blob: 0ab3b15cfc8c8915bab5199d251be8caea50fa54 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PutMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.RequestEntity;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.StringRequestEntity;
import org.apache.cxf.common.util.Base64Utility;
import org.apache.cxf.helpers.IOUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import us.jts.fortress.GlobalErrIds;
import us.jts.fortress.ObjectFactory;
import us.jts.fortress.RestException;
import us.jts.fortress.cfg.Config;
import us.jts.fortress.rbac.Props;
import us.jts.fortress.util.crypto.EncryptUtil;
* This utility class provides methods that wrap Apache's HTTP Client APIs. This class is thread safe.
* @author Shawn McKinney
public class RestUtils
private static final String CLS_NM = RestUtils.class.getName();
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( CLS_NM );
private final static String HTTP_UID = Config.getProperty( "http.user" );
private final static String HTTP_PW_PARAM = "";
private final static String HTTP_PW = ( ( EncryptUtil.isEnabled() ) ? EncryptUtil.decrypt( Config
.getProperty( HTTP_PW_PARAM ) ) : Config.getProperty( HTTP_PW_PARAM ) );
private final static String HTTP_HOST = Config.getProperty( "" );
private final static String HTTP_PORT = Config.getProperty( "http.port" );
private static final String VERSION = System.getProperty( "version" );
private static final String SERVICE = "enmasse-" + VERSION;
private static final String URI = "http://" + HTTP_HOST + ":" + HTTP_PORT + "/" + SERVICE + "/";
private static final int HTTP_OK = 200;
private static final int HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED = 401;
private static final int HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN = 403;
private static final int HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND = 404;
* Marshall the request into an XML String.
* @param request
* @return String containing xml request
* @throws RestException
public static String marshal( FortRequest request ) throws RestException
String szRetValue;
// Create a JAXB context passing in the class of the object we want to marshal/unmarshal
final JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance( FortRequest.class );
// =============================================================================================================
// Marshalling OBJECT to XML
// =============================================================================================================
// Create the marshaller, that will transform the object into XML
final Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();
// Create a stringWriter to hold the XML
final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
// Marshal the javaObject and write the XML to the stringWriter
marshaller.marshal( request, stringWriter );
szRetValue = stringWriter.toString();
catch ( JAXBException je )
String error = "marshal caught JAXBException=" + je;
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_MARSHALL_ERR, error, je );
return szRetValue;
* Unmarshall the XML response into its associated Java objects.
* @param szResponse
* @return FortResponse
* @throws RestException
public static FortResponse unmarshall( String szResponse ) throws RestException
FortResponse response;
// Create a JAXB context passing in the class of the object we want to marshal/unmarshal
final JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance( FortResponse.class );
// Create the unmarshaller, that will transform the XML back into an object
final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
response = ( FortResponse ) unmarshaller.unmarshal( new StringReader( szResponse ) );
catch ( JAXBException je )
String error = "unmarshall caught JAXBException=" + je;
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_UNMARSHALL_ERR, error, je );
return response;
* Perform HTTP Get REST request.
* @param userId
* @param password
* @param id
* @param id2
* @param id3
* @param function
* @return String containing response
* @throws RestException
public static String get( String userId, String password, String id, String id2, String id3, String function )
throws RestException
String url = URI + function + "/" + id;
if ( id2 != null )
url += "/" + id2;
if ( id3 != null )
url += "/" + id3;
LOG.debug( "get function:" + function + ", id1:" + id + ", id2:" + id2 + ", id3:" + id3 + ", url: "
+ url );
GetMethod get = new GetMethod( url );
setMethodHeaders( get, userId, password );
return handleHttpMethod( get );
* Perform HTTP Get REST request.
* @param id
* @param id2
* @param id3
* @param function
* @return String containing response
* @throws RestException
public static String get( String id, String id2, String id3, String function ) throws RestException
String url = URI + function + "/" + id;
if ( id2 != null )
url += "/" + id2;
if ( id3 != null )
url += "/" + id3;
LOG.debug( "get function:" + function + ", id1:" + id + ", id2:" + id2 + ", id3:" + id3 + ", url: "
+ url );
GetMethod get = new GetMethod( url );
setMethodHeaders( get, HTTP_UID, HTTP_PW );
return handleHttpMethod( get );
* Perform an HTTP Post REST operation.
