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<title>Overview of the us.jts.fortress component</title>
A standards based and open source Identity Access Management Java SDK for LDAP v3 compliant systems.
<h2>What can Fortress SDK do?</h2>
Contained within this SDK are APIs and utilities to perform authentication, authorization, administration, audit and password policies.
The most important package in this system is <A HREF="us/jts/fortress/package-summary.html">us.jts.fortress</A> which contains all of the public APIs that are called by outside programs.
<h3>Fortress Manager APIs</h3>
<li><a href="us/jts/fortress/AccessMgr.html">AccessMgr</a> - This class performs runtime access control operations on objects that are provisioned <a href="">RBAC</a> entities that reside in LDAP directory.</li>
<li><a href="us/jts/fortress/AdminMgr.html">AdminMgr</a> - This class performs administrative functions to provision Fortress <a href="">RBAC</a> entities into the LDAP directory.</li>
<li><a href="us/jts/fortress/AuditMgr.html">AuditMgr</a> - This interface prescribes methods used to search OpenLDAP's slapd access log.</li>
<li><a href="us/jts/fortress/DelAccessMgr.html">DelAccessMgr</a> - This interface prescribes the API for performing runtime delegated access control operations on objects that are provisioned Fortress <a href="">ARBAC02</a> entities that reside in LDAP directory.</li>
<li><a href="us/jts/fortress/DelAdminMgr.html">DelAdminMgr</a> - This class prescribes the <a href="">ARBAC02</a> DelegatedAdminMgr interface for performing policy administration of Fortress ARBAC entities that reside in LDAP directory.</li>
<li><a href="us/jts/fortress/DelReviewMgr.html">DelReviewMgr</a> - This class prescribes the <a href="">ARBAC02</a> DelegatedReviewMgr interface for performing policy interrogation of provisioned Fortress ARBAC02 entities that reside in LDAP directory.</li>
<li><a href="us/jts/fortress/PwPolicyMgr.html">PwPolicyMgr</a> - This class adheres to <a href="">IETF PW policy draft</a> and is used to perform administrative and review functions on the <a href="us/jts/fortress/rbac/PwPolicy.html">PWPOLICIES</a> and <a href="us/jts/fortress/rbac/User.html">USERS</a> data sets within Fortress.</li>
<li><a href="us/jts/fortress/ReviewMgr.html">ReviewMgr</a> - This interface prescribes the administrative review functions on already provisioned Fortress <a href="">RBAC</a> entities that reside in LDAP directory.</li>
<h5>Error Handling</h5>
These APIs throw checked exceptions defined in <a href="us/jts/fortress/SecurityException.html">SecurityException</a>
<h2>What technologies are used?</h2>
Fortress SDK runs on any platform that supports Java technology and LDAP v3 protocols. Functionality that extends beyond
LDAP v3 is provided via <a href="">OpenLDAP</a> specific features. In other words Fortress was optimized to run on OpenLDAP.
<h2>What are the conditions of use?</h2>
This software development toolkit is open source, thus free to use and distribute via the <a href="">BSD 3-Clause License</a>.
It was developed and tested on open systems like <a href="">Ubuntu</a> and <a href="">Centos</a> and was helped along
by the following open source products:
<li><a href="">The OpenLDAP Project</a></li>
<li><a href="">The Apache Software Foundation</a></li>
<li><a href="">UnboundID</a></li>
<li><a href="">The Eigenbase Project</a></li>
<li><a href="">Ehcache</a></li>
Check out these <A HREF="../samples/overview-summary.html">samples</A> in the <b>us.jts.fortress.samples</b> package to show how Fortress APIs can be used by outside clients. The
<b>dist</b> target in build.xml creates the samples package in the /dist folder of this project and is intended to be used for experimentation.