blob: 40cdb66b2413d1ab90aa5b19a61c0794c4332471 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* An objectClass definition.
* <p>
* According to ldapbis [MODELS]:
* </p>
* <pre>
* Object Class definitions are written according to the ABNF:
* ObjectClassDescription = LPAREN WSP
* numericoid ; object identifier
* [ SP &quot;NAME&quot; SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)
* [ SP &quot;DESC&quot; SP qdstring ] ; description
* [ SP &quot;OBSOLETE&quot; ] ; not active
* [ SP &quot;SUP&quot; SP oids ] ; superior object classes
* [ SP kind ] ; kind of class
* [ SP &quot;MUST&quot; SP oids ] ; attribute types
* [ SP &quot;MAY&quot; SP oids ] ; attribute types
* extensions WSP RPAREN
* kind = &quot;ABSTRACT&quot; / &quot;STRUCTURAL&quot; / &quot;AUXILIARY&quot;
* where:
* [numericoid] is object identifier assigned to this object class;
* NAME [qdescrs] are short names (descriptors) identifying this object
* class;
* DESC [qdstring] is a short descriptive string;
* OBSOLETE indicates this object class is not active;
* SUP [oids] specifies the direct superclasses of this object class;
* the kind of object class is indicated by one of ABSTRACT,
* MUST and MAY specify the sets of required and allowed attribute
* types, respectively; and
* [extensions] describe extensions.
* </pre>
* @see <a href="">RFC2252 Section 4.4</a>
* @see <a
* href="">ldapbis
* [MODELS]</a>
* @see DescriptionUtils#getDescription(ObjectClass)
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
// super.hashCode is final
public class ObjectClass extends AbstractSchemaObject
/** The serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** The ObjectClass type : ABSTRACT, AUXILIARY or STRUCTURAL */
private ObjectClassTypeEnum objectClassType = ObjectClassTypeEnum.STRUCTURAL;
/** The ObjectClass superior OIDs */
private List<String> superiorOids;
/** The ObjectClass superiors */
private List<ObjectClass> superiors;
/** The list of allowed AttributeType OIDs */
private List<String> mayAttributeTypeOids;
/** The list of allowed AttributeTypes */
private List<AttributeType> mayAttributeTypes;
/** The list of required AttributeType OIDs */
private List<String> mustAttributeTypeOids;
/** The list of required AttributeTypes */
private List<AttributeType> mustAttributeTypes;
* Creates a new instance of MatchingRuleUseDescription
* @param oid the OID for this objectClass
public ObjectClass( String oid )
super( SchemaObjectType.OBJECT_CLASS, oid );
mayAttributeTypeOids = new ArrayList<String>();
mustAttributeTypeOids = new ArrayList<String>();
superiorOids = new ArrayList<String>();
mayAttributeTypes = new ArrayList<AttributeType>();
mustAttributeTypes = new ArrayList<AttributeType>();
superiors = new ArrayList<ObjectClass>();
objectClassType = ObjectClassTypeEnum.STRUCTURAL;
private void buildSuperiors( List<Throwable> errors, Registries registries )
ObjectClassRegistry ocRegistry = registries.getObjectClassRegistry();
if ( superiorOids != null )
superiors = new ArrayList<ObjectClass>( superiorOids.size() );
for ( String superiorName : superiorOids )
ObjectClass superior = ocRegistry.lookup( ocRegistry.getOidByName( superiorName ) );
// Before adding the superior, check that the ObjectClass type is consistent
switch ( objectClassType )
if ( superior.objectClassType != ObjectClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT )
// An ABSTRACT OC can only inherit from ABSTRACT OCs
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04318, oid, superior.getObjectType(), superior );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
if ( superior.objectClassType == ObjectClassTypeEnum.STRUCTURAL )
// An AUXILIARY OC can only inherit from STRUCTURAL OCs
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04319, oid, superior );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
if ( superior.objectClassType == ObjectClassTypeEnum.AUXILIARY )
// A STRUCTURAL OC can only inherit from AUXILIARY OCs
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04320, oid, superior );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
superiors.add( superior );
catch ( LdapException ne )
// Cannot find the OC
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04321, oid, superiorName );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
private void buildMay( List<Throwable> errors, Registries registries )
AttributeTypeRegistry atRegistry = registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry();
if ( mayAttributeTypeOids != null )
mayAttributeTypes = new ArrayList<AttributeType>( mayAttributeTypeOids.size() );
for ( String mayAttributeTypeName : mayAttributeTypeOids )
AttributeType attributeType = atRegistry.lookup( mayAttributeTypeName );
if ( attributeType.isCollective() )
// Collective Attributes are not allowed in MAY or MUST
