blob: 256517d0de8c10edfdca9af6aef1661997e6415b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* PwPolicyMgrImpl Tester.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version 1.0
public class PswdPolicyMgrImplTest extends TestCase
private static final String CLS_NM = PswdPolicyMgrImplTest.class.getName();
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( CLS_NM );
public PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( String name )
super( name );
static Session adminSess = null;
public void setUp() throws Exception
public void tearDown() throws Exception
public static Test suite()
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testDelete" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testDeleteUser" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testAdd" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testAddUser" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testMinAge" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testMaxAge" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testInHistory" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testMinLength" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testExpireWarning" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testGraceLoginLimit" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testMaxFailure" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testLockoutDuration" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testLockout" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testFailureCountInterval" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testMustChange" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testAllowUserChange" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testSafeModify" ) );
return suite;
public static Test suitex()
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testDelete" ) );
suite.addTest( new AdminMgrImplTest( "testDeleteUser" ) );
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testAdd" ) );
suite.addTest( new AdminMgrImplTest( "testAddUser" ) );
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testMinAge"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testMaxAge"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testInHistory"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testMinLength"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testExpireWarning"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testGraceLoginLimit"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testMaxFailure"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testLockoutDuration"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testLockout"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testFailureCountInterval"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testMustChange"));
//suite.addTest(new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest("testAllowUserChange"));
suite.addTest( new PswdPolicyMgrImplTest( "testSafeModify" ) );
return suite;
public static <T> T[] arrayMerge( T[]... arrays )
// Determine required size of new array
int count = 0;
for ( T[] array : arrays )
count += array.length;
// create new array of required class
T[] mergedArray = ( T[] ) Array.newInstance(
arrays[0][0].getClass(), count );
// Merge each array into new array
int start = 0;
for ( T[] array : arrays )
System.arraycopy( array, 0,
mergedArray, start, array.length );
start += array.length;
return mergedArray;
public void testAddUser()
AdminMgrImplTest.addUsers( "ADD-USRS TU5", UserTestData.USERS_TU5, true );
public void testDeleteUser()
// public void disableUser(User user)
AdminMgrImplTest.deleteUsers( "DEL-USRS TU5", UserTestData.USERS_TU5, true, true );
* @throws SecurityException
public void testMinAge()
"PWMIN1 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[0],
UserTestData.USERS_TU5_UPD[0], PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[0] );
"PWMIN2 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[1],
UserTestData.USERS_TU5_UPD[1], PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[1] );
//minAge("PWMIN3 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel(PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1") + " " + TestUtils.getDataLabel(UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5"), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[2], UserTestData.USERS_TU5_UPD[2], PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[2]);
//minAge("PWMIN4 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel(PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1") + " " + TestUtils.getDataLabel(UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5"), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[3], UserTestData.USERS_TU5_UPD[3], PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[3]);
* PT1
* <p>
* 5.2.2 pwdMinAge
* <p>
* This attribute holds the number of seconds that must elapse between
* modifications to the password. If this attribute is not present, 0
* seconds is assumed. "chg"
* @param msg
* @param newusr
* @param oldusr *
* @param plcy
public void minAge( String msg, String[] oldusr, String[] newusr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
User oldUser = UserTestData.getUser( oldusr );
oldUser.setPwPolicy( PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
adminMgr.updateUser( oldUser );
TestUtils.sleep( PolicyTestData.getMinAge( plcy ) );
adminMgr.changePassword( UserTestData.getUser( oldusr ), UserTestData.getPassword( newusr ) );
User newUser = UserTestData.getUser( newusr );
newUser.setPassword( "changed" );
adminMgr.changePassword( UserTestData.getUser( newusr ), newUser.getPassword() );
fail( CLS_NM + ".minAge name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( oldusr ) + "] failed min age test" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".minAge invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( oldusr ) + "]",
ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.PSWD_CONST_VIOLATION );
// still good
TestUtils.sleep( PolicyTestData.getMinAge( plcy ) );
adminMgr.changePassword( UserTestData.getUser( newusr ), newUser.getPassword() );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
LOG.error( "minAge caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(),
ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testMaxAge()
"PWMAX3 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[2],
UserTestData.USERS_TU5_UPD[2], PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[2] );
"PWMAX4 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[3],
UserTestData.USERS_TU5_UPD[3], PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[3] );
* PT2
* 5.2.3 pwdMaxAge
* <p>
* This attribute holds the number of seconds after which a modified
* password will expire.
