blob: 40babbf007a47daf7ec5de114a2f1b88a05d21cf [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# asn1
ERR_00001=Bad transition from state {0}, tag {1}
ERR_00002=Bad transition !
ERR_00003=Cannot put a PDU in a null buffer !
ERR_00004=The PDU buffer size is too small !
ERR_00005=Overflow : can't have more than 4 bytes long length
ERR_00006=Length reserved extension used
ERR_00007=The current container TLV is null.
ERR_00008=The current Value length {0} is above the expected length {1}
ERR_00009=The PDU is decoded, but we should have had more TLVs
ERR_00010=Truncated PDU. Some elements are lacking, accordingly to the grammar
ERR_00011=Length above 126 bytes are not allowed for a definite form Length
ERR_00012=argument not a byte array
ERR_00013=Odd number of characters.
ERR_00014=Illegal hexadecimal character {0} at index {1}
ERR_00015=non-hex character ''{0}'' encountered
ERR_00016=End of stream.
ERR_00017=EOF found when length expected.
ERR_00018=DER length more than 4 bytes.
ERR_00019=EOF found reading length.
ERR_00020=Corrupted steam - negative length found.
ERR_00021=EOF encountered in middle of object.
ERR_00022=Attempt to read past end of file.
ERR_00023=Unknown BER object encountered.
ERR_00024=Object not DEREncodable.
ERR_00025={0} found in input should only contain DEROctetString.
ERR_00026=Exception converting octets {0}
ERR_00027=Not implemented: {0}
ERR_00028=Internal error encoding BitString.
ERR_00029=Null or negative length are not allowed
ERR_00030=Bad bit number : out of bound
ERR_00031=Cannot get a bit at position {0} when the BitString contains only {1} ints
ERR_00032=Null OID
ERR_00033=Invalid OID : {0}
ERR_00034=The value is 0 byte long. This is not allowed for a boolean
ERR_00035=The value is not 1 byte long. This is not allowed for a boolean
ERR_00036=The value is 0 byte long. This is not allowed for an integer
ERR_00037=The value is more than 4 bytes long. This is not allowed for an integer
ERR_00038=The value is not in the range [{0}, {1}]
ERR_00039=The value is 0 byte long. This is not allowed for a long
ERR_00040=The value is more than 4 bytes long. This is not allowed for a long
ERR_00041=Current Length is above expected Length
# asn1-codec
ERR_01001=Encoded result is not a ByteBuffer: {0}
# cursor
ERR_02002=Failure on underlying Cursor.
ERR_02003=Underlying Cursor does not support removal.
ERR_02004=This cursor is empty and cannot return elements!
ERR_02005=start index ''{0}'' out of range
ERR_02006=end index ''{0}'' out of range
ERR_02007=start index ''{0}'' greater than or equal to end index ''{1}'' just does not make sense
ERR_02008=don't know if list is sorted and checking that is not worth it
ERR_02009=Cursor not positioned at an element
ERR_02010=Without a comparator I cannot advance to just before the specified element.
ERR_02011=Without a comparator I cannot advance to just after the specified element.
ERR_02012=Cannot access element if positioned before first.
ERR_02013=Cannot access element if positioned after last.
ERR_02014_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION=The method method {0} is not supported
# dsml-parser
ERR_03001={0} - Line {1} - Column {2}
ERR_03002=A requestID must be specified to each request when Processing is Parallel and ReponseOrder is Unordered.
ERR_03003=Internal Error: {0}
ERR_03004=Unknown type
ERR_03005=type attribute is required
ERR_03006=Incorrect value for 'type' attribute. This is not an OID.
ERR_03007=Incorrect value for 'criticality' attribute
ERR_03008=An unexpected error ocurred : {0}
ERR_03009=the given resultCode is not an integer
ERR_03010=code attribute is required
ERR_03011=descr (''{0}'') doesn't match with the possible values
ERR_03012=name attribute is required
ERR_03013=Unknown value for 'processing' attribute.
ERR_03014=Unknown value for 'onError' attribute.
ERR_03015=Unknown value for 'responseOrder' attribute.
ERR_03016=requestID attribute is required
ERR_03017=the given abandonID is not an integer
ERR_03018=abandonID attribute is required
ERR_03019=dn attribute is required
ERR_03020=can not add attribute value
ERR_03021=principal attribute is required
ERR_03022=The request name can't be null
ERR_03023=newrdn attribute is required
ERR_03024=Incorrect value for 'deleteoldrdn' attribute
ERR_03025=operation attribute is required
ERR_03026=unknown scope. Scope must be 'baseObject', 'singleLevel' or 'wholeSubtree'.
ERR_03027=scope attribute is required
ERR_03028=unknown derefAliases value. derefAliases must be 'neverDerefAliases', 'derefInSearching', 'derefFindingBaseObj' or 'derefAlways'.
ERR_03029=derefAliases attribute is required
ERR_03030=the given sizeLimit is not an integer
ERR_03031=the given timeLimit is not an integer
ERR_03032=typesOnly must be a boolean ('true' or 'false').
ERR_03033=dnAttributes must be a boolean ('true' or 'false').
ERR_03034=Incorrect value for 'type' attribute. This is not an OID.
ERR_03035=type attribute is required
ERR_03036=The tag {0} can't be found at this position
ERR_03037=An IOException occurred during parsing : {0}
ERR_03038=The attribute requestID can't be equal to 0
ERR_03039=the given requestID is not an integer
ERR_03040=unable to find the batch request
# ldap
ERR_04001_NULL_IDENTIFICATION_TAG=identificationTag parameter is null
ERR_04002_BAD_PRECENDENCE=precedence parameter not in [0-255] : {0}
ERR_04003_NULL_AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL=authenticationLevel parameter is null
ERR_04004=Parser failure on ACIItem\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr exception trace\:\n{1}
ERR_04005=The PDU buffer size is too small !
