blob: 6a0238ac7c93381c79f86e09f9ed2bb2a8ef626a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import javax.naming.NamingException;
* Various utility methods for schema functions and objects.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$
public class SchemaUtils
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// qdescrs rendering operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders qdescrs into an existing buffer.
* @param buf
* the string buffer to render the quoted description strs into
* @param qdescrs
* the quoted description strings to render
* @return the same string buffer that was given for call chaining
public static StringBuffer render( StringBuffer buf, String[] qdescrs )
if ( qdescrs == null || qdescrs.length == 0 )
return buf;
else if ( qdescrs.length == 1 )
buf.append( "'" ).append( qdescrs[0] ).append( "'" );
buf.append( "( " );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < qdescrs.length; ii++ )
buf.append( "'" ).append( qdescrs[ii] ).append( "' " );
buf.append( ")" );
return buf;
* Renders qdescrs into a new buffer.
* @param qdescrs
* the quoted description strings to render
* @return the string buffer the qdescrs are rendered into
public static StringBuffer render( String[] qdescrs )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
return render( buf, qdescrs );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// objectClass list rendering operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders a list of object classes for things like a list of superior
* objectClasses using the ( oid $ oid ) format.
* @param ocs
* the objectClasses to list
* @return a buffer which contains the rendered list
public static StringBuffer render( ObjectClass[] ocs )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
return render( buf, ocs );
* Renders a list of object classes for things like a list of superior
* objectClasses using the ( oid $ oid ) format into an existing buffer.
* @param buf
* the string buffer to render the list of objectClasses into
* @param ocs
* the objectClasses to list
* @return a buffer which contains the rendered list
public static StringBuffer render( StringBuffer buf, ObjectClass[] ocs )
if ( ocs == null || ocs.length == 0 )
return buf;
else if ( ocs.length == 1 )
buf.append( ocs[0].getName() );
buf.append( "( " );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < ocs.length; ii++ )
if ( ii + 1 < ocs.length )
buf.append( ocs[ii].getName() ).append( " $ " );
buf.append( ocs[ii].getName() );
buf.append( " )" );
return buf;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// attributeType list rendering operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders a list of attributeTypes for things like the must or may list of
* objectClasses using the ( oid $ oid ) format.
* @param ats
* the attributeTypes to list
* @return a buffer which contains the rendered list
public static StringBuffer render( AttributeType[] ats )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
return render( buf, ats );
* Renders a list of attributeTypes for things like the must or may list of
* objectClasses using the ( oid $ oid ) format into an existing buffer.
* @param buf
* the string buffer to render the list of attributeTypes into
* @param ats
* the attributeTypes to list
* @return a buffer which contains the rendered list
public static StringBuffer render( StringBuffer buf, AttributeType[] ats )
if ( ats == null || ats.length == 0 )
return buf;
else if ( ats.length == 1 )
buf.append( ats[0].getName() );
buf.append( "( " );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < ats.length; ii++ )
if ( ii + 1 < ats.length )
buf.append( ats[ii].getName() ).append( " $ " );
buf.append( ats[ii].getName() );
buf.append( " )" );
return buf;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// schema object rendering operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders an objectClass into a new StringBuffer according to the Object
* Class Description Syntax The syntax is
* described in detail within section 4.1.1. of LDAPBIS [<a
* href="">MODELS</a>]
* which is replicated here for convenience:
* <pre>
* 4.1.1. Object Class Definitions
* Object Class definitions are written according to the ABNF:
* ObjectClassDescription = LPAREN WSP
* numericoid ; object identifier
* [ SP &quot;NAME&quot; SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)
* [ SP &quot;DESC&quot; SP qdstring ] ; description
* [ SP &quot;OBSOLETE&quot; ] ; not active
* [ SP &quot;SUP&quot; SP oids ] ; superior object classes
* [ SP kind ] ; kind of class
* [ SP &quot;MUST&quot; SP oids ] ; attribute types
* [ SP &quot;MAY&quot; SP oids ] ; attribute types
* extensions WSP RPAREN
* kind = &quot;ABSTRACT&quot; / &quot;STRUCTURAL&quot; / &quot;AUXILIARY&quot;
* where:
* &lt;numericoid&gt; is object identifier assigned to this object class;
* NAME &lt;qdescrs&gt; are short names (descriptors) identifying this object
* class;
* DESC &lt;qdstring&gt; is a short descriptive string;
* OBSOLETE indicates this object class is not active;
* SUP &lt;oids&gt; specifies the direct superclasses of this object class;
* the kind of object class is indicated by one of ABSTRACT,
* MUST and MAY specify the sets of required and allowed attribute
* types, respectively; and
* &lt;extensions&gt; describe extensions.
