blob: e92ca457de0a85d52f30888a110f2b12e9fc665a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* SearchRequest implementation.
* @author <a href=""> Apache Directory Project</a>
public class SearchRequestImpl extends AbstractAbandonableRequest implements SearchRequest
static final long serialVersionUID = -5655881944020886218L;
/** Search base distinguished name */
private Dn baseDn;
/** Search filter expression tree's root node */
private ExprNode filterNode;
/** Search scope enumeration value */
private SearchScope scope;
/** Types only return flag */
private boolean typesOnly;
/** Max size in entries to return */
private long sizeLimit;
/** Max seconds to wait for search to complete */
private int timeLimit;
/** Alias dereferencing mode enumeration value (default to DEREF_ALWAYS) */
private AliasDerefMode aliasDerefMode = AliasDerefMode.DEREF_ALWAYS;
/** Attributes to return */
private List<String> attributes = new ArrayList<String>();
/** The final result containing SearchResponseDone response */
private SearchResultDone response;
* Creates a SearcRequest implementing object used to search the
* DIT.
public SearchRequestImpl()
super( -1, MessageTypeEnum.SEARCH_REQUEST );
* Creates a Lockable SearcRequest implementing object used to search the
* DIT.
* @param id the sequential message identifier
public SearchRequestImpl( final int id )
super( id, MessageTypeEnum.SEARCH_REQUEST );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SearchRequest Interface Method Implementations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets a list of the attributes to be returned from each entry which
* matches the search filter. There are two special values which may be
* used: an empty list with no attributes, and the attribute description
* string "*". Both of these signify that all user attributes are to be
* returned. (The "*" allows the client to request all user attributes in
* addition to specific operational attributes). Attributes MUST be named at
* most once in the list, and are returned at most once in an entry. If
* there are attribute descriptions in the list which are not recognized,
* they are ignored by the server. If the client does not want any
* attributes returned, it can specify a list containing only the attribute
* with OID "1.1". This OID was chosen arbitrarily and does not correspond
* to any attribute in use. Client implementors should note that even if all
* user attributes are requested, some attributes of the entry may not be
* included in search results due to access control or other restrictions.
* Furthermore, servers will not return operational attributes, such as
* objectClasses or attributeTypes, unless they are listed by name, since
* there may be extremely large number of values for certain operational
* attributes.
* @return the collection of attributes to return for each entry
public List<String> getAttributes()
return Collections.unmodifiableList( attributes );
* Gets the search base as a distinguished name.
* @return the search base
public Dn getBase()
return baseDn;
* Sets the search base as a distinguished name.
* @param base
* the search base
public void setBase( Dn base )
baseDn = base;
* Gets the alias handling parameter.
* @return the alias handling parameter enumeration.
public AliasDerefMode getDerefAliases()
return aliasDerefMode;
* Sets the alias handling parameter.
* @param aliasDerefAliases
* the alias handling parameter enumeration.
public void setDerefAliases( AliasDerefMode aliasDerefAliases )
this.aliasDerefMode = aliasDerefAliases;
* Gets the search filter associated with this search request.
* @return the expression node for the root of the filter expression tree.
public ExprNode getFilter()
return filterNode;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setFilter( ExprNode filter )
this.filterNode = filter;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setFilter( String filter ) throws LdapException
filterNode = FilterParser.parse( filter );
catch ( ParseException pe )
String msg = "The filter" + filter + " is invalid.";
throw new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
* Gets the different response types generated by a search request.
* @return the RESPONSE_TYPES array
public MessageTypeEnum[] getResponseTypes()
return RESPONSE_TYPES.clone();
* Gets the search scope parameter enumeration.
* @return the scope enumeration parameter.
public SearchScope getScope()
return scope;
* Sets the search scope parameter enumeration.
* @param scope the scope enumeration parameter.
public void setScope( SearchScope scope )
this.scope = scope;
* A sizelimit that restricts the maximum number of entries to be returned
* as a result of the search. A value of 0 in this field indicates that no
* client-requested sizelimit restrictions are in effect for the search.
* Servers may enforce a maximum number of entries to return.
* @return search size limit.
public long getSizeLimit()
return sizeLimit;
* Sets sizelimit that restricts the maximum number of entries to be
* returned as a result of the search. A value of 0 in this field indicates
* that no client-requested sizelimit restrictions are in effect for the
* search. Servers may enforce a maximum number of entries to return.
* @param entriesMax maximum search result entries to return.
public void setSizeLimit( long entriesMax )
sizeLimit = entriesMax;
* Gets the timelimit that restricts the maximum time (in seconds) allowed
* for a search. A value of 0 in this field indicates that no client-
* requested timelimit restrictions are in effect for the search.
* @return the search time limit in seconds.
public int getTimeLimit()
return timeLimit;
* Sets the timelimit that restricts the maximum time (in seconds) allowed
* for a search. A value of 0 in this field indicates that no client-
* requested timelimit restrictions are in effect for the search.