ERR_04006=The And filter PDU must not be empty
ERR_04007=The attribute description is empty
ERR_04008=The type can't be null
ERR_04009=The Not filter PDU must not be empty
ERR_04010=The Or filter PDU must not be empty
ERR_04011=The Referrals must not be null
ERR_04012=The Substring filter PDU must not be empty
ERR_04013=Incorrect DN given : {0} ({1}) is invalid : {2}
ERR_04014=Incorrect DN given : {0}
ERR_04015=The URL {0} is not valid \: {1}
ERR_04016=Invalid URL : {0}
ERR_04017=The name must not be null
ERR_04018=The result code {0} is invalid : {1}. The result code must be between (0 .. 121)
ERR_04019=The substring any filter is empty
ERR_04020=The substring final filter is empty
ERR_04021=The URL {0} is not valid : {1}
ERR_04022=The type cannot be null in a MatchingRuleAssertion
ERR_04023=Cannot put a PDU in a null buffer !
ERR_04024=failed to decode the refreshDeletes flag for SyncDoneValueControl
ERR_04025=failed to decode the refreshDone flag for SyncInfoValueControl
ERR_04026=failed to decode the refreshDeletes flag for SyncInfoValueControl
ERR_04027=Bad UUID value, its length is incorrect ( it should be 16 bytes long)
ERR_04028=failed to decode the mode for SyncRequestValueControl
ERR_04029=failed to decode the reloadHint flag for SyncRequestValueControl
ERR_04030=failed to decode the mode for SyncStateValueControl
ERR_04031=failed to decode the cancelId, the value should be between 0 and 2^31-1, it is ''{0}''
ERR_04032=invalid target DN {0}
ERR_04033=failed to decode the target DN, it cannot be null or empty it is ''{0}''
ERR_04034=invalid issuer DN {0}
ERR_04035=invalid subject DN {0}
ERR_04036=failed to decode the delay, the value should be between 0 and 86400 seconds, it is ''{0}''
ERR_04037=failed to decode the timeOffline, the value should be between 0 and 720 minutes, it is ''{0}''
ERR_04038=The stored procedure language is null
ERR_04039=The procedure can't be null
ERR_04040=The parameter type can't be null
ERR_04041=The parameter value can't be null
ERR_04042=The parameter value is empty. This is not allowed.
ERR_04043=The request name must not be null
ERR_04044=failed to decode the changeType for EntryChangeControl
ERR_04045=The previousDN field should not contain anything if the changeType is not MODDN
ERR_04046=Previous DN is not allowed for this change type
ERR_04047=Bad Previous DN : ''{0}''
ERR_04048=failed to decode the previous DN
ERR_04049=failed to decode the changeNumber for EntryChangeControl
ERR_04050=failed to decode the size for PagedSearchControl
ERR_04051=failed to decode the changeTypes for PSearchControl
ERR_04052=failed to decode the changesOnly for PSearchControl
ERR_04053=failed to decode the returnECs for PSearchControl
ERR_04054=The visibility flag {0} is invalid : {1}. It should be 0 or 255
ERR_04055=Undefined changeType value: {0}
ERR_04056=Cannot have a null matching rule and a null type
ERR_04057=Cannot have more than one Filter within a Not Filter
ERR_04058=Cannot have a null initial, any and final substring
ERR_04059=Expected either a byte[] or ByteBuffer argument but got a {0}
ERR_04060=Ldap decoder failure : {0}
ERR_04061=Ldap decoder failure!
ERR_04062=Ldap decoder failure, PDU does not contain enough data
ERR_04063=The input stream does not contain a full PDU
ERR_04064=Ldap decoder failure : The input stream does not contain a full PDU
ERR_04065=Ldap encoder failed to encode object: {0}, error : {1}
ERR_04066=The LdapMessage has a zero length. This is not allowed
ERR_04067=The LdapMessage should not be empty
ERR_04068=The messageId has a zero length. This is not allowed
ERR_04069=The messageId should not be null
ERR_04070=The Message Id {0} is invalid : {1}. The message ID must be between (0 .. 2 147 483 647)
ERR_04071=The length of a UnBindRequest must be null, the actual value is {0}
ERR_04072=The length of a UnBindRequest must be null
ERR_04073=The entry must not be null
ERR_04074=The DN to delete : {0} ({1}) is invalid : {2}
ERR_04075=The AbandonRequest messageId must not be null
ERR_04076=The Abandonned Message Id {0} is invalid : {1}. The message ID must be between (0 .. 2 147 483 647)
ERR_04077=The BindRequest must not be null
ERR_04078=The version {0} is invalid : {1}. The version must be between (0 .. 127)
ERR_04079=The SaslCredential must not be null
ERR_04080=The Referrals must not be null
ERR_04081=The AttributeType can't be empty
ERR_04082=Invalid operation ({0}), it should be 0, 1 or 2
ERR_04083=The type can't be null
ERR_04084=The AddRequest must not be null
ERR_04085=Empty entry DN given
ERR_04086=Null or empty types are not allowed
ERR_04087=Error while injecting the AttributeType
ERR_04088=The AddResponse must not be null
ERR_04089=The entry must not be null
ERR_04090=The newrdn must not be null
ERR_04091=The oldRDN flag {0} is invalid : {1}. It should be 0 or 255
ERR_04092=The new superior must not be null if the flag 'delete old DN' is set to true
ERR_04093=The attribute description must not be null
ERR_04094=The CompareResponse must not be null
ERR_04095=The name must not be null
ERR_04096=The length of a control must not be null
ERR_04097=The OID must not be null
ERR_04098=The control type {0} is not a valid OID
ERR_04099=Invalid control OID : {0}
