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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Process module for the User entity. This class performs data validations and error mapping. It is typically called
* by internal Fortress manager classes ({@link AdminMgrImpl}, {@link AccessMgrImpl},
* {@link ReviewMgrImpl}, ...) and not intended for external non-Fortress clients. This class will accept,
* {@link}, validate its contents and forward on to it's corresponding DAO class {@link}.
* <p>
* Class will throw {@link SecurityException} to caller in the event of security policy, data constraint violation or system
* error internal to DAO object. This class will forward DAO exceptions ({@link},
* {@link},{@link},{@link}),
* or {@link} as {@link SecurityException}s with appropriate
* error id from {@link}.
* <p>
* This class is thread safe.
* <p>
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
final class UserP
private static final String CLS_NM = UserP.class.getName();
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( CLS_NM );
private UserDAO uDao = new UserDAO();
private PolicyP policyP = new PolicyP();
private AdminRoleP admRoleP = new AdminRoleP();
private OrgUnitP orgUnitP = new OrgUnitP();
* Takes a User entity that contains full or partial userId OR a full internal userId for search.
* @param user contains all or partial userId or full internal userId.
* @return List of type User containing fully populated matching User entities. If no records found this will be empty.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<User> search( User user ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.findUsers( user );
List<User> search( OrgUnit ou, boolean limitSize ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.findUsers( ou, limitSize );
* Search according to full or partial search string that maps to Fortress userid.
* This search is used by RealmMgr for Websphere.
* @param user contains full or partial userId.
* @param limit specify the max number of records to return in result set.
* @return List of type String containing userId of all matching User entities. If no records found this will be empty.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<String> search( User user, int limit ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.findUsers( user, limit );
* Return a list of Users that are authorized the given Role.
* @param role contains the role name targeted for search.
* @return List of type User containing fully populated matching User entities. If no records found this will be empty.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<User> getAuthorizedUsers( Role role ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.getAuthorizedUsers( role );
* Return a list of Users that are authorized the given Role.
* @param roles contains the set of role names targeted for search.
* @param contextId maps to sub-tree in DIT, e.g. ou=contextId, dc=example, dc=com.
* @return Set of type String containing the userId's for matching User entities. If no records found this will be empty.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
Set<String> getAssignedUsers( Set<String> roles, String contextId ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.getAssignedUsers( roles, contextId );
* Return a list of Users that are authorized the given Role.
* In RBAC the word "authorized" implies the hierarchical role relations graph is considered in result set.
* This search is used by RealmMgr for Websphere.
* @param role
* @param limit specify the max number of records to return in result set.
* @return list of type String of userIds. If no records found this will be empty.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<String> getAuthorizedUsers( Role role, int limit ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.getAuthorizedUsers( role, limit );
* Return a list of Users assigned the given RBAC role.
* "Assigned" implies the hierarchical role relation graph will NOT be considered in result set.
* @param role contains name of RBAC role used for search.
* @return List of fully populated User entities matching target search. If no records found this will be empty.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<User> getAssignedUsers( Role role ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.getAssignedUsers( role, null );
* Return a list of Users assigned the given RBAC role.
* "Assigned" implies the hierarchical role relation graph will NOT be considered in result set.
* @param role contains name of RBAC role used for search.
* @param roleConstraint filter roles that have this role constraint
* @return List of fully populated User entities matching target search. If no records found this will be empty.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<User> getAssignedUsers( Role role, RoleConstraint roleConstraint ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.getAssignedUsers( role, roleConstraint );
* Return a list of user roles for the provided role name, role constraint type and pa set name
* @param role
* @param rcType
* @param paSetName
* @return
* @throws SecurityException
List<UserRole> getAssignedUsers( Role role, RCType rcType, String paSetName ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.getUserRoles( role, rcType, paSetName );
* Return a list of Users assigned the given RBAC role.
* "Assigned" implies the hierarchical role relation graph will NOT be considered in result set.
* @param role contains name of RBAC role used for search.
* @return List of fully populated User entities matching target search. If no records found this will be empty.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<String> getAssignedUserIds( Role role ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.getAssignedUserIds( role );
* Return a list of Users assigned the given Administrative role.