* </pre>
* @param oc the objectClass to render the description of
* @return the buffer containing the objectClass description
* @throws NamingException if there are any problems accessing objectClass
* information
public static StringBuffer render( ObjectClass oc ) throws NamingException
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "( " ).append( oc.getOid() ).append( " NAME " );
render( buf, oc.getNames() ).append( " " );
if ( oc.getDescription() != null )
buf.append( "DESC " ).append( "'" ).append( oc.getDescription() ).append( "' " );
if ( oc.isObsolete() )
buf.append( " OBSOLETE " );
if ( oc.getSuperClasses() != null && oc.getSuperClasses().length > 0 )
buf.append( "SUP " );
render( buf, oc.getSuperClasses() );
if ( oc.getType() != null )
buf.append( " " ).append( oc.getType().getName() );
if ( oc.getMustList() != null && oc.getMustList().length > 0 )
buf.append( " MUST " );
render( buf, oc.getMustList() );
if ( oc.getMayList() != null && oc.getMayList().length > 0 )
buf.append( " MAY " );
render( buf, oc.getMayList() );
// @todo extensions are not presently supported and skipped
// the extensions would go here before closing off the description
buf.append( " )" );
return buf;
* Renders an attributeType into a new StringBuffer according to the
* Attribute Type Description Syntax The
* syntax is described in detail within section 4.1.2. of LDAPBIS [<a
* href="">MODELS</a>]
* which is replicated here for convenience:
* <pre>
* 4.1.2. Attribute Types
* Attribute Type definitions are written according to the ABNF:
* AttributeTypeDescription = LPAREN WSP
* numericoid ; object identifier
* [ SP &quot;NAME&quot; SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)
* [ SP &quot;DESC&quot; SP qdstring ] ; description
* [ SP &quot;OBSOLETE&quot; ] ; not active
* [ SP &quot;SUP&quot; SP oid ] ; supertype
* [ SP &quot;EQUALITY&quot; SP oid ] ; equality matching rule
* [ SP &quot;ORDERING&quot; SP oid ] ; ordering matching rule
* [ SP &quot;SUBSTR&quot; SP oid ] ; substrings matching rule
* [ SP &quot;SYNTAX&quot; SP noidlen ] ; value syntax
* [ SP &quot;SINGLE-VALUE&quot; ] ; single-value
* [ SP &quot;COLLECTIVE&quot; ] ; collective
* [ SP &quot;NO-USER-MODIFICATION&quot; ] ; not user modifiable
* [ SP &quot;USAGE&quot; SP usage ] ; usage
* extensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions
* usage = &quot;userApplications&quot; / ; user
* &quot;directoryOperation&quot; / ; directory operational
* &quot;distributedOperation&quot; / ; DSA-shared operational
* &quot;dSAOperation&quot; ; DSA-specific operational
* where:
* &lt;numericoid&gt; is object identifier assigned to this attribute type;
* NAME &lt;qdescrs&gt; are short names (descriptors) identifying this
* attribute type;
* DESC &lt;qdstring&gt; is a short descriptive string;
* OBSOLETE indicates this attribute type is not active;
* SUP oid specifies the direct supertype of this type;
* EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTR provide the oid of the equality,
* ordering, and substrings matching rules, respectively;
* SYNTAX identifies value syntax by object identifier and may suggest
* a minimum upper bound;
* SINGLE-VALUE indicates attributes of this type are restricted to a
* single value;
* COLLECTIVE indicates this attribute type is collective
* [X.501][RFC3671];
* NO-USER-MODIFICATION indicates this attribute type is not user
* modifiable;
* USAGE indicates the application of this attribute type; and
* &lt;extensions&gt; describe extensions.
* </pre>
* @param at the AttributeType to render the description for
* @return the StringBuffer containing the rendered attributeType description
* @throws NamingException if there are problems accessing the objects
* associated with the attribute type.
