removing message package classes from ldap module and keeping copy in ldap-model

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/ldap/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/shared/ldap/message/ b/ldap/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/shared/ldap/message/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3338e1b..0000000
--- a/ldap/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/shared/ldap/message/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *  
- *
- *  
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License. 
- *  
- */
- * This exception is thrown when a message processing error occurs.
- * 
- * @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
- */
-public class ResponseCarryingMessageException extends RuntimeMultiException
-    /**
-     * Declares the Serial Version Uid.
-     * 
-     * @see <a
-     *      href="">Always
-     *      Declare Serial Version Uid</a>
-     */
-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-    /** The response with the error cause */
-    private Message response;
-    /**
-     * Constructs an Exception without a message.
-     */
-    public ResponseCarryingMessageException()
-    {
-        super();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Constructs an Exception with a detailed message.
-     * 
-     * @param message
-     *            The message associated with the exception.
-     */
-    public ResponseCarryingMessageException(String message)
-    {
-        super( message );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Set a response if we get an exception while parsing the message
-     * @param response the constructed response
-     */
-    public void setResponse( Message response ) 
-    {
-        this.response = response;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the constructed response
-     * @return The constructed response
-     */
-    public Message getResponse()
-    {
-        return response;
-    }
diff --git a/ldap/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/shared/ldap/message/ b/ldap/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/shared/ldap/message/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc0f24..0000000
--- a/ldap/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/shared/ldap/message/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2444 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *  
- *
- *  
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License. 
- *  
- */
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Set;
-import javax.naming.CommunicationException;
-import javax.naming.LimitExceededException;
-import javax.naming.PartialResultException;
-import javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException;
- * Type safe LDAP message envelope result code enumeration. The resultCode is a
- * parameter of the LDAPResult which is the construct used in this protocol to
- * return success or failure indications from servers to clients. In response to
- * various requests servers will return responses containing fields of type
- * LDAPResult to indicate the final status of a protocol operation request. This
- * enumeration represents the various status codes associated with an
- * LDAPResult, hence it is called the ResultCodeEnum. Here are the definitions
- * and values for error codes from section 4.1.10 of <a
- * href="">RFC 2251</a>:
- * 
- * <pre><code>
- *     resultCode
- *        ENUMERATED {
- *           success                      (0),
- *           operationsError              (1),
- *           protocolError                (2),
- *           timeLimitExceeded            (3),
- *           sizeLimitExceeded            (4),
- *           compareFalse                 (5),
- *           compareTrue                  (6),
- *           authMethodNotSupported       (7),
- *           strongAuthRequired           (8),
- *           partialResults               (9),   -- new
- *           referral                     (10),  -- new
- *           adminLimitExceeded           (11),  -- new
- *           unavailableCriticalExtension (12),  -- new
- *           confidentialityRequired      (13),  -- new
- *           saslBindInProgress           (14),  -- new
- *           noSuchAttribute              (16),
- *           undefinedAttributeType       (17),
- *           inappropriateMatching        (18),
- *           constraintViolation          (19),
- *           attributeOrValueExists       (20),
- *           invalidAttributeSyntax       (21),
- *           -- 22-31 unused --
- *           NO_SUCH_OBJECT                 (32),
- *           aliasProblem                 (33),
- *           invalidDNSyntax              (34),
- *           -- 35 reserved for undefined isLeaf --
- *           aliasDereferencingProblem    (36),
- *           -- 37-47 unused --
- *           inappropriateAuthentication  (48),
- *           invalidCredentials           (49),
- *           insufficientAccessRights     (50),
- *           busy                         (51),
- *           unavailable                  (52),
- *           unwillingToPerform           (53),
- *           loopDetect                   (54),
- *           -- 55-63 unused --
- *           namingViolation              (64),
- *           objectClassViolation         (65),
- *           notAllowedOnNonLeaf          (66),
- *           notAllowedOnRDN              (67),
- *           entryAlreadyExists           (68),
- *           objectClassModsProhibited    (69),
- *           -- 70 reserved for CLDAP --
- *           affectsMultipleDSAs          (71), -- new
- *           -- 72-79 unused --
- *           other                        (80) },
- *           -- 81-90 reserved for APIs --
- * </code></pre>
- * 
- * All the result codes with the exception of success, compareFalse and
- * compareTrue are to be treated as meaning the operation could not be completed
- * in its entirety. Most of the result codes are based on problem indications
- * from X.511 error data types. Result codes from 16 to 21 indicate an
- * AttributeProblem, codes 32, 33, 34 and 36 indicate a NameProblem, codes 48,
- * 49 and 50 indicate a SecurityProblem, codes 51 to 54 indicate a
- * ServiceProblem, and codes 64 to 69 and 71 indicates an UpdateProblem. If a
- * client receives a result code which is not listed above, it is to be treated
- * as an unknown error condition. The majority of this javadoc was pasted in
- * from RFC 2251. There's and expired draft out there on error codes which makes
- * alot of sense: <a
- * href="
- * 02.html"> ietf (expired) draft</a> on error codes (read at your discretion).
- * Result codes have been identified and split into categories:
- * <ul>
- * <li> Non-Erroneous: Five result codes that may be returned in LDAPResult are
- * not used to indicate an error. </li>
- * <li> General: returned only when no suitable specific error exists. </li>
- * <li> Specific: Specific errors are used to indicate that a particular type of
- * error has occurred. These error types are:
- * <ul>
- * <li> Name, </li>
- * <li> Update, </li>
- * <li> Attribute </li>
- * <li> Security, and </li>
- * <li> Service </li>
- * </ul>
- * </li>
- * </ul>
- * The result codes are also grouped according to the following LDAP operations
- * which return responses:
- * <ul>
- * <li> bind </li>
- * <li> search </li>
- * <li> modify </li>
- * <li> modifyDn </li>
- * <li> add </li>
- * <li> delete </li>
- * <li> compare </li>
- * <li> extended </li>
- * </ul>
- * 
- * @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
- */
-public enum ResultCodeEnum
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Public Static Constants: Enumeration values and names.
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Non Erroneous Codes:
-    //
-    // Five result codes that may be returned in LDAPResult are not used to
-    // indicate an error. These result codes are listed below. The first
-    // three codes, indicate to the client that no further action is required
-    // in order to satisfy their request. In contrast, the last two errors
-    // require further action by the client in order to complete their original
-    // operation request.
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * It is returned when the client operation completed successfully without
-     * errors. This code is one of 5 result codes that may be returned in the
-     * LDAPResult which are not used to indicate an error. Applicable
-     * operations: all except for Compare. Result code type: Non-Erroneous
-     */
-    SUCCESS( 0, "success" ),
-    /**
-     * Servers sends this result code to LDAP v2 clients to refer them to
-     * another LDAP server. When sending this code to a client, the server
-     * includes a newline-delimited list of LDAP URLs that identify another LDAP
-     * server. If the client identifies itself as an LDAP v3 client in the
-     * request, servers send an REFERRAL result code instead of this result
-     * code.