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04485_COLLECTIVE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_MAY, mayAttributeTypeName, oid );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
if ( mayAttributeTypes.contains( attributeType ) )
// Already registered : this is an error
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04322, oid, mayAttributeTypeName );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
mayAttributeTypes.add( attributeType );
catch ( LdapException ne )
// Cannot find the AT
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04323, oid, mayAttributeTypeName );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
private void buildMust( List<Throwable> errors, Registries registries )
AttributeTypeRegistry atRegistry = registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry();
if ( mustAttributeTypeOids != null )
mustAttributeTypes = new ArrayList<AttributeType>( mustAttributeTypeOids.size() );
for ( String mustAttributeTypeName : mustAttributeTypeOids )
AttributeType attributeType = atRegistry.lookup( mustAttributeTypeName );
if ( attributeType.isCollective() )
// Collective Attributes are not allowed in MAY or MUST
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04484_COLLECTIVE_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_MUST, mustAttributeTypeName, oid );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
if ( mustAttributeTypes.contains( attributeType ) )
// Already registered : this is an error
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04324, oid, mustAttributeTypeName );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
// Check that the MUST AT is not also present in the MAY AT
if ( mayAttributeTypes.contains( attributeType ) )
// Already registered : this is an error
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04325, oid, mustAttributeTypeName );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
mustAttributeTypes.add( attributeType );
catch ( LdapException ne )
// Cannot find the AT
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04326, oid, mustAttributeTypeName );
Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
errors.add( error );
* Inject the ObjectClass into the registries, updating the references to
* other SchemaObject
* @param errors The errors we got while adding the ObjectClass to the registries
* @param registries The Registries
* @throws Exception on failure
public void addToRegistries( List<Throwable> errors, Registries registries ) throws LdapException
if ( registries != null )
// The superiors
buildSuperiors( errors, registries );
// The MAY AttributeTypes
buildMay( errors, registries );
// The MUST AttributeTypes
buildMust( errors, registries );
* Add the OC references (using and usedBy) :
* OC -> AT (MAY and MUST)
for ( AttributeType mayAttributeType : mayAttributeTypes )
registries.addReference( this, mayAttributeType );
for ( AttributeType mustAttributeType : mustAttributeTypes )
registries.addReference( this, mustAttributeType );
for ( ObjectClass superiorObjectClass : superiors )
registries.addReference( this, superiorObjectClass );
* Remove the ObjectClass from the registries, updating the references to
* other SchemaObject.
* If one of the referenced SchemaObject does not exist (SUPERIORS, MAY, MUST),
* an exception is thrown.
* @param errors The errors we got while removing the ObjectClass from the registries
* @param registries The Registries
* @exception If the ObjectClass is not valid
public void removeFromRegistries( List<Throwable> errors, Registries registries ) throws LdapException
if ( registries != null )
ObjectClassRegistry objectClassRegistry = registries.getObjectClassRegistry();
// Unregister this ObjectClass into the Descendant map
objectClassRegistry.unregisterDescendants( this, superiors );
* Remove the OC references (using and usedBy) :
* OC -> AT (for MAY and MUST)
* OC -> OC
if ( mayAttributeTypes != null )
for ( AttributeType may : mayAttributeTypes )
registries.delReference( this, may );
if ( mustAttributeTypes != null )
for ( AttributeType must : mustAttributeTypes )
registries.delReference( this, must );
if ( superiors != null )
for ( ObjectClass superior : superiors )
registries.delReference( this, superior );
* @return the mayAttributeTypeOids
public List<String> getMayAttributeTypeOids()
return mayAttributeTypeOids;
* @return the mayAttributeTypes
public List<AttributeType> getMayAttributeTypes()
return mayAttributeTypes;
* Add some allowed AttributeType
* @param oids The attributeType oids
public void addMayAttributeTypeOids( String... oids )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
for ( String oid : oids )
mayAttributeTypeOids.add( oid );
* Add some allowed AttributeTypes
* @param attributeTypes The attributeTypes
public void addMayAttributeTypes( AttributeType... attributeTypes )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
for ( AttributeType attributeType : attributeTypes )
