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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
* Process module for the Permission entity. This class performs data validations and error mapping. It is typically called
* by internal Fortress manager classes ({@link AdminMgrImpl}, {@link AccessMgrImpl},
* {@link ReviewMgrImpl}, ...) and not intended for external non-Fortress clients. This class will accept,
* {@link PermObj} or {@link Permission}, validate its contents and forward on to it's corresponding DAO class {@link}.
* <p>
* Class will throw {@link SecurityException} to caller in the event of security policy, data constraint violation or system
* error internal to DAO object. This class will forward DAO exceptions ({@link},
* {@link},{@link},{@link}),
* or {@link} as {@link SecurityException}s with appropriate
* error id from {@link}.
* <p>
* This class is thread safe.
* <p>
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
final class PermP
* Description of the Field
private PermDAO pDao = new PermDAO();
private OrgUnitP orgUnitP = new OrgUnitP();
* This function returns a Boolean value meaning whether the subject of a given session is
* allowed or not to perform a given operation on a given object. The function is valid if and
* only if the session is a valid Fortress session, the object is a member of the OBJS data set,
* and the operation is a member of the OPS data set. The session's subject has the permission
* to perform the operation on that object if and only if that permission is assigned to (at least)
* one of the session's active roles. This implementation will verify the roles or userId correspond
* to the subject's active roles are registered in the object's access control list.
* @param session This object must be instantiated by calling {@link AccessMgrImpl#createSession} method before passing into the method. No variables need to be set by client after returned from createSession.
* @param permission object contains obj attribute which is a String and contains the name of the object user is trying to access;
* perm object contains operation attribute which is also a String and contains the operation name for the object.
* @return True of user has access, false otherwise.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation failure, security policy violation or DAO error.
boolean checkPermission( Session session, Permission permission ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.checkPermission( session, permission );
* Takes a Permission entity that contains full or partial object name and/or full or partial operation name for search.
* @param permission contains all or partial object name and/or all or partial operation name.
* @return List of type Permission containing fully populated matching Permission entities.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<Permission> search( Permission permission ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.findPermissions( permission );
* Takes a permission object that contains an object name and returns permisison operations for that object
* @param permObj Contains full object name
* @return List of type Permission containing fully populated matching Permission entities.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<Permission> searchOperations( PermObj permObj ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.findPermissionOperations( permObj );
* Takes a Permission entity that contains full or partial object name and/or full or partial operation name for search.
* @param permission contains all or partial object name and/or all or partial operation name.
* @return List of type Permission containing fully populated matching Permission entities.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<Permission> searchAny( Permission permission ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.findAnyPermissions( permission );
* Takes a Permission object entity that contains full or partial object name for search Permission Objects in directory..
* @param permObj contains all or partial object name.
* @return List of type Permission Objects containing fully populated matching entities.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<PermObj> search( PermObj permObj ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.findPermissions( permObj );
* Takes an OrgUnit entity that contains full or partial orgUnitId for search Permission Objects in directory..
* @param ou contains all or OrgUnitId.
* @param limitSize contains max number of entries to return.
* @return List of type Permission Objects containing fully populated matching entities.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<PermObj> search( OrgUnit ou, boolean limitSize ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.findPermissions( ou, limitSize );
* Search will return a list of matching permissions that are assigned to a given RBAC or Admin role name. The
* DAO class will search the Admin perms if the "isAdmin" boolean flag is "true", otherwise it will search RBAC perm tree.
* @param role contains the RBAC or Admin Role name targeted for search.
* @param noInheritance if true will NOT include inherited roles in the search.
* @return List of type Permission containing fully populated matching Permission entities.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<Permission> search( Role role, boolean noInheritance ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.findPermissions( role, noInheritance );
* Search will return a list of matching permissions that are assigned to a given RBAC or Admin role name. The
* DAO class will search the Admin perms if the "isAdmin" boolean flag is "true", otherwise it will search RBAC perm tree.
* @param role contains the RBAC or Admin Role name targeted for search.
* @return List of type Permission containing fully populated matching Permission entities.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<Permission> search( Role role ) throws SecurityException
return search( role, false );
* Search will return a list of matching permissions that are assigned to a given User. This method searches
* the RBAC perms only.
* @param user contains the userId targeted for search.
* @return List of type Permission containing fully populated matching Permission entities.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<Permission> search( User user ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.findPermissions( user );
* Remove the User assignment attribute from all RBAC permssions. This method is called by AdminMgrImpl
* when the User is being deleted.
* @param user contains the userId targeted for attribute removal.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
void remove( User user ) throws SecurityException
List<Permission> list;
list = pDao.findUserPermissions( user );
for ( Permission perm : list )
revoke( perm, user );
catch ( FinderException fe )
String error = "remove userId [" + user.getUserId() + "] caught FinderException=" + fe;
throw new SecurityException( GlobalErrIds.PERM_BULK_USER_REVOKE_FAILED, error, fe );
* Remove the RBAC Role assignment attribute from all RBAC permssions. This method is called by AdminMgrImpl
* when the RBAC Role is being deleted.
