blob: 3136fa5fe7125a8180346fd9131c0b180e7577e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* A server side schema aware wrapper around a String attribute value.
* This value wrapper uses schema information to syntax check values,
* and to compare them for equality and ordering. It caches results
* and invalidates them when the wrapped value changes.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class StringValue extends AbstractValue<String>
/** Used for serialization */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a StringValue without an initial wrapped value.
* @param attributeType the schema attribute type associated with this StringValue
/* No protection*/ StringValue( AttributeType attributeType )
if ( attributeType != null )
// We must have a Syntax
if ( attributeType.getSyntax() == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04445 ) );
if ( ! attributeType.getSyntax().isHumanReadable() )
LOG.warn( "Treating a value of a binary attribute {} as a String: "
+ "\nthis could cause data corruption!", attributeType.getName() );
this.attributeType = attributeType;
* Creates a StringValue with an initial wrapped String value.
* @param value the value to wrap which can be null
public StringValue( String value )
this.wrappedValue = value;
this.normalizedValue = value;
* Creates a schema aware StringValue with an initial wrapped String value.
* @param attributeType the schema type associated with this StringValue
* @param value the value to wrap
* @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException If the added value is invalid accordingly
* to the schema
public StringValue( AttributeType attributeType, String value ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException
this( value );
apply( attributeType );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Value<String> Methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getValue()
// The String is immutable, we can safely return the internal
// object without copying it.
return wrappedValue;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getNormValue()
return normalizedValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comparable<String> Methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @see ServerValue#compareTo(Value)
* @throws IllegalStateException on failures to extract the comparator, or the
* normalizers needed to perform the required comparisons based on the schema
public int compareTo( Value<String> value )
if ( isNull() )
if ( ( value == null ) || value.isNull() )
return 0;
return -1;
else if ( ( value == null ) || value.isNull() )
return 1;
if ( !( value instanceof StringValue ) )
String message = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04128, toString(), value.getClass() );
LOG.error( message );
throw new NotImplementedException( message );
StringValue stringValue = ( StringValue ) value;
if ( attributeType != null )
if ( stringValue.getAttributeType() == null )
return getNormValue().compareTo( stringValue.getNormValue() );
if ( !attributeType.equals( stringValue.getAttributeType() ) )
String message = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04128, toString(), value.getClass() );
LOG.error( message );
throw new NotImplementedException( message );
return getNormValue().compareTo( stringValue.getNormValue() );
return getLdapComparator().compare( getNormValue(), stringValue.getNormValue() );
catch ( LdapException e )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04443, this, value );
LOG.error( msg, e );
throw new IllegalStateException( msg, e );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cloneable methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public StringValue clone()
return (StringValue)super.clone();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object Methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @see Object#hashCode()
* @return the instance's hashcode
public int hashCode()
if ( h == 0 )
// return zero if the value is null so only one null value can be
// stored in an attribute - the binary version does the same
if ( isNull() )
return 0;
// If the normalized value is null, will default to wrapped
// which cannot be null at this point.
// If the normalized value is null, will default to wrapped
// which cannot be null at this point.
String normalized = getNormValue();
if ( normalized != null )
h = normalized.hashCode();
h = 17;
return h;
* Two StringValue are equals if their normalized values are equal
* @see Object#equals(Object)
public boolean equals( Object obj )
if ( this == obj )
return true;
if ( ! ( obj instanceof StringValue ) )
return false;
StringValue other = ( StringValue ) obj;
if ( this.isNull() )
return other.isNull();
// First check the upValue. If they are equal, the Values are equal
if ( wrappedValue == other.wrappedValue )
return true;
else if ( wrappedValue != null )
if ( wrappedValue.equals( other.wrappedValue ) )
return true;
// If we have an attributeType, it must be equal
// We should also use the comparator if we have an AT
if ( attributeType != null )
if ( other.attributeType != null )
if ( !attributeType.equals( other.attributeType ) )
return false;
return this.getNormValue().equals( other.getNormValue() );
else if ( other.attributeType != null )
return this.getNormValue().equals( other.getNormValue() );
// Shortcut : compare the values without normalization
// If they are equal, we may avoid a normalization.
// Note : if two values are equal, then their normalized
// value are equal too if their attributeType are equal.
if ( getReference().equals( other.getReference() ) )
return true;
if ( attributeType != null )
LdapComparator<String> comparator = getLdapComparator();
// Compare normalized values
if ( comparator == null )
return getNormValue().equals( other.getNormValue() );
if ( isSchemaAware() )
return getNormValue(), other.getNormValue() ) == 0;
Normalizer normalizer = attributeType.getEquality().getNormalizer();
return normalizer.normalize( getValue() ), normalizer.normalize( other.getValue() ) ) == 0;
catch ( LdapException ne )
return false;
return this.getNormValue().equals( other.getNormValue() );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isHumanReadable()
return true;
* @return The length of the interned value
public int length()
return wrappedValue != null ? wrappedValue.length() : 0;
* Get the wrapped value as a byte[].
* @return the wrapped value as a byte[]
public byte[] getBytes()
return Strings.getBytesUtf8( wrappedValue );
* Get the wrapped value as a String.
* @return the wrapped value as a String
public String getString()
return wrappedValue != null ? wrappedValue : "";
* Deserialize a StringValue. It will return a new StringValue instance.
* @param in The input stream
* @return A new StringValue instance
* @throws IOException If the stream can't be read
* @throws ClassNotFoundException If we can't instanciate a StringValue
public static StringValue deserialize( ObjectInput in ) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
StringValue value = new StringValue( (AttributeType)null );
value.readExternal( in );
return value;
* Deserialize a schemaAware StringValue. It will return a new StringValue instance.
* @param attributeType The AttributeType associated with the Value. Can be null
* @param in The input stream
* @return A new StringValue instance
* @throws IOException If the stream can't be read
* @throws ClassNotFoundException If we can't instanciate a StringValue
public static StringValue deserialize( AttributeType attributeType, ObjectInput in ) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
StringValue value = new StringValue( attributeType );
value.readExternal( in );
return value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void readExternal( ObjectInput in ) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
// Read the STRING flag
boolean isHR = in.readBoolean();
if ( ! isHR )
throw new IOException( "The serialized value is not a String value" );
// Read the wrapped value, if it's not null
if ( in.readBoolean() )
wrappedValue = in.readUTF();
// Read the isNormalized flag
boolean normalized = in.readBoolean();
if ( normalized )
// Read the normalized value, if not null
if ( in.readBoolean() )
normalizedValue = in.readUTF();
normalizedValue = wrappedValue;
// The hashCoe
h = in.readInt();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void writeExternal( ObjectOutput out ) throws IOException
// Write a boolean for the HR flag
out.writeBoolean( STRING );
// Write the wrapped value, if it's not null
if ( wrappedValue != null )
out.writeBoolean( true );
out.writeUTF( wrappedValue );
out.writeBoolean( false );
// Write the isNormalized flag
if ( attributeType != null )
// This flag is present to tell that we have a normalized value different
// from the upValue
out.writeBoolean( true );
// Write the normalized value, if not null
if ( normalizedValue != null )
out.writeBoolean( true );
out.writeUTF( normalizedValue );
out.writeBoolean( false );
// No normalized value
out.writeBoolean( false );
// Write the hashCode
out.writeInt( h );
// and flush the data
* @see Object#toString()
public String toString()
return wrappedValue == null ? "null": wrappedValue;