ERR_04100=The control criticality flag {0} is invalid : {1}. It should be 0 or 255
ERR_04101=The scope is not in [0..2] : {0}
ERR_04102=The derefAlias is not in [0..3] : {0}
ERR_04103=The sizeLimit is not a valid Integer: {0}
ERR_04104=The timeLimit is not a valid Integer: {0}
ERR_04105=The types only flag {0} is invalid : {1}. It should be 0 or 255
ERR_04106=The attribute description should not be null
ERR_04107=The substrings sequence is empty
ERR_04108=The substring initial filter is empty
ERR_04109=The matching rule is empty
ERR_04110=The DN attributes flag {0} is invalid : {1}. It should be 0 or 255
ERR_04111=Could not parse matchedDN while transforming Codec value to Internal: {0}
ERR_04112=Error while transforming a ExprNode : {0}
ERR_04113=shouldn't happen - if it does then we have issues
ERR_04114=The CSN must not be null or empty
ERR_04115=The CSN's length is incorrect, it should be 40 chars long
ERR_04116=Cannot find a '#' in the CSN ''{0}''
ERR_04117=The timestamp is not long enough
ERR_04118=Cannot parse the timestamp: ''{0}''
ERR_04119=The microseconds part is invalid
ERR_04120=Missing a '#' in the CSN ''{0}''
ERR_04121=The changeCount ''{0}'' is not a valid number
ERR_04122=Missing a '#' in the CSN ''{0}''
ERR_04123=The replicaID must not be null or empty
ERR_04124=The replicaId ''{0}'' is not a valid number
ERR_04125=The operationNumber is absent
ERR_04126=The operationNumber ''{0}'' is not a valid number
ERR_04127=I don't really know how to compare anything other than ServerBinaryValues at this point in time.
ERR_04128=Cannot compare {0} with the unknown value {1}
ERR_04129=Unknown value type: {0}
ERR_04130=The value is expected to be a byte[]
ERR_04131=The value is expected to be a String
ERR_04132=An ID cannnot be null, empty, or resolved to an emtpy value when trimmed
ERR_04133=The attributeType ID should not be null or empty
ERR_04134=An exception has been raised while looking for attribute id ''{0}''
ERR_04135=The AttributeType list should not be null
ERR_04136=The AttributeType list should not contain null values
ERR_04137=The attribute ''{0}'' does not exist in the entry
ERR_04138=The removal of values for the missing ''{0}'' attribute is not possible
ERR_04139=Cannot validate {0} with a null SyntaxChecker
ERR_04140=Unexceptable result code for this exception type: {0}
ERR_04141={0} is not an acceptable result code.
ERR_04142=Only UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM and UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION result codes are allowed to be used with this exception
ERR_04143=Only the following LDAP result codes can be used: {0}
ERR_04144=ScopeNode can't be part of a refinement
ERR_04145=AssertionNode can't be part of a refinement
ERR_04146=AssertionValue expected
ERR_04147=Expected MatchingRule or assertionValue
ERR_04148=MatchingRule expected
ERR_04149=Not a valid escaped value
ERR_04150=Bad substring
ERR_04151=Bad char
ERR_04152=Expecting a '\='
ERR_04153=An item is expected
ERR_04154=Empty filterComp
ERR_04155=No '(' at the begining of the filter
ERR_04156=Bad filter
ERR_04157=The filter has no right parenthese
ERR_04158=Empty filter
ERR_04159=Cannot add more than one element to a negation node.
ERR_04160=Unknown JNDI scope constant value: {0}
ERR_04161=Unknown LDAP URL scope value: {0}
ERR_04162=Invalid attribute {0} for a refinement
ERR_04163=Unknown SyncStateTypeEnum value {0}
ERR_04164=Failed to encode payload GracefulShutdownRequest
ERR_04165=failed to decode payload
ERR_04166=The result code can only be one of: {0}, {1}, {2}
ERR_04167=Failed to encode payload CertGenerateRequest
ERR_04168=the OID is fixed: {0}
ERR_04169=Failed to decode response value
ERR_04170=Failed while parsing LDAP url {0}
ERR_04171=Failed to encode message value.
ERR_04172=Failed while decoding response
ERR_04173=the response is hardcoded as zero length array
ERR_04174=Failed to encode payload StoredProcedureRequest
ERR_04175=class loading of procedure type not implemented
ERR_04176=conversion of value to java type not implemented
ERR_04177=provider monitor class {0} not found
ERR_04178="provider monitor class {0} does not expose a public default constructor
ERR_04179=provider monitor class {0} failed during instantiation
ERR_04180=Could not instantiate provider - environment does not specify {0} property!
ERR_04181=Count not find the Provider class {0}
ERR_04182=Count not invoke the Provider's factory method: {0}.getProvider() - it may not exist!
ERR_04183=Count not invoke the Provider's factory method: {0}.getProvider() - it does seem to be a public method!
ERR_04184=Call to Provider's factory method\: {0}.getProvider() threw the following exception\:\n{1}
ERR_04185=RFC 2251 [Section 4.11]: Abandon, Bind, Unbind, and StartTLS operations cannot be abandoned.
ERR_04186=Unrecogniced value ''{0}'' for {1} JNDI property.\nExpected a value of either always, never, searching, or finding.
ERR_04187=Class has bug: check for valid enumeration values
ERR_04188=The type cannot be empty or null
ERR_04189=The User Provided type cannot be empty or null
ERR_04190=The User provided name does not contains an '='
ERR_04191=The AVA type cannot be null or empty
ERR_04192=Unexpected character ''{0}'' at position {1}. Excpected ',' or ';'.