-     */
-    PARTIAL_RESULTS( 9, "partialResults" ),
-    /**
-     * It is used to indicate that the result of a Compare operation is FALSE
-     * and does not indicate an error. 1 of 5 codes that do not indicate an
-     * error condition. Applicable operations: Compare. Result code type:
-     * Non-Erroneous
-     */
-    COMPARE_FALSE( 5, "compareFalse" ),
-    /**
-     * It is used to indicate that the result of a Compare operation is TRUE and
-     * does not indicate an error. 1 of 5 codes that do not indicate an error
-     * condition. Applicable operations: Compare. Result code type:
-     * Non-Erroneous
-     */
-    COMPARE_TRUE( 6, "compareTrue" ),
-    /**
-     * Rather than indicating an error, this result code is used to indicate
-     * that the server does not hold the target entry of the request but is able
-     * to provide alternative servers that may. A set of server(s) URLs may be
-     * returned in the referral field, which the client may subsequently query
-     * to attempt to complete their operation. 1 of 5 codes that do not indicate
-     * an error condition yet requires further action on behalf of the client to
-     * complete the request. This result code is new in LDAPv3. Applicable
-     * operations: all. Result code type: Non-Erroneous
-     */
-    REFERRAL( 10, "referral" ),
-    /**
-     * This result code is not an error response from the server, but rather, is
-     * a request for bind continuation. The server requires the client to send a
-     * new bind request, with the same SASL mechanism, to continue the
-     * authentication process [RFC2251, Section 4.2.3]. This result code is new
-     * in LDAPv3. Applicable operations: Bind. Result code type: Non-Erroneous
-     */
-    SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS( 14, "saslBindInProgress" ),
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Problem Specific Error Codes:
-    //
-    // Specific errors are used to indicate that a particular type of error
-    // has occurred. These error types are Name, Update, Attribute, Security,
-    // and Service.
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Security Problem Specific Error Codes:
-    //
-    // A security error reports a problem in carrying out an operation for
-    // security reasons [X511, Section 12.7].
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * This error code should be returned if the client requests, in a Bind
-     * request, an authentication method which is not supported or recognized by
-     * the server. Applicable operations: Bind. Result code type: Specific
-     * (Security)
-     */
-    AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED( 7, "authMethodNotSupported" ),
-    /**
-     * This error may be returned on a bind request if the server only accepts
-     * strong authentication or it may be returned when a client attempts an
-     * operation which requires the client to be strongly authenticated - for
-     * example Delete. This result code may also be returned in an unsolicited
-     * notice of disconnection if the server detects that an established
-     * underlying security association protecting communication between the
-     * client and server has unexpectedly failed or been compromised. [RFC2251,
-     * Section 4.4.1] Applicable operations: all. Result code type: Specific
-     * (Security)
-     */
-    STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED( 8, "strongAuthRequired" ),
-    /**
-     * This error code may be returned if the session is not protected by a
-     * protocol which provides session confidentiality. For example, if the
-     * client did not establish a TLS connection using a cipher suite which
-     * provides confidentiality of the session before sending any other
-     * requests, and the server requires session confidentiality then the server
-     * may reject that request with a result code of confidentialityRequired.
-     * This error code is new in LDAPv3. Applicable operations: all. Result code
-     * type: Specific (Security)
-     */
-    CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED( 13, "confidentialityRequired" ),
-    /**
-     * An alias was encountered in a situation where it was not allowed or where
-     * access was denied [X511, Section 12.5]. For example, if the client does
-     * not have read permission for the aliasedObjectName attribute and its
-     * value then the error aliasDereferencingProblem should be returned. [X511,
-     * Section] Notice that this error has similar meaning to
-     * INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS (50), but is specific to Searching on an alias.
-     * Applicable operations: Search. Result code type: Specific (Security)
-     */
-    ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM( 36, "aliasDereferencingProblem" ),
-    /**
-     * This error should be returned by the server when the client has tried to
-     * use a method of authentication that is inappropriate, that is a method of
-     * authentication which the client is unable to use correctly. In other
-     * words, the level of security associated with the requestor's credentials
-     * is inconsistent with the level of protection requested, e.g. simple
-     * credentials were supplied while strong credentials were required [X511,
-     * Section 12.7]. Applicable operations: Bind. Result code type: Specific
-     * (Security)
-     */
-    INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION( 48, "inappropriateAuthentication" ),
-    /**
-     * This error code is returned if the DN or password used in a simple bind
-     * operation is incorrect, or if the DN or password is incorrect for some
-     * other reason, e.g. the password has expired. This result code only
-     * applies to Bind operations -- it should not be returned for other
-     * operations if the client does not have sufficient permission to perform
-     * the requested operation - in this case the return code should be
-     * insufficientAccessRights. Applicable operations: Bind. Result code type:
-     * Specific (Security)
-     */
-    INVALID_CREDENTIALS( 49, "invalidCredentials" ),
-    /**
-     * The requestor does not have the right to carry out the requested
-     * operation [X511, Section 12.7]. Note that the more specific
-     * aliasDereferencingProblem is returned in case of a Search on an alias
-     * where the requestor has insufficientAccessRights. Applicable operations:
-     * all except for Bind. Result code type: Specific (Security)
-     */
-    INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS( 50, "insufficientAccessRights" ),
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Service Problem Specific Error Codes:
-    //
-    // A service error reports a problem related to the provision of the
-    // service [X511, Section 12.8].
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * If the server requires that the client bind before browsing or modifying
-     * the directory, the server MAY reject a request other than binding,
-     * unbinding or an extended request with the "operationsError" result.
-     * [RFC2251, Section 4.2.1] Applicable operations: all except Bind. Result
-     * code type: Specific (Service)
-     */
-    OPERATIONS_ERROR( 1, "operationsError" ),
-    /**
-     * A protocol error should be returned by the server when an invalid or
-     * malformed request is received from the client. This may be a request that
-     * is not recognized as an LDAP request, for example, if a nonexistent
-     * operation were specified in LDAPMessage. As well, it may be the result of
-     * a request that is missing a required parameter, such as a search filter
-     * in a search request. If the server can return an error, which is more
-     * specific than protocolError, then this error should be returned instead.
-     * For example if the server does not recognize the authentication method
-     * requested by the client then the error authMethodNotSupported should be
-     * returned instead of protocolError. The server may return details of the
-     * error in the error string. Applicable operations: all. Result code type:
-     * Specific (Service)
-     */
-    PROTOCOL_ERROR( 2, "protocolError" ),
-    /**
-     * This error should be returned when the time to perform an operation has
-     * exceeded either the time limit specified by the client (which may only be
-     * set by the client in a search operation) or the limit specified by the
-     * server. If the time limit is exceeded on a search operation then the
-     * result is an arbitrary selection of the accumulated results [X511,
-     * Section 7.5]. Note that an arbitrary selection of results may mean that
-     * no results are returned to the client. If the LDAP server is a front end
-     * for an X.500 server, any operation that is chained may exceed the
-     * timelimit, therefore clients can expect to receive timelimitExceeded for
-     * all operations. For stand alone LDAP- Servers that do not implement
-     * chaining it is unlikely that operations other than search operations will
-     * exceed the defined timelimit. Applicable operations: all. Result code
-     * type: Specific (Service)
-     */
-    TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED( 3, "timeLimitExceeded" ),
-    /**
-     * This error should be returned when the number of results generated by a
-     * search exceeds the maximum number of results specified by either the
-     * client or the server. If the size limit is exceeded then the results of a
-     * search operation will be an arbitrary selection of the accumulated
-     * results, equal in number to the size limit [X511, Section 7.5].