public static StringBuffer render( AttributeType at ) throws NamingException
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "( " ).append( at.getOid() ).append( " NAME " );
render( buf, at.getNames() ).append( " " );
if ( at.getDescription() != null )
buf.append( "DESC " ).append( "'" ).append( at.getDescription() ).append( "' " );
if ( at.isObsolete() )
buf.append( " OBSOLETE" );
if ( at.getSuperior() != null )
buf.append( " SUP " ).append( at.getSuperior().getName() );
if ( at.getEquality() != null )
buf.append( " EQUALITY " ).append( at.getEquality().getName() );
if ( at.getOrdering() != null )
buf.append( " ORDERING " ).append( at.getOrdering().getName() );
if ( at.getSubstr() != null )
buf.append( " SUBSTR " ).append( at.getSubstr().getName() );
if ( at.getSyntax() != null )
buf.append( " SYNTAX " ).append( at.getSyntax().getOid() );
if ( at.getLength() > 0 )
buf.append( "{" ).append( at.getLength() ).append( "}" );
if ( at.isSingleValue() )
buf.append( " SINGLE-VALUE" );
if ( at.isCollective() )
buf.append( " COLLECTIVE" );
if ( !at.isCanUserModify() )
buf.append( " NO-USER-MODIFICATION" );
if ( at.getUsage() != null )
buf.append( " USAGE " ).append( at.getUsage().getName() );
// @todo extensions are not presently supported and skipped
// the extensions would go here before closing off the description
buf.append( " )" );
return buf;
* Renders an matchingRule into a new StringBuffer according to the
* MatchingRule Description Syntax The syntax
* is described in detail within section 4.1.3. of LDAPBIS [<a
* href="">MODELS</a>]
* which is replicated here for convenience:
* <pre>
* 4.1.3. Matching Rules
* Matching rules are used in performance of attribute value assertions,
* such as in performance of a Compare operation. They are also used in
* evaluation of a Search filters, in determining which individual values
* are be added or deleted during performance of a Modify operation, and
* used in comparison of distinguished names.
* Each matching rule is identified by an object identifier (OID) and,
* optionally, one or more short names (descriptors).
* Matching rule definitions are written according to the ABNF:
* MatchingRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP
* numericoid ; object identifier
* [ SP &quot;NAME&quot; SP qdescrs ] ; short names (descriptors)
* [ SP &quot;DESC&quot; SP qdstring ] ; description
* [ SP &quot;OBSOLETE&quot; ] ; not active
* SP &quot;SYNTAX&quot; SP numericoid ; assertion syntax
* extensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions
* where:
* &lt;numericoid&gt; is object identifier assigned to this matching rule;
* NAME &lt;qdescrs&gt; are short names (descriptors) identifying this
* matching rule;
* DESC &lt;qdstring&gt; is a short descriptive string;
* OBSOLETE indicates this matching rule is not active;
* SYNTAX identifies the assertion syntax (the syntax of the assertion
* value) by object identifier; and
* &lt;extensions&gt; describe extensions.
* </pre>
* @param mr the MatchingRule to render the description for
* @return the StringBuffer containing the rendered matchingRule description
* @throws NamingException if there are problems accessing the objects
* associated with the MatchingRule.
public static StringBuffer render( MatchingRule mr ) throws NamingException
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "( " ).append( mr.getOid() ).append( " NAME " );
render( buf, mr.getNames() ).append( " " );
if ( mr.getDescription() != null )
buf.append( "DESC " ).append( "'" ).append( mr.getDescription() ).append( "' " );
if ( mr.isObsolete() )
buf.append( " OBSOLETE" );
if ( mr.getSyntax() != null )
buf.append( " SYNTAX " ).append( mr.getSyntax().getOid() );
// @todo extensions are not presently supported and skipped
// the extensions would go here before closing off the description
buf.append( " )" );
return buf;
* Renders a Syntax into a new StringBuffer according to the LDAP Syntax
* Description Syntax The syntax is described
* in detail within section 4.1.5. of LDAPBIS [<a
* href="">MODELS</a>]
* which is replicated here for convenience:
* <pre>
* LDAP syntax definitions are written according to the ABNF:
* SyntaxDescription = LPAREN WSP
* numericoid ; object identifier
* [ SP &quot;DESC&quot; SP qdstring ] ; description
* extensions WSP RPAREN ; extensions
* where:
* &lt;numericoid&gt; is the object identifier assigned to this LDAP syntax;
* DESC &lt;qdstring&gt; is a short descriptive string; and
* &lt;extensions&gt; describe extensions.