ERR_04193=RDN must not be empty
ERR_04194=RDN must not be null
ERR_04195=Unexpected character ''{0}'' at position {1}. Excpected start of attributeType.
ERR_04196=Unexpected character ''{0}'' at position {1}. Excpected start of attributeType descr.
ERR_04197=Unexpected character ''{0}'' at position {1}. Excpected numericoid.
ERR_04198=Numeric OID must contain at least one dot.
ERR_04199=Unexpected character ''{0}'' at position {1}. Excpected start of attributeType numericoid.
ERR_04200=Unexpected character ''{0}'' at position {1}. Excpected EQUALS '='.
ERR_04201=No more characters available at position {0}
ERR_04202=A value is missing on some RDN
ERR_04203=Impossible to get the position {0}, the DN only has {1} RDNs
ERR_04204=Failed to parse RDN for name {0}
ERR_04205=Exceeded number of elements in the current object
ERR_04206=The posn({0}) should be in the range [0, {1}]
ERR_04207=The clone operation has failed
ERR_04208=Assertion failure : cannot clone the object
ERR_04209=Empty type not allowed in a DN
ERR_04210=Cannot serialize a NULL DN
ERR_04211=The DN should have been normalized before being serialized
ERR_04212=The DN should have been normalized before being serialized {0}
ERR_04213=This value is not in hex form, we have an odd number of hex chars
ERR_04214=This value is not in hex form
ERR_04215=Unescaped special characters are not allowed
ERR_04216=This class is not aware of schema information and cannot normalize
ERR_04217=None of the arguments are Comparable objects\:\n\targ1 \= {0}\n\targ2 \= {1}
ERR_04218=I do not know how to handle dn comparisons with objects of class: {0}
ERR_04219_ARGUMENT1_NULL=Argument 'obj1' is null
ERR_04220_ARGUMENT2_NULL=Argument 'obj2' is null
ERR_04221=Matching rule not found: {0}
ERR_04222=The value stored in a non Human Readable attribute as a String should be convertible to a byte[]
ERR_04223=The value stored in an Human Readable attribute as a byte[] should be convertible to a String
ERR_04224=Invalid value : {0}
ERR_04225=Encountered name based id of {0} which was not found in the OID registry
ERR_04226=I do not know how to handle NameAndOptionalUID normalization with objects of class: {0}
ERR_04227=Cannot parse a null AttributeType
ERR_04228=Parser failure on attribute type description\:\n{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}\nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04229=Parser failure on attribute type description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04230=Cannot parse a null DITContentRule
ERR_04231=Parser failure on DIT content rule description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}\nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04232=Parser failure on DIT content rule description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04233=Cannot parse a null DITStructureRule description
ERR_04234=Parser failure on DIT structure rule description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04235=Parser failure on DIT structure rule description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04236=Cannot parse a null LdapComparator description
ERR_04237=Parser failure on comparator description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}\nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04238=Parser failure on comparator description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04239=Cannot parse a null LdapSyntax
ERR_04240=Parser failure on LDAP syntay description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}\nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04241=Parser failure on LDAP syntay description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04242=Cannot parse a null MatchingRule
ERR_04243=Parser failure on matching rule description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}\nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04244=Parser failure on matching rule description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04245=Cannot parse a null MatchingRuleUse
ERR_04246=Parser failure on matching rule description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}\nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04247=Parser failure on matching rule description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04248=Cannot parse a null NameForm
ERR_04249=Parser failure on name form description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}\nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04250="Parser failure on name form description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04251=Cannot parse a null Normalizer description
ERR_04252=Parser failure on normalizer description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}\nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04253=Parser failure on normalizer description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04254=Cannot parse a null LdapComparator description
ERR_04255=Parser failure on object class description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}\nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04256=Parser failure on object class description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04257=No object identifier macro with name {0}
ERR_04258=The schemaObject is either null or is the empty String!
ERR_04259="Parser failure on syntax checker description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}\nAntlr column\: {2}
ERR_04260=Parser failure on syntax checker description\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr message\: {1}
ERR_04261=entry cannot be null
ERR_04262=entry must have a valid cn attribute
ERR_04263=RuleId {0} not found in ruleId to schema name map!
ERR_04264=DITStructureRule with RuleId {0} already registered!
ERR_04265=DITStructureRule for ruleId {0} does not exist!
ERR_04266=name cannot be null
ERR_04267=Looks like the arg is not a numeric OID
ERR_04268=OID {0} not found in oid to schema name map!
ERR_04269={0} for OID {1} does not exist!
ERR_04270={0} with OID {1} already registered!
ERR_04271={0} with name {1} already registered!
ERR_04272=OID {0} is not a numeric OID
ERR_04273={0} with OID {1} not registered!
ERR_04274=Can't find an OID for the name {0}
ERR_04275=Cannot modify the AttributeTypeRegistry copy
ERR_04276=Cannot modify the ComparatorRegistry copy
ERR_04277=Cannot modify the DITContentRuleRegistry copy
ERR_04278=Cannot modify the DITStructureRuleRegistry copy
ERR_04279=Cannot modify the LdapSyntaxRegistry copy
ERR_04280=Cannot modify the MatchingRuleRegistry copy
ERR_04281=Cannot modify the MatchingRuleUseRegistry copy
ERR_04282=Cannot modify the NameFormRegistry copy
ERR_04283=Cannot modify the NormalizerRegistry copy
ERR_04284=Cannot modify the ObjectClassRegistry copy
ERR_04285=Cannot modify the SyntaxCheckerRegistry copy
ERR_04286=OID ''{0}'' was not found within the OID registry
ERR_04287=There is no SchemaObject associated with OID ''{0}''
ERR_04288=OID ''{0}'' was not found within the OID registry
ERR_04289=Cannot register a Null SchemaObject !