* @param userId
* @param password
* @param szInput
* @param function
* @return String containing response
* @throws RestException
public static String post( String userId, String password, String szInput, String function ) throws RestException
LOG.debug( "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function + "], request=" + szInput );
String szResponse = null;
PostMethod post = new PostMethod( URI + function );
post.addRequestHeader( "Accept", "text/xml" );
setMethodHeaders( post, userId, password );
RequestEntity entity = new StringRequestEntity( szInput, "text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1", null );
post.setRequestEntity( entity );
HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();
int result = httpclient.executeMethod( post );
szResponse = IOUtils.toString( post.getResponseBodyAsStream(), "UTF-8" );
LOG.debug( "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function + "], response=" + szResponse
+ " result=" + result );
catch ( IOException ioe )
String error = "post URI=[" + URI + "], [" + function + "] caught IOException=" + ioe;
LOG.error( error );
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_IO_ERR, error, ioe );
catch ( WebApplicationException we )
String error = "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function
+ "] caught WebApplicationException=" + we;
LOG.error( error );
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_WEB_ERR, error, we );
// Release current connection to the connection pool.
return szResponse;
* Perform an HTTP Post REST operation.
* @param szInput
* @param function
* @return String containing response
* @throws RestException
public static String post( String szInput, String function ) throws RestException
LOG.debug( "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function + "], request=" + szInput );
String szResponse = null;
PostMethod post = new PostMethod( URI + function );
post.addRequestHeader( "Accept", "text/xml" );
setMethodHeaders( post, HTTP_UID, HTTP_PW );
RequestEntity entity = new StringRequestEntity( szInput, "text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1", null );
post.setRequestEntity( entity );
HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();
int result = httpclient.executeMethod( post );
if ( result == HTTP_OK )
szResponse = IOUtils.toString( post.getResponseBodyAsStream(), "UTF-8" );
LOG.debug( "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function + "], response=" + szResponse );
else if ( result == HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED )
String error = "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function
+ "], 401 function unauthorized on host";
LOG.error( error );
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_UNAUTHORIZED_ERR, error );
else if ( result == HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN )
String error = "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function
+ "], 403 function forbidden on host";
LOG.error( error );
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_FORBIDDEN_ERR, error );
else if ( result == HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND )
String error = "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function + "], 404 not found from host";
LOG.error( error );
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_NOT_FOUND_ERR, error );
String error = "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function
+ "], error received from host: " + result;
LOG.error( error );
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_UNKNOWN_ERR, error );
catch ( IOException ioe )
String error = "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function + "] caught IOException=" + ioe;
LOG.error( error );
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_IO_ERR, error, ioe );
catch ( WebApplicationException we )
String error = "post URI=[" + URI + "], function=[" + function
+ "] caught WebApplicationException=" + we;
LOG.error( error );
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_WEB_ERR, error, we );
// Release current connection to the connection pool.
return szResponse;
* Set these params into their associated HTTP header vars.
* @param httpMethod
* @param name
* @param password
private static void setMethodHeaders( HttpMethod httpMethod, String name, String password )
if ( httpMethod instanceof PostMethod || httpMethod instanceof PutMethod )
httpMethod.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type", "application/xml" );
httpMethod.setRequestHeader( "Accept", "application/xml" );
httpMethod.setDoAuthentication( true );
httpMethod.setRequestHeader( "Authorization",
"Basic " + base64Encode( name + ":" + password ) );
* Convert from non-Base64 to Base64 encoded.
* @param value
* @return String contains encoded data
private static String base64Encode( String value )
return Base64Utility.encode( value.getBytes() );
* Process the HTTP method request.
* @param httpMethod
* @return String containing response
* @throws Exception
private static String handleHttpMethod( HttpMethod httpMethod ) throws RestException
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
String szResponse = null;
int statusCode = client.executeMethod( httpMethod );
LOG.debug( "handleHttpMethod Response status : " + statusCode );
Response.Status status = Response.Status.fromStatusCode( statusCode );
if ( status == Response.Status.OK )
szResponse = httpMethod.getResponseBodyAsString();
LOG.debug( szResponse );
else if ( status == Response.Status.FORBIDDEN )
LOG.debug( "handleHttpMethod Authorization failure" );
else if ( status == Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED )
LOG.debug( "handleHttpMethod Authentication failure" );
LOG.debug( "handleHttpMethod Unknown error" );
catch ( IOException ioe )
String error = "handleHttpMethod caught IOException=" + ioe;
LOG.error( error );
throw new RestException( GlobalErrIds.REST_IO_ERR, error, ioe );
// Release current connection to the connection pool.
return szResponse;
* @param inProps
* @return Properties
public static Properties getProperties( Props inProps )
Properties properties = null;
List<Props.Entry> props = inProps.getEntry();
if ( props.size() > 0 )
properties = new Properties();
//int size = props.size();
for ( Props.Entry entry : props )
String key = entry.getKey();
String val = entry.getValue();
properties.setProperty( key, val );
return properties;
* @param properties
* @return Prop contains name value pairs.
public static Props getProps( Properties properties )
Props props = null;
if ( properties != null )
props = new ObjectFactory().createProps();
for ( Enumeration e = properties.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
String key = ( String ) e.nextElement();
String val = properties.getProperty( key );
Props.Entry entry = new Props.Entry();
entry.setKey( key );
entry.setValue( val );
props.getEntry().add( entry );
return props;