* </pre>
* @param syntax the Syntax to render the description for
* @return the StringBuffer containing the rendered syntax description
public static StringBuffer render( Syntax syntax )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "( " ).append( syntax.getOid() ).append( " NAME " );
render( buf, syntax.getNames() ).append( " " );
if ( syntax.getDescription() != null )
buf.append( "DESC " ).append( "'" ).append( syntax.getDescription() ).append( "' " );
// @todo extensions are not presently supported and skipped
// the extensions would go here before closing off the description
buf.append( " )" );
return buf;
public static StringBuffer render( MatchingRuleUse mru )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "( " ).append( mru.getOid() ).append( " NAME " );
render( buf, mru.getNames() ).append( " " );
if ( mru.getDescription() != null )
buf.append( "DESC " ).append( "'" ).append( mru.getDescription() ).append( "' " );
// @todo extensions are not presently supported and skipped
// the extensions would go here before closing off the description
buf.append( " )" );
return buf;
public static StringBuffer render( DITContentRule dcr )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "( " ).append( dcr.getOid() ).append( " NAME " );
render( buf, dcr.getNames() ).append( " " );
if ( dcr.getDescription() != null )
buf.append( "DESC " ).append( "'" ).append( dcr.getDescription() ).append( "' " );
// @todo extensions are not presently supported and skipped
// the extensions would go here before closing off the description
buf.append( " )" );
return buf;
public static StringBuffer render( DITStructureRule dsr )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "( " ).append( dsr.getOid() ).append( " NAME " );
render( buf, dsr.getNames() ).append( " " );
if ( dsr.getDescription() != null )
buf.append( "DESC " ).append( "'" ).append( dsr.getDescription() ).append( "' " );
// @todo extensions are not presently supported and skipped
// the extensions would go here before closing off the description
buf.append( " )" );
return buf;
public static StringBuffer render( NameForm nf )
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append( "( " ).append( nf.getOid() ).append( " NAME " );
render( buf, nf.getNames() ).append( " " );
if ( nf.getDescription() != null )
buf.append( "DESC " ).append( "'" ).append( nf.getDescription() ).append( "' " );
// @todo extensions are not presently supported and skipped
// the extensions would go here before closing off the description
buf.append( " )" );
return buf;
* Gets the target entry as it would look after a modification operation
* were performed on it.
* @param mods the modifications performed on the entry
* @param entry the source entry that is modified
* @return the resultant entry after the modifications have taken place
* @throws NamingException if there are problems accessing attributes
public static Attributes getTargetEntry( ModificationItemImpl[] mods, Attributes entry ) throws NamingException
Attributes targetEntry = ( Attributes ) entry.clone();
for ( int ii = 0; ii < mods.length; ii++ )
String id = mods[ii].getAttribute().getID();
switch ( mods[ii].getModificationOp() )
case( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE ):
targetEntry.put( mods[ii].getAttribute() );
case( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE ):
Attribute combined = new LockableAttributeImpl( id );
Attribute toBeAdded = mods[ii].getAttribute();
Attribute existing = entry.get( id );
if ( existing != null )
for ( int jj = 0; jj < existing.size(); jj++ )
combined.add( existing.get( jj ) );
for ( int jj = 0; jj < toBeAdded.size(); jj++ )
combined.add( toBeAdded.get( jj ) );
targetEntry.put( combined );
case( DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE ):
Attribute toBeRemoved = mods[ii].getAttribute();
if ( toBeRemoved.size() == 0 )
targetEntry.remove( id );
existing = targetEntry.get( id );
if ( existing != null )
for ( int jj = 0; jj < toBeRemoved.size(); jj++ )
existing.remove( toBeRemoved.get( jj ) );
throw new IllegalStateException( "undefined modification type: " + mods[ii].getModificationOp() );
return targetEntry;
* Gets the target entry as it would look after a modification operation
* was performed on it.
* @param mod the modification
* @param entry the source entry that is modified
* @return the resultant entry after the modification has taken place
* @throws NamingException if there are problems accessing attributes
public static Attributes getTargetEntry( ModificationItemImpl mod, Attributes entry ) throws NamingException
Attributes targetEntry = ( Attributes ) entry.clone();
int modOp = mod.getModificationOp();
switch ( modOp )
case ( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE ):
targetEntry.put( mod.getAttribute() );
case ( DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE ):;
Attribute toBeRemoved = mod.getAttribute();
if ( toBeRemoved.size() == 0 )
targetEntry.remove( mod.getAttribute().getID() );
Attribute existing = targetEntry.get( mod.getAttribute().getID() );
if ( existing != null )
for ( int ii = 0; ii < toBeRemoved.size(); ii++ )
existing.remove( toBeRemoved.get( ii ) );
case ( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE ):
String id = mod.getAttribute().getID();
Attribute combined = new BasicAttribute( id, true );
Attribute toBeAdded = mod.getAttribute();
Attribute existing = entry.get( id );
if ( existing != null )
for ( int ii = 0; ii < existing.size(); ii++ )
combined.add( existing.get( ii ) );
for ( int ii = 0; ii < toBeAdded.size(); ii++ )
combined.add( toBeAdded.get( ii ) );
targetEntry.put( combined );
throw new IllegalStateException( "undefined modification type: " + modOp );
return targetEntry;