if ( !mayAttributeTypeOids.contains( attributeType.getOid() ) )
mayAttributeTypes.add( attributeType );
mayAttributeTypeOids.add( attributeType.getOid() );
* @param mayAttributeTypeOids the mayAttributeTypeOids to set
public void setMayAttributeTypeOids( List<String> mayAttributeTypeOids )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
this.mayAttributeTypeOids = mayAttributeTypeOids;
* Sets the list of allowed AttributeTypes
* @param mayAttributeTypes the list of allowed AttributeTypes
public void setMayAttributeTypes( List<AttributeType> mayAttributeTypes )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
this.mayAttributeTypes = mayAttributeTypes;
// update the OIDS now
for ( AttributeType may : mayAttributeTypes )
mayAttributeTypeOids.add( may.getOid() );
* Update the associated MAY AttributeType, even if the SchemaObject is readOnly
* @param mayAttributeTypes the list of allowed AttributeTypes
public void updateMayAttributeTypes( List<AttributeType> mayAttributeTypes )
this.mayAttributeTypes.addAll( mayAttributeTypes );
// update the OIDS now
for ( AttributeType may : mayAttributeTypes )
mayAttributeTypeOids.add( may.getOid() );
* @return the mustAttributeTypeOids
public List<String> getMustAttributeTypeOids()
return mustAttributeTypeOids;
* @return the mustAttributeTypes
public List<AttributeType> getMustAttributeTypes()
return mustAttributeTypes;
* Add some required AttributeType OIDs
* @param oids The attributeType OIDs
public void addMustAttributeTypeOids( String... oids )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
for ( String oid : oids )
mustAttributeTypeOids.add( oid );
* Add some required AttributeTypes
* @param attributeTypes The attributeTypse
public void addMustAttributeTypes( AttributeType... attributeTypes )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
for ( AttributeType attributeType : attributeTypes )
if ( !mustAttributeTypeOids.contains( attributeType.getOid() ) )
mustAttributeTypes.add( attributeType );
mustAttributeTypeOids.add( attributeType.getOid() );
* @param mustAttributeTypeOids the mustAttributeTypeOids to set
public void setMustAttributeTypeOids( List<String> mustAttributeTypeOids )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
this.mustAttributeTypeOids = mustAttributeTypeOids;
* Sets the list of required AttributeTypes
* @param mustAttributeTypes the list of required AttributeTypes
public void setMustAttributeTypes( List<AttributeType> mustAttributeTypes )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
this.mustAttributeTypes = mustAttributeTypes;
// update the OIDS now
for ( AttributeType may : mustAttributeTypes )
mustAttributeTypeOids.add( may.getOid() );
* Update the associated MUST AttributeType, even if the SchemaObject is readOnly
* @param mustAttributeTypes the list of allowed AttributeTypes
public void updateMustAttributeTypes( List<AttributeType> mustAttributeTypes )
this.mustAttributeTypes.addAll( mustAttributeTypes );
// update the OIDS now
for ( AttributeType must : mustAttributeTypes )
mustAttributeTypeOids.add( must.getOid() );
* Gets the superclasses of this ObjectClass.
* @return the superclasses
public List<ObjectClass> getSuperiors()
return superiors;
* Gets the superclasses OIDsof this ObjectClass.
* @return the superclasses OIDs
public List<String> getSuperiorOids()
return superiorOids;
* Add some superior ObjectClass OIDs
* @param oids The superior ObjectClass OIDs
public void addSuperiorOids( String... oids )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
for ( String oid : oids )
if ( !superiorOids.contains( oid ) )
superiorOids.add( oid );
* Add some superior ObjectClasses
* @param objectClasses The superior ObjectClasses
public void addSuperior( ObjectClass... objectClasses )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
for ( ObjectClass objectClass : objectClasses )
if ( !superiorOids.contains( objectClass.getOid() ) )
superiorOids.add( objectClass.getOid() );
superiors.add( objectClass );
* Sets the superior object classes
* @param superiors the object classes to set
public void setSuperiors( List<ObjectClass> superiors )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
this.superiors = superiors;
// update the OIDS now
for ( ObjectClass oc : superiors )
superiorOids.add( oc.getOid() );
* Update the associated SUPERIORS ObjectClasses, even if the SchemaObject is readOnly
* @param superiors the object classes to set
public void updateSuperiors( List<ObjectClass> superiors )
this.superiors.addAll( superiors );
// update the OIDS now
for ( ObjectClass oc : superiors )
superiorOids.add( oc.getOid() );
* Sets the superior object class OIDs
* @param superiorOids the object class OIDs to set
public void setSuperiorOids( List<String> superiorOids )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
this.superiorOids = superiorOids;
* Gets the type of this ObjectClass as a type safe enum.
