blob: 66e15de6127f188aea21bba413198761e0d9b8fd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This class performs administrative functions to provision Fortress RBAC entities into the LDAP directory. These APIs
* map directly to similar named APIs specified by ANSI and NIST RBAC models.
* Many of the java doc function descriptions found below were taken directly from ANSI INCITS 359-2004.
* The RBAC Functional specification describes administrative operations for the creation
* and maintenance of RBAC element sets and relations; administrative review functions for
* performing administrative queries; and system functions for creating and managing
* RBAC attributes on user sessions and making access control decisions.
* <hr>
* <h3></h3>
* <h4>RBAC0 - Core</h4>
* Many-to-many relationship between Users, Roles and Permissions. Selective role activation into sessions. API to
* add, update, delete identity data and perform identity and access control decisions during runtime operations.
* <p>
* <img src="../doc-files/RbacCore.png" alt="">
* <hr>
* <h4>RBAC1 - General Hierarchical Roles</h4>
* Simplifies role engineering tasks using inheritance of one or more parent roles.
* <p>
* <img src="../doc-files/RbacHier.png" alt="">
* <hr>
* <h4>RBAC2 - Static Separation of Duty (SSD) Relations</h4>
* Enforce mutual membership exclusions across role assignments. Facilitate dual control policies by restricting
* which roles may be assigned to users in combination. SSD provide added granularity for authorization limits which
* help enterprises meet strict compliance regulations.
* <p>
* <img src="../doc-files/RbacSSD.png" alt="">
* <hr>
* <h4>RBAC3 - Dynamic Separation of Duty (DSD) Relations</h4>
* Control allowed role combinations to be activated within an RBAC session. DSD policies fine tune role policies
* that facilitate authorization dual control and two man policy restrictions during runtime security checks.
* <p>
* <img src="../doc-files/RbacDSD.png" alt="">
* <hr>
* <p>
* This class is NOT thread safe if parent instance variables ({@link #contextId} or {@link #adminSess}) are set.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public final class AdminMgrImpl extends Manageable implements AdminMgr, Serializable
private static final String CLS_NM = AdminMgrImpl.class.getName();
private static final AdminRoleP adminP = new AdminRoleP();
private static final PermP permP = new PermP();
private static final RoleP roleP = new RoleP();
private static final SdP sdP = new SdP();
private static final UserP userP = new UserP();
private static final GroupP groupP = new GroupP();
private static final ConfigP configP = new ConfigP();
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( CLS_NM );
* {@inheritDoc}
public User addUser( User user ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addUser";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, user );
// Perform delegated admin check:
AdminUtil.canDo( adminSess, user, contextId, true );
//AdminUtil.checkUser(user.getAdminSession(), user);
// Add the User record to ldap.
return userP.add( user );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void disableUser( User user ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "disableUser";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, user );
// Perform delegated admin check:
AdminUtil.canDo( adminSess, user, contextId, false );
// set the user's status to "deleted"
String userDn = userP.softDelete( user );
// lock the user out of ldap.
userP.lock( user );
// remove the userId attribute from any granted permission operations (if applicable).
permP.remove( user );
// remove the user dn occupant attribute from assigned ldap role entities.
roleP.removeOccupant( userDn, this.contextId );
// remove the user dn occupant attribute from assigned ldap adminRole entities.
adminP.removeOccupant( userDn, this.contextId );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void deleteUser( User user ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deleteUser";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, user );
// Perform delegated admin check:
AdminUtil.canDo( adminSess, user, contextId, false );
// remove the userId attribute from any granted permission operations (if applicable).
permP.remove( user );
// remove the user inetOrgPerson object from ldap.
String userDn = userP.delete( user );
// remove the user dn occupant attribute from assigned ldap role entities.
roleP.removeOccupant( userDn, this.contextId );
// remove the user dn occupant attribute from assigned ldap adminRole entities.