* @param role contains the name of Role targeted for attribute removal.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
void remove( Role role ) throws SecurityException
List<Permission> list;
list = search( role );
for ( Permission perm : list )
revoke( perm, role );
catch ( FinderException fe )
String error = "remove role [" + role.getName() + "] caught FinderException=" + fe;
throw new SecurityException( GlobalErrIds.PERM_BULK_ROLE_REVOKE_FAILED, error, fe );
* Remove the Admin Role assignment attribute from all Admin permssions. This method is called by DelAdminMgrImpl
* when the AdminRole is being deleted.
* @param role contains the name of AdminRole targeted for attribute removal.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
void remove( AdminRole role ) throws SecurityException
List<Permission> list;
list = search( role );
for ( Permission perm : list )
perm.setAdmin( true );
revoke( perm, role );
catch ( FinderException fe )
String error = "remove admin role [" + role.getName() + "] caught FinderException=" + fe;
throw new SecurityException( GlobalErrIds.PERM_BULK_ADMINROLE_REVOKE_FAILED, error, fe );
* This function returns the permissions of the session, i.e., the permissions assigned
* to its authorized roles. The function is valid if and only if the session is a valid Fortress session.
* @param session This object must be instantiated by calling {@link AccessMgrImpl#createSession} method before passing into the method. No variables need to be set by client after returned from createSession.
* @return List<Permission> containing permissions (op, obj) active for user's session.
* @throws SecurityException is thrown if runtime error occurs with system.
List<Permission> search( Session session ) throws SecurityException
return search( session, false );
* This function returns the permissions of the session, i.e., the permissions assigned
* to its authorized roles. The function is valid if and only if the session is a valid Fortress session.
* @param session This object must be instantiated by calling {@link AccessMgrImpl#createSession} method before passing into the method. No variables need to be set by client after returned from createSession.
* @return List<Permission> containing permissions (op, obj) active for user's session.
* @throws is thrown if runtime error occurs with system.
List<Permission> search( Session session, boolean isAdmin )
throws SecurityException
return pDao.findPermissions( session, isAdmin );
* Return the matching Permission entity. This method will throw SecurityException if not found.
* @param permission contains the full permission object and operation name.
* @return Permission containing fully populated matching object.
* @throws SecurityException is thrown if permission not found or runtime error occurs with system.
Permission read( Permission permission ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.getPerm( permission );
* Return the matching Permission object entity. This method will throw SecurityException if not found.
* @param permObj contains the full permission object name.
* @return PermObj containing fully populated matching object.
* @throws SecurityException is thrown if perm object not found or runtime error occurs with system.
PermObj read( PermObj permObj ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.getPerm( permObj );
//TODO: add documentation
PermissionAttributeSet read( PermissionAttributeSet permAttributeSet ) throws SecurityException
return pDao.getPermAttributeSet( permAttributeSet );
* Adds a new Permission Object entity to directory. The Permission Object entity input will be validated to ensure that:
* object name is present, orgUnitId is valid, reasonability checks on all of the
* other populated values.
* @param entity Permission object entity contains data targeted for insertion.
* @return Permission entity copy of input + additional attributes (internalId) that were added by op.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
PermObj add( PermObj entity ) throws SecurityException
validate( entity, false );
return pDao.createObject( entity );
* Adds a new Permission operation entity to directory. The Permission operation entity input will be validated to ensure that:
* operation name is present, roles (optional) are valid, reasonability checks on all of the
* other populated values.
* @param entity Permission operation entity contains data targeted for insertion.
* @return Permission operation entity copy of input + additional attributes (internalId) that were added by op.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
Permission add( Permission entity ) throws SecurityException
validate( entity, false );
return pDao.createOperation( entity );
* Adds a new Permission Attribute Set entity to the directory.
* @param entity Permission Attribute Set entity contains data targeted for insertion
* @return Permission Attribute Set entity copy of input + additional attributes that were added
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
PermissionAttributeSet add( PermissionAttributeSet entity ) throws SecurityException
validate( entity );
return pDao.createPermissionAttributeSet( entity );
* Adds a new Permission Attribute entity to an existing Permission Attribute Set
* @param entity Permissino Attribute entity contains data targeted for insertion
* @param paSetName The name of the Permission Attribute Set this entity is being added to
* @return Permission Attribute entity copy of input + additional attributes that were added
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
PermissionAttribute add( PermissionAttribute entity, String paSetName ) throws SecurityException
validate( entity );
return pDao.createPermissionAttribute( entity, paSetName );
* Deletes a Permission Attribute entity from an existing Permission Attribute Set
* @param entity
* @param attributeSetName
* @throws SecurityException
void delete( PermissionAttribute entity, String paSetName ) throws SecurityException
validate( entity );
pDao.deletePermissionAttribute( entity, paSetName );
* Updates a Permission Attribute entity
* @param entity
* @param paSetName
* @param replaceValidValues
* @throws SecurityException
void update( PermissionAttribute entity, String paSetName, boolean replaceValidValues ) throws SecurityException
validate( entity );
pDao.updatePermissionAttribute( entity, paSetName, replaceValidValues );
* Update existing Permission Object attributes with the input entity. Null or empty attributes will be ignored.