* "Assigned" implies the hierarchical role relation graph will NOT be considered in result set.
* @param role contains name of Admin role used for search.
* @return List of fully populated User entities matching target search. If no records found this will be empty.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<User> getAssignedUsers( AdminRole role ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.getAssignedUsers( role );
* Return the list of User's RBAC roles.
* @param user contains full userId for target operation.
* @return List of type String containing RBAC role names. If no records found this will be empty.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO search error.
List<String> getAssignedRoles( User user ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.getRoles( user );
* Return a fully populated User entity for a given userId. If the User entry is not found a SecurityException
* will be thrown.
* @param user contains full userId value.
* @param isRoles return user's assigned roles if "true".
* @return User entity containing all attributes associated with User in directory.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of User not found or DAO search error.
User read( User user, boolean isRoles ) throws SecurityException
return uDao.getUser( user, isRoles );
* Adds a new User entity to directory. The User entity input object will be validated to ensure that:
* userId is present, orgUnitId is valid, roles (optiona) are valid, reasonability checks on all of the
* other populated values.
* @param entity User entity contains data targeted for insertion.
* @return User entity copy of input + additional attributes (internalId) that were added by op.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
User add( User entity ) throws SecurityException
return add( entity, true );
* Adds a new User entity to directory.
* The User entity input object will be validated to ensure that: userId is present, orgUnitId is valid,
* roles (optiona) are valid, reasonability checks on all of the other populated values.
* @param entity User entity contains data targeted for insertion.
* @param validate if false will skip the validations described above.
* @return User entity copy of input + additional attributes (internalId)
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
User add( User entity, boolean validate ) throws SecurityException
if ( validate )
// Ensure the input data is valid.
validate( entity, false );
entity = uDao.create( entity );
return entity;
* Update existing user's attributes with the input entity. Null or empty attributes will be ignored.
* This method will ignore userId as input as change userId is not allowed. If password is changed
* OpenLDAP password policy will not be evaluated on behalf of the user.
* Other User entity input data can be changed and will also be validated beforehand to ensure that:
* orgUnitId is valid, roles (optional) are valid, reasonability checks will be performed on all of the populated fields.
* @param entity User entity contains data targeted for insertion.
* @return User entity copy of input
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
User update( User entity ) throws SecurityException
return update( entity, true );
* Update existing user's attributes with the input entity. Null or empty attributes will be ignored.
* This method will ignore userId or password as input. The former is not allowed and latter is performed by other
* methods in this class.
* Other User entity input data can be changed and will also be validated beforehand to ensure that:
* orgUnitId is valid, roles (optional) are valid, reasonability checks will be performed on all of the populated fields.
* @param entity User entity contains data targeted for insertion.
* @param validate if false will skip the validations described above.
* @return User entity copy of input
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
* Update existing user's attributes with the input entity. Null or empty attributes will be ignored.
* This method will ignore userId or password as input. The former is not allowed and latter is performed by other
* methods in this class.
* Other User entity input data can be changed and will also be validated beforehand to ensure that:
* orgUnitId is valid, roles (optional) are valid, reasonability checks will be performed on all of the populated fields.
* @param entity User entity contains data targeted for insertion.
* @param validate if false will skip the validations described above.
* @return User entity copy of input
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
User update( User entity, boolean validate ) throws SecurityException
if ( validate )
// Ensure the input data is valid.
validate( entity, true );
entity = uDao.update( entity );
return entity;
* Method performs a "soft" delete. It disables User entity and flags as "deleted". User must exist in directory
* prior to making this call.
* @param user Contains the userId of the user targeted for deletion.
* @return String contains user DN
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
String softDelete( User user ) throws SecurityException
// Ensure this user isn't listed in Fortress config as a system user that can't be removed via API.
// Is there a match between this userId and a Fortress system user?
User checkUser = read( user, true );
if ( checkUser.isSystem() != null && checkUser.isSystem() )
String warning = "softDelete userId [" + user.getUserId()
+ "] can't be removed due to policy violation, rc=" + GlobalErrIds.USER_PLCY_VIOLATION;
throw new SecurityException( GlobalErrIds.USER_PLCY_VIOLATION, warning );
user.setDescription( "DELETED" );
User outUser = uDao.update( user );
return outUser.getDn();
* This method performs a "hard" delete. It completely removes all data associated with this user from the directory.
* User entity must exist in directory prior to making this call else exception will be thrown.
* @param user Contains the userid of the user targeted for deletion.
* @return String contains user DN
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation or DAO system error.
String delete( User user ) throws SecurityException
// Ensure this user isn't listed in Fortress config as a system user that can't be removed via API.
// Is there a match between this userId and a Fortress system user?
User checkUser = read( user, true );
if ( checkUser.isSystem() != null && checkUser.isSystem() )
String warning = "delete userId [" + user.getUserId()
+ "] can't be removed due to policy violation, rc=" + GlobalErrIds.USER_PLCY_VIOLATION;
throw new SecurityException( GlobalErrIds.USER_PLCY_VIOLATION, warning );
return uDao.remove( user );
* Removes the user's association from OpenLDAP password policy. Once this association is removed, the User
* password policy will default to that which is default for ldap server.
* @param user contains the userId for target user.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO error.
void deletePwPolicy( User user ) throws SecurityException
uDao.deletePwPolicy( user );
* This method performs authentication only. It does not activate RBAC roles in session. It will evaluate
* password policies.
* @param user Contains the userid of the user signing on along with password.
* @return Session object will be returned if authentication successful. This will not contain user's roles.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation failure, security policy violation or DAO error.
Session authenticate( User user ) throws SecurityException
Session session;
session = uDao.checkPassword( user );
if ( !session.isAuthenticated() )
String info = "UserP.authenticate failed for userId [" + user.getUserId() + "] reason code ["
+ session.getErrorId() + "] msg [" + session.getMsg() + "]";
throw new PasswordException( session.getErrorId(), info );
VUtil.getInstance().validateConstraints( session, VUtil.ConstraintType.USER, false );
return session;
* CreateSession
* <p>
* This method is called by AccessMgr and is not intended for use outside Fortress core. The successful
* result is Session object that contains target user's RBAC and Admin role activations. In addition to checking
* user password validity it will apply configured password policy checks. Method may also store parms passed in for
* audit trail..
* <ul>
* <li> authenticate user password
* <li> password policy evaluation with OpenLDAP PwPolicy
* <li> evaluate temporal constraints on User and UserRole entities.
* <li> allow selective role activations into User RBAC Session.
* <li> require valid password if trusted == false.
* <li> will disallow any user who is locked out due to OpenLDAP pw policy, regardless of trusted flag being set as parm on API.
* <li> return User's RBAC Session containing User and UserRole attributes.
* <li> throw a SecurityException for authentication failures, other policy violations, data validation errors or system failure.
* </ul>
* <p>
* <p>
* The function is valid if and only if:
* <ul>
* <li> the user is a member of the USERS data set
* <li> the password is supplied (unless trusted).
* <li> the (optional) active role set is a subset of the roles authorized for that user.
* </ul>
* <p>
* <p>
* The User parm contains the following (* indicates required)
* <ul>
* <li> String userId*
* <li> char[] password
* <li> List<UserRole> userRoles contains a list of RBAC role names authorized for user and targeted for activation within this session.
* <li> List<UserAdminRole> userAdminRoles contains a list of Admin role names authorized for user and targeted for activation.
* <li> Properties logonProps collection of auditable name/value pairs to store. For example hostname:myservername or ip:
* </ul>
* <p>
* <p>
* Notes:
* <ul>
* <li> roles that violate Dynamic Separation of Duty Relationships will not be activated into session.
* <li> role activations will proceed in same order as supplied to User entity setter.
* </ul>
* <p>
* @param user Contains userId, password (optional if "trusted"), optional User RBAC Roles: List<UserRole> rolesToBeActivated., optional User Admin Roles: List<UserAdminRole> adminRolesToBeActivated.
* @param trusted if true password is not required.
* @return Session object will contain authentication result code, RBAC and Admin role activations, OpenLDAP pw policy output and more.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation failure, security policy violation or DAO error.
