass=*)", controls );
results = new HashMap<String, SearchResult>();
while ( list.hasMore() )
SearchResult result = ( SearchResult );
results.put( result.getName(), result );
catch ( ReferralException e )
assertEquals( "ldap://fermi:10389/ou=users,ou=system??base", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://hertz:10389/ou=users,dc=example,dc=com??base", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertTrue( e.skipReferral() );
assertEquals( "ldap://maxwell:10389/ou=users,ou=system??base", e.getReferralInfo() );
assertFalse( e.skipReferral() );
assertNull( results.get( "ou=users" ) );