blob: 894a2970eb7ab8b7d283f2d89354c77527cd1954 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<project basedir="." default="all" name="Fortress Sample Data">
<taskdef classname="" name="FortressAdmin">
<classpath path="${java.class.path}"/>
<target name="all">
<user userId="johndoe" password="password" description="User has both Buyer and Seller Roles Assigned" cn="Jon Doe" sn="Doe" ou="u1" />
<user userId="ssmith" password="password" description="User has Buyer Role Assigned" cn="Steve Smith" sn="Smith" ou="u1" />
<user userId="rtaylor" password="password" description="User has Seller Role Assigned" cn="Ricky Taylor" sn="Taylor" ou="u1" />
<userrole userId="johndoe" name="Buyers"/>
<userrole userId="johndoe" name="Sellers"/>
<userrole userId="ssmith" name="Buyers"/>
<userrole userId="rtaylor" name="Sellers"/>
<role name="Users" description="Basic rights for all Buyers and Sellers"/>
<role name="Buyers" description="May bid on and purchase products"/>
<role name="Sellers" description="May start auctions and ship items"/>
<relationship child="Buyers" parent="Users"/>
<relationship child="Sellers" parent="Users"/>
<sdset name="BuySel" setmembers="Buyers,Sellers" cardinality="2" setType="DYNAMIC" description="User can only be activate one role of this set"/>
<permobj objName="Item" description="This product is available for purchase" ou="p1" />
<permobj objName="Auction" description="Controls a particular online auction" ou="p1" />
<permobj objName="Account" description="Each user must have one of these" ou="p1" />
<permop objName="Item" opName="bid" description="Bid on a given product"/>
<permop objName="Item" opName="buy" description="Purchase a given product"/>
<permop objName="Item" opName="ship" description="Place a product up for sale"/>
<permop objName="Item" opName="search" description="Search through item list"/>
<permop objName="Auction" opName="create" description="May start a new auction"/>
<permop objName="Account" opName="create" description="Ability to add a new account"/>
<permgrant objName="Item" opName="bid" roleNm="Buyers"/>
<permgrant objName="Item" opName="buy" roleNm="Buyers"/>
<permgrant objName="Item" opName="ship" roleNm="Sellers"/>
<permgrant objName="Auction" opName="create" roleNm="Sellers"/>
<permgrant objName="Item" opName="search" roleNm="Users"/>
<permgrant objName="Account" opName="create" roleNm="Users"/>
<orgunit name="u1" typeName="USER" description="Test User Org for Rbac Role Engineering Sample"/>
<orgunit name="p1" typeName="PERM" description="Test Perm Org for Rbac Role Engineering Sample"/>