Session createSession( User user, boolean trusted ) throws SecurityException
Session session;
if ( trusted )
// Create the impl session without authentication of password.
session = createSessionTrusted( user );
// Check user temporal constraints. This op usually performed during authentication.
VUtil.getInstance().validateConstraints( session, VUtil.ConstraintType.USER, false );
// Create the impl session if the user authentication succeeds:
VUtil.assertNotNullOrEmpty( user.getPassword(), GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_NULL, CLS_NM + ".createSession" );
session = createSession( user );
// Normally, the context (tenant) gets set in the mgr layer and passed into here, as in the User.
// However, the Session was created down here and must be set here as well, for role constraint (validation) to be multitenant, in validateConstraints method:
session.setContextId( user.getContextId() );
// Did the caller pass in a set of roles for selective activation?
if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( user.getRoles() ) )
// Process selective activation of user's RBAC roles into session:
List<UserRole> rlsActual = session.getRoles();
List<UserRole> rlsFinal = new ArrayList<>();
session.setRoles( rlsFinal );
// Activate only the intersection between assigned and roles passed into this method:
for ( UserRole role : user.getRoles() )
int indx = rlsActual.indexOf( role );
if ( indx != -1 )
UserRole candidateRole = rlsActual.get( indx );
rlsFinal.add( candidateRole );
// Did the caller pass in a set of dynamic constraints as properties?
// TODO: Guard with a property? i.e. user.session.props.enabled
if ( user.getProps() != null )
session.getUser().addProperties( user.getProperties() );
// Check role temporal constraints + activate roles:
VUtil.getInstance().validateConstraints( session, VUtil.ConstraintType.ROLE, true );
return session;
* This convenience/passthru method. It loads a key,value pair of attributes, constained within the RoleConsraint, into the user properties, bound for the constraint validations during role activation step.
* It saves a step or two for the user, who can simply pass constraint using value object, rather than properties.
* @param user same as before
* @param constraints contains a list of attributes {@link RoleConstraint#key}, {@link RoleConstraint#value}, bound for role activation checks.
* @param trusted same as always, true if no pw
* @return session with activated roles, etc.
* @throws SecurityException
Session createSession( User user, List<RoleConstraint> constraints, boolean trusted ) throws SecurityException
// Load the constraint key/value into a property bag, pass into runtime context via user entity.
Properties props = new Properties( );
// Validate the constraint key/value fields are set:
for( RoleConstraint constraint : constraints)
VUtil.assertNotNullOrEmpty( constraint.getKey(), GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_KEY_NULL, CLS_NM + ".createSession" );
VUtil.assertNotNullOrEmpty( constraint.getValue(), GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_VALUE_NULL, CLS_NM + "" +
".createSession" );
props.setProperty( constraint.getKey(), constraint.getValue() );
user.addProperties( props );
return createSession( user, trusted );
* Called internal to this class only. Will do all of the session activations of the public method
* in addition to the password validation.
* @param inUser Contains userId that represents rDn of node in ldap directory.
* @return Session object will contain authentication result code, RBAC and Admin role activations, OpenLDAP pw policy output and more.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation failure, security policy violation or DAO error.
private Session createSession( User inUser )
throws SecurityException
// read user entity:
User user = read( inUser, true );
user.setContextId( inUser.getContextId() );
// authenticate password, check pw policies and validate user temporal constraints:
Session session = authenticate( inUser );
// Set the user entity into the session object:
session.setUser( user );
return session;
* Trusted session creation method called internal to this class only. Will do all of the session activations of the public method
* @param inUser Contains userId that represents rDn of node in ldap directory.
* @return Session object will contain authentication result code, RBAC and Admin role activations, OpenLDAP pw policy output and more.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation failure, security policy violation or DAO error.
private Session createSessionTrusted( User inUser )
throws SecurityException
User user = read( inUser, true );
user.setContextId( inUser.getContextId() );
if ( user.isLocked() )
String warning = "createSession failed for userId [" + inUser.getUserId()
+ "] reason user is locked";
LOG.warn( warning );
throw new SecurityException( GlobalErrIds.USER_LOCKED_BY_CONST, warning );
Session session = new ObjectFactory().createSession();
session.setUserId( inUser.getUserId() );
// Set this flag to false because user's password was not authenticated.
session.setAuthenticated( false );
session.setUser( user );
return session;
* Method will set the OpenLDAP pwlocked attribute which will lock user from being able to signon to the system.