-     * Applicable operations: Search. Result code type: Specific (Service)
-     */
-    SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED( 4, "sizeLimitExceeded" ),
-    /**
-     * The server has reached some limit set by an administrative authority, and
-     * no partial results are available to return to the user [X511, Section
-     * 12.8]. For example, there may be an administrative limit to the number of
-     * entries a server will check when gathering potential search result
-     * candidates [Net]. This error code is new in LDAPv3. Applicable
-     * operations: all. Result code type: Specific (Service)
-     */
-    ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED( 11, "adminLimitExceeded" ),
-    /**
-     * The server was unable to satisfy the request because one or more critical
-     * extensions were not available [X511, Section 12.8]. This error is
-     * returned, for example, when a control submitted with a request is marked
-     * critical but is not recognized by a server or when such a control is not
-     * appropriate for the operation type. [RFC2251 section 4.1.12]. This error
-     * code is new in LDAPv3. Applicable operations: all. Result code type:
-     * Specific (Service)
-     */
-    UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION( 12, "unavailableCriticalExtension" ),
-    /**
-     * This error code may be returned if the server is unable to process the
-     * client's request at this time. This implies that if the client retries
-     * the request shortly the server will be able to process it then.
-     * Applicable operations: all. Result code type: Specific (Service)
-     */
-    BUSY( 51, "busy" ),
-    /**
-     * This error code is returned when the server is unavailable to process the
-     * client's request. This usually means that the LDAP server is shutting
-     * down [RFC2251, Section 4.2.3]. Applicable operations: all. Result code
-     * type: Specific (Service)
-     */
-    UNAVAILABLE( 52, "unavailable" ),
-    /**
-     * This error code should be returned by the server when a client request is
-     * properly formed but which the server is unable to complete due to
-     * server-defined restrictions. For example, the server, or some part of it,
-     * is not prepared to execute this request, e.g. because it would lead to
-     * excessive consumption of resources or violates the policy of an
-     * Administrative Authority involved [X511, Section 12.8]. If the server is
-     * able to return a more specific error code such as adminLimitExceeded it
-     * should. This error may also be returned if the client attempts to modify
-     * attributes which can not be modified by users, e.g., operational
-     * attributes such as creatorsName or createTimestamp [X511, Section 7.12].
-     * If appropriate, details of the error should be provided in the error
-     * message. Applicable operations: all. Result code type: Specific (Service)
-     */
-    UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM( 53, "unwillingToPerform" ),
-    /**
-     * This error may be returned by the server if it detects an alias or
-     * referral loop, and is unable to satisfy the client's request. Applicable
-     * operations: all. Result code type: Specific (Service)
-     */
-    LOOP_DETECT( 54, "loopDetect" ),
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Attribute Problem Specific Error Codes:
-    //
-    // An attribute error reports a problem related to an attribute specified
-    // by the client in their request message.
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * This error may be returned if the attribute specified as an argument of
-     * the operation does not exist in the entry. Applicable operations: Modify,
-     * Compare. Result code type: Specific (Attribute)
-     */
-    NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE( 16, "noSuchAttribute" ),
-    /**
-     * This error may be returned if the specified attribute is unrecognized by
-     * the server, since it is not present in the server's defined schema. If
-     * the server doesn't recognize an attribute specified in a search request
-     * as the attribute to be returned the server should not return an error in
-     * this case - it should just return values for the requested attributes it
-     * does recognize. Note that this result code only applies to the Add and
-     * Modify operations [X.511, Section 12.4]. Applicable operations: Modify,
-     * Add. Result code type: Specific (Attribute)
-     */
-    UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE( 17, "undefinedAttributeType" ),
-    /**
-     * An attempt was made, e.g., in a filter, to use a matching rule not
-     * defined for the attribute type concerned [X511, Section 12.4]. Applicable
-     * operations: Search. Result code type: Specific (Attribute)
-     */
-    INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING( 18, "inappropriateMatching" ),
-    /**
-     * This error should be returned by the server if an attribute value
-     * specified by the client violates the constraints placed on the attribute
-     * as it was defined in the DSA - this may be a size constraint or a
-     * constraint on the content. Applicable operations: Modify, Add, ModifyDN.
-     * Result code type: Specific (Attribute)
-     */
-    CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION( 19, "constraintViolation" ),
-    /**
-     * This error should be returned by the server if the value specified by the
-     * client already exists within the attribute. Applicable operations:
-     * Modify, Add. Result code type: Specific (Attribute)
-     */
-    ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS( 20, "attributeOrValueExists" ),
-    /**
-     * This error should be returned by the server if the attribute syntax for
-     * the attribute value, specified as an argument of the operation, is
-     * unrecognized or invalid. Applicable operations: Modify, Add. Result code
-     * type: Specific (Attribute)
-     */
-    INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX( 21, "invalidAttributeSyntax" ),
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Name Problem Specific Error Codes:
-    //
-    // A name error reports a problem related to the distinguished name
-    // provided as an argument to an operation [X511, Section 12.5].
-    //
-    // For result codes of NO_SUCH_OBJECT, aliasProblem, invalidDNSyntax and
-    // aliasDereferencingProblem (see Section, the matchedDN
-    // field is set to the name of the lowest entry (object or alias) in the
-    // directory that was matched. If no aliases were dereferenced while
-    // attempting to locate the entry, this will be a truncated form of the
-    // name provided, or if aliases were dereferenced, of the resulting
-    // name, as defined in section 12.5 of X.511 [X511]. The matchedDN field
-    // is to be set to a zero length string with all other result codes
-    // [RFC2251, Section 4.1.10].
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * This error should only be returned if the target object cannot be found.
-     * For example, in a search operation if the search base can not be located
-     * in the DSA the server should return NO_SUCH_OBJECT. If, however, the search
-     * base is found but does not match the search filter, success, with no
-     * resultant objects, should be returned instead of NO_SUCH_OBJECT. If the
-     * LDAP server is a front end for an X.500 DSA then NO_SUCH_OBJECT may also be
-     * returned if discloseOnError is not granted for an entry and the client
-     * does not have permission to view or modify the entry. Applicable
-     * operations: all except for Bind. Result code type: Specific (Name)
-     */
-    /**
-     * An alias has been dereferenced which names no object [X511, Section 12.5]
-     * Applicable operations: Search. Result code type: Specific (Name)
-     */
-    ALIAS_PROBLEM( 33, "aliasProblem" ),
-    /**
-     * This error should be returned by the server if the DN syntax is
-     * incorrect. It should not be returned if the DN is correctly formed but
-     * represents an entry which is not permitted by the structure rules at the
-     * DSA ; in this case namingViolation should be returned instead. Applicable
-     * operations: all. Result code type: Specific (Name)
-     */
-    INVALID_DN_SYNTAX( 34, "invalidDNSyntax" ),
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Update Problem Specific Error Codes:
-    //
-    // An update error reports problems related to attempts to add, delete, or
-    // modify information in the DIB [X511, Section 12.9].
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * The attempted addition or modification would violate the structure rules
-     * of the DIT as defined in the directory schema and X.501. That is, it
-     * would place an entry as the subordinate of an alias entry, or in a region
-     * of the DIT not permitted to a member of its object class, or would define
-     * an RDN for an entry to include a forbidden attribute type [X511, Section
-     * 12.9]. Applicable operations: Add, ModifyDN. Result code type: Specific
-     * (Update)
-     */
-    NAMING_VIOLATION( 64, "namingViolation" ),
-    /**
-     * This error should be returned if the operation requested by the user
-     * would violate the objectClass requirements for the entry if carried out.
-     * On an add or modify operation this would result from trying to add an
-     * object class without a required attribute, or by trying to add an
-     * attribute which is not permitted by the current object class set in the
-     * entry. On a modify operation this may result from trying to remove a
-     * required attribute without removing the associated auxiliary object
-     * class, or by attempting to remove an object class while the attributes it
-     * permits are still present. Applicable operations: Add, Modify, ModifyDN.