* <p>
* If this attribute is not present, or if the value is 0 the password
* does not expire. If not 0, the value must be greater than or equal
* to the value of the pwdMinAge.*
* @param msg
* @param oldusr
* @param newusr
* @param plcy
public void maxAge( String msg, String[] oldusr, String[] newusr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext() );
User oldUser = UserTestData.getUser( oldusr );
User newUser = UserTestData.getUser( newusr );
oldUser.setPwPolicy( PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
adminMgr.updateUser( oldUser );
String newPassword = newUser.getPassword();
adminMgr.changePassword( oldUser, newPassword );
oldUser.setPassword( newPassword );
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
TestUtils.sleep( PolicyTestData.getMaxAge( plcy ) );
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
accessMgr.createSession( oldUser, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".maxAge name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( oldusr ) + "] failed age test" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".maxAge invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( oldusr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_EXPIRED );
// still good
newPassword = "changedabc";
oldUser = new User( oldUser.getUserId() );
oldUser.setPassword( newPassword );
// since this password is now expired we have to call update rather than changePassword:
adminMgr.updateUser( oldUser );
accessMgr.createSession( oldUser, false );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
LOG.error( "maxAge caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(),
ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testInHistory()
"PWHIST5 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[4],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[4] );
"PWHIST6 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[5],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[5] );
* PT3
* 5.2.4 pwdInHistory
* <p>
* This attribute specifies the maximum number of used passwords stored
* in the pwdHistory attribute.
* <p>
* If this attribute is not present, or if the value is 0, used
* passwords are not stored in the pwdHistory attribute and thus may be
* reused.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void inHistory( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy( user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
int numHistory = PolicyTestData.getInHistory( plcy );
for ( int i = 0; i < numHistory + 1; i++ )
String newPassword = UserTestData.getPassword( usr ) + Integer.toString( i );
LOG.debug( "inHistory change pw=" + user.getPassword() );
adminMgr.changePassword( user, newPassword );
user.setPassword( newPassword );
LOG.debug( "inHistory change pw2=" + user.getPassword() );
adminMgr.changePassword( user, newPassword );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".inHistory invalid error message userId [" + user.getUserId() + "]",
ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.PSWD_CONST_VIOLATION );
// still good
// now try to change back to original password, this should pass
adminMgr.changePassword( user, UserTestData.getPassword( usr ) );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
String error = "inHistory caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg="
+ ex.getMessage();
LOG.error( error );
fail( error );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"inHistory caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testMinLength()
"PWLEN7 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[6],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[6] );
"PWLEN8 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[7],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[7] );
* PT4
* 5.2.6 pwdMinLength
* <p>
* When quality checking is enabled, this attribute holds the minimum
* number of characters that must be used in a password. If this
* attribute is not present, no minimum password length will be
* enforced. If the server is unable to check the length (due to a
* hashed password or otherwise), the server will, depending on the
* value of the pwdCheckQuality attribute, either accept the password
* without checking it ('0' or '1') or refuse it ('2').
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void minLength( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy( user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
int min = PolicyTestData.getMinLength( plcy );
LOG.debug( "testMinLength min=" + min + " len pw=" + user.getPassword().length() );
String newPassword = new String( user.getPassword() ).substring( 0, min - 1 );
adminMgr.changePassword( user, newPassword );
fail( CLS_NM + ".minLength name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed length test" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".minLength invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "]",
ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.PSWD_CONST_VIOLATION );
// still good
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"minLength caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testExpireWarning()
"PWEXP7 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[8],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[8] );
"PWEXP8 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[9],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[9] );
* PT5
* 5.2.7 pwdExpireWarning
* <p>
* This attribute specifies the maximum number of seconds before a
* password is due to expire that expiration warning messages will be
* returned to an authenticating user.