* @param user Contains userId that represents rDn of node in ldap directory.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO error.
void lock( User user ) throws SecurityException
uDao.lock( user );
* Method will reset the OpenLDAP pwlocked attribute which will unlock user and allow to signon to the system.
* @param user Contains userId that represents rDn of node in ldap directory.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO error.
void unlock( User user ) throws SecurityException
uDao.unlock( user );
* Method will change the user's password and validate user's pw policy in OpenLDAP.
* @param entity contains userId and old password.
* @param newPassword contains the new password which must pass the password policy constraints.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation failure, password policy violation or DAO error.
void changePassword( User entity, String newPassword ) throws SecurityException
String userId = entity.getUserId();
boolean result = uDao.changePassword( entity, newPassword );
if ( !result )
LOG.warn( "changePassword failed for user [{}]", userId );
* Perform password reset on user entity. This will change the User password and set the reset flag
* in OpenLDAP will will force the user to change their password at next logon time.
* @param user contains the userId and the new password.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of DAO error.
void resetPassword( User user ) throws SecurityException
uDao.resetUserPassword( user );
* This command assigns a user to a role.
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li> The command is valid if and only if:
* <li> The user is a member of the USERS data set
* <li> The role is a member of the ROLES data set
* <li> The user is not already assigned to the role
* <li> The SSD constraints are satisfied after assignment.
* </ul>
* <p>
* <p>
* Successful completion of this op, the following occurs:
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li> User entity (resides in people container) has role assignment added to aux object class attached to actual user record.
* <li> Role entity (resides in role container) has userId added as role occupant.
* <li> (optional) Temporal constraints may be associated with <code>ftUserAttrs</code> aux object class based on:
* <ul>
* <li> timeout - number (in minutes) of session inactivity time allowed.
* <li> beginDate - YYYYMMDD - determines date when role may be activated.
* <li> endDate - YYMMDD - indicates latest date role may be activated.
* <li> beginLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status
* <li> endLockDate - YYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status.
* <li> beginTime - HHMM - determines begin hour role may be activated in user's session.
* <li> endTime - HHMM - determines end hour role may be activated in user's session.*
* <li> dayMask - 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day of week role may be activated.
* </ul>
* </ul>
* @param uRole entity contains userId and role name for targeted assignment.
* @return String containing the user's DN. This value is used to update the "roleOccupant" attribute on associated role entity.
* @throws SecurityException in the event data error in user or role objects or system error.
String assign( UserRole uRole ) throws SecurityException
validate( uRole );
// "assign" custom Fortress role data, i.e. temporal constraints, onto the user node:
return uDao.assign( uRole );
//TODO: add documentation
void assign( UserRole uRole, RoleConstraint roleConstraint ) throws SecurityException
validate( roleConstraint, uRole.getContextId() );
uDao.assign( uRole, roleConstraint );
//TODO: add documentation, maybe change method name?
void deassign( UserRole uRole, RoleConstraint roleConstraint ) throws SecurityException
//TODO: validate?
uDao.deassign( uRole, roleConstraint );
* This command deletes the assignment of the User from the Role entities. The command is
* valid if and only if the user is a member of the USERS data set, the role is a member of
* the ROLES data set, and the user is assigned to the role.
* Any sessions that currently have this role activated will not be effected.
* Successful completion includes:
* User entity in USER data set has role assignment removed.
* Role entity in ROLE data set has userId removed as role occupant.
* (optional) Temporal constraints will be removed from user aux object if set prior to call.
* @param uRole entity contains userId and RBAC Role name for targeted assignment.
* @return String containing the user's DN. This value is used to remove the "roleOccupant" attribute on associated RBAC Role entity.
* @throws SecurityException - in the event data error in user or role objects or system error.