-     * Result code type: Specific (Update)
-     */
-    OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION( 65, "objectClassViolation" ),
-    /**
-     * This error should be returned if the client attempts to perform an
-     * operation which is permitted only on leaf entries - e.g., if the client
-     * attempts to delete a non-leaf entry. If the directory does not permit
-     * ModifyDN for non-leaf entries then this error may be returned if the
-     * client attempts to change the DN of a non-leaf entry. (Note that 1988
-     * edition X.500 servers only permitted change of the RDN of an entry's DN
-     * [X.511, Section 11.4.1]). Applicable operations: Delete, ModifyDN. Result
-     * code type: Specific (Update)
-     */
-    NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF( 66, "notAllowedOnNonLeaf" ),
-    /**
-     * The attempted operation would affect the RDN (e.g., removal of an
-     * attribute which is a part of the RDN) [X511, Section 12.9]. If the client
-     * attempts to remove from an entry any of its distinguished values, those
-     * values which form the entry's relative distinguished name the server
-     * should return the error notAllowedOnRDN. [RFC2251, Section 4.6]
-     * Applicable operations: Modify. Result code type: Specific (Update)
-     */
-    NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN( 67, "notAllowedOnRDN" ),
-    /**
-     * This error should be returned by the server when the client attempts to
-     * add an entry which already exists, or if the client attempts to rename an
-     * entry with the name of an entry which exists. Applicable operations: Add,
-     * ModifyDN. Result code type: Specific (Update)
-     */
-    ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS( 68, "entryAlreadyExists" ),
-    /**
-     * An operation attempted to modify an object class that should not be
-     * modified, e.g., the structural object class of an entry. Some servers may
-     * not permit object class modifications, especially modifications to the
-     * structural object class since this may change the entry entirely, name
-     * forms, structure rules etc. [X.511, Section 12.9]. Applicable operations:
-     * Modify. Result code type: Specific (Update)
-     */
-    OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED( 69, "objectClassModsProhibited" ),
-    /**
-     * This error code should be returned to indicate that the operation could
-     * not be performed since it affects more than one DSA. This error code is
-     * new for LDAPv3. X.500 restricts the ModifyDN operation to only affect
-     * entries that are contained within a single server. If the LDAP server is
-     * mapped onto DAP, then this restriction will apply, and the resultCode
-     * affectsMultipleDSAs will be returned if this error occurred. In general
-     * clients MUST NOT expect to be able to perform arbitrary movements of
-     * entries and subtrees between servers [RFC2251, Section 4.9]. Applicable
-     * operations: ModifyDN. Result code type: Specific (Update)
-     */
-    AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS( 71, "affectsMultipleDSAs" ),
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // General Error Codes:
-    //
-    // A general error code typically specifies an error condition for which
-    // there is no suitable specific error code. If the server can return an
-    // error, which is more specific than the following general errors, then
-    // the specific error should be returned instead.
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * This error code should be returned only if no other error code is
-     * suitable. Use of this error code should be avoided if possible. Details
-     * of the error should be provided in the error message. Applicable
-     * operations: all. Result code type: General
-     */
-    OTHER( 80, "other" ),
-    /**
-     * This error code is returned when an operation has been canceled using
-     * the Cancel extended operation. 
-     */
-    CANCELED( 118, "canceled" ),
-    /**
-     * This error code is returned if the server has no knowledge of
-     * the operation requested for cancelation.
-     */
-    NO_SUCH_OPERATION( 119, "noSuchOperation" ),
-    /**
-     * The tooLate resultCode is returned to indicate that it is too late to
-     * cancel the outstanding operation.  For example, the server may return
-     * tooLate for a request to cancel an outstanding modify operation which
-     * has already committed updates to the underlying data store.
-     */
-    TOO_LATE( 120, "tooLate" ),
-    /**
-     * The cannotCancel resultCode is returned if the identified operation
-     * does not support cancelation or the cancel operation could not be
-     * performed.  The following classes of operations are not cancelable:
-     *
-     * -  operations which have no response,
-     *
-     * -  operations which create, alter, or destroy authentication and/or
-     *    authorization associations,
-     *
-     * -  operations which establish, alter, or tear-down security services,
-     *    and
-     *
-     * -  operations which abandon or cancel other operations.
-     */
-    CANNOT_CANCEL( 121, "cannotCancel" ),
-    /**
-     * The server may return this result code on the initial content poll
-     * if it is safe to do so when it is unable to perform the operation
-     * due to various reasons. For more detailed explanation refer 
-     * <a href="">RFC 4533 (a.k.a syncrepl)</a>
-     */
-    E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED( 4096, "eSyncRefreshRequired" ),
-    /**
-     * A unknown result code to cover all the other cases
-     */
-    // -- 15 unused --
-    // -- 22-31 unused --
-    // -- 35 reserved for undefined isLeaf --
-    // -- 37-47 unused --
-    // -- 55-63 unused --
-    // -- 70 reserved for CLDAP --
-    // -- 72-79 unused --
-    // -- 81-90 reserved for APIs --
-    UNKNOWN( 122, "unknown" );
-    /** Stores the integer value of each element of the enumeration */
-    private int value;
-    /** Stores the description of each element of the enumeration */
-    private String message;
-    /**
-     * Private construct so no other instances can be created other than the
-     * public static constants in this class.
-     * 
-     * @param value the integer value of the enumeration.
-     * @param message the description of the enumeration.
-     */
-    private ResultCodeEnum( int value, String message )
-    {
-        this.value = value;
-        this.message = message;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return The value associated with the current element.
-     */
-    public int getValue()
-    {
-        return value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return The description associated with the current element.
-     */
-    public String getMessage()
-    {
-        return message;
-    }
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> EMPTY_RESULT_CODE_SET = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Error Codes Grouped Into Categories & Static Accessors
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * This array holds the set of general error codes. General error codes are
-     * typically returned only when no suitable specific error exists. Specific
-     * error codes are meant to capture situations that are specific to the
-     * requested operation. A general error code typically specifies an error
-     * condition for which there is no suitable specific error code. If the
-     * server can return an error, which is more specific than the following
-     * general errors, then the specific error should be returned instead. This
-     * array only contains the OTHER error code at the present time. The set
-     * contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> GENERAL_CODES = Collections.singleton( OTHER );
-    /**
-     * Five result codes that may be returned in LDAPResult are not used to
-     * indicate an error. The first three codes, indicate to the client that no
-     * further action is required in order to satisfy their request. In
-     * contrast, the last two errors require further action by the client in
-     * order to complete their original operation request. The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#COMPARETRUE">COMPARETRUE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#COMPAREFALSE">COMPAREFALSE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS">SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> NON_ERRONEOUS_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_TRUE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_FALSE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
-        NON_ERRONEOUS_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Contains the set of error codes associated with attribute problems. An
-     * attribute error reports a problem related to an attribute specified by
-     * the client in their request message. The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE">NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> ATTRIBUTE_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
-        ATTRIBUTE_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Stores the set of error codes associated with name problems. A name error
-     * reports a problem related to the distinguished name provided as an
-     * argument to an operation [X511, Section 12.5]. For result codes of
-     * NO_SUCH_OBJECT, aliasProblem, invalidDNSyntax and
-     * aliasDereferencingProblem, the matchedDN field is set to the name of the
-     * lowest entry (object or alias) in the directory that was matched. If no
-     * aliases were dereferenced while attempting to locate the entry, this will
-     * be a truncated form of the name provided, or if aliases were dereferenced
-     * of the resulting name, as defined in section 12.5 of X.511 [X511]. The
-     * matchedDN field is to be set to a zero length string with all other
-     * result codes [RFC2251, Section 4.1.10]. The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ALIAS_PROBLEM">ALIAS_PROBLEM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> NAME_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        NAME_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Stores all the result codes associated with security related problems. A
-     * security error reports a problem in carrying out an operation for
-     * security reasons [X511, Section 12.7]. The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> SECURITY_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_CREDENTIALS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION );
-        SECURITY_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A service error reports a problem related to the provision of the service
-     * [X511, Section 12.8]. This set stores all error codes related to service
-     * problems. The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OPERATIONSERROR">OPERATIONSERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> SERVICE_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OPERATIONS_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANNOT_CANCEL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TOO_LATE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OPERATION );
-        SERVICE_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * An update error reports problems related to attempts to add, delete, or
-     * modify information in the DIB [X511, Section 12.9]. This set contains the
-     * category of update errors.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#NAMING_VIOLATION">NAMING_VIOLATION</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS">ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> UPDATE_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NAMING_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
-        UPDATE_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Result Codes Categorized by Request Type
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * A set of result code enumerations common to all operations. The set
-     * contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> COMMON_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        COMMON_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from bind operations.
