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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.kerby.kerberos.kerb.gssapi.krb5;
import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException;
import org.ietf.jgss.MessageProp;
* This class implements the token formats defined in RFC 1964 and its updates
* The GSS Wrap token has the following format:
* Byte no Name Description
* 0..1 TOK_ID 0201
* 2..3 SGN_ALG Checksum algorithm indicator.
* 00 00 DES MAC MD5
* 01 00 MD2.5
* 02 00 DES MAC
* 04 00 HMAC SHA1 DES3-KD
* 11 00 RC4-HMAC used by Microsoft Windows, RFC 4757
* 4..5 SEAL_ALG ff ff none
* 00 00 DES
* 02 00 DES3-KD
* 10 00 RC4-HMAC
* 6..7 Filler FF FF
* 8..15 SND_SEQ Encrypted sequence number field.
* 16..23 SNG_CKSUM Checksum of plaintext padded data,
* calculated according to algorithm
* specified in SGN_ALG field.
* 24.. Data Encrypted or plaintext padded data
* Use of the GSS MIC token has the following format:
* Byte no Name Description
* 0..1 TOK_ID 0101
* 2..3 SGN_ALG Integrity algorithm indicator.
* 4..7 Filler Contains ff ff ff ff
* 8..15 SND_SEQ Sequence number field.
* 16..23 SGN_CKSUM Checksum of "to-be-signed data",
* calculated according to algorithm
* specified in SGN_ALG field.
abstract class KerbyGssTokenV1 extends KerbyGssTokenBase {
public static final int SGN_ALG_DES_MAC_MD5 = 0;
public static final int SGN_ALG_MD25 = 0x0100;
public static final int SGN_ALG_DES_MAC = 0x0200;
public static final int SGN_ALG_HMAC_SHA1_DES3_KD = 0x0400;
public static final int SGN_ALG_RC4_HMAC = 0x1100;
public static final int SEAL_ALG_NONE = 0xFFFF;
public static final int SEAL_ALG_DES = 0x0; // "DES/CBC/NoPadding"
public static final int SEAL_ALG_DES3_KD = 0x0200;
public static final int SEAL_ALG_RC4_HMAC = 0x1000;
public static final int KG_USAGE_SEAL = 22;
public static final int KG_USAGE_SIGN = 23;
public static final int KG_USAGE_SEQ = 24;
public static final int KG_USAGE_MS_SIGN = 15;
private boolean isInitiator;
private boolean confState;
private int sequenceNumber;
protected KerbyGssEncryptor encryptor;
private GSSHeader gssHeader;
public static final int TOKEN_HEADER_COMM_SIZE = 8;
public static final int TOKEN_HEADER_SEQ_SIZE = 8;
// Token commHeader data
private int tokenType;
private byte[] commHeader = new byte[TOKEN_HEADER_COMM_SIZE];
private int sgnAlg;
private int sealAlg;
private byte[] plainSequenceBytes;
private byte[] encryptedSequenceNumber = new byte[TOKEN_HEADER_SEQ_SIZE];
private byte[] checkSum;
private int checkSumSize;
protected int reconHeaderLen; // only used for certain reason
public static ObjectIdentifier objId;
static {
try {
objId = new ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113554.1.2.2");
} catch (IOException ioe) { // NOPMD
protected int getTokenHeaderSize() {
protected byte[] getPlainSequenceBytes() {
byte[] ret = new byte[4];
ret[0] = plainSequenceBytes[0];
ret[1] = plainSequenceBytes[1];
ret[2] = plainSequenceBytes[2];
ret[3] = plainSequenceBytes[3];
return ret;
// Generate a new token
KerbyGssTokenV1(int tokenType, KerbyContext context) throws GSSException {
initialize(tokenType, context, false);
// Reconstruct a token
KerbyGssTokenV1(int tokenType, KerbyContext context, MessageProp prop,
byte[] token, int offset, int size) throws GSSException {
int proxLen = size > 64 ? 64 : size;
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(token, offset, proxLen);
reconstructInitializaion(tokenType, context, prop, is);
reconHeaderLen = gssHeader.getLength() + getTokenHeaderSize();
// Reconstruct a token
KerbyGssTokenV1(int tokenType, KerbyContext context, MessageProp prop, InputStream is) throws GSSException {
reconstructInitializaion(tokenType, context, prop, is);
private void reconstructInitializaion(int tokenType, KerbyContext context, MessageProp prop, InputStream is)
throws GSSException {
initialize(tokenType, context, true);
if (!confState) {
try {
gssHeader = new GSSHeader(is);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new GSSException(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, -1, "Invalid token:" + e.getMessage());
if (!gssHeader.getOid().equals((Object) objId)) {
throw new GSSException(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, -1, "Invalid token OID");
reconstructTokenHeader(is, prop);
private void initialize(int tokenType,
KerbyContext context,
boolean reconstruct) throws GSSException {
this.tokenType = tokenType;