String deassign( UserRole uRole ) throws SecurityException
validate( uRole );
// "deassign" custom Fortress role data from the user's node:
return uDao.deassign( uRole );
* This command assigns a user to an admin role.
* Successful completion of this op, the following occurs:
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li> User entity (resides in people container) has role assignment added to aux object class attached to actual user record.
* <li> AdminRole entity (resides in admin role container) has userId added as role occupant.
* <li> (optional) Temporal constraints may be associated with <code>ftUserAttrs</code> aux object class based on:
* <ul>
* <li> timeout - number (in minutes) of session inactivity time allowed.
* <li> beginDate - YYYYMMDD - determines date when role may be activated.
* <li> endDate - YYMMDD - indicates latest date role may be activated.
* <li> beginLockDate - YYYYMMDD - determines beginning of enforced inactive status
* <li> endLockDate - YYMMDD - determines end of enforced inactive status.
* <li> beginTime - HHMM - determines begin hour role may be activated in user's session.
* <li> endTime - HHMM - determines end hour role may be activated in user's session.*
* <li> dayMask - 1234567, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, etc - specifies which day of week role may be activated.
* </ul>
* </ul>
* @param uRole entity contains userId and Admin Role name for targeted assignment.
* @return String containing the user's DN. This value is used to update the "roleOccupant" attribute on associated Admin Role entity.
* @throws SecurityException in the event data error in user or role objects or system error.
String assign( UserAdminRole uRole ) throws SecurityException
validate( uRole );
// Assign custom Fortress role data, i.e. temporal constraints, onto the user node:
return uDao.assign( uRole );
* This method removes assigned admin role from user entity. Both user and admin role entities must exist and have role relationship
* before calling this method.
* Successful completion:
* del Role to User assignment in User data set
* User to Role assignment in Admin Role data set.
* @param uRole entity contains userId and Admin Role name for targeted assignment.
* @return String containing the user's DN. This value is used to remove the "roleOccupant" attribute on associated Admin Role entity.
* @throws SecurityException - in the event data error in user or role objects or system error.
String deassign( UserAdminRole uRole ) throws SecurityException
validate( uRole );
// Deassign custom Fortress role data from the user's node:
return uDao.deassign( uRole );
* Ensure that the passed in variable has the correct fields set.
* @param uRole - name and userId must be checked.
* @throws ValidationException - if either are null or empty.
private void validate( UserRole uRole ) throws ValidationException
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( uRole.getUserId() ) )
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.USER_ID_NULL, CLS_NM + ".validate userId is NULL" );
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( uRole.getName() ) )
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.ROLE_NM_NULL, CLS_NM + ".validate name is NULL" );
* Ensure that the passed in role constraint is valid
* @param rc RoleConstaint
* @param contextId
* @throws ValidationException
private void validate( RoleConstraint rc, String contextId ) throws ValidationException
// TODO: This should be for only one type:
if( rc.getType() != RCType.USER)
if( StringUtils.isEmpty( rc.getKey() ))
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.PERM_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NM_NULL, CLS_NM + ".validate pa set name is NULL" );
PermP permP = new PermP();
permP.validatePaSet( rc.getKey(), contextId );
catch( SecurityException e )
String error = "validate - paSetName not found with name [" + rc.getKey() + "] caught SecurityException=" + e;
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.PERM_ATTRIBUTE_SET_NOT_FOUND, error );
if ( rc.getType() == null )
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_NULL, CLS_NM + ".validate type is NULL" );
if( StringUtils.isEmpty( rc.getValue() ))
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.ROLE_CONSTRAINT_VALUE_NULL, CLS_NM + ".validate value is NULL" );
* Method will perform various validations to ensure the integrity of the User entity targeted for insertion
* or updating in directory. For example the ou attribute will be "read" from the OrgUnit dataset to ensure
* that it is valid. Data reasonability checks will be performed on all non-null attributes.
* This method will also copy the source constraints to target entity iff the target input entity does not have set
* prior to calling.
* @param entity User entity contains data targeted for insertion or update. The input role constraints will be accepted.
* @param isUpdate if true update operation is being performed which specifies a different set of targeted attributes.