-     * The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS">SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> BIND_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_CREDENTIALS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
-        BIND_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from search operations.
-     * The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ALIAS_PROBLEM">ALIAS_PROBLEM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> SEARCH_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED );
-        SEARCH_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from modify operations.
-     * The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE">NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> MODIFY_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
-        MODIFY_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from add operations.
-     * The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NAMING_VIOLATION">NAMING_VIOLATION</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS">ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> ADD_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NAMING_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
-        ADD_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from delete operations.
-     * The set may contain:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> DELETE_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
-        DELETE_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of result code enumerations resulting from modifyDn operations. The
-     * set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NAMING_VIOLATION">NAMING_VIOLATION</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS">ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> MODIFYDN_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NAMING_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
-        MODIFYDN_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of result code enumerations that may result from compare
-     * operations. The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#OPERATIONSERROR">OPERATIONSERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#COMPAREFALSE">COMPAREFALSE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#COMPARETRUE">COMPARETRUE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE">NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> COMPARE_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OPERATIONS_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_FALSE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_TRUE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
-        COMPARE_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of result code enumerations that could result from extended
-     * operations. The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OPERATIONSERROR">OPERATIONSERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#COMPAREFALSE">COMPAREFALSE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#COMPARETRUE">COMPARETRUE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS">SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE">NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ALIAS_PROBLEM">ALIAS_PROBLEM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NAMING_VIOLATION">NAMING_VIOLATION</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS">ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> EXTENDED_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OPERATIONS_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_FALSE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_TRUE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_CREDENTIALS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NAMING_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
-        EXTENDED_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // All Result Codes
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * Set of all result code enumerations. The set contains:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#SUCCESS">SUCCESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OPERATIONSERROR">OPERATIONSERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PROTOCOL_ERROR">PROTOCOL_ERROR</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#COMPAREFALSE">COMPAREFALSE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#COMPARETRUE">COMPARETRUE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#PARTIAL_RESULTS">PARTIAL_RESULTS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">REFERRAL</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS">SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE">NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NO_SUCH_OBJECT">NO_SUCH_OBJECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ALIAS_PROBLEM">ALIAS_PROBLEM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">INVALID_DN_SYNTAX</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">BUSY</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">UNAVAILABLE</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">LOOP_DETECT</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NAMING_VIOLATION">NAMING_VIOLATION</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN">NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS">ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">OTHER</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> ALL_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OPERATIONS_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_FALSE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.COMPARE_TRUE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PARTIAL_RESULTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_CREDENTIALS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NAMING_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANNOT_CANCEL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.TOO_LATE );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OPERATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CANCELED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED );
-        ALL_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return The integer associated with the result code
-     */
-    public int getResultCode()
-    {
-        return value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return The integer associated with the result code
-     */
-    public static ResultCodeEnum getResultCode( int value )
-    {
-        switch ( value )
-        {
-            case 0 : return SUCCESS;
-            case 1 : return OPERATIONS_ERROR;
-            case 2 : return PROTOCOL_ERROR;
-            case 3 : return TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
-            case 4 : return SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
-            case 5 : return COMPARE_FALSE;
-            case 6 : return COMPARE_TRUE;
-            case 7 : return AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED;
-            case 8 : return STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED;
-            case 9 : return PARTIAL_RESULTS;
-            case 10 : return REFERRAL;
-            case 11 : return ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
-            case 12 : return UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION;
-            case 13 : return CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED;
-            case 14 : return SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS;
-            case 16 : return NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE;
-            case 17 : return UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE;
-            case 18 : return INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING;
-            case 19 : return CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION;
-            case 20 : return ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS;
-            case 21 : return INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX;
-            case 32 : return NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
-            case 33 : return ALIAS_PROBLEM;
-            case 34 : return INVALID_DN_SYNTAX;
-            case 35 : return UNKNOWN;
-            case 36 : return ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM;
-            case 48 : return INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION; 
-            case 49 : return INVALID_CREDENTIALS;
-            case 50 : return INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS;
-            case 51 : return BUSY;
-            case 52 : return UNAVAILABLE;
-            case 53 : return UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM;
-            case 54 : return LOOP_DETECT;
-            case 64 : return NAMING_VIOLATION;
-            case 65 : return OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION;
-            case 66 : return NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF;
-            case 67 : return NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN;
-            case 68 : return ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS;
-            case 69 : return OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED;
-            case 71 : return AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS;
-            case 80 : return OTHER;
-            case 118: return CANCELED;
-            case 129: return NO_SUCH_OPERATION;
-            case 120: return TOO_LATE;
-            case 121: return CANNOT_CANCEL;
-            case 4096: return E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED;
-            default : return UNKNOWN;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the set of general error codes.
-     * 
-     * @return array of result codes enumerations
-     * @see #GENERAL_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getGeneralCodes()
-    {
-        // Must clone to prevent array content alterations
-        return GENERAL_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the set of result code enumerations that do not represent
-     * operational failures.
-     * 
-     * @return array of result codes enumerations
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getNonErroneousCodes()
-    {
-        // Must clone to prevent array content alterations
-        return NON_ERRONEOUS_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations that report a problem related
-     * to an attribute specified by the client in their request message..
-     * 
-     * @return array of result codes enumerations
-     * @see #ATTRIBUTE_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getAttributeCodes()
-    {
-        // Must clone to prevent array content alterations
-        return ATTRIBUTE_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations that report a problem related
-     * to a distinguished name provided as an argument to a request message.
-     * 
-     * @return array of result codes enumerations
-     * @see #NAME_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getNameCodes()
-    {
-        // Must clone to prevent array content alterations
-        return NAME_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations that report a problem related
-     * to a problem in carrying out an operation for security reasons.
-     * 
-     * @return array of result codes enumerations
-     * @see #SECURITY_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getSecurityCodes()
-    {
-        // Must clone to prevent array content alterations
-        return SECURITY_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations that report a problem related
-     * to the provision of the service.
-     * 
-     * @return array of result codes enumerations
-     * @see #SERVICE_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getServiceCodes()
-    {
-        // Must clone to prevent array content alterations
-        return SERVICE_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations that reports problems related
-     * to attempts to add, delete, or modify information in the DIB.
-     * 
-     * @return array of result codes enumerations
-     * @see #UPDATE_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getUpdateCodes()
-    {
-        // Must clone to prevent array content alterations
-        return UPDATE_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations common to all operations.