ERR_04290=The given SchemaObject does not have a valid OID
ERR_04291=There is already a SchemaObject for OID ''{0}''
ERR_04292=Cannot build the references for {0}, error : {1}
ERR_04293=Cannot remove the references for {0}, error : {1}
ERR_04294=The MatchingRule {0} does not have a syntax. This is invalid
ERR_04295=The MatchingRule {0} does not have a normalizer. This is invalid
ERR_04296=The MatchingRule {0} does not have a comparator. This is invalid
ERR_04297=The AttributeType {0} can't have itself as a superior, or a cycle has been detected while processing the superior's tree
ERR_04298=The AttributeType {0} does not have a superior nor a Syntax. This is invalid
ERR_04299=The ObjectClass {0} has some AttribteType in MAY which is already declared in one of its superior MUST
ERR_04300=The ObjectClass {0} can't have itself as a superior, or a cycle has been detected while processing the superior's tree, or this superior has already been added \: \n{1}
ERR_04301=Registering of {0}:{1} failed, it's already present in the Registries
ERR_04302=Unregistering of {0}:{1} failed, it's not present in the Registries
ERR_04303=Cannot find the SUPERIOR object {0} while building cross-references for the {1} AttributeType.
ERR_04304=A cycle has been detected in the superior hierarchyOid while building cross-references for the {0} AttributeType.
ERR_04305=Cannot find the SUPERIOR object {0} while building cross-references for the {1} AttributeType.
ERR_04306=Cannot find a Syntax object {0} while building cross-references for the {1} AttributeType.
ERR_04307=The AttributeType {0} must have a syntax OID or a superior, it does not have any.
ERR_04308=Cannot find an Equality MatchingRule object for {0} while building cross-references for the {1} AttributeType.
ERR_04309=Cannot find an EQUALITY MatchingRule instance for {0} while building cross-references for the {1} AttributeType.
ERR_04310=Cannot find a Ordering MatchingRule object for {0} while building cross-references for the {1} AttributeType.
ERR_04311=Cannot find an ORDERING MatchingRule instance for {0} while building cross-references for the {1} AttributeType.
ERR_04312=Cannot find a SUBSTR MatchingRule object for {0} while building cross-references for the {1} AttributeType.
ERR_04313=Cannot find a SUBSTR MatchingRule instance for {0} while building cross-references for the {1} AttributeType.
ERR_04314=The attributeType {0} must have the same USAGE than its superior
ERR_04315=The attributeType {0} is a USER-APPLICATION attribute, it must be USER-MODIFIABLE
ERR_04316=The attributeType {0} is a COLLECTIVE AttributeType, it must be a USER-APPLICATION attributeType too.
ERR_04317=The created MatchingRule must refers to an existing SYNTAX element
ERR_04318=Cannot register the SchemaOject {0}, an ABSTRACT ObjectClass cannot inherit from an {1} ObjectClass :/n {2}
ERR_04319=Cannot register the SchemaOject {0}, an AUXILIARY ObjectClass cannot inherit from a STRUCTURAL ObjectClass :/n {1}
ERR_04320=Cannot register the SchemaOject {0}, a STRUCTURAL ObjectClass cannot inherit from an AUXILIARY ObjectClass :/n {1}
ERR_04321=Cannot register the SchemaOject {0}, the given SUPERIOR does not exist : {1}
ERR_04322=Cannot register the SchemaOject {0}, there are some duplicate AT in the MAY : {1}
ERR_04323=Cannot register the SchemaOject {0}, the AT we want to add to MAY does not exist : {1}
ERR_04324=Cannot register the SchemaOject {0}, there are some duplicate AT in the MUST : {1}
ERR_04325=Cannot register the SchemaOject {0}, there are some duplicate AT in MAY and MUST : {1}
ERR_04326=Cannot register the SchemaOject {0}, the AT we want to add to MUST does not exist : {1}
ERR_04327=Unknown objectClass type name ''{0}'': options are AUXILIARY, STRUCTURAL, ABSTRACT.
ERR_04328=undefined modification type: {0}
ERR_04329=Parser failure on subtree specification\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr exception trace\:\n{1}
ERR_04330=A negative minimum base distance is undefined!
ERR_04331=TriggerSpecification cannot be initialized with any NULL argument.
ERR_04332=TriggerSpecification cannot be initialized with emtpy SPSPec list.
ERR_04333=Parser failure on Trigger Specification\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr exception trace\:\n{1}
ERR_04334=Overlapping partitions are not allowed
ERR_04335=Invalid Character 0x{0}
ERR_04336=Unregistered or previously used component: {0}
ERR_04337=The Array must not be null
ERR_04338=Index: {0}, Length: {1}
ERR_04339=Cannot figure out attribute ID if both args are null
ERR_04340=Cannot take difference of attributes with different IDs!
ERR_04341=Cannot figure out attribute ID if both args are null
ERR_04342=Cannot take union of attributes with different IDs!
ERR_04343=An empty option is not allowed
ERR_04344=Invalid OID, missing '.'
ERR_04345=Invalid OID, missing a number after a '.'
ERR_04346=Empty attributes
ERR_04347=Bad char in attribute
ERR_04348=Miscalculated data length (wrote {0} instead of {1})
ERR_04349=The Integer did not match either specified value
ERR_04350=The String did not match any specified value
ERR_04351=The Array must not be null
ERR_04352=Array is empty
ERR_04353=The array must not contain any null elements
ERR_04354=initialSize must be greater than zero
ERR_04355=Unexpected IllegalAccessException
ERR_04356=The PrintWriter must not be null
ERR_04357=The List must not be null
ERR_04358=Calendar must not be null.