this.isInitiator = context.isInitiator();
this.confState = context.getConfState();
this.encryptor = context.getGssEncryptor();
this.checkSumSize = encryptor.getCheckSumSize();
if (!reconstruct) {
this.sequenceNumber = context.incMySequenceNumber();
} else {
checkSum = new byte[checkSumSize];
protected void calcPrivacyInfo(MessageProp prop, byte[] confounder, byte[] data,
int dataOffset, int dataLength, int paddingLen) throws GSSException {
if (!confState) {
checkSum = calcCheckSum(confounder, commHeader, data, dataOffset, dataLength, paddingLen);
protected void verifyToken(byte[] confounder, byte[] data, int dataOffset, int dataLength, int paddingLen)
throws GSSException {
byte[] sum = calcCheckSum(confounder, commHeader, data, dataOffset, dataLength, paddingLen);
if (!MessageDigest.isEqual(checkSum, sum)) {
throw new GSSException(GSSException.BAD_MIC, -1,
"Corrupt token checksum for " + (tokenType == TOKEN_MIC_V1 ? "Mic" : "Wrap") + "TokenV1");
private byte[] calcCheckSum(byte[] confounder, byte[] header, byte[] data,
int dataOffset, int dataLength, int paddingLen) throws GSSException {
return encryptor.calculateCheckSum(confounder, header, data, dataOffset, dataLength, paddingLen,
tokenType == TOKEN_MIC_V1);
private void encryptSequenceNumber() throws GSSException {
plainSequenceBytes = new byte[8];
if (encryptor.isArcFourHmac()) {
writeBigEndian(plainSequenceBytes, 0, sequenceNumber);
} else {
plainSequenceBytes[0] = (byte) sequenceNumber;
plainSequenceBytes[1] = (byte) (sequenceNumber >>> 8);
plainSequenceBytes[2] = (byte) (sequenceNumber >>> 16);
plainSequenceBytes[3] = (byte) (sequenceNumber >>> 24);
// Hex 0 - sender is the context initiator, Hex FF - sender is the context acceptor
if (!isInitiator) {
plainSequenceBytes[4] = (byte) 0xFF;
plainSequenceBytes[5] = (byte) 0xFF;
plainSequenceBytes[6] = (byte) 0xFF;
plainSequenceBytes[7] = (byte) 0xFF;
encryptedSequenceNumber = encryptor.encryptSequenceNumber(plainSequenceBytes, checkSum, true);
public void encodeHeader(OutputStream os) throws GSSException, IOException {
// | GSSHeader | TokenHeader |
GSSHeader gssHeader = new GSSHeader(objId, getTokenSizeWithoutGssHeader());
private void createTokenHeader() {
commHeader[0] = (byte) (tokenType >>> 8);
commHeader[1] = (byte) tokenType;
sgnAlg = encryptor.getSgnAlg();
commHeader[2] = (byte) (sgnAlg >>> 8);
commHeader[3] = (byte) sgnAlg;
if (tokenType == TOKEN_WRAP_V1) {
sealAlg = encryptor.getSealAlg();
commHeader[4] = (byte) (sealAlg >>> 8);
commHeader[5] = (byte) sealAlg;
} else {
commHeader[4] = (byte) 0xFF;
commHeader[5] = (byte) 0xFF;
commHeader[6] = (byte) 0xFF;
commHeader[7] = (byte) 0xFF;
// Re-construct token commHeader
private void reconstructTokenHeader(InputStream is, MessageProp prop) throws GSSException {
try {
if ( != commHeader.length
|| != encryptedSequenceNumber.length
|| != checkSum.length) {
throw new GSSException(GSSException.FAILURE, -1,
"Insufficient in reconstruct token header");
initTokenHeader(commHeader, prop);
plainSequenceBytes = encryptor.encryptSequenceNumber(encryptedSequenceNumber, checkSum, false);
byte dirc = isInitiator ? (byte) 0xFF : 0;
// Hex 0 - sender is the context initiator, Hex FF - sender is the context acceptor
if (!(plainSequenceBytes[4] == dirc && plainSequenceBytes[5] == dirc
&& plainSequenceBytes[6] == dirc && plainSequenceBytes[7] == dirc)) {
throw new GSSException(GSSException.BAD_MIC, -1,
"Corrupt token sequence for " + (tokenType == TOKEN_MIC_V1 ? "Mic" : "Wrap") + "TokenV1");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new GSSException(GSSException.FAILURE, -1,
"Error in reconstruct token header:" + e.getMessage());
private void initTokenHeader(byte[] tokenBytes, MessageProp prop) throws GSSException {
int tokenIDRecv = (((int) tokenBytes[0]) << 8) + tokenBytes[1];
if (tokenType != tokenIDRecv) {
throw new GSSException(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, -1,
"Token ID should be " + tokenType + " instead of " + tokenIDRecv);
sgnAlg = (((int) tokenBytes[2]) << 8) + tokenBytes[3];
sealAlg = (((int) tokenBytes[4]) << 8) + tokenBytes[5];
if (tokenBytes[6] != (byte) 0xFF || tokenBytes[7] != (byte) 0xFF) {
throw new GSSException(GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN, -1, "Invalid token head filler");
prop.setPrivacy(sealAlg != SEAL_ALG_NONE);
protected GSSHeader getGssHeader() {
return gssHeader;
abstract int getTokenSizeWithoutGssHeader();