adminP.removeOccupant( userDn, this.contextId );
* {@inheritDoc}
public User updateUser( User user ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "updateUser";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, user );
// Perform delegated admin check:
AdminUtil.canDo( adminSess, user, contextId, false );
return userP.update( user );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void changePassword( User user, String newPassword ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "changePassword";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, user );
// Perform delegated admin check:
AdminUtil.canDo( adminSess, user, contextId, false );
VUtil.assertNotNullOrEmpty( newPassword, GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
userP.changePassword( user, newPassword );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void lockUserAccount( User user ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "lockUserAccount";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, user );
// Perform delegated admin check:
AdminUtil.canDo( adminSess, user, contextId, false );
userP.lock( user );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void unlockUserAccount( User user ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "unlockUserAccount";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, user );
userP.unlock( user );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void resetPassword( User user, String newPassword ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "resetPassword";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
VUtil.assertNotNullOrEmpty( newPassword, GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_NULL, CLS_NM + "." + methodName );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, user );
// Perform delegated admin check:
AdminUtil.canDo( adminSess, user, contextId, false );
user.setPassword( newPassword );
userP.resetPassword( user );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void deletePasswordPolicy( User user ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deletePasswordPolicy";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, user );
// Perform delegated admin check:
AdminUtil.canDo( adminSess, user, contextId, false );
userP.deletePwPolicy( user );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Role addRole( Role role ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addRole";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, role );
return roleP.add( role );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void deleteRole( Role role ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deleteRole";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, role );
int numChildren = RoleUtil.getInstance().numChildren( role.getName(), role.getContextId() );
if ( numChildren > 0 )
String error = methodName + " role [" + role.getName() + "] must remove [" + numChildren +
"] descendants before deletion";
LOG.error( error );
throw new SecurityException( GlobalErrIds.HIER_DEL_FAILED_HAS_CHILD, error, null );
// Read the Role from LDAP:
Role outRole = role );
outRole.setContextId( role.getContextId() );
// deassign all groups assigned to this role first (because of schema's configGroup class constraints)
List<Group> groups = groupP.roleGroups( outRole );
for ( Group group : groups )
group.setContextId( this.contextId );
groupP.deassign( group, outRole.getDn() );
// If user membership associated with role, remove the role object:
if( Config.getInstance().isRoleOccupant() )
// this reads the role object itself:
List<User> users = userP.getAssignedUsers( role );
if ( users != null )
for ( User ue : users )
UserRole uRole = new UserRole( ue.getUserId(), role.getName() );
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole );
deassignUser( uRole );
// search for all users assigned this role and deassign:
List<String> userIds = userP.getAssignedUserIds( role );
for ( String userId : userIds )
UserRole uRole = new UserRole( userId, role.getName() );
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole );
deassignUser( uRole );
// Now remove the role association from all permissions:
permP.remove( role );
// remove all parent relationships from the role graph:
Set<String> parents = RoleUtil.getInstance().getParents( role.getName(), this.contextId );
if ( parents != null )
for ( String parent : parents )
RoleUtil.getInstance().updateHier( this.contextId, new Relationship( role.getName().toUpperCase(),
parent.toUpperCase() ), Hier.Op.REM );
// Finally, delete the role object:
roleP.delete( role );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Role updateRole( Role role ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "updateRole";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, role );
return roleP.update( role );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void assignUser( UserRole uRole ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "assignUser";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole, GlobalErrIds.URLE_NULL );
VUtil.assertNotNull( uRole.getName(), GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NM_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
Role role = new Role( uRole.getName() );
role.setContextId( contextId );
User user = new User( uRole.getUserId() );
user.setContextId( contextId );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole );
AdminUtil.canAssign( uRole.getAdminSession(), user, role, contextId );
SDUtil.getInstance().validateSSD( user, role );
// Get the default constraints from role:
role.setContextId( this.contextId );
Role validRole = role );
// if the input role entity attribute doesn't have temporal constraints set, copy from the role declaration:
ConstraintUtil.validateOrCopy( validRole, uRole );
// Assign the Role data to User:
String dn = userP.assign( uRole );
// If user membership associated with role, set it here:
if( Config.getInstance().isRoleOccupant() )