* The Permission Object entity input will be validated to ensure that:
* object name is present, orgUnitId is valid, reasonability checks on all of the other populated values.
* @param entity Permission object entity contains data targeted for updating.
* @return Permission entity copy of input + additional attributes (internalId) that were updated by op.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
PermObj update( PermObj entity ) throws SecurityException
update( entity, true );
return entity;
* Update existing Permission Object attributes with the input entity. Null or empty attributes will be ignored.
* The Permission Object entity input will be validated to ensure that:
* object name is present, orgUnitId is valid, reasonability checks on all of the other populated values.
* @param entity Permission object entity contains data targeted for updating.
* @param validate if false will skip the validations described above.
* @return Permission entity copy of input + additional attributes (internalId) that were updated by op.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
private PermObj update( PermObj entity, boolean validate )
throws SecurityException
if ( validate )
validate( entity, true );
return pDao.updateObj( entity );
* Update existing Permission Operation Object attributes with the input entity. Null or empty attributes will be ignored.
* The Permission Operation Object entity input will be validated to ensure that:
* object name is present, orgUnitId is valid, reasonability checks on all of the other populated values.
* @param entity Permission operation object entity contains data targeted for updating.
* @return Permission entity copy of input + additional attributes (internalId) that were updated by op.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
Permission update( Permission entity ) throws SecurityException
update( entity, true );
return entity;
* Update existing Permission Operation Object attributes with the input entity. Null or empty attributes will be ignored.
* The Permission Operation Object entity input will be validated to ensure that:
* object name is present, orgUnitId is valid, reasonability checks on all of the other populated values.
* @param entity Permission operation object entity contains data targeted for updating.
* @param validate if false will skip the validations described above.
* @return Permission entity copy of input + additional attributes (internalId) that were updated by op.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
private Permission update( Permission entity, boolean validate )
throws SecurityException
if ( validate )
validate( entity, true );
return pDao.updateOperation( entity );
* This method performs a "hard" delete. It completely removes all data associated with this Permission Object from the directory
* including the Permission operations..
* Permission Object entity must exist in directory prior to making this call else exception will be thrown.
* @param entity Contains the Permission Object name targeted for deletion.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
void delete( PermObj entity ) throws SecurityException
pDao.deleteObj( entity );
* This method performs a "hard" delete. It completely removes all data associated with this Permission Operation from the directory
* Permission Operation entity must exist in directory prior to making this call else exception will be thrown.
* @param entity Contains the Permission Operation name targeted for deletion.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
void delete( Permission entity ) throws SecurityException
pDao.deleteOperation( entity );
//TODO: add documentation
void delete( PermissionAttributeSet entity ) throws SecurityException
pDao.deleteAttributeSet( entity );
* This command grants a role the permission to perform an operation on an object to a role.
* The command is implemented by granting permission by setting the access control list of
* the object involved.
* The command is valid if and only if the pair (operation, object) represents a permission,
* and the role is a member of the ROLES data set.
* @param pOp contains object and operation name for resource.
* @param role contains the role name
* @throws SecurityException Thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
void grant( Permission pOp, Role role ) throws SecurityException
// Now assign it to the perm op:
pDao.grant( pOp, role );
* This command revokes the permission to perform an operation on an object from the set
* of permissions assigned to a role. The command is implemented by setting the access control
* list of the object involved.
* The command is valid if and only if the pair (operation, object) represents a permission,
* the role is a member of the ROLES data set, and the permission is assigned to that role.
* @param pOp contains object and operation name for resource.
* @param role contains role name
* @throws SecurityException Thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
void revoke( Permission pOp, Role role ) throws SecurityException
pDao.revoke( pOp, role );
* Method grants a permission directly to a User entity.
* @param pOp contains object and operation name for resource.
* @param user contains userid of User entity.
* @throws SecurityException Thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
void grant( Permission pOp, User user ) throws SecurityException
// call dao to grant userId access to the perm op:
pDao.grant( pOp, user );
* Method revokes a permission directly from a User entity.
* @param pOp contains object and operation name for resource.
* @param user contains userid of User entity.