-     * 
-     * @return an array of common operation ResultCodeEnum's
-     * @see #COMMON_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getCommonCodes()
-    {
-        return COMMON_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations resulting from bind operations.
-     * 
-     * @return an array of bind operation ResultCodeEnum's
-     * @see #BIND_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getBindCodes()
-    {
-        return BIND_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations resulting from search
-     * operations.
-     * 
-     * @return an array of search operation ResultCodeEnum's
-     * @see #SEARCH_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getSearchCodes()
-    {
-        return SEARCH_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations resulting from modify
-     * operations.
-     * 
-     * @return an array of modify operation ResultCodeEnum's
-     * @see #MODIFY_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getModifyCodes()
-    {
-        return MODIFY_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations resulting from add operations.
-     * 
-     * @return an array of add operation ResultCodeEnum's
-     * @see #ADD_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getAddCodes()
-    {
-        return ADD_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations resulting from delete
-     * operations.
-     * 
-     * @return an array of delete operation ResultCodeEnum's
-     * @see #DELETE_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getDeleteCodes()
-    {
-        return DELETE_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations resulting from modifyDn
-     * operations.
-     * 
-     * @return an array of modifyDn operation ResultCodeEnum's
-     * @see #MODIFYDN_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getModifyDnCodes()
-    {
-        return MODIFYDN_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations resulting from compare
-     * operations.
-     * 
-     * @return an array of compare operation ResultCodeEnum's
-     * @see #COMPARE_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getCompareCodes()
-    {
-        return COMPARE_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an array of result code enumerations resulting from extended
-     * operations.
-     * 
-     * @return an array of extended operation ResultCodeEnum's
-     * @see #EXTENDED_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getExtendedCodes()
-    {
-        return EXTENDED_CODES;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets all of the result code enumerations defined.
-     * 
-     * @return an array of all defined result codes
-     * @see #ALL_CODES
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getAllCodes()
-    {
-        // Must clone to prevent array content tampering.
-        return ALL_CODES;
-    }
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // Getting Result Code Enumeration Object Using Integer Values
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // JNDI Exception to ResultCodeEnum Mappings
-    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    /**
-     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to NamingException.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#OPERATIONSERROR">operationsError(1)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ALIAS_PROBLEM">aliasProblem(33)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM">aliasDereferencingProblem(36)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#LOOP_DETECT">loopDetect(54)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS">affectsMultipleDSAs(71)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OTHER">other(80)</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> NAMINGEXCEPTION_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OPERATIONS_ERROR );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_PROBLEM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.LOOP_DETECT );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OTHER );
-        NAMINGEXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
-     * {@link Exception}.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED">authMethodNotSupported(7)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED">strongAuthRequired(8)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED">confidentialityRequired(13)</a></li>
-     * <li><a
-     * href="#INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION">inappropriateAuthentication(48)</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION );
-        AUTHENTICATIONNOTSUPPOERTEDEXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
-     * {@link Exception}.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#BUSY">busy(51)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNAVAILABLE">unavailable(52)</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> SERVICEUNAVAILABLE_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.BUSY );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
-        SERVICEUNAVAILABLE_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
-     * {@link Exception}.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION">constraintViolation(19)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX">invalidAttributeSyntax(21)</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> INVALIDATTRIBUTEVALUEEXCEPTION_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
-        INVALIDATTRIBUTEVALUEEXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
-     * {@link Exception}.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#PARTIAL_RESULTS">partialResults(9)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">referral(10)</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> PARTIAL_RESULTSEXCEPTION_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.PARTIAL_RESULTS );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        PARTIAL_RESULTSEXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
-     * {@link Exception}.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#REFERRAL">referal(9)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED">adminLimitExceeded(11)</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> LIMITEXCEEDEDEXCEPTION_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED );
-        LIMITEXCEEDEDEXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
-     * {@link Exception}.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a
-     * href="#UNAVAILABLECRITICALEXTENTION">unavailableCriticalExtention(12)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM">unwillingToPerform(53)</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> OPERATIONNOTSUPPOERTEXCEPTION_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );
-        OPERATIONNOTSUPPOERTEXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
-     * {@link Exception}.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#INVALID_DN_SYNTAX">invalidDNSyntax(34)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NAMING_VIOLATION">namingViolation(64)</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> INVALIDNAMEEXCEPTION_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NAMING_VIOLATION );
-        INVALIDNAMEEXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * A set of ResultCodes containing those that may correspond to a
-     * {@link}.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li><a href="#OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION">objectClassViolation(65)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN">notAllowedOnRDN(67)</a></li>
-     * <li><a href="#OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED">objectClassModsProhibited(69)</a></li>
-     * </ul>
-     */
-    public static final Set<ResultCodeEnum> SCHEMAVIOLATIONEXCEPTION_CODES;
-    static
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN );
-        set.add( ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
-        SCHEMAVIOLATIONEXCEPTION_CODES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( set );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Takes a guess at the result code to use if it cannot figure it out from
-     * known Throwable to result code mappings. Some however are ambiguous
-     * mapping the same Throwable to multiple codes. If no code can be resolved
-     * then {@link ResultCodeEnum#OTHER} is returned.
-     * 
-     * @param t
-     *            the throwable to estimate a result code for
-     * @param type
-     *            the type of operation being performed
-     * @return the result code or a good estimate of one
-     */
-    public static ResultCodeEnum getBestEstimate( Throwable t, MessageTypeEnum type )
-    {
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> set = getResultCodes( t );
-        if ( set.isEmpty() )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.OTHER;
-        }
-        if ( set.size() == 1 )
-        {
-            return set.iterator().next();
-        }
-        if ( type == null )
-        {
-            Set<ResultCodeEnum> tmp = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-            tmp.addAll( set );
-            tmp.removeAll( NON_ERRONEOUS_CODES );
-            if ( tmp.isEmpty() )
-            {
-                return ResultCodeEnum.OTHER;
-            }
-            return tmp.iterator().next();