* @throws SecurityException in the event of data validation error or DAO error on Org validation.
private void validate( User entity, boolean isUpdate )
throws SecurityException
if ( !isUpdate )
// the UserId attribute is required on User:
VUtil.userId( entity.getUserId() );
// the cn attribute is optional as input. entity will default to userId if cn not set by caller on add:
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getCn() ) )
VUtil.safeText( entity.getCn(), GlobalIds.CN_LEN );
// the sn attribute is optional as input. entity will default to userId if sn not set by caller on add:
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getSn() ) )
VUtil.safeText( entity.getSn(), GlobalIds.SN_LEN );
// password is not required on user object but user cannot execute AccessMgr or DelAccessMgr methods w/out pw.
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getPassword() ) )
VUtil.safeText( entity.getPassword(), GlobalIds.PASSWORD_LEN );
// the OU attribute is required:
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( entity.getOu() ) )
String error = "OU validation failed, null or empty value";
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.ORG_NULL_USER, error );
VUtil.orgUnit( entity.getOu() );
// ensure ou exists in the OS-U pool:
OrgUnit ou = new OrgUnit( entity.getOu(), OrgUnit.Type.USER );
ou.setContextId( entity.getContextId() );
if ( !orgUnitP.isValid( ou ) )
String error = "validate detected invalid orgUnit name [" + entity.getOu()
+ "] adding user with userId [" + entity.getUserId() + "]";
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.USER_OU_INVALID, error );
// description attribute is optional:
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDescription() ) )
VUtil.description( entity.getDescription() );
// on User update, all attributes are optional:
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getCn() ) )
VUtil.safeText( entity.getCn(), GlobalIds.CN_LEN );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getSn() ) )
VUtil.safeText( entity.getSn(), GlobalIds.SN_LEN );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getPassword() ) )
VUtil.safeText( entity.getPassword(), GlobalIds.PASSWORD_LEN );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getOu() ) )
VUtil.orgUnit( entity.getOu() );
// ensure ou exists in the OS-U pool:
OrgUnit ou = new OrgUnit( entity.getOu(), OrgUnit.Type.USER );
ou.setContextId( entity.getContextId() );
if ( !orgUnitP.isValid( ou ) )
String error = "validate detected invalid orgUnit name [" + entity.getOu()
+ "] updating user wth userId [" + entity.getUserId() + "]";
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.USER_OU_INVALID, error );
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getDescription() ) )
VUtil.description( entity.getDescription() );
// password policy name must be valid if set:
if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( entity.getPwPolicy() ) && ( Config.getInstance().isOpenldap() || Config.getInstance().isApacheds() ) )
PwPolicy policy = new PwPolicy( entity.getPwPolicy() );
policy.setContextId( entity.getContextId() );
if ( !policyP.isValid( policy ) )
String error = "validate detected invalid OpenLDAP policy name [" + entity.getPwPolicy()
+ "] for userId [" + entity.getUserId()
+ "]. Assignment is optional for User but must be valid if specified.";
throw new ValidationException( GlobalErrIds.USER_PW_PLCY_INVALID, error );
// 2 Validate constraints on User object:
ConstraintUtil.validate( entity );
* Perform copy on ARBAC attributes. This is used during assignment of {@link} to {@link}.
* This method does not perform input validations.
* @param srcR contains source attributes to copy.
* @param trgR contains the target reference.
void copyAdminAttrs(Administrator srcR, Administrator trgR)
// copy the user and perm pools:
trgR.setOsPSet( srcR.getOsPSet() );
trgR.setOsUSet( srcR.getOsUSet() );
List<RoleConstraint> findRoleConstraints( Set<String> roles, User user, RoleConstraint.RCType rcType, Set<String> paSets ) throws SecurityException
List<RoleConstraint> matchingConstraints = new ArrayList<RoleConstraint>();
//TODO: can we do this in a query?
List<UserRole> userRoles = uDao.getUser(user, true).getRoles();
for(UserRole ur : userRoles){
//only get constraints for passed in roles
for(RoleConstraint rc : ur.getRoleConstraints()){
if(rc.getType().equals(rcType) && paSets.contains(rc.getKey())){
return matchingConstraints;