* @throws SecurityException Thrown in the event of data validation or system error.
void revoke( Permission pOp, User user ) throws SecurityException
pDao.revoke( pOp, user );
* Method will perform various validations to ensure the integrity of the Permission Object entity targeted for insertion
* or updating in directory. Data reasonability checks will be performed on all non-null attributes.
* @param pObj Permission Object entity contains data targeted for insertion or update.
* @param isUpdate if true update operation is being performed which specifies a different set of targeted attributes.
* @throws in the event of data validation error.
void validate( PermObj pObj, boolean isUpdate ) throws ValidationException
if ( !isUpdate )
// Validate length
VUtil.orgUnit( pObj.getOu() );
// ensure ou exists in the OS-P pool:
OrgUnit ou = new OrgUnit( pObj.getOu(), OrgUnit.Type.PERM );
ou.setContextId( pObj.getContextId() );
if ( !orgUnitP.isValid( ou ) )
String error = "validate detected invalid orgUnit name [" + pObj.getOu() + "] for object name ["
+ pObj.getObjName() + "]";
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.PERM_OU_INVALID, error );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pObj.getObjName() ) )
VUtil.description( pObj.getObjName() );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pObj.getOu() ) )
VUtil.orgUnit( pObj.getOu() );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pObj.getDescription() ) )
VUtil.description( pObj.getDescription() );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pObj.getOu() ) )
VUtil.orgUnit( pObj.getOu() );
// ensure ou exists in the OS-P pool:
OrgUnit ou = new OrgUnit( pObj.getOu(), OrgUnit.Type.PERM );
ou.setContextId( pObj.getContextId() );
if ( !orgUnitP.isValid( ou ) )
String error = "validate detected invalid orgUnit name [" + pObj.getOu() + "] for object name ["
+ pObj.getObjName() + "]";
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.PERM_OU_INVALID, error );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pObj.getDescription() ) )
VUtil.description( pObj.getDescription() );
* Method will perform various validations to ensure the integrity of the Permission Operation entity targeted for insertion
* or updating in directory. Data reasonability checks will be performed on all non-null attributes.
* @param pOp Permission Operation entity contains data targeted for insertion or update.
* @param isUpdate if true update operation is being performed which specifies a different set of targeted attributes.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation error or DAO error.
private void validate( Permission pOp, boolean isUpdate )
throws SecurityException
if ( !isUpdate )
if ( pOp.getOpName() != null && pOp.getOpName().length() > 0 )
VUtil.description( pOp.getOpName() );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pOp.getType() ) )
VUtil.description( pOp.getType() );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( pOp.getDescription() ) )
VUtil.description( pOp.getDescription() );
// Validate Role Grants:
if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( pOp.getRoles() ) )
Set<String> roles = pOp.getRoles();
if ( pOp.isAdmin() )
AdminRoleP arp = new AdminRoleP();
for ( String roleNm : roles )
AdminRole adminRole = new AdminRole( roleNm );
adminRole.setContextId( pOp.getContextId() ); adminRole );
RoleP rp = new RoleP();
for ( String roleNm : roles )
Role role = new Role( roleNm );
role.setContextId( pOp.getContextId() ); role );
// Validate User Grants:
if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( pOp.getUsers() ) )
Set<String> users = pOp.getUsers();
UserP up = new UserP();
for ( String userId : users )
User user = new User( userId );
user.setContextId( pOp.getContextId() ); user, false );
// Validate Perm Attr Set Name
if( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( pOp.getPaSets() ))
for(String paSetName : pOp.getPaSets())
validatePaSet( paSetName, pOp.getContextId() );
* Ensure the paSet is present and name is safe.
void validatePaSet( String paSetName, String contextId ) throws ValidationException
PermissionAttributeSet paSet = new PermissionAttributeSet( paSetName );
paSet.setContextId( contextId );
VUtil.safeText( paSetName, GlobalIds.DESC_LEN );
catch( SecurityException e )
String error = "validatePaSet - paSetName not found with name [" + paSetName + "] caught SecurityException=" + e;
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.PERM_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NOT_FOUND, error );
private void validate( PermissionAttributeSet paSet )
throws SecurityException
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(paSet.getType()) ){
VUtil.description( paSet.getType() );
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(paSet.getDescription()) ){
VUtil.description( paSet.getDescription() );
private void validate( PermissionAttribute pa )
throws SecurityException
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pa.getAttributeName()) ){
VUtil.description( pa.getAttributeName() );
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pa.getDataType()) ){
VUtil.description( pa.getDataType() );
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pa.getDefaultOperator()) ){
VUtil.description( pa.getDefaultOperator() );
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pa.getDefaultStrategy()) ){
VUtil.description( pa.getDefaultStrategy() );
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pa.getDefaultValue()) ){
VUtil.description( pa.getDefaultValue() );
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty(pa.getDescription()) ){
VUtil.description( pa.getDescription() );