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~ Copyright © 2009-2013, JoshuaTree. All Rights Reserved.
<title>Package Documentation for us.jts.fortress</title>
This package contains public APIs that are used by Java programs to provide Identity and Access Management functionality. The APIs
are organized into categories or 'Managers'. Each manager controls a specific area of functionality.
<li>{@link us.jts.fortress.AccessMgr} is used for RBAC runtime security checking</li>
<li>{@link us.jts.fortress.AdminMgr} is for RBAC provisioning</li>
<li>{@link us.jts.fortress.AuditMgr} is for interrogating OpenLDAP audit and historical logs</li>
<li>{@link us.jts.fortress.DelAccessMgr} is used for ARBAC runtime security checking</li>
<li>{@link us.jts.fortress.DelAdminMgr} is for ARBAC provisioning</li>
<li>{@link us.jts.fortress.DelReviewMgr} is used to interrogate ARBAC policy</li>
<li>{@link us.jts.fortress.PwPolicyMgr} is for performing OpenLDAP pwpolicy provisioning and interrogation</li>
<li>{@link us.jts.fortress.ReviewMgr} is used to interrogate RBAC policy</li>
The <b>us.jts.fortress</b> package provides managers, factories and exception classes that can be thrown when
fortress needs to report an error status code back to caller. The fortress manager APIs are based on standards like <a href="">RBAC</a>,
<a href="">ARBAC02</a> and <a href="">Password Policy for LDAP Directories</a>.
A {@link us.jts.fortress.util.time.Constraint} mechanism is used by fortress to control the {@link us.jts.fortress.util.time.Time}, {@link us.jts.fortress.util.time.Date} and {@link us.jts.fortress.util.time.Day} of week for when a
{@link us.jts.fortress.rbac.User} or {@link us.jts.fortress.rbac.UserRole} entity can be activated within a {@link us.jts.fortress.rbac.Session}.
There is also a lockout mechanism to temporarily bar entities from activating. AuditMgr may be used to interrogate OpenLDAP audit and historical information.
<h2>Description of Package Contents</h2>
This package contains APIs to do the following
<li>Role Based Access Control (RBAC)</li>
<li>Administrative Role Based Access Control (ARBAC)</li>
<li>Password Policies</li>
<li>Audit Trail</li>
The following sections provides more info on each.
<h3>1. Role Based Access Control description</h3>
Many of the method names and signatures within this package were taken directly from ANSI INCITS 359-2004.
The RBAC Functional specification describes administrative operations for the creation
and maintenance of RBAC element sets and relations; administrative review functions for
performing administrative queries; and system functions for creating and managing
RBAC attributes on user sessions and making access control decisions.
<h4>RBAC0 - Core</h4>
Many-to-many relationship between Users, Roles and Permissions. Selective role activation into sessions. API to add, update, delete identity data and perform identity and access control decisions during runtime operations.
<img src="./doc-files/RbacCore.png">
<h4>RBAC1 - General Hierarchical Roles</h4>
Simplifies role engineering tasks using inheritance of one or more parent roles.
<img src="./doc-files/RbacHier.png">
<h4>RBAC2 - Static Separation of Duty (SSD) Relations</h4>
Enforce mutual membership exclusions across role assignments. Facilitate dual control policies by restricting which roles may be assigned to users in combination. SSD provide added granularity for authorization limits which help enterprises meet strict compliance regulations.
<img src="./doc-files/RbacSSD.png">
<h4>RBAC3 - Dynamic Separation of Duty (DSD) Relations</h4>
Control allowed role combinations to be activated within an RBAC session. DSD policies fine tune role policies that facilitate authorization dual control and two man policy restrictions during runtime security checks.
<img src="./doc-files/RbacDSD.png">
<h3>2. Administrative Role Based Access Control (ARBAC) description</h3>
These APIs map directly to similar named APIs specified by ARBAC02 functions. The ARBAC Functional specification describes delegated administrative
operations for the creation and maintenance of ARBAC element sets and relations. Delegated administrative review functions for performing administrative queries
and system functions for creating and managing ARBAC attributes on user sessions and making delegated administrative access control decisions.
<h4>ARBAC02 Diagram</h4>
<img src="./doc-files/ARbac.png">
Fortress fully supports the Oh/Sandhu/Zhang ARBAC02 model for delegated administration. ARBAC provides large enterprises the capability to delegate administrative authority to users that reside outside of the security admin group.
Decentralizing administration helps because it provides security provisioning capability to work groups without sacrificing regulations for accountability or traceability.
<h3>3. Password Policy description</h3>
Fortress APIs store and interrogate policies on <a href="">OpenLDAP</a> which supports the IETF <a href="">Password Policies LDAP directories</a></li> draft. Policies may be applied at the user, group or global level.
Password enforcement options include:
<li>A configurable limit on failed authentication attempts.</li>
<li>A counter to track the number of failed authentication attempts.</li>
<li>A time frame in which the limit of consecutive failed authentication attempts must happen before action is taken.</li>
<li>The action to be taken when the limit is reached. The action will either be nothing, or the account will be locked.</li>
<li>An amount of time the account is locked (if it is to be locked) This can be indefinite.</li>
<li>Password expiration.</li>
<li>Expiration warning</li>
<li>Grace authentications</li>
<li>Password history</li>
<li>Password minimum age</li>
<li>Password minimum length</li>
<li>Password Change after Reset</li>
<li>Safe Modification of Password</li>
<h4>Password Policy diagram</h4>
The following is an example of policies that can be configured. There is no limit to the number of different policies that can be created and enforced.
<img src="./doc-files/PasswordPolicy.png">
<h3>4. History and Audit trail using OpenLDAP</h3>
Provides an OpenLDAP access log retrieval mechanism that enables security event monitoring.
<li>Authentication events:
<li>Session enablement events
<li>Authorization events
<li>Entity mods and deletes
<h4>Diagram of Audit Events</h4>
<img src="./doc-files/Audit.png">
All events include Fortress context, see {@code FortEntity}.
The following APIs generate events subsequently stored in this access log:
<li> {@link us.jts.fortress.AccessMgr}
<li> {@link us.jts.fortress.AdminMgr}
<li> {@link us.jts.fortress.AdminMgr}
<li> {@link us.jts.fortress.DelAdminMgr}
<li> {@link us.jts.fortress.cfg.ConfigMgr}
<li> {@link us.jts.fortress.PwPolicyMgr}