* @return the ObjectClass type as an enum
public ObjectClassTypeEnum getType()
return objectClassType;
* Set the ObjectClass type, one of ABSTRACT, AUXILIARY or STRUCTURAL.
* @param objectClassType The ObjectClassType value
public void setType( ObjectClassTypeEnum objectClassType )
if ( locked )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04441, getName() ) );
if ( !isReadOnly )
this.objectClassType = objectClassType;
* Tells if the current ObjectClass is STRUCTURAL
* @return <code>true</code> if the ObjectClass is STRUCTURAL
public boolean isStructural()
return objectClassType == ObjectClassTypeEnum.STRUCTURAL;
* Tells if the current ObjectClass is ABSTRACT
* @return <code>true</code> if the ObjectClass is ABSTRACT
public boolean isAbstract()
return objectClassType == ObjectClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT;
* Tells if the current ObjectClass is AUXILIARY
* @return <code>true</code> if the ObjectClass is AUXILIARY
public boolean isAuxiliary()
return objectClassType == ObjectClassTypeEnum.AUXILIARY;
* @see Object#toString()
public String toString()
return objectType + " " + DescriptionUtils.getDescription( this );
* Copy an ObjectClass
public ObjectClass copy()
ObjectClass copy = new ObjectClass( oid );
// Copy the SchemaObject common data
copy.copy( this );
// Copy the ObjectClass type
copy.objectClassType = objectClassType;
// Copy the Superiors ObjectClasses OIDs
copy.superiorOids = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( String oid : superiorOids )
copy.superiorOids.add( oid );
// Copy the Superiors ObjectClasses ( will be empty )
copy.superiors = new ArrayList<ObjectClass>();
// Copy the MAY AttributeTypes OIDs
copy.mayAttributeTypeOids = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( String oid : mayAttributeTypeOids )
copy.mayAttributeTypeOids.add( oid );
// Copy the MAY AttributeTypes ( will be empty )
copy.mayAttributeTypes = new ArrayList<AttributeType>();
// Copy the MUST AttributeTypes OIDs
copy.mustAttributeTypeOids = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( String oid : mustAttributeTypeOids )
copy.mustAttributeTypeOids.add( oid );
// Copy the MUST AttributeTypes ( will be empty )
copy.mustAttributeTypes = new ArrayList<AttributeType>();
return copy;
* @see Object#equals(Object)
public boolean equals( Object o )
if ( !super.equals( o ) )
return false;
if ( !( o instanceof ObjectClass ) )
return false;
ObjectClass that = ( ObjectClass ) o;
// The ObjectClassType
if ( objectClassType != that.objectClassType )
return false;
// The Superiors OIDs
if ( superiorOids.size() != that.superiorOids.size() )
return false;
// One way
for ( String oid : superiorOids )
if ( !that.superiorOids.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The other way
for ( String oid : that.superiorOids )
if ( !superiorOids.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The Superiors
if ( superiors.size() != that.superiors.size() )
return false;
// One way
for ( ObjectClass oid : superiors )
if ( !that.superiors.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The other way
for ( ObjectClass oid : that.superiors )
if ( !superiors.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The MAY OIDs
if ( mayAttributeTypeOids.size() != that.mayAttributeTypeOids.size() )
return false;
// One way
for ( String oid : mayAttributeTypeOids )
if ( !that.mayAttributeTypeOids.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The other way
for ( String oid : that.mayAttributeTypeOids )
if ( !mayAttributeTypeOids.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The MAY
if ( mayAttributeTypes.size() != that.mayAttributeTypes.size() )
return false;
// One way
for ( AttributeType oid : mayAttributeTypes )
if ( !that.mayAttributeTypes.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The other way
for ( AttributeType oid : that.mayAttributeTypes )
if ( !mayAttributeTypes.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The MUST OIDs
if ( mustAttributeTypeOids.size() != that.mustAttributeTypeOids.size() )
return false;
// One way
for ( String oid : mustAttributeTypeOids )
if ( !that.mustAttributeTypeOids.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The other way
for ( String oid : that.mustAttributeTypeOids )
if ( !mustAttributeTypeOids.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The MUST
if ( mustAttributeTypes.size() != that.mustAttributeTypes.size() )
return false;
// One way
for ( AttributeType oid : mustAttributeTypes )
if ( !that.mustAttributeTypes.contains( oid ) )
return false;
// The other way
for ( AttributeType oid : that.mustAttributeTypes )
if ( !mustAttributeTypes.contains( oid ) )
return false;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void clear()
// Clear the common elements
// Clear the references