-        }
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> candidates = EMPTY_RESULT_CODE_SET;
-        switch ( type )
-        {
-            case ABANDON_REQUEST :
-                return set.iterator().next();
-            case ADD_REQUEST :
-                candidates = intersection( set, ADD_CODES );
-                break;
-            case ADD_RESPONSE :
-                candidates = intersection( set, ADD_CODES );
-                break;
-            case BIND_REQUEST :
-                candidates = intersection( set, BIND_CODES );
-                break;
-            case BIND_RESPONSE :
-                candidates = intersection( set, BIND_CODES );
-                break;
-            case COMPARE_REQUEST :
-                candidates = intersection( set, COMPARE_CODES );
-                break;
-            case COMPARE_RESPONSE :
-                candidates = intersection( set, COMPARE_CODES );
-                break;
-            case DEL_REQUEST :
-                candidates = intersection( set, DELETE_CODES );
-                break;
-            case DEL_RESPONSE :
-                candidates = intersection( set, DELETE_CODES );
-                break;
-            case EXTENDED_REQUEST :
-                candidates = intersection( set, EXTENDED_CODES );
-                break;
-            case EXTENDED_RESPONSE :
-                candidates = intersection( set, EXTENDED_CODES );
-                break;
-            case MODIFYDN_REQUEST :
-                candidates = intersection( set, MODIFYDN_CODES );
-                break;
-            case MODIFYDN_RESPONSE :
-                candidates = intersection( set, MODIFYDN_CODES );
-                break;
-            case MODIFY_REQUEST :
-                candidates = intersection( set, MODIFY_CODES );
-                break;
-            case MODIFY_RESPONSE :
-                candidates = intersection( set, MODIFY_CODES );
-                break;
-            case SEARCH_REQUEST :
-                candidates = intersection( set, SEARCH_CODES );
-                break;
-            case SEARCH_RESULT_DONE :
-                candidates = intersection( set, SEARCH_CODES );
-                break;
-            case SEARCH_RESULT_ENTRY :
-                candidates = intersection( set, SEARCH_CODES );
-                break;
-            case SEARCH_RESULT_REFERENCE :
-                candidates = intersection( set, SEARCH_CODES );
-                break;
-            case UNBIND_REQUEST :
-                return set.iterator().next();
-        }
-        // we don't want any codes that do not have anything to do w/ errors
-        candidates.removeAll( NON_ERRONEOUS_CODES );
-        if ( candidates.isEmpty() )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.OTHER;
-        }
-        return candidates.iterator().next();
-    }
-    private static Set<ResultCodeEnum> intersection( Set<ResultCodeEnum> s1, Set<ResultCodeEnum> s2 )
-    {
-        if ( s1.isEmpty() || s2.isEmpty() )
-        {
-            return new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        }
-        Set<ResultCodeEnum> intersection = new HashSet<ResultCodeEnum>();
-        if ( s1.size() <= s2.size() )
-        {
-            for ( ResultCodeEnum item:s1 )
-            {
-                if ( s2.contains( item ) )
-                {
-                    intersection.add( item );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            for ( ResultCodeEnum item:s2 )
-            {
-                if ( s1.contains( item ) )
-                {
-                    intersection.add( item );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return intersection;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the set of result codes a Throwable may map to. If the throwable
-     * does not map to any result code at all an empty set is returned. The
-     * following Throwables and their subclasses map to result codes:
-     * 
-     * <pre>
-     * 
-     *  Unambiguous Exceptions
-     *  ======================
-     * 
-     *  CommunicationException              ==&gt; operationsError(1)
-     *  TimeLimitExceededException          ==&gt; timeLimitExceeded(3)
-     *  SizeLimitExceededException          ==&gt; sizeLimitExceeded(4)
-     *  AuthenticationException             ==&gt; invalidCredentials(49)
-     *  NoPermissionException               ==&gt; insufficientAccessRights(50)
-     *  NoSuchAttributeException            ==&gt; noSuchAttribute(16)
-     *  InvalidAttributeIdentifierException ==&gt; undefinedAttributeType(17)
-     *  InvalidSearchFilterException        ==&gt; inappropriateMatching(18)
-     *  AttributeInUseException             ==&gt; attributeOrValueExists(20)
-     *  NameNotFoundException               ==&gt; NO_SUCH_OBJECT(32)
-     *  NameAlreadyBoundException           ==&gt; entryAlreadyExists(68)
-     *  ContextNotEmptyException            ==&gt; notAllowedOnNonLeaf(66)
-     * 
-     * 
-     *  Ambiguous Exceptions
-     *  ====================
-     * 
-     *  NamingException
-     *  ---------------
-     *  operationsError(1)
-     *  aliasProblem(33)
-     *  aliasDereferencingProblem(36)
-     *  loopDetect(54)
-     *  affectsMultipleDSAs(71)
-     *  other(80)
-     * 
-     *  AuthenticationNotSupportedException
-     *  -----------------------------------
-     *  authMethodNotSupported (7)
-     *  strongAuthRequired (8)
-     *  confidentialityRequired (13)
-     *  inappropriateAuthentication(48)
-     * 
-     *  ServiceUnavailableException
-     *  ---------------------------
-     *  busy(51)
-     *  unavailable(52)
-     * 
-     *  InvalidAttributeValueException
-     *  ------------------------------
-     *  constraintViolation(19)
-     *  invalidAttributeSyntax(21)
-     * 
-     *  PartialResultException
-     *  ----------------------
-     *  partialResults(9)
-     *  referral(10)
-     * 
-     *  LimitExceededException
-     *  ----------------------
-     *  referal(9)
-     *  adminLimitExceeded(11)
-     * 
-     *  OperationNotSupportedException
-     *  ------------------------------
-     *  unavailableCriticalExtention(12)
-     *  unwillingToPerform(53)
-     * 
-     *  InvalidNameException
-     *  --------------------
-     *  invalidDNSyntax(34)
-     *  namingViolation(64)
-     * 
-     *  SchemaViolationException
-     *  ------------------------
-     *  objectClassViolation(65)
-     *  notAllowedOnRDN(67)
-     *  objectClassModsProhibited(69)
-     * 
-     * </pre>
-     * 
-     * @param t
-     *            the Throwable to find the result code mappings for
-     * @return the set of mapped result codes
-     */
-    public static Set<ResultCodeEnum> getResultCodes( Throwable t )
-    {
-        ResultCodeEnum rc;
-        if ( ( rc = getResultCode( t ) ) != null )
-        {
-            return Collections.singleton( rc );
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapSchemaViolationException )
-        {
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapInvalidDnException )
-        {
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapUnwillingToPerformException )
-        {
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LimitExceededException )
-        {
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof PartialResultException )
-        {
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapInvalidAttributeValueException )
-        {
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapServiceUnavailableException )
-        {
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapAuthenticationNotSupportedException )
-        {
-        }
-        // keep this last because others are subtypes and thier evaluation
-        // may be shorted otherwise by this comparison here
-        if ( t instanceof LdapException )
-        {
-            return NAMINGEXCEPTION_CODES;
-        }
-        return EMPTY_RESULT_CODE_SET;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets an LDAP result code from a Throwable if it can resolve it
-     * unambiguously or returns null if it cannot resolve the exception to a
-     * single ResultCode. If the Throwable is an instance of LdapException this
-     * is already done for us, otherwise we use the following mapping:
-     * 
-     * <pre>
-     * 
-     *  Unambiguous Exceptions
-     *  ======================
-     * 
-     *  CommunicationException              ==&gt; operationsError(1)
-     *  TimeLimitExceededException          ==&gt; timeLimitExceeded(3)
-     *  SizeLimitExceededException          ==&gt; sizeLimitExceeded(4)
-     *  AuthenticationException             ==&gt; invalidCredentials(49)
-     *  NoPermissionException               ==&gt; insufficientAccessRights(50)
-     *  NoSuchAttributeException            ==&gt; noSuchAttribute(16)
-     *  InvalidAttributeIdentifierException ==&gt; undefinedAttributeType(17)
-     *  InvalidSearchFilterException        ==&gt; inappropriateMatching(18)
-     *  AttributeInUseException             ==&gt; attributeOrValueExists(20)
-     *  NameNotFoundException               ==&gt; NO_SUCH_OBJECT(32)
-     *  NameAlreadyBoundException           ==&gt; entryAlreadyExists(68)
-     *  ContextNotEmptyException            ==&gt; notAllowedOnNonLeaf(66)
-     * </pre>
-     * 
-     * If we cannot find a mapping then null is returned.