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, role );
// Assign user dn attribute to the role, this will add a single, standard attribute value,
// called "roleOccupant", directly onto the role node:
roleP.assign( role, dn );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void enableRoleConstraint( Role role, RoleConstraint roleConstraint )
throws SecurityException
String methodName = "enableRoleConstraint";
VUtil.assertNotNull( role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
VUtil.assertNotNull( role.getName(), GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NM_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
VUtil.assertNotNull( roleConstraint, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, role );
// This constraint type requires a global config parameter keyed by RC$tenant$role:constraint:
String propKey = Config.getInstance().getConstraintKey( role.getName(), contextId );
String propValue = roleConstraint.getKey();
VUtil.assertNotNull( propValue, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_KEY_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
// Verify the role exists: role );
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty( propKey, propValue );
// Retrieve parameters from the config node stored in target LDAP DIT:
String realmName = Config.getInstance().getProperty( GlobalIds.CONFIG_REALM, "DEFAULT" );
configP.update( new Configuration(realmName, props) );
// update in-memory:
Config.getInstance().setProperty( propKey, propValue );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void disableRoleConstraint( Role role, RoleConstraint roleConstraint )
throws SecurityException
String methodName = "disableRoleConstraint";
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, role );
VUtil.assertNotNull( role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
VUtil.assertNotNull( role.getName(), GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NM_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
VUtil.assertNotNull( roleConstraint, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
// This constraint type requires a global config parameter keyed by RC$tenant$role:constraint:
String propKey = Config.getInstance().getConstraintKey( role.getName(), contextId );
String propValue = roleConstraint.getKey();
VUtil.assertNotNull( propValue, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_KEY_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty( propKey, propValue );
// Retrieve parameters from the config node stored in target LDAP DIT:
String realmName = Config.getInstance().getProperty( GlobalIds.CONFIG_REALM, "DEFAULT" );
configP.delete( realmName, props );
// update in-memory:
Config.getInstance().clearProperty( propKey );
* {@inheritDoc}
public RoleConstraint addRoleConstraint( UserRole uRole, RoleConstraint roleConstraint )
throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addRoleConstraint";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole, GlobalErrIds.URLE_NULL );
VUtil.assertNotNull( uRole.getName(), GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NM_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
VUtil.assertNotNull( roleConstraint, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole );
if ( roleConstraint.getType() == RoleConstraint.RCType.USER )
// This constraint type requires a global config parameter keyed by RC$tenant$role:constraint:
String propKey = Config.getInstance().getConstraintKey( uRole.getName(), contextId );
String propValue = Config.getInstance().getProperty( propKey );
VUtil.assertNotNull( propValue, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_NOT_ENABLED, CLS_NM + methodName );
// Validate the user-role assignment exists:
User user = new User( uRole.getUserId());
user.setContextId( contextId );
List<String> assignedRoles = userP.getAssignedRoles( user );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole, GlobalErrIds.URLE_NULL );
// Do not assign role constraint to user if not assigned the role itself.
if ( CollectionUtils.isEmpty( assignedRoles ) || ! uRole.getName()::equalsIgnoreCase) )
String error = methodName + " user [" + uRole.getUserId() + "] not assigned role [" + uRole.getName() + "]";
LOG.error( error );
throw new SecurityException( GlobalErrIds.URLE_ASSIGN_NOT_EXIST, error, null );
AdminUtil.canAssign( uRole.getAdminSession(), new User( uRole.getUserId() ), new Role( uRole.getName() ),
contextId );
userP.assign( uRole, roleConstraint );
return roleConstraint;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void removeRoleConstraint( UserRole uRole, RoleConstraint roleConstraint )
throws SecurityException
String methodName = "removeRoleConstraint";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole, GlobalErrIds.URLE_NULL );
VUtil.assertNotNull( roleConstraint, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
VUtil.assertNotNull( uRole.getName(), GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NM_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole );
userP.deassign( uRole, roleConstraint );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void removeRoleConstraint( UserRole uRole, String roleConstraintId )
throws SecurityException
String methodName = "removeRoleConstraint";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole, GlobalErrIds.URLE_NULL );
VUtil.assertNotNull( uRole.getName(), GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NM_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
VUtil.assertNotNull( roleConstraintId, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
VUtil.assertNotNull( uRole.getName(), GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NM_NULL, CLS_NM + methodName );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole );
AdminUtil.canDeassign( uRole.getAdminSession(), new User( uRole.getUserId() ), new Role( uRole.getName() ), contextId );
//find role constraint that needs removed
boolean found = false;
User user = new User(uRole.getUserId());
user.setContextId( contextId );
List<UserRole> userRoles = user, true ).getRoles();
for( UserRole ur : userRoles ){
// find matching name
if( ur.getName().equals( uRole.getName() ) ){
//find matching constraint
List<RoleConstraint> rcs = ur.getRoleConstraints();
for( RoleConstraint rc : rcs ){
if( rc.getId().equals( roleConstraintId )){
userP.deassign( uRole, rc );
found = true;
if( !found ){
throw new FinderException( GlobalErrIds.RCON_NOT_FOUND, "Role constraint with id " + roleConstraintId + " not found" );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void deassignUser( UserRole uRole ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deassignUser";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole, GlobalErrIds.URLE_NULL );
Role role = new Role( uRole.getName() );
role.setContextId( contextId );
User user = new User( uRole.getUserId() );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, uRole );
AdminUtil.canDeassign( user.getAdminSession(), user, role, contextId );
String dn = userP.deassign( uRole );
// If user membership is assocated with role, remove role occupants:
if( Config.getInstance().isRoleOccupant() )
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, role );
// Now "deassign" user dn attribute, this will remove a single, standard attribute value,
// called "roleOccupant", from the node:
roleP.deassign( role, dn );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Permission addPermission( Permission perm ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addPermission";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, perm, GlobalErrIds.PERM_OPERATION_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, perm );
return permP.add( perm );
* {@inheritDoc}
public PermissionAttributeSet addPermissionAttributeSet( PermissionAttributeSet permAttributeSet ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addPermissionAttributeSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, permAttributeSet, GlobalErrIds.PERM_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, permAttributeSet );
return permP.add( permAttributeSet );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void deletePermissionAttributeSet( PermissionAttributeSet permAttributeSet ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deletePermissionAttributeSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, permAttributeSet, GlobalErrIds.PERM_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, permAttributeSet );
permP.delete( permAttributeSet );
* {@inheritDoc}
public PermissionAttribute addPermissionAttributeToSet( PermissionAttribute permAttribute, String attributeSetName )
throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addPermissionAttributeToSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, permAttribute, GlobalErrIds.PERM_ATTRIBUTE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, permAttribute );
return permP.add( permAttribute, attributeSetName );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void removePermissionAttributeFromSet( PermissionAttribute permAttribute, String attributeSetName )
throws SecurityException
String methodName = "removePermissionAttributeFromSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, permAttribute, GlobalErrIds.PERM_ATTRIBUTE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, permAttribute );
permP.delete( permAttribute, attributeSetName );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void updatePermissionAttributeInSet(PermissionAttribute permAttribute, String attributeSetName, boolean replaceValidValues)
throws SecurityException
String methodName = "updatePermissionAttributeInSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, permAttribute, GlobalErrIds.PERM_ATTRIBUTE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, permAttribute );
permP.update( permAttribute, attributeSetName, replaceValidValues );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Permission updatePermission( Permission perm ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "updatePermission";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, perm, GlobalErrIds.PERM_OPERATION_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, perm );
return permP.update( perm );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void deletePermission( Permission perm ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deletePermission";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, perm, GlobalErrIds.PERM_OPERATION_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, perm );
permP.delete( perm );
* {@inheritDoc}
public PermObj addPermObj( PermObj pObj ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addPermObj";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, pObj, GlobalErrIds.PERM_OBJECT_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, pObj );
return permP.add( pObj );
* {@inheritDoc}
public PermObj updatePermObj( PermObj pObj ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "updatePermObj";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, pObj, GlobalErrIds.PERM_OBJECT_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, pObj );
return permP.update( pObj );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void deletePermObj( PermObj pObj ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deletePermObj";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, pObj, GlobalErrIds.PERM_OBJECT_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, pObj );
permP.delete( pObj );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void grantPermission( Permission perm, Role role ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "grantPermission";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, perm, GlobalErrIds.PERM_OPERATION_NULL );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, perm );
// validate role
if ( perm.isAdmin() )
AdminRole adminRole = new AdminRole( role.getName() );
adminRole.setContextId( this.contextId ); adminRole );