* <p>
* If this attribute is not present, or if the value is 0 no warnings
* will be returned. If not 0, the value must be smaller than the value
* of the pwdMaxAge attribute.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void expireWarning( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext() );
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
long expireSecs = PolicyTestData.getExpireWarning( plcy );
long maxSecs = PolicyTestData.getMaxAge( plcy );
long elapsedWait = maxSecs - expireSecs;
String newPassword = UserTestData.getPassword( usr ) + "a";
user.setPassword( newPassword );
user.setPwPolicy( PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
// because the password max age is so short, need to set new password, otherwise it will have already expired:
adminMgr.updateUser( user );
// now do the password change to start the clock ticking:
newPassword = UserTestData.getPassword( usr ) + "b";
adminMgr.changePassword( user, newPassword );
user.setPassword( newPassword );
Session s1 = accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".expireWarning invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "]",
s1.getExpirationSeconds() == 0 );
TestUtils.sleep( elapsedWait );
// add one second for good measure:
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
s1 = accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".expireWarning invalid error message 2 userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ( 0 < s1.getExpirationSeconds() ) && ( s1.getExpirationSeconds() < maxSecs ) );
TestUtils.sleep( elapsedWait );
accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".expireWarning name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed expired pw test" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".expireWarning invalid error message 3 userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_EXPIRED );
// still good
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"expireWarning caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(),
ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testGraceLoginLimit()
"PWGRACE9 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[10],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[10] );
graceLoginLimit( "PWGRACE10 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[11],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[11] );
* PT6
* 5.2.8 pwdGraceAuthNLimit
* <p>
* This attribute specifies the number of times an expired password can
* be used to authenticate. If this attribute is not present or if the
* value is 0, authentication will fail.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void graceLoginLimit( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext() );
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
user.setPwPolicy( PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
adminMgr.updateUser( user );
String newPassword = user.getPassword() + "a";
adminMgr.changePassword( user, newPassword );
user.setPassword( newPassword );
TestUtils.sleep( PolicyTestData.getMaxAge( plcy ) );
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
int numGrace = PolicyTestData.getGraceLoginLimit( plcy );
for ( int i = 0; i < numGrace; i++ )
accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
fail( CLS_NM + ".graceLoginLimit name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed grace allowed=" + numGrace + " iteration=" + i );
CLS_NM + ".graceLoginLimit invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_EXPIRED );
// still good
accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".graceLoginLimit name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed grace test 2" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".graceLoginLimit invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_EXPIRED );
// still good
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"graceLoginLimit caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(),
ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testMaxFailure()
"PWMAXFAILK11 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[12],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[12] );
"PWMAXFAIL12 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[13],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[13] );
* PT7
* 5.2.11 pwdMaxFailure
* <p>
* This attribute specifies the number of consecutive failed bind
* attempts after which the password may not be used to authenticate.
* If this attribute is not present, or if the value is 0, this policy
* is not checked, and the value of pwdLockout will be ignored.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void maxFailure( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext() );
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy( user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
int maxFailures = PolicyTestData.getMaxFailure( plcy );
for ( int i = 0; i < maxFailures; i++ )
User badUser = new User( user.getUserId(), "wrongpw" );
accessMgr.createSession( badUser, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".maxFailure name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed max failure test=" + maxFailures + " iteration="
+ i );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".maxFailure invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_INVLD );
// still good
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// now try with valid password - better be locked out...
accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".maxFailure name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed max failure test 2" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
CLS_NM + ".maxFailure invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "]",
ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_LOCKED );
// still good
adminMgr.unlockUserAccount( user );
// now try with valid password - better work this time...
accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"maxFailure caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testLockoutDuration() throws SecurityException
lockoutDuration( "PWDURATION13 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[14],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[14] );
lockoutDuration( "PWDURATION14 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[15],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[15] );
* PT8
* 5.2.10 pwdLockoutDuration
* <p>
* This attribute holds the number of seconds that the password cannot
* be used to authenticate due to too many failed bind attempts. If
* this attribute is not present, or if the value is 0 the password
* cannot be used to authenticate until reset by a password
* administrator.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void lockoutDuration( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext() );
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy( user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
int maxFailures = PolicyTestData.getMaxFailure( plcy );
int lockoutDuration = PolicyTestData.getLockoutDuration( plcy );
for ( int i = 0; i < maxFailures; i++ )
User badUser = new User( user.getUserId(), "wrongpw" );
accessMgr.createSession( badUser, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".lockoutDuration name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed lockout duration test=" + maxFailures
+ " iteration=" + i );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
CLS_NM + ".lockoutDuration invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_INVLD );
// still good
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// now try with valid password - better be locked out...
accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".lockoutDuration name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed lockout duration test 2" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".lockoutDuration invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_LOCKED );
// still good
// now sleep for lockout duration - password should unlock automatically:
TestUtils.sleep( lockoutDuration );
// sleep one more second for good measure.
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// now try with valid password - better work this time...
accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"lockoutDuration caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(),
ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testLockout()
"PWLOCK15 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[16],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[16] );
"PWLOCK16 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[17],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[17] );
* PT9
* 5.2.9 pwdLockout
* <p>
* This attribute indicates, when its value is "TRUE", that the password
* may not be used to authenticate after a specified number of
* consecutive failed bind attempts. The maximum number of consecutive
* failed bind attempts is specified in pwdMaxFailure.
* <p>
* If this attribute is not present, or if the value is "FALSE", the
* password may be used to authenticate when the number of failed bind
* attempts has been reached.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void lockout( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext() );
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy( user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
// first lock it:
adminMgr.lockUserAccount( user );
// because account is locked, this better fail:
accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".lockout name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed lockout test iteration=" + i );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".lockout invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_LOCKED );
// still good
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// now unlock it:
adminMgr.unlockUserAccount( user );
// this better work:
accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
LOG.error( "lockout caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(),
ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testFailureCountInterval()
failureCountInterval( "PWINTERVAL17 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[18],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[18] );
failureCountInterval( "PWINTERVAL18 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[19],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[19] );
* PT10
* <p>
* This attribute holds the number of seconds after which the password
* failures are purged from the failure counter, even though no
* successful authentication occurred.
* <p>
* If this attribute is not present, or if its value is 0, the failure
* counter is only reset by a successful authentication.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void failureCountInterval( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext() );
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy( user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
int maxFailures = PolicyTestData.getMaxFailure( plcy );
int failureInterval = PolicyTestData.getFailureCountInterval( plcy );
for ( int i = 0; i < maxFailures - 1; i++ )
User badUser = new User( user.getUserId(), "wrongpw" );
accessMgr.createSession( badUser, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".failureCountInterval name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed failure count interval test, maxfailures="
+ maxFailures + " iteration=" + i );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
CLS_NM + ".failureCountInterval invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_INVLD );
// still good
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// now sleep for failure count interval - password failure count should reset automatically:
TestUtils.sleep( failureInterval );
// sleep one more second for good measure.
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// now loop thru another set of bad pw tries:
for ( int i = 0; i < maxFailures - 1; i++ )
User badUser = new User( user.getUserId(), "wrongpw" );
accessMgr.createSession( badUser, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".failureCountInterval name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed failure count interval test 2, maxfailures="
+ maxFailures + " iteration=" + i );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
CLS_NM + ".failureCountInterval invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_INVLD );
// still good
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// now sleep for failure count interval - password failure count should reset automatically:
TestUtils.sleep( failureInterval );
// sleep one more second for good measure.
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// now try with valid password - it should work...