ERR_04359=generalizedTime is null
ERR_04360=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain field 'minute' or 'fraction of hour' or 'timezone'.
ERR_04361=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain field 'second' or 'fraction of minute' or 'timezone'.
ERR_04362=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain field 'fraction of second' or 'timezone'.
ERR_04363=Invalid Time too short, expected field 'fraction of second' or 'timezone'.
ERR_04364=Invalid Time too short, expected field 'second' or 'fraction of minute' or 'timezone'.
ERR_04365=Invalid Generalized Time, expected field 'minute' or 'fraction of hour' or 'timezone'.
ERR_04366=Invalid date/time values.
ERR_04367=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain field 'timezone'.
ERR_04368=Invalid Generalized Time, expected 'timezone' as the last field.
ERR_04369=Invalid Generalized Time, expected field 'timezone' must contain 2 or 4 digits.
ERR_04370=Invalid Generalized Time, expected 'timezone' as the last field.
ERR_04371=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain number for 'fraction'.
ERR_04372=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain field 'second'.
ERR_04373=Invalid Generalized Time, field 'second' is not numeric.
ERR_04374=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain field 'minute'.
ERR_04375=Invalid Generalized Time, field 'minute' is not numeric.
ERR_04376=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain field 'hour'.
ERR_04377=Invalid Generalized Time, field 'hour' is not numeric.
ERR_04378=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain field 'day'.
ERR_04379=Invalid Generalized Time, field 'day' is not numeric.
ERR_04380=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain field 'month'.
ERR_04381=Invalid Generalized Time, field 'month' is not numeric.
ERR_04382=Generalized Time too short, doesn't contain field 'century/year'.
ERR_04383=Invalid Generalized Time, field 'century/year' is not numeric.
ERR_04384=HashCodeBuilder requires a non zero initial value
ERR_04385=HashCodeBuilder requires an odd initial value
ERR_04386=HashCodeBuilder requires a non zero multiplier
ERR_04387=HashCodeBuilder requires an odd multiplier
ERR_04388=The object to build a hash code for must not be null
ERR_04389=Putting attributes not supported by immutable attributes
ERR_04390=Removing attributes not supported by immutable attributes
ERR_04391=Now why would you want to clone() an immutable object in the first place.
ERR_04392=Value addition not supported for immutable attribute
ERR_04393=Value removal not supported for immutable attribute
ERR_04394=Clearing all values not supported for immutable attribute
ERR_04395=Now why would you ever want to clone an immutable object?
ERR_04396=Value alteration is not supported for immutable attribute
ERR_04397=Iterator[] arg must not be null, empty or composed of less than two Iterators
ERR_04398=A LdapUrl must start with "ldap\://" or "ldaps\://"
ERR_04399=The hostport is invalid
ERR_04400=Bad character, position {0}, ''{1}'', '/' expected"
ERR_04401=The DN is invalid
ERR_04402=Bad character, position {0}, ''{1}'', '?' expected
ERR_04403=Attributes are invalid
ERR_04404=Scope is invalid
ERR_04405=Filter is invalid
ERR_04406=Extensions are invalid
ERR_04407=Invalid character at the end of the ldapUrl
ERR_04408=The string is empty : this is not a valid LdapURL.
ERR_04409=Bad Ldap URL : {0}
ERR_04410=The byte array is empty : this is not a valid LdapURL.
ERR_04411=Parameter may not be null
ERR_04412=charset may not be null or empty
ERR_04413=HttpClient requires ASCII support
ERR_04414=Invalid URL encoding
ERR_04415=Common element, "{0}" detected for Mandatory and Optional components.
ERR_04416=Unregistered or previously used component: {0}
ERR_04417={0} is not ancestually related to context: {1}
ERR_04418=invalid name - a name cannot start with a '+': {0}
ERR_04419=The Nestable implementation passed to the NestableDelegate(Nestable) constructor must extend java.lang.Throwable"
ERR_04420=The start index was out of bounds: {0}
ERR_04421=The start index was out of bounds: {0} >= {1}
ERR_04422=Adding duplicate keys is not permitted.
ERR_04423=can't get keys from prefs
ERR_04424=Unexpected IllegalAccessException: {0}
ERR_04425=bad iterator type: {0}
ERR_04426=remove() must follow next()
ERR_04427={0} < 0
ERR_04428={0} >= {1}
ERR_04429=Regex was null
ERR_04430=Ldap regex must have wild cards!
ERR_04431=Expected string to start with a '#' character. Invalid hex encoded string for empty or null string.
ERR_04432=Expected string to start with a '\#' character. Invalid hex encoded string\: {0}
ERR_04433=Expected string to be non-null with valid index.
ERR_04434=Expected string to be non-empty with valid index.
ERR_04435=The DN must contain valid escaped characters.
ERR_04436=The DN must not ends with a '\\'.
ERR_04437=Caught a SecurityException reading the system property ''{0}''; the SystemUtils property value will default to null.
ERR_04438=The style must not be null
ERR_04439=Usage - java org.mortbay.util.UnixCrypt <key> <salt>
ERR_04441=Cannot modify the SchemaObject {0}, it has been locked
ERR_04442_NULL_AT_NOT_ALLOWED=The AttributeType parameter should not be null
ERR_04443=Failed to compare normalized values for {0} and {1}
ERR_04444=I don't really know how to compare anything other than ServerBinaryValues at this point in time.