AdminUtil.canGrant( perm.getAdminSession(), role, perm, contextId ); role );
permP.grant( perm, role );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void revokePermission( Permission perm, Role role ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "revokePermission";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, perm, GlobalErrIds.PERM_OPERATION_NULL );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, perm );
if ( !perm.isAdmin() )
AdminUtil.canRevoke( perm.getAdminSession(), role, perm, contextId );
permP.revoke( perm, role );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void grantPermission( Permission perm, User user ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "grantPermissionUser";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, perm, GlobalErrIds.PERM_OPERATION_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, perm );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
// Ensure the user entity exists: user, false );
permP.grant( perm, user );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void revokePermission( Permission perm, User user ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "revokePermissionUser";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, perm, GlobalErrIds.PERM_OPERATION_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, perm );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, user, GlobalErrIds.USER_NULL );
permP.revoke( perm, user );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void addDescendant( Role parentRole, Role childRole ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addDescendant";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, parentRole, GlobalErrIds.PARENT_ROLE_NULL );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, childRole, GlobalErrIds.CHILD_ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, childRole );
// make sure the parent role is already there:
Role role = new Role( parentRole.getName() );
role.setContextId( this.contextId ); role );
RoleUtil.getInstance().validateRelationship( childRole, parentRole, false );
childRole.setParent( parentRole.getName() );
roleP.add( childRole );
RoleUtil.getInstance().updateHier( this.contextId, new Relationship( childRole.getName().toUpperCase(),
parentRole.getName().toUpperCase() ), Hier.Op.ADD );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void addAscendant( Role childRole, Role parentRole ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addAscendant";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, parentRole, GlobalErrIds.PARENT_ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, parentRole );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, childRole, GlobalErrIds.CHILD_ROLE_NULL );
// make sure the child role is already there:
Role role = new Role( childRole.getName() );
role.setContextId( this.contextId );
role = role );
role.setContextId( this.contextId );
RoleUtil.getInstance().validateRelationship( childRole, parentRole, false );
roleP.add( parentRole );
// Use cRole2 to update ONLY the parents attribute on the child role and nothing else:
Role cRole2 = new Role( childRole.getName() );
cRole2.setParents( role.getParents() );
cRole2.setParent( parentRole.getName() );
cRole2.setContextId( this.contextId );
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, cRole2 );
roleP.update( cRole2 );
RoleUtil.getInstance().updateHier( this.contextId, new Relationship( childRole.getName().toUpperCase(),
parentRole.getName().toUpperCase() ), Hier.Op.ADD );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void addInheritance( Role parentRole, Role childRole ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addInheritance";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, parentRole, GlobalErrIds.PARENT_ROLE_NULL );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, childRole, GlobalErrIds.CHILD_ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, parentRole );
// make sure the parent role is already there:
Role pRole = new Role( parentRole.getName() );
pRole.setContextId( this.contextId ); pRole );
// make sure the child role is already there:
Role cRole = new Role( childRole.getName() );
cRole.setContextId( this.contextId );
cRole = cRole );
RoleUtil.getInstance().validateRelationship( childRole, parentRole, false );
RoleUtil.getInstance().updateHier( this.contextId, new Relationship( childRole.getName().toUpperCase(),
parentRole.getName().toUpperCase() ), Hier.Op.ADD );
// Use cRole2 to update ONLY the parents attribute on the child role and nothing else:
Role cRole2 = new Role( childRole.getName() );
cRole2.setParents( cRole.getParents() );
cRole2.setParent( parentRole.getName() );
cRole2.setContextId( this.contextId );
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, cRole2 );
roleP.update( cRole2 );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void deleteInheritance( Role parentRole, Role childRole ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deleteInheritance";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, parentRole, GlobalErrIds.PARENT_ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, parentRole );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, childRole, GlobalErrIds.CHILD_ROLE_NULL );
RoleUtil.getInstance().validateRelationship( childRole, parentRole, true );
RoleUtil.getInstance().updateHier( this.contextId, new Relationship( childRole.getName().toUpperCase(),
parentRole.getName().toUpperCase() ), Hier.Op.REM );
// need to remove the parent from the child role:
Role cRole = new Role( childRole.getName() );
cRole.setContextId( this.contextId );
cRole = cRole );
// Use cRole2 to update ONLY the parents attribute on the child role and nothing else:
Role cRole2 = new Role( childRole.getName() );
cRole2.setParents( cRole.getParents() );
cRole2.delParent( parentRole.getName() );
cRole2.setContextId( this.contextId );
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, cRole2 );
// are there any parents left?