* @param secondsMax the search time limit in seconds.
public void setTimeLimit( int secondsMax )
timeLimit = secondsMax;
* An indicator as to whether search results will contain both attribute
* types and values, or just attribute types. Setting this field to TRUE
* causes only attribute types (no values) to be returned. Setting this
* field to FALSE causes both attribute types and values to be returned.
* @return true for only types, false for types and values.
public boolean getTypesOnly()
return typesOnly;
* An indicator as to whether search results will contain both attribute
* types and values, or just attribute types. Setting this field to TRUE
* causes only attribute types (no values) to be returned. Setting this
* field to FALSE causes both attribute types and values to be returned.
* @param typesOnly true for only types, false for types and values.
public void setTypesOnly( boolean typesOnly )
this.typesOnly = typesOnly;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void addAttributes( String... attributesToAdd )
this.attributes.addAll( Arrays.asList( attributesToAdd ) );
* Removes an attribute to the set of entry attributes to return.
* @param attribute the attribute description or identifier.
public void removeAttribute( String attribute )
attributes.remove( attribute );
* The result containing response for this request.
* @return the result containing response for this request
public SearchResultDone getResultResponse()
if ( response == null )
response = new SearchResultDoneImpl( getMessageId() );
return response;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int hashCode()
int hash = 37;
if ( baseDn != null )
hash = hash * 17 + baseDn.hashCode();
hash = hash * 17 + aliasDerefMode.hashCode();
hash = hash * 17 + scope.hashCode();
hash = hash * 17 + Long.valueOf( sizeLimit ).hashCode();
hash = hash * 17 + timeLimit;
hash = hash * 17 + ( typesOnly ? 0 : 1 );
if ( attributes != null )
hash = hash * 17 + attributes.size();
// Order doesn't matter, thus just add hashCode
for ( String attr : attributes )
hash = hash + attr.hashCode();
BranchNormalizedVisitor visitor = new BranchNormalizedVisitor();
filterNode.accept( visitor );
hash = hash * 17 + filterNode.toString().hashCode();
hash = hash * 17 + super.hashCode();
return hash;
* Checks to see if two search requests are equal. The Lockable properties
* and the get/set context specific parameters are not consulted to
* determine equality. The filter expression tree comparison will normalize
* the child order of filter branch nodes then generate a string
* representation which is comparable. For the time being this is a very
* costly operation.
* @param obj the object to check for equality to this SearchRequest
* @return true if the obj is a SearchRequest and equals this SearchRequest,
* false otherwise
public boolean equals( Object obj )
if ( obj == this )
return true;
if ( ! super.equals( obj ) )
return false;
SearchRequest req = ( SearchRequest ) obj;
if ( !req.getBase().equals( baseDn ) )
return false;
if ( req.getDerefAliases() != aliasDerefMode )
return false;
if ( req.getScope() != scope )
return false;
if ( req.getSizeLimit() != sizeLimit )
return false;
if ( req.getTimeLimit() != timeLimit )
return false;
if ( req.getTypesOnly() != typesOnly )
return false;
if ( req.getAttributes() == null && attributes != null && attributes.size() > 0 )
return false;
if ( req.getAttributes() != null && attributes == null && req.getAttributes().size() > 0 )
return false;
if ( req.getAttributes() != null && attributes != null )
if ( req.getAttributes().size() != attributes.size() )
return false;
for ( String attribute : attributes )
if ( ! req.getAttributes().contains( attribute ) )
return false;
BranchNormalizedVisitor visitor = new BranchNormalizedVisitor();
req.getFilter().accept( visitor );
filterNode.accept( visitor );
String myFilterString = filterNode.toString();
String reqFilterString = req.getFilter().toString();
return myFilterString.equals( reqFilterString );
* Return a string the represent a SearchRequest
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append( " SearchRequest\n" );
sb.append( " baseDn : '" ).append( baseDn ).append( "'\n" );
if ( filterNode != null )
sb.append( " filter : '" );
sb.append( filterNode.toString() );
sb.append( "'\n" );
sb.append( " scope : " );
switch ( scope )
case OBJECT:
sb.append( "base object" );
sb.append( "single level" );
sb.append( "whole subtree" );
sb.append( '\n' );
sb.append( " typesOnly : " ).append( typesOnly ).append( '\n' );
sb.append( " Size Limit : " );
if ( sizeLimit == 0L )
sb.append( "no limit" );
sb.append( sizeLimit );
sb.append( '\n' );
sb.append( " Time Limit : " );
if ( timeLimit == 0 )
sb.append( "no limit" );
sb.append( timeLimit );
sb.append( '\n' );
sb.append( " Deref Aliases : " );
switch ( aliasDerefMode )
sb.append( "never Deref Aliases" );
sb.append( "deref In Searching" );
sb.append( "deref Finding Base Obj" );
sb.append( "deref Always" );
sb.append( '\n' );
sb.append( " attributes : " );
boolean isFirst = true;
if ( attributes != null )
for ( String attribute : attributes )
if ( isFirst )
isFirst = false;
sb.append(", ");
sb.append('\'').append( attribute ).append('\'');
sb.append( '\n' );
// The controls
sb.append( super.toString() );
return super.toString( sb.toString() );