accessMgr.createSession( user, false );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"failureCountInterval caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg="
+ ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testMustChange()
"PWMUST19 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[20],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[20] );
"PWMUST20 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[21],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[21] );
* PT11
* This attribute specifies with a value of "TRUE" that users must
* change their passwords when they first bind to the directory after a
* password is set or reset by a password administrator. If this
* attribute is not present, or if the value is "FALSE", users are not
* required to change their password upon binding after the password
* administrator sets or resets the password. This attribute is not set
* due to any actions specified by this document, it is typically set by
* a password administrator after resetting a user's password.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void mustChange( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
AccessMgr accessMgr = AccessMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext() );
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy( user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
boolean mustChange = PolicyTestData.getMustChange( plcy );
adminMgr.resetPassword( user, "newpassword" );
if ( mustChange )
// because mustchange flag is set, this better fail:
User badUser = new User( user.getUserId(), "newpassword" );
accessMgr.createSession( badUser, false );
fail( CLS_NM + ".mustChange name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed must change test flag=" + mustChange );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".mustChange invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_RESET );
// still good
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// this better work:
User goodUser = new User( user.getUserId(), "newpassword" );
accessMgr.createSession( goodUser, false );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
LOG.error( CLS_NM + ".mustChange policy [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy )
+ "] caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testAllowUserChange()
allowUserChange( "PWALLOW21 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[22],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[22] );
allowUserChange( "PWALLOW22 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[23],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[23] );
* PT12
* This attribute indicates whether users can change their own
* passwords, although the change operation is still subject to access
* control. If this attribute is not present, a value of "TRUE" is
* assumed. This attribute is intended to be used in the absense of an
* access control mechanism.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void allowUserChange( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy( user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
boolean allowChange = PolicyTestData.getAllowUserChange( plcy );
if ( !allowChange )
// because allowchange flag is false, this better fail:
adminMgr.changePassword( user, "newPassword" );
fail( CLS_NM + ".allowUserChange name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed allow change test flag=" + allowChange );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
CLS_NM + ".allowUserChange invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_MOD_NOT_ALLOWED );
// still good
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// this better work:
adminMgr.changePassword( user, "newPassword" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
LOG.error( "allowUserChange policy [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy )
+ "] caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testSafeModify()
"PWSAFEW23 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[24],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[24] );
"PWSAFE24 " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5[25],
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[25] );
* PT13
* 5.2.15 pwdSafeModify
* <p>
* This attribute specifies whether or not the existing password must be
* sent along with the new password when being changed. If this
* attribute is not present, a "FALSE" value is assumed.
* @param msg
* @param usr
* @param plcy
public void safeModify( String msg, String[] usr, String[] plcy )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
AdminMgr adminMgr = AdminMgrImplTest.getManagedAdminMgr();
User user = UserTestData.getUser( usr );
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy( user.getUserId(), PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
boolean safeModify = PolicyTestData.getSafeModify( plcy );
if ( safeModify )
// because safe modify flag is true, this better fail:
adminMgr.changePassword( user, "newPassword" );
fail( CLS_NM + ".safeModify name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] user ["
+ UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) + "] failed safe modify test flag=" + safeModify );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
assertTrue( CLS_NM + ".safeModify invalid error message userId [" + UserTestData.getUserId( usr )
+ "]", ex.getErrorId() == GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_MOD_NOT_ALLOWED );
// still good
TestUtils.sleep( 1 );
// this better work:
adminMgr.changePassword( user, "newPassword" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
LOG.error( "safeModify policy [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy )
+ "] caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
* PT14
* 5.2.5 pwdCheckQuality
* <p>
* This attribute indicates how the password quality will be verified
* while being modified or added. If this attribute is not present, or
* if the value is '0', quality checking will not be enforced. A value
* of '1' indicates that the server will check the quality, and if the
* server is unable to check it (due to a hashed password or other
* reasons) it will be accepted. A value of '2' indicates that the
* server will check the quality, and if the server is unable to verify
* it, it will return an error refusing the password.