ERR_04445=There is no Syntax associated with this attributeType
ERR_04446=Cannot use standard serialization for a ServerStringValue
ERR_04447_CANNOT_NORMALIZE_VALUE=Cannot normalize the wrapped value {0}
ERR_04448=I don't know what to do if value is not a ServerStringValue
ERR_04449=The value ''{0}'' can't be normalized, it hasn't been added
ERR_04450=The value ''{0}'' is incorrect, it hasn't been added
ERR_04451=The value must be a String, as its AttributeType is H/R
ERR_04452=The value must be a byte[], as its AttributeType is not H/R
ERR_04453=The upID ({0}) is not an OID or is different from the AttributeType OID ({1})
ERR_04454=Cannot use standard serialization for a ServerAttribute
ERR_04455=The ID ''{0}''is incompatible with the AttributeType's id ''{1}''
ERR_04456=An ID cannot be null, empty, or resolved to an emtpy value when trimmed
ERR_04457_NULL_ATTRIBUTE_ID=The ID should not be null or empty
ERR_04458=Cannot add an attribute without an ID
ERR_04459=We have had an error while adding the ''{0}'' AttributeType : {1}
ERR_04460_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_NULL_NOT_ALLOWED=The attributeType should not be null
ERR_04461=Only String values supported for objectClass attribute
ERR_04462=The EntryAttribute list should not contain null elements
ERR_04463=The ''{0}'' id is not compatible with the ''{1}'' attribute type
ERR_04464=Error while adding values into the ''{0}'' attribute. Error \: {1}
ERR_04465=The removal of values for the missing ''{0}'' attribute is not possible
ERR_04466=The removal of values for the bad ''{0}'' attribute is not possible
ERR_04467=The AttributeType list should not contain null values
ERR_04468=Cannot use standard serialization for a ServerAttribute
ERR_04469=Cannot use standard serialization for a ServerEntry
ERR_04470=Cannot read the attribute as it's OID (''{0}'') does not exist
ERR_04471=Cannot serialize a Modification with no attribute
ERR_04472=The attribute ''{0}'' is incorrect
ERR_04473=Not a valid value
ERR_04474=Expected string to normalize
ERR_04475=Expected byte[] to normalize
ERR_04476=Cannot set an AttributeType {0} when another one ({1}) is already present
ERR_04477_NO_VALID_AT_FOR_THIS_ID=Cannot find a valid AttributeType for the ''{0}'' id
ERR_04478_NO_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED=Cannot create or add an Attribute with no value in it
ERR_04479_INVALID_SYNTAX_VALUE= The value ''{0}'' does not respect the AttributeType ''{1}'' syntax
ERR_04480_END_OF_STREAM=End of stream
ERR_04481_ENTRY_NULL_VALUE=Entry can't be null
# ldap-constants
ERR_05001=Unknown AuthenticationLevel {0}
# ldap-converter
ERR_06001=The schemaObject is either null or is empty!
ERR_06002=Parser failure on\:\n\t{0}\nAntlr exception trace\:\n{1}
ERR_06003={0} the schema configuration element must specify a name.
ERR_06004=Failed while generating sources for {0}
ERR_06005=Can't generate a ldif for a null schema
ERR_06006=the schema property must be set
# ldap-jndi
# no exception to translate
ERR_08001=Cannot overwrite yet schema output directory already exists: {0}
ERR_08002=Cannot copy non-existant source file {0}
ERR_08003=Cannot have more than one entry in a schema ldif file : {0}
ERR_08004=Exception occurred while parsing the ldif file {0} : {1}
ERR_08005=Should not be hitting root without schema/schema pattern.
ERR_08006=parent cannot be null
# ldap-schema
ERR_09001_DIRECTORY_CREATION_FAILED=The directory {0} could not be created
# ldap-schema-loader
ERR_10001=The attribute must be binary
ERR_10002=Failed to access attribute bytes.
ERR_10003=Failed to load schema LDIF file {0}
ERR_10004=Expecting to find a schema.ldif file in provided baseDirectory path ''{0}'' but no such file found.
ERR_10005={0} entry must have a valid {1} attribute, it's null
ERR_10006=Comparator OID {0} is not a valid OID
ERR_10007={0} entry cannot be null
ERR_10008={0} Schema description cannot be null
ERR_10009=The schema {0} does not exists or is not loaded
ERR_10010=entry cannot be null
ERR_10011=entry must have a valid cn attribute
ERR_10012=entry must have a valid {0} attribute
ERR_10013=Cannot add the SyntaxChecker {0}, as the associated schema ({1}) is not loaded
ERR_10014=Cannot add the SyntaxChecker {0} into the registries, as the associated schema ({1}) is disabled
ERR_10015=The Comparator's OID ({0}) is different from the loaded class' OID ({1})
ERR_10016=Cannot add the Comparator {0}, as the associated schema ({1}) is not loaded
ERR_10017=Cannot add the Comparator {0} into the registries, as the associated schema ({1}) is disabled
ERR_10018=Cannot add the Normalizer {0}, as the associated schema ({1}) is not loaded
ERR_10019=Cannot add the Normalizer {0} into the registries, as the associated schema ({1}) is disabled
ERR_10020=Cannot add the Syntax {0}, as the associated schema ({1}) is not loaded
ERR_10021=Cannot add the SyntaxChecker {0} into the registries, as the associated schema ({1}) is disabled
ERR_10022=Cannot add the MatchingRule {0}, as the associated schema ({1}) is not loaded
ERR_10023=Cannot add the MatchingRule {0} into the registries, as the associated schema ({1}) is disabled
ERR_10024=Cannot add the ObjectClass {0}, as the associated schema ({1}) is not loaded
ERR_10025=Cannot add the ObjectClass {0} into the registries, as the associated schema ({1}) is disabled
ERR_10026=Cannot add the AttributeType {0}, as the associated schema ({1}) is not loaded
ERR_10027=Cannot add the AttributeType {0} into the registries, as the associated schema ({1}) is disabled
ERR_10028={0} entry must have a valid {1} attribute
# ldap-schema-manager
ERR_11001=Cannot load the unknown schema {0}
ERR_11002=Cannot load the Schema {0} as one of its dependencies has not been loaded
ERR_11003=Need to implement factory method for creating a DitContentRule
ERR_11004=Need to implement factory method for creating a DitStructureRule
ERR_11005=Need to implement factory method for creating a MatchingRuleUse
ERR_11006=Need to implement factory method for creating a NameForm
ERR_11007=the SchemaObject {0} cannot be added, it's not a valid LoadableSchemaObject.
