Add section to README that describes the properties.
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index 11f5297..e4fc1d8 100644
--- a/
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@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
  * SECTION 4. Load Sample Security Policy
  * SECTION 5. Deploy to Tomcat Server
  * SECTION 6. Test with Selenium
+ * SECTION 7. Fortress Web properties
 ## Document Overview
@@ -207,4 +208,126 @@
  * [FortressWebDemoUsers](./src/main/resources/FortressWebDemoUsers.xml) policy loaded into target LDAP server.
+## SECTION 7. Fortress Web properties
+This section describes most of the that are needed to control fortress-web behavior.
+1. LDAP Hostname coordinates.  The host name can be specified as a fully qualified domain name or IP address.
+ ```
+ # Host name and port of LDAP DIT:
+ host=localhost
+ port=10389
+ ```
+2. LDAP Server type.  Each LDAP server impl has different behavior on operations like password policies and audit.  Fortress supports
+ OpenLDAP and ApacheDS and so specify which one here.  If using a 3rd type of server that isn't formally supported, leave blank or type is other.
+ ```
+ # If ApacheDS server:
+ ldap.server.type=apacheds
+ ```
+ ```
+ # Else if OpenLDAP server:
+ ldap.server.type=slapd
+ ```
+ ```
+ # Else leave blank:
+ #ldap.server.type=other
+ ```
+3.  Set the credentials of service account.  Must have read/write privileges over the Fortress LDAP DIT:
+ ```
+ # If ApacheDS it will look something like this:
+ admin.user=uid=admin,ou=system
+ ```
+ ```
+ # Else If OpenLDAP it will look something like this:
+ admin.user=cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
+ ```
+4. Define the number of LDAP connections to use in the pool  Unless you know what you're doing, use this:
+ ```
+ # This is min/max settings for LDAP administrator pool connections that have read/write access to all nodes under suffix:
+ min.admin.conn=1
+ max.admin.conn=10
+ ```
+5. Give coordinates to the Config node that contains all of the other Fortress properties.  This will match your LDAP's server's config node per Fortress Core setup.
+ ```
+ # This node contains fortress properties stored on behalf of connecting LDAP clients:
+ config.realm=DEFAULT
+ config.root=ou=Config,dc=example,dc=com
+ ```
+6. If using LDAPS.
+ ```
+ # Used for SSL Connection to LDAP Server:
+ enable.ldap.ssl=true
+ enable.ldap.ssl.debug=true
+ ```
+7. To use REST instead of LDAP.  Points to fortress-rest instance.
+ ```
+ # This will override default LDAP manager implementations for the RESTful ones:
+ ```
+8. If using REST, provide the credentials of user that has access to fortress-rest.
+ ```
+ # Optional parameters needed when Fortress client is connecting with the En Masse (rather than LDAP) server:
+ http.user=demouser4
+ http.port=8080
+ ```
+9. To reenable the nav panel on startup.
+ ```
+ # The default is 'false':
+ #enable.nav.panel=true
+ ```
+10. If using ApacheDS and setting password policies, point to the correction location.
+ ```
+ # ApacheDS stores its password policies objects here by default:
+ apacheds.pwpolicy.root=ou=passwordPolicies,ads-interceptorId=authenticationInterceptor,ou=interceptors,ads-directoryServiceId=default,ou=config
+ ```
+11. The fortress web runtime will cache user's permissions in their session if set to true.
+ ```
+ # Used by application security components:
+ perms.cached=true
+ ```
+12. Each instance of a fortress web can be scoped to one and only one tenant.  The default tenant is called HOME.
+ ```
+ # This is the default tenant or home context
+ contextId=HOME
+ ```
+ ```
+ # If you need to scope to a different tenant, supply its ID here:
+ contextId=mytenantid
+ ```
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/resources/META-INF/context.xml b/src/main/resources/META-INF/context.xml
index 1b98e74..0870ec9 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/META-INF/context.xml
+++ b/src/main/resources/META-INF/context.xml
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
    specific language governing permissions and limitations
    under the License.
-<Context path="/commander" reloadable="true">
+<Context path="/fortress-web" reloadable="true">
     <Realm className=""
diff --git a/src/main/resources/ b/src/main/resources/
index c5a75fe..a9540e2 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/
+++ b/src/main/resources/
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 # This is min/max settings for LDAP administrator pool connections that have read/write access to all nodes under suffix: