blob: e9a86608b5124d3231edf87e9b273bef899ed1cb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import java.lang.reflect.Array;
* A MVCC Leaf. It stores the keys and values. It does not have any children.
* @param <K> The type for the Key
* @param <V> The type for the stored value
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
/* No qualifier */class InMemoryLeaf<K, V> extends AbstractPage<K, V>
/** Values associated with keys */
protected ValueHolder<V>[] values;
* Constructor used to create a new Leaf when we read it from a file.
* @param btree The BTree this page belongs to.
InMemoryLeaf( BTree<K, V> btree )
super( btree );
* Internal constructor used to create Page instance used when a page is being copied or overflow
* @param btree The BTree this page belongs to.
* @param revision The page revision
* @param nbElems The number of elements this page will contain
InMemoryLeaf( BTree<K, V> btree, long revision, int nbElems )
super( btree, revision, nbElems );
this.values = ( InMemoryValueHolder<V>[] ) Array.newInstance( InMemoryValueHolder.class, nbElems );
* {@inheritDoc}
public InsertResult<K, V> insert( long revision, K key, V value ) throws IOException
// Find the key into this leaf
int pos = findPos( key );
if ( pos < 0 )
// We already have the key in the page : replace the value
// into a copy of this page, unless the page has already be copied
int index = -( pos + 1 );
// Replace the existing value in a copy of the current page
InsertResult<K, V> result = replaceElement( revision, key, value, index );
return result;
// The key is not present in the leaf. We have to add it in the page
if ( nbElems < btree.getPageSize() )
// The current page is not full, it can contain the added element.
// We insert it into a copied page and return the result
Page<K, V> modifiedPage = addElement( revision, key, value, pos );
InsertResult<K, V> result = new ModifyResult<K, V>( modifiedPage, null );
result.addCopiedPage( this );
return result;
// The Page is already full : we split it and return the overflow element,
// after having created two pages.
InsertResult<K, V> result = addAndSplit( revision, key, value, pos );
result.addCopiedPage( this );
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
public DeleteResult<K, V> delete( long revision, K key, V value, Page<K, V> parent, int parentPos )
throws IOException
// Check that the leaf is not empty
if ( nbElems == 0 )
// Empty leaf
return NotPresentResult.NOT_PRESENT;
// Find the key in the page
int pos = findPos( key );
if ( pos >= 0 )
// Not found : return the not present result.
return NotPresentResult.NOT_PRESENT;
// Get the removed element
Tuple<K, V> removedElement = null;
// flag to detect if a key was completely removed
boolean keyRemoved = false;
int index = -( pos + 1 );
ValueHolder<V> valueHolder = values[index];
if ( value == null )
// we have to delete the whole value
removedElement = new Tuple<K, V>( getKey( index ), valueHolder.getCursor().next() ); // the entire value was removed
keyRemoved = true;
if ( valueHolder.contains( value ) )
// this is a case to delete entire <K,sub-BTree> or <K,single-V>
if ( valueHolder.size() == 1 )
// Ok, we can remove the value
removedElement = new Tuple<K, V>( getKey( index ), null ); // the entire value was removed
keyRemoved = true;
// Update the ValueHolder
valueHolder.remove( value );
removedElement = new Tuple<K, V>( getKey( index ), value ); // the entire value was removed
// Not found
return NotPresentResult.NOT_PRESENT;
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> newLeaf = null;
if ( keyRemoved )
newLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, nbElems - 1 );
newLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, nbElems );
// Create the result
DeleteResult<K, V> defaultResult = new RemoveResult<K, V>( newLeaf, removedElement );
// If the parent is null, then this page is the root page.
if ( parent == null )
// Just remove the entry if it's present
copyAfterRemovingElement( keyRemoved, newLeaf, index );
// The current page is added in the copied page list
defaultResult.addCopiedPage( this );
return defaultResult;
else if ( keyRemoved )
// The current page is not the root. Check if the leaf has more than N/2
// elements
int halfSize = btree.getPageSize() / 2;
if ( nbElems == halfSize )
// We have to find a sibling now, and either borrow an entry from it
// if it has more than N/2 elements, or to merge the two pages.
// Check in both next and previous page, if they have the same parent
// and select the biggest page with the same parent to borrow an element.
int siblingPos = selectSibling( parent, parentPos );
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> sibling = ( InMemoryLeaf<K, V> ) ( ( ( InMemoryNode<K, V> ) parent )
.getPage( siblingPos ) );
if ( sibling.getNbElems() == halfSize )
// We will merge the current page with its sibling
DeleteResult<K, V> result = mergeWithSibling( removedElement, revision, sibling,
( siblingPos < parentPos ), index );
return result;
// We can borrow the element from the left sibling
if ( siblingPos < parentPos )
DeleteResult<K, V> result = borrowFromLeft( removedElement, revision, sibling, index );
return result;
// Borrow from the right sibling
DeleteResult<K, V> result = borrowFromRight( removedElement, revision, sibling, index );
return result;
// The page has more than N/2 elements.
// We simply remove the element from the page, and if it was the leftmost,
// we return the new pivot (it will replace any instance of the removed
// key in its parents)
copyAfterRemovingElement( keyRemoved, newLeaf, index );
// The current page is added in the copied page list
defaultResult.addCopiedPage( this );
return defaultResult;
// Last, not least : we can copy the full page
// Copy the keys and the values
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), 0, nbElems );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, newLeaf.values, 0, nbElems );
// The current page is added in the copied page list
defaultResult.addCopiedPage( this );
return defaultResult;
* Merges the sibling with the current leaf, after having removed the element in the page.
* @param revision The new revision
* @param sibling The sibling we will merge with
* @param isLeft Tells if the sibling is on the left or on the right
* @param pos The position of the removed element
* @return The new created leaf containing the sibling and the old page.
* @throws IOException If we have an error while trying to access the page
private DeleteResult<K, V> mergeWithSibling( Tuple<K, V> removedElement, long revision, InMemoryLeaf<K, V> sibling,
boolean isLeft, int pos )
throws EndOfFileExceededException, IOException
// Create the new page. It will contain N - 1 elements (the maximum number)
// as we merge two pages that contain N/2 elements minus the one we remove
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> newLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, btree.getPageSize() - 1 );
if ( isLeft )
// The sibling is on the left
// Copy all the elements from the sibling first
System.arraycopy( sibling.getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), 0, sibling.nbElems );
System.arraycopy( sibling.values, 0, newLeaf.values, 0, sibling.nbElems );
// Copy all the elements from the page up to the deletion position
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), sibling.nbElems, pos );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, newLeaf.values, sibling.nbElems, pos );
// And copy the remaining elements after the deletion point
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), pos + 1, newLeaf.getKeys(), sibling.nbElems + pos, nbElems - pos - 1 );
System.arraycopy( values, pos + 1, newLeaf.values, sibling.nbElems + pos, nbElems - pos - 1 );
// The sibling is on the right
// Copy all the elements from the page up to the deletion position
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), 0, pos );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, newLeaf.values, 0, pos );
// Then copy the remaining elements after the deletion point
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), pos + 1, newLeaf.getKeys(), pos, nbElems - pos - 1 );
System.arraycopy( values, pos + 1, newLeaf.values, pos, nbElems - pos - 1 );
// And copy all the elements from the sibling
System.arraycopy( sibling.getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), nbElems - 1, sibling.nbElems );
System.arraycopy( sibling.values, 0, newLeaf.values, nbElems - 1, sibling.nbElems );
// And create the result
DeleteResult<K, V> result = new MergedWithSiblingResult<K, V>( newLeaf,
removedElement );
result.addCopiedPage( this );
result.addCopiedPage( sibling );
return result;
* Borrows an element from the left sibling, creating a new sibling with one
* less element and creating a new page where the element to remove has been
* deleted and the borrowed element added on the left.
* @param revision The new revision for all the pages
* @param sibling The left sibling
* @param pos The position of the element to remove
* @return The resulting pages
* @throws IOException If we have an error while trying to access the page
private DeleteResult<K, V> borrowFromLeft( Tuple<K, V> removedElement, long revision, InMemoryLeaf<K, V> sibling,
int pos )
throws IOException
// The sibling is on the left, borrow the rightmost element
K siblingKey = sibling.getKey( sibling.getNbElems() - 1 );
ValueHolder<V> siblingValue = sibling.values[sibling.getNbElems() - 1];
// Create the new sibling, with one less element at the end
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> newSibling = ( InMemoryLeaf<K, V> ) sibling.copy( revision, sibling.getNbElems() - 1 );
// Create the new page and add the new element at the beginning
// First copy the current page, with the same size
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> newLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, nbElems );
// Insert the borrowed element
newLeaf.setKey( 0, new KeyHolder<K>( siblingKey ) );
newLeaf.values[0] = siblingValue;
// Copy the keys and the values up to the insertion position,
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), 1, pos );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, newLeaf.values, 1, pos );
// And copy the remaining elements
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), pos + 1, newLeaf.getKeys(), pos + 1, getKeys().length - pos - 1 );
System.arraycopy( values, pos + 1, newLeaf.values, pos + 1, values.length - pos - 1 );
DeleteResult<K, V> result = new BorrowedFromLeftResult<K, V>( newLeaf, newSibling, removedElement );
// Add the copied pages to the list
result.addCopiedPage( this );
result.addCopiedPage( sibling );
return result;
* Borrows an element from the right sibling, creating a new sibling with one
* less element and creating a new page where the element to remove has been
* deleted and the borrowed element added on the right.
* @param revision The new revision for all the pages
* @param sibling The right sibling
* @param pos The position of the element to remove
* @return The resulting pages
* @throws IOException If we have an error while trying to access the page
private DeleteResult<K, V> borrowFromRight( Tuple<K, V> removedElement, long revision, InMemoryLeaf<K, V> sibling,
int pos )
throws IOException
// The sibling is on the left, borrow the rightmost element
K siblingKey = sibling.getKey( 0 );
ValueHolder<V> siblingHolder = sibling.values[0];
// Create the new sibling
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> newSibling = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, sibling.getNbElems() - 1 );
// Copy the keys and the values from 1 to N in the new sibling
System.arraycopy( sibling.getKeys(), 1, newSibling.getKeys(), 0, sibling.nbElems - 1 );
System.arraycopy( sibling.values, 1, newSibling.values, 0, sibling.nbElems - 1 );
// Create the new page and add the new element at the end
// First copy the current page, with the same size
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> newLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, nbElems );
// Insert the borrowed element at the end
newLeaf.setKey( nbElems - 1, new KeyHolder<K>( siblingKey ) );
newLeaf.values[nbElems - 1] = siblingHolder;
// Copy the keys and the values up to the deletion position,
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), 0, pos );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, newLeaf.values, 0, pos );
// And copy the remaining elements
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), pos + 1, newLeaf.getKeys(), pos, getKeys().length - pos - 1 );
System.arraycopy( values, pos + 1, newLeaf.values, pos, values.length - pos - 1 );
DeleteResult<K, V> result = new BorrowedFromRightResult<K, V>( newLeaf, newSibling, removedElement );
// Add the copied pages to the list
result.addCopiedPage( this );
result.addCopiedPage( sibling );
return result;
* Copies the elements of the current page to a new page
* @param keyRemoved a flag stating if the key was removed
* @param newLeaf The new page into which the remaining keys and values will be copied
* @param pos The position into the page of the element to remove
* @throws IOException If we have an error while trying to access the page
private void copyAfterRemovingElement( boolean keyRemoved, InMemoryLeaf<K, V> newLeaf, int pos ) throws IOException
if ( keyRemoved )
// Deal with the special case of a page with only one element by skipping
// the copy, as we won't have any remaining element in the page
if ( nbElems == 1 )
// Copy the keys and the values up to the insertion position
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), 0, pos );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, newLeaf.values, 0, pos );
// And copy the elements after the position
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), pos + 1, newLeaf.getKeys(), pos, getKeys().length - pos - 1 );
System.arraycopy( values, pos + 1, newLeaf.values, pos, values.length - pos - 1 );
// one of the many values of the same key was removed, no change in the number of keys
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), 0, nbElems );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, newLeaf.values, 0, nbElems );
* {@inheritDoc}
public V get( K key ) throws KeyNotFoundException, IOException
int pos = findPos( key );
if ( pos < 0 )
InMemoryValueHolder<V> valueHolder = ( InMemoryValueHolder<V> ) values[-( pos + 1 )];
V value = valueHolder.getCursor().next();
return value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ValueCursor<V> getValues( K key ) throws KeyNotFoundException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException
if ( !btree.isAllowDuplicates() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Duplicates are not allowed in this tree" );
int pos = findPos( key );
if ( pos < 0 )
InMemoryValueHolder<V> valueHolder = ( InMemoryValueHolder<V> ) values[-( pos + 1 )];
return valueHolder.getCursor();
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean hasKey( K key )
int pos = findPos( key );
if ( pos < 0 )
return true;
return false;
public boolean contains( K key, V value ) throws IOException
int pos = findPos( key );
if ( pos < 0 )
ValueHolder<V> valueHolder = values[-( pos + 1 )];
return valueHolder.contains( value );
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
/* no qualifier */ValueHolder<V> getValue( int pos )
if ( pos < nbElems )
return values[pos];
return null;
* Sets the value at a give position
* @param pos The position in the values array
* @param value the value to inject
/* no qualifier */void setValue( int pos, ValueHolder<V> value )
values[pos] = value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public TupleCursor<K, V> browse( K key, ReadTransaction<K, V> transaction, ParentPos<K, V>[] stack, int depth )
int pos = findPos( key );
TupleCursor<K, V> cursor = null;
if ( pos < 0 )
pos = -( pos + 1 );
// Start at the beginning of the page
ParentPos<K, V> parentPos = new ParentPos<K, V>( this, pos );
// Create the value cursor
parentPos.valueCursor = values[pos].getCursor();
stack[depth] = parentPos;
cursor = new TupleCursor<K, V>( transaction, stack, depth );
// The key has not been found. Select the value just above, if we have one
if ( pos < nbElems )
ParentPos<K, V> parentPos = new ParentPos<K, V>( this, pos );
// Create the value cursor
parentPos.valueCursor = values[pos].getCursor();
stack[depth] = parentPos;
cursor = new TupleCursor<K, V>( transaction, stack, depth );
else if ( nbElems > 0 )
// after the last element
ParentPos<K, V> parentPos = new ParentPos<K, V>( this, nbElems - 1 );
// Create the value cursor
parentPos.valueCursor = values[nbElems - 1].getCursor();
stack[depth] = parentPos;
cursor = new TupleCursor<K, V>( transaction, stack, depth );
catch ( IOException e )
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// Not found, because there are no elements : return a null cursor
stack[depth] = null;
cursor = new TupleCursor<K, V>( transaction, null, 0 );
return cursor;
* {@inheritDoc}
public TupleCursor<K, V> browse( ReadTransaction<K, V> transaction, ParentPos<K, V>[] stack, int depth )
int pos = 0;
TupleCursor<K, V> cursor = null;
if ( nbElems == 0 )
// The tree is empty, it's the root, we have nothing to return
stack[depth] = new ParentPos<K, V>( null, -1 );
return new TupleCursor<K, V>( transaction, stack, depth );
// Start at the beginning of the page
ParentPos<K, V> parentPos = new ParentPos<K, V>( this, pos );
// Create the value cursor
parentPos.valueCursor = values[0].getCursor();
stack[depth] = parentPos;
cursor = new TupleCursor<K, V>( transaction, stack, depth );
return cursor;
* Copy the current page and all of the keys, values and children, if it's not a leaf.
* @param revision The new revision
* @param nbElems The number of elements to copy
* @return The copied page
private Page<K, V> copy( long revision, int nbElems )
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> newLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, nbElems );
// Copy the keys and the values
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), 0, nbElems );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, newLeaf.values, 0, nbElems );
return newLeaf;
* Copy the current page if needed, and replace the value at the position we have found the key.
* @param revision The new page revision
* @param key The new key
* @param value the new value
* @param pos The position of the key in the page
* @return The copied page
* @throws IOException If we have an error while trying to access the page
private InsertResult<K, V> replaceElement( long revision, K key, V value, int pos )
throws IOException
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> newLeaf = this;
// Get the previous value from the leaf (it's a copy)
ValueHolder<V> valueHolder = values[pos];
boolean valueExists = valueHolder.contains( value );
// Check we can add a new value
if ( !valueExists && !btree.isAllowDuplicates() )
throw new DuplicateValueNotAllowedException( "Duplicate values are not allowed" );
if ( this.revision != revision )
// The page hasn't been modified yet, we need to copy it first
newLeaf = ( InMemoryLeaf<K, V> ) copy( revision, nbElems );
// Get the previous value from the leaf (it's a copy)
valueHolder = newLeaf.values[pos];
V replacedValue = null;
if ( !valueExists )
valueHolder.add( value );
newLeaf.values[pos] = valueHolder;
// As strange as it sounds, we need to remove the value to reinject it.
// There are cases where the value retrieval just use one part of the
// value only (typically for LDAP Entries, where we use the DN)
replacedValue = valueHolder.remove( value );
valueHolder.add( value );
// Create the result
InsertResult<K, V> result = new ModifyResult<K, V>( newLeaf, replacedValue );
result.addCopiedPage( this );
return result;
* Adds a new <K, V> into a copy of the current page at a given position. We return the
* modified page. The new page will have one more element than the current page.
* @param revision The revision of the modified page
* @param key The key to insert
* @param value The value to insert
* @param pos The position into the page
* @return The modified page with the <K,V> element added
private Page<K, V> addElement( long revision, K key, V value, int pos )
// First copy the current page, but add one element in the copied page
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> newLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, nbElems + 1 );
// Atm, store the value in memory
InMemoryValueHolder<V> valueHolder = new InMemoryValueHolder<V>( btree, value );
// Deal with the special case of an empty page
if ( nbElems == 0 )
newLeaf.setKey( 0, new KeyHolder<K>( key ) );
newLeaf.values[0] = valueHolder;
// Copy the keys and the values up to the insertion position
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, newLeaf.getKeys(), 0, pos );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, newLeaf.values, 0, pos );
// Add the new element
newLeaf.setKey( pos, new KeyHolder<K>( key ) );
newLeaf.values[pos] = valueHolder;
// And copy the remaining elements
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), pos, newLeaf.getKeys(), pos + 1, getKeys().length - pos );
System.arraycopy( values, pos, newLeaf.values, pos + 1, values.length - pos );
return newLeaf;
* Split a full page into two new pages, a left, a right and a pivot element. The new pages will
* each contains half of the original elements. <br/>
* The pivot will be computed, depending on the place
* we will inject the newly added element. <br/>
* If the newly added element is in the middle, we will use it
* as a pivot. Otherwise, we will use either the last element in the left page if the element is added
* on the left, or the first element in the right page if it's added on the right.
* @param revision The new revision for all the created pages
* @param key The key to add
* @param value The value to add
* @param pos The position of the insertion of the new element
* @return An OverflowPage containing the pivot, and the new left and right pages
private InsertResult<K, V> addAndSplit( long revision, K key, V value, int pos )
int middle = btree.getPageSize() >> 1;
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> leftLeaf = null;
InMemoryLeaf<K, V> rightLeaf = null;
InMemoryValueHolder<V> valueHolder = new InMemoryValueHolder<V>( btree, value );
// Determinate where to store the new value
if ( pos <= middle )
// The left page will contain the new value
leftLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, middle + 1 );
// Copy the keys and the values up to the insertion position
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, leftLeaf.getKeys(), 0, pos );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, leftLeaf.values, 0, pos );
// Add the new element
leftLeaf.setKey( pos, new KeyHolder<K>( key ) );
leftLeaf.values[pos] = valueHolder;
// And copy the remaining elements
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), pos, leftLeaf.getKeys(), pos + 1, middle - pos );
System.arraycopy( values, pos, leftLeaf.values, pos + 1, middle - pos );
// Now, create the right page
rightLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, middle );
// Copy the keys and the values in the right page
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), middle, rightLeaf.getKeys(), 0, middle );
System.arraycopy( values, middle, rightLeaf.values, 0, middle );
// Create the left page
leftLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, middle );
// Copy all the element into the left page
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), 0, leftLeaf.getKeys(), 0, middle );
System.arraycopy( values, 0, leftLeaf.values, 0, middle );
// Now, create the right page
rightLeaf = new InMemoryLeaf<K, V>( btree, revision, middle + 1 );
int rightPos = pos - middle;
// Copy the keys and the values up to the insertion position
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), middle, rightLeaf.getKeys(), 0, rightPos );
System.arraycopy( values, middle, rightLeaf.values, 0, rightPos );
// Add the new element
rightLeaf.setKey( rightPos, new KeyHolder<K>( key ) );
rightLeaf.values[rightPos] = valueHolder;
// And copy the remaining elements
System.arraycopy( getKeys(), pos, rightLeaf.getKeys(), rightPos + 1, nbElems - pos );
System.arraycopy( values, pos, rightLeaf.values, rightPos + 1, nbElems - pos );
// Get the pivot
K pivot = rightLeaf.getKey( 0 );
// Create the result
InsertResult<K, V> result = new SplitResult<K, V>( pivot, leftLeaf, rightLeaf );
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Tuple<K, V> findLeftMost() throws IOException
V val = null;
val = values[0].getCursor().next();
return new Tuple<K, V>( getKey( 0 ), val );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Tuple<K, V> findRightMost() throws EndOfFileExceededException, IOException
V val = null;
ValueCursor<V> valueCursor = values[nbElems - 1].getCursor();
val = valueCursor.prev();
return new Tuple<K, V>( getKey( nbElems - 1 ), val );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isLeaf()
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isNode()
return false;
* @see Object#toString()
public String toString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append( "Leaf[" );
sb.append( super.toString() );
sb.append( "] -> {" );
if ( nbElems > 0 )
boolean isFirst = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < nbElems; i++ )
if ( isFirst )
isFirst = false;
sb.append( ", " );
sb.append( "<" ).append( getKey( i ) ).append( "," ).append( values[i] ).append( ">" );
sb.append( "}" );
return sb.toString();
* {@inheritDoc}
public String dumpPage( String tabs )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append( tabs );
if ( nbElems > 0 )
boolean isFirst = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < nbElems; i++ )
if ( isFirst )
isFirst = false;
sb.append( ", " );
sb.append( "<" ).append( getKey( i ) ).append( "," ).append( values[i] ).append( ">" );
sb.append( "\n" );
return sb.toString();