ERR_11008=Oid {0} for new schema entity is not unique.
ERR_11009=Cannot add the SchemaObject {0} into a non existing schema {1}
ERR_11010=Cannot inject the SchemaObject {0} as it's not associated with a schema
ERR_11011=Oid {0} for new schema entity does not exist.
ERR_11012=Cannot remove {0} for the registries, it would become inconsistent. The following SchemaOjects are referencing this SchemaObject : {1}
ERR_11013=Cannot delete the SchemaObject {0} as it's not associated with a schema
# ldif
ERR_12001=Unknown change type value {0}
ERR_12002=An entry must not have two DNs
ERR_12003=A ldif entry should not have two DNs
ERR_12004=We cannot have changes when reading a file which already contains entries
ERR_12005=No changes within entries
ERR_12006=Expecting an attribute type
ERR_12007=Bad attribute
ERR_12008=Cannot parse the ldif buffer : {0}
ERR_12009=Error while parsing the ldif buffer
ERR_12010=Cannot find file {0}
ERR_12011=Cannot read file {0}
ERR_12012=A ldif entry must have a non empty DN
ERR_12013=No DN for entry
ERR_12014=The ldif entry is supposed to have a base 64 encoded DN
ERR_12015=Invalid base 64 encoded DN
ERR_12016=A ldif entry must start with a DN
ERR_12017=The DN {0} is not valid
ERR_12018=File {0} not found
ERR_12019=Bad URL, file not found
ERR_12020=File {0} is too big
ERR_12021=File too big
ERR_12022=File {0} error reading
ERR_12023=Bad URL, file can't be read
ERR_12024=Error while closing the stream : {0}
ERR_12025=Protocols other than file: are not supported
ERR_12026=Unsupported URL protocol
ERR_12027=Bad URL {0}
ERR_12028=Bad URL
ERR_12029=The control does not have an OID
ERR_12030=Bad control, no oid
ERR_12031=The OID {0} is not valid
ERR_12032=Bad control oid
ERR_12033=The control must have a valid criticality
ERR_12034=Bad control criticality
ERR_12035=A modrdn operation must start with a "newrdn\:"
ERR_12036=Bad modrdn operation
ERR_12037=Bad modrdn operation, no newrdn
ERR_12038=A modrdn operation must contains a "deleteoldrdn\:"
ERR_12039=Bad modrdn operation, no deleteoldrdn
ERR_12040=Bad state : we should have come from an ATTRVAL_SPEC
ERR_12041=Bad modify separator
ERR_12042=Bad state : we should have come from a MOD_SPEC or an ATTRVAL_SPEC
ERR_12043=Bad modify state
ERR_12044=The modified attribute and the attribute value spec must be equal
ERR_12045=Bad modify attribute
ERR_12046=A moddn operation must contains a "newsuperior\:"
ERR_12047=Bad moddn operation, no newsuperior
ERR_12048=Unknown operation
ERR_12049=Bad operation
ERR_12050=We already have had a control
ERR_12051=Control misplaced
ERR_12052=We already have had a changeType
ERR_12053=ChangeType misplaced
ERR_12054=We can't have a Attribute/Value pair after a control or a changeType
ERR_12055=AttributeType misplaced
ERR_12056=Expecting an attribute type
ERR_12057=Bad attribute
ERR_12058=Unknown entry type
ERR_12059=Unknown entry
ERR_12060=The version is not a number
ERR_12061=Ldif parsing error
ERR_12062=Cannot have an empty continuation line
ERR_12063=Error while reading ldif lines
ERR_12064=Cannot parse an empty file name !
ERR_12065=Empty filename
ERR_12066=Cannot parse the file {0}, it does not exist
ERR_12067=Filename {0} not found.
ERR_12068=Cannot find file {0}
ERR_12069=Cannot parse the ldif buffer : {0}
ERR_12070=Error while parsing the ldif buffer
ERR_12071=Premature termination of LDIF iterator
ERR_12072=Error while parsing ldif : {0}
ERR_12073=Could not deduce reverse modifications from provided modifications: {0}
ERR_12074=newSuperiorDn must not be null
ERR_12075=modifiedDn must not be null
ERR_12076=Don't think about moving the rootDSE.
ERR_12077=The newRdn must not be null
ERR_12078=The modified Dn must not be null
ERR_12079=Don't think about renaming the rootDSE.
ERR_12080=Can't rename an entry using the same name ...
ERR_12081=Invalid Entry : a deleted entry should not contain attributes
ERR_12082=Invalid Entry : a added or modified entry should contain attributes
ERR_12083=Invalid Entry : a modifyDN operation entry should not contain attributes
ERR_12084=The length of each line must be at least 2 chars long
ERR_12085=The Attribute ID #{0} must be a String
ERR_12086=The Attribute value #{0} must be a String or a byte[]
ERR_12087=A value is missing at the end