if ( !CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( cRole2.getParents() ) )
// The updates only update non-empty multivalued attributes
// so if last parent assigned, so must remove the attribute completely:
roleP.deleteParent( cRole2 );
roleP.update( cRole2 );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet createSsdSet( SDSet ssdSet ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "createSsdSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet, GlobalErrIds.SSD_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet );
ssdSet.setType( SDSet.SDType.STATIC );
if ( ssdSet.getCardinality() == null )
// default cardinality == 2
ssdSet.setCardinality( 2 );
clearSSDCache( ssdSet );
return sdP.add( ssdSet );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet updateSsdSet( SDSet ssdSet ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "updateSsdSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet, GlobalErrIds.SSD_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet );
ssdSet.setType( SDSet.SDType.STATIC );
return sdP.update( ssdSet );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet addSsdRoleMember( SDSet ssdSet, Role role ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addSsdRoleMember";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet, GlobalErrIds.SSD_NULL );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet );
SDSet entity = ssdSet );
entity.setContextId( this.contextId );
entity.addMember( role.getName() );
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, entity );
SDSet ssdOut = sdP.update( entity );
// remove any references to the old SSD from cache:
clearSSDCache( role );
return ssdOut;
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet deleteSsdRoleMember( SDSet ssdSet, Role role ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deleteSsdRoleMember";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet, GlobalErrIds.SSD_NULL );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet );
SDSet entity = ssdSet );
entity.setContextId( this.contextId );
entity.delMember( role.getName() );
// when removing last role member a placeholder must be left in data set:
if ( entity.getMembers().isEmpty() )
entity.addMember( GlobalIds.NONE );
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, entity );
SDSet ssdOut = sdP.update( entity );
// remove any references to the old SSD from cache:
clearSSDCache( role );
return ssdOut;
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet deleteSsdSet( SDSet ssdSet ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deleteSsdSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet, GlobalErrIds.SSD_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet );
ssdSet.setType( SDSet.SDType.STATIC );
// remove any references to the old SSD from cache:
clearSSDCache( ssdSet );
return sdP.delete( ssdSet );
* Clear the SSD cache entries that correspond to this SSD
* @param ssdSet
* @throws SecurityException
private void clearSSDCache( SDSet ssdSet )
if ( ssdSet.getMembers() != null )
for ( String roleName : ssdSet.getMembers() )
SDUtil.getInstance().clearSsdCacheEntry( roleName, contextId );
* Clear the SSD cache entries that correspond to this Role.
* @param role
* @throws SecurityException
private void clearSSDCache( Role role )
SDUtil.getInstance().clearSsdCacheEntry( role.getName(), contextId );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet setSsdSetCardinality( SDSet ssdSet, int cardinality ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "setSsdSetCardinality";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet, GlobalErrIds.SSD_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, ssdSet );
ssdSet.setType( SDSet.SDType.STATIC );
ssdSet.setCardinality( cardinality );
// remove any references to the old SSD from cache:
clearSSDCache( ssdSet );
return sdP.update( ssdSet );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet createDsdSet( SDSet dsdSet ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "createDsdSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet, GlobalErrIds.DSD_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet );
dsdSet.setType( SDSet.SDType.DYNAMIC );
if ( dsdSet.getCardinality() == null )
// default cardinality == 2
dsdSet.setCardinality( 2 );
return sdP.add( dsdSet );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet updateDsdSet( SDSet dsdSet ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "updateDsdSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet, GlobalErrIds.DSD_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet );
dsdSet.setType( SDSet.SDType.DYNAMIC );
return sdP.update( dsdSet );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet addDsdRoleMember( SDSet dsdSet, Role role ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "addDsdRoleMember";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet, GlobalErrIds.DSD_NULL );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet );
SDSet entity = dsdSet );
entity.setContextId( this.contextId );
entity.addMember( role.getName() );
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, entity );
SDSet dsdOut = sdP.update( entity );
// remove any references to the old DSD from cache:
clearDSDCache( dsdSet );
return dsdOut;
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet deleteDsdRoleMember( SDSet dsdSet, Role role ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deleteDsdRoleMember";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet, GlobalErrIds.DSD_NULL );
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, role, GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet );
SDSet entity = dsdSet );
entity.setContextId( this.contextId );
entity.delMember( role.getName() );
// when removing last role member a placeholder must be left in data set:
if ( entity.getMembers().isEmpty() )
entity.addMember( GlobalIds.NONE );
setAdminData( CLS_NM, methodName, entity );
SDSet dsdOut = sdP.update( entity );
// remove any references to the old DSD from cache:
clearDSDCache( dsdSet );
return dsdOut;
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet deleteDsdSet( SDSet dsdSet ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "deleteDsdSet";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet, GlobalErrIds.DSD_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet );
dsdSet.setType( SDSet.SDType.DYNAMIC );
// remove any references to the old DSD from cache:
clearDSDCache( dsdSet );
return sdP.delete( dsdSet );
* {@inheritDoc}
public SDSet setDsdSetCardinality( SDSet dsdSet, int cardinality ) throws SecurityException
String methodName = "setDsdSetCardinality";
assertContext( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet, GlobalErrIds.DSD_NULL );
setEntitySession( CLS_NM, methodName, dsdSet );
dsdSet.setType( SDSet.SDType.DYNAMIC );
dsdSet.setCardinality( cardinality );
// remove any references to the old DSD from cache:
clearDSDCache( dsdSet );
return sdP.update( dsdSet );
* Clear the DSD cache entries that correspond to this DSD
* @param dsdSet
* @throws SecurityException
private void clearDSDCache( SDSet dsdSet )
SDUtil.getInstance().clearDsdCacheEntry( dsdSet.getName(), contextId );