* @param msg
* @param pArray
public void checkQuality( String msg, String[][] pArray )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
for ( String[] plcy : pArray )
PwPolicy policy = PolicyTestData.getPolicy( plcy );
policyMgr.add( policy );
LOG.debug( "checkQuality name [" + policy.getName() + "] successful" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"checkQuality caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(),
ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testAdd()
// todo: use annotations to pass names of input tables for logging:
// public void add(PwPolicy policy)
//add("POLICIES_TP1", PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1);
add( "ADD " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ), PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1, false );
add( "ADD " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP2" ), PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP2, false );
* @param msg
* @param pArray
public static void add( String msg, String[][] pArray, boolean nofail )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
for ( String[] plcy : pArray )
PwPolicy policy = PolicyTestData.getPolicy( plcy );
policyMgr.add( policy );
LOG.debug( "add name [" + policy.getName() + "] successful" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
LOG.error( "add caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testUpdate()
// todo: use annotations to pass names of input tables for logging:
// public void update(PwPolicy policy)
update( "UPD " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ), PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1 );
* @param msg
* @param pArray
public void update( String msg, String[][] pArray )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
for ( String[] plcy : pArray )
PwPolicy policy = PolicyTestData.getPolicy( plcy );
policyMgr.update( policy );
LOG.debug( "update name [" + policy.getName() + "] successful" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
LOG.error( "update caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(),
ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testDelete()
// todo: use annotations to pass names of input tables for logging:
// public void deleteRecursive(String name)
delete( "DEL " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ), PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1 );
delete( "DEL " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP2" ), PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP2 );
* @param msg
* @param pArray
public void delete( String msg, String[][] pArray )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
for ( String[] plcy : pArray )
PwPolicy policy = PolicyTestData.getPolicy( plcy );
policyMgr.delete( policy );
LOG.debug( "deleteRecursive name [" + PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) + "] successful" );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"deleteRecursive caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(),
ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testRead()
// todo: use annotations to pass names of input tables for logging:
// public PwPolicy read(String name)
read( "READ " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ), PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1 );
* @param msg
* @param pArray
public void read( String msg, String[][] pArray )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = PwPolicyMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext() );
for ( String[] plcy : pArray )
PwPolicy entity = PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
PolicyTestData.assertEquals( entity, plcy );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
LOG.error( "read caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testSearch()
// todo: use annotations to pass names of input tables for logging:
//public List<PwPolicy> search(String searchVal)
search( "SRCH " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ),
TestUtils.getSrchValue( PolicyTestData.getName( PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1[0] ) ),
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1 );
* @param msg
* @param pArray
public void search( String msg, String srchValue, String[][] pArray )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = PwPolicyMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext() );
List<PwPolicy> policies = srchValue );
assertNotNull( policies );
assertTrue( CLS_NM + "search list size check", pArray.length == policies.size() );
for ( String[] plcy : pArray )
int indx = policies.indexOf( new PwPolicy( PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) ) );
if ( indx != -1 )
PwPolicy entity = policies.get( indx );
assertNotNull( entity );
PolicyTestData.assertEquals( entity, plcy );
msg = "search srchValue [" + srchValue + "] failed list search";
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
fail( msg );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
LOG.error( "search srchValue [" + srchValue + "] caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId()
+ ", msg=" + ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testUpdatePasswordPolicy()
//public void updateUserPolicy(String userId, String policyName)
"UPD " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5,
PolicyTestData.POLICIES_TP1 );
* @param msg
* @param uArray
* @param pArray
public void updatePasswordPolicy( String msg, String[][] uArray, String[][] pArray )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
int i = 0;
for ( String[] plcy : pArray )
policyMgr.updateUserPolicy( UserTestData.getUserId( uArray[i++] ), PolicyTestData.getName( plcy ) );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"updateUserPolicy caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg="
+ ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
public void testDeletePasswordPolicy()
//public void deletePasswordPolicy(String userId)
"DEL " + TestUtils.getDataLabel( UserTestData.class, "USERS_TU5" ) + " "
+ TestUtils.getDataLabel( PolicyTestData.class, "POLICIES_TP1" ), UserTestData.USERS_TU5 );
* @param msg
* @param uArray
public void deletePasswordPolicy( String msg, String[][] uArray )
LogUtil.logIt( msg );
PwPolicyMgr policyMgr = getManagedPswdMgr();
for ( String[] usr : uArray )
policyMgr.deletePasswordPolicy( UserTestData.getUserId( usr ) );
catch ( SecurityException ex )
"deletePasswordPolicy caught SecurityException rc=" + ex.getErrorId() + ", msg="
+ ex.getMessage(), ex );
fail( ex.getMessage() );
* @return
* @throws SecurityException
public static PwPolicyMgr getManagedPswdMgr() throws SecurityException
if ( FortressJUnitTest.isAdminEnabled() && adminSess == null )
adminSess = DelegatedMgrImplTest.createAdminSession();
return PwPolicyMgrFactory.createInstance( TestUtils.getContext(), adminSess );