-     * 
-     * @param t The exception for which we need a ResultCodeEnum
-     * @return The ResultCodeEnum associated wit the given exception 
-     */
-    public static ResultCodeEnum getResultCode( Throwable t )
-    {
-        if ( t instanceof LdapOperationException )
-        {
-            return ( ( LdapOperationException ) t ).getResultCode();
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof CommunicationException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.PROTOCOL_ERROR;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapTimeLimitExceededException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof SizeLimitExceededException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapAuthenticationException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_CREDENTIALS;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapNoPermissionException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapNoSuchAttributeException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapInvalidAttributeTypeException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapInvalidSearchFilterException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapAttributeInUseException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapNoSuchObjectException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapEntryAlreadyExistsException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS;
-        }
-        if ( t instanceof LdapContextNotEmptyException )
-        {
-            return ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NON_LEAF;
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
diff --git a/ldap/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/shared/ldap/message/ b/ldap/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/shared/ldap/message/
deleted file mode 100644
index acf073b..0000000
--- a/ldap/src/main/java/org/apache/directory/shared/ldap/message/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- *  distributed with this work for additional information
- *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *  
- *
- *  
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- *  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- *  specific language governing permissions and limitations
- *  under the License. 
- *  
- */
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- * A container for Search parameters. It replaces the SearchControls.
- *
- * @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
- */
-public class SearchParams
-    /** The LoggerFactory used by this class */
-    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( SearchParams.class );
-    /** The search scope. Default to OBJECT */
-    private SearchScope scope = SearchScope.OBJECT;
-    /** The time limit. Default to 0 (infinite) */
-    private int timeLimit = 0;
-    /** The size limit. Default to 0 (infinite) */
-    private long sizeLimit = 0;
-    /** If we should return only types. Default to false */
-    private boolean typesOnly = false;
-    /** The aliasDerefMode. Default to DEREF_ALWAYS */
-    private AliasDerefMode aliasDerefMode = AliasDerefMode.DEREF_ALWAYS;
-    /** The list of attributes to return, as Strings. Default to an empty set */
-    private Set<String> returningAttributesStr;
-    /** The list of attributes to return, once it has been normalized. Default to an empty set */
-    private Set<AttributeTypeOptions> returningAttributes;
-    /** The set of controls for this search. Default to an empty set */
-    private Set<Control> controls;
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of SearchContext, with all the values set to 
-     * default.
-     */
-    public SearchParams()
-    {
-        returningAttributes = new HashSet<AttributeTypeOptions>();
-        returningAttributesStr = new HashSet<String>();
-        controls = new HashSet<Control>();
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return the scope
-     */
-    public SearchScope getScope()
-    {
-        return scope;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param scope the scope to set
-     */
-    public void setScope( SearchScope scope )
-    {
-        this.scope = scope;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return the timeLimit
-     */
-    public int getTimeLimit()
-    {
-        return timeLimit;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param timeLimit the timeLimit to set
-     */
-    public void setTimeLimit( int timeLimit )
-    {
-        this.timeLimit = timeLimit;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return the sizeLimit
-     */
-    public long getSizeLimit()
-    {
-        return sizeLimit;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param sizeLimit the sizeLimit to set
-     */
-    public void setSizeLimit( long sizeLimit )
-    {
-        this.sizeLimit = sizeLimit;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return the typesOnly
-     */
-    public boolean isTypesOnly()
-    {
-        return typesOnly;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param typesOnly the typesOnly to set
-     */
-    public void setTypesOnly( boolean typesOnly )
-    {
-        this.typesOnly = typesOnly;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return the aliasDerefMode
-     */
-    public AliasDerefMode getAliasDerefMode()
-    {
-        return aliasDerefMode;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param aliasDerefMode the aliasDerefMode to set
-     */
-    public void setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode aliasDerefMode )
-    {
-        this.aliasDerefMode = aliasDerefMode;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return the returningAttributes
-     */
-    public Set<AttributeTypeOptions> getReturningAttributes()
-    {
-        return returningAttributes;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return the returningAttributes
-     */
-    public Set<String> getReturningAttributesStr()
-    {
-        return returningAttributesStr;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Normalize the ReturningAttributes. It reads all the String from the returningAttributesString,
-     * and grab the associated AttributeType from the schema to store it into the returningAttributes
-     * Set.
-     *
-     * @param schemaManager The schema manager
-     */
-    public void normalize( SchemaManager schemaManager )
-    {
-        for ( String returnAttribute : returningAttributesStr )
-        {
-            try
-            {
-                String id = SchemaUtils.stripOptions( returnAttribute );
-                Set<String> options = SchemaUtils.getOptions( returnAttribute );
-                AttributeType attributeType = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( id );
-                AttributeTypeOptions attrOptions = new AttributeTypeOptions( attributeType, options );
-                returningAttributes.add( attrOptions );
-            }
-            catch ( LdapException ne )
-            {
-                LOG.warn( "Requested attribute {} does not exist in the schema, it will be ignored", returnAttribute );
-                // Unknown attributes should be silently ignored, as RFC 2251 states
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param returningAttributes the returningAttributes to set
-     */
-    public void setReturningAttributes( String... returningAttributes )
-    {
-        if ( returningAttributes != null )
-        {
-            for ( String returnAttribute : returningAttributes )
-            {
-                this.returningAttributesStr.add( returnAttribute );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param returningAttribute the returningAttributes to add
-     */
-    public void addReturningAttributes( String returningAttribute )
-    {
-        this.returningAttributesStr.add( returningAttribute );
-    }
-    /**
-     * @return the controls
-     */
-    public Set<Control> getControls()
-    {
-        return controls;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param controls the controls to set
-     */
-    public void setControls( Set<Control> controls )
-    {
-        this.controls = controls;
-    }
-    /**
-     * @param control the controls to set
-     */
-    public void addControl( Control control )
-    {
-        this.controls.add( control );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a {@link SearchParams} from JNDI search controls.
-     *
-     * @param searchControls the search controls
-     * @param aliasDerefMode the alias deref mode
-     * @return the search params
-     */
-    public static SearchParams toSearchParams( SearchControls searchControls, AliasDerefMode aliasDerefMode )
-    {
-        SearchParams searchParams = new SearchParams();
-        searchParams.setAliasDerefMode( aliasDerefMode );
-        searchParams.setTimeLimit( searchControls.getTimeLimit() );
-        searchParams.setSizeLimit( searchControls.getCountLimit() );
-        searchParams.setScope( SearchScope.getSearchScope( searchControls.getSearchScope() ) );
-        searchParams.setTypesOnly( searchControls.getReturningObjFlag() );
-        if ( searchControls.getReturningAttributes() != null )
-        {
-            for ( String returningAttribute : searchControls.getReturningAttributes() )
-            {
-                searchParams.addReturningAttributes( returningAttribute );
-            }
-        }
-        return searchParams;
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@inheritDoc}
-     */
-    public String toString()
-    {
-        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-        sb.append( "Search parameters :\n" );
-        sb.append( "    scope : " ).append( scope ).append( "\n" );
-        sb.append( "    Alias dereferencing : " ).append( aliasDerefMode ).append( "\n" );
-        sb.append( "    types only : " ).append( typesOnly ).append( "\n" );
-        if ( returningAttributesStr.size() != 0 )
-        {
-            sb.append( "    returning attributes : " ).append( Strings.setToString(returningAttributesStr) )
-                .append( "\n" );
-        }
-        if ( timeLimit > 0 )
-        {
-            sb.append( "    timeLimit : " ).append( timeLimit ).append( "\n" );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            sb.append( "    no timeLimit\n" );
-        }
-        if ( timeLimit > 0 )
-        {
-            sb.append( "    sizeLimit : " ).append( sizeLimit ).append( "\n" );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            sb.append( "    no sizeLimit\n" );
-        }
-        if ( controls.size() != 0 )
-        {
-            for ( Control control : controls )
-            {
-                sb.append( "    control : " ).
-                    append( control.getOid() ).append( "/" ).
-                    append( control.getClass().getName() ).append( "\n" );
-            }
-        }
-        return sb.toString();
-    }