blob: a50a7678d3e0c7d9375d05ebfce849d64b586696 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<project basedir="." default="all" name="Fortress Sample Data">
<!-- This script drives fortress core apis to load security policies for this application -->
<taskdef classname="" name="FortressAdmin">
<classpath path="${java.class.path}"/>
<target name="all">
<user userId="curly"
description="Head Teller of the East, Coin Washer in North and South"
cn="Curly Howrowitz"
ou="u1" />
<user userId="moe"
description="Head Teller of the North, Coin Washer in East and South"
cn="Moe Howard"
ou="u1" />
<user userId="larry"
description="Head Teller of the South, Coin Washer in North and East"
cn="Larry Fine"
ou="u1" />
<!-- Although each user is assigned both Teller and Washer, activation is limited by locale, and a DSD constraint. -->
<userrole userId="curly" name="Bank_Users"/>
<userrole userId="curly" name="Tellers"/>
<userrole userId="curly" name="Washers"/>
<userrole userId="moe" name="Bank_Users"/>
<userrole userId="moe" name="Tellers"/>
<userrole userId="moe" name="Washers"/>
<userrole userId="larry" name="Bank_Users"/>
<userrole userId="larry" name="Tellers"/>
<userrole userId="larry" name="Washers"/>
<role name="Bank_Users" description="Basic rights to log into the web app"/>
<role name="Tellers" description="May transact on customer accounts"/>
<role name="Washers" description="May wash currency"/>
<!-- Rle constraints w/out userid bind a particular role to a particular constraint name. -->
<roleconstraint role="tellers" key="locale" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint role="washers" key="locale" typeName="USER"/>
<!-- The role constraints w/ uid map the a user and role with a constraint. -->
<!-- These role constraints define a users allowed locales for a given role. -->
<!-- Curly is the head teller of the east, coin washer in north and south. -->
<roleconstraint userId="curly" role="tellers" key="locale" value="east" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="curly" role="washers" key="locale" value="north" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="curly" role="washers" key="locale" value="south" typeName="USER"/>
<!-- Moe is the head teller of the north, coin washer in east and south. -->
<roleconstraint userId="moe" role="tellers" key="locale" value="north" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="moe" role="washers" key="locale" value="east" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="moe" role="washers" key="locale" value="south" typeName="USER"/>
<!-- Larry is the head teller of the south, coin washer in north and east. -->
<roleconstraint userId="larry" role="tellers" key="locale" value="south" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="larry" role="washers" key="locale" value="north" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="larry" role="washers" key="locale" value="east" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint role="tellers" key="locale" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint role="washers" key="locale" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="curly" role="tellers" key="locale" value="east" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="curly" role="washers" key="locale" value="north" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="curly" role="washers" key="locale" value="south" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="moe" role="tellers" key="locale" value="north" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="moe" role="washers" key="locale" value="east" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="moe" role="washers" key="locale" value="south" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="larry" role="tellers" key="locale" value="south" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="larry" role="washers" key="locale" value="north" typeName="USER"/>
<roleconstraint userId="larry" role="washers" key="locale" value="east" typeName="USER"/>
<!-- This Dynamic Separation of Duty policy prevents Tellers and Washers roles being activated together, no matter what goes on with role constraints. -->
<sdset name="BankSafe" setmembers="Tellers,Washers" cardinality="2" setType="DYNAMIC" description="User may only activate one of these roles"/>
<permobj objName="org.rbacabac.HomePage" description="Rbac Abac Sample Home Page" ou="p1" type="Page"/>
<permobj objName="TellersPage" description="Used by Tellers" ou="p1" />
<permobj objName="WashersPage" description="Used by Washers" ou="p1" />
<permobj objName="Branch" description="Corresponds with a particular branch" ou="p1" />
<permobj objName="Account" description="Corresponds with a customer account" ou="p1" />
<permobj objName="Currency" description="Corresponds to currency" ou="p1" />
<permop objName="TellersPage" opName="link" />
<permop objName="WashersPage" opName="link" />
<permop objName="Account" opName="deposit" description="Deposit funds into an account"/>
<permop objName="Account" opName="withdrawal" description="Withdrawal funds from an account"/>
<permop objName="Account" opName="inquiry" description="Interrogate balance on an account"/>
<permop objName="Currency" opName="soak" description="Permission to soak currency"/>
<permop objName="Currency" opName="rinse" description="May rinse currency"/>
<permop objName="Currency" opName="dry" description="May dry currency"/>
<permop objName="Branch" opName="login" description="May dry currency"/>
<permgrant objName="WashersPage" opName="link" roleNm="Washers"/>
<permgrant objName="TellersPage" opName="link" roleNm="Tellers"/>
<permgrant objName="Account" opName="deposit" roleNm="Tellers"/>
<permgrant objName="Account" opName="withdrawal" roleNm="Tellers"/>
<permgrant objName="Account" opName="inquiry" roleNm="Tellers"/>
<permgrant objName="Currency" opName="soak" roleNm="Washers"/>
<permgrant objName="Currency" opName="rinse" roleNm="Washers"/>
<permgrant objName="Currency" opName="dry" roleNm="Washers"/>
<permgrant objName="Branch" opName="login" roleNm="Bank_Users"/>
<orgunit name="u1" typeName="USER" description="Test User Org for RbacAbac Sample"/>
<orgunit name="p1" typeName="PERM" description="Test Perm Org for RbacAbac Sample"/>