blob: c52ef54ca08462478da02f75d6fd6f574c52a442 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import com.inmethod.grid.IGridColumn;
import com.inmethod.grid.SizeUnit;
import com.inmethod.grid.column.PropertyColumn;
import com.inmethod.grid.treegrid.TreeGrid;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxCallListener;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.attributes.AjaxRequestAttributes;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.form.AjaxSubmitLink;
import org.apache.wicket.event.IEvent;
import org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponentPanel;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Radio;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.RadioGroup;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$
public class UserListPanel extends FormComponentPanel
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger( UserListPanel.class.getName() );
private Form listForm;
private DefaultTreeModel treeModel;
private DefaultMutableTreeNode node;
private TreeGrid<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String> grid;
private DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode;
private String selectedRadioButton;
private TextField f1Fld;
private TextField f2Fld;
private Label f1Lbl;
private Label f2Lbl;
private Label searchFieldsLbl;
private WebMarkupContainer userformsearchfields;
private WebMarkupContainer searchFields;
private RadioGroup radioGroup;
private static final String USERS = "U";
private static final String ROLES = "R";
private static final String ADMIN_ROLES = "A";
private static final String OUS = "O";
private static final String PERMS = "P";
private Permission permission;
private SearchFields searchData = new SearchFields();
private static String PERM_OBJ_LABEL = "Object Name";
private static String PERM_OP_LABEL = "Operation Name";
private static String USER_LABEL = "User ID";
private static String ROLE_LABEL = "Role Name";
private static String ADMIN_LABEL = "Admin Role Name";
private static String OU_LABEL = "Organization";
private String field1Label = USER_LABEL;
private String field2Label;
private String searchFieldsLabel = USER_SEARCH_LABEL;
private static String USER_SEARCH_LABEL = "Search By User";
private static String ROLE_SEARCH_LABEL = "Search By Role";
private static String ADMIN_SEARCH_LABEL = "Search By Admininstrative Role";
private static String OU_SEARCH_LABEL = "Search By User Organization";
private static String PERM_SEARCH_LABEL = "Search By Permission";
public UserListPanel( String id )
super( id );
UserListModel userListModel = new UserListModel( new User(), GlobalUtils.getRbacSession( this ) );
setDefaultModel( userListModel );
userformsearchfields = new WebMarkupContainer( "userformsearchfields" );
userformsearchfields.setOutputMarkupId( true );
listForm.add( userformsearchfields );
private void addRadioButtons()
radioGroup = new RadioGroup( "searchOptions", new PropertyModel( this, "selectedRadioButton" ) );
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior ajaxRadioUpdater = new AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior()
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onUpdate( final AjaxRequestTarget target )
processRadioButton( target );
radioGroup.add( ajaxRadioUpdater );
add( radioGroup );
Radio userRb = new Radio( "userRb", new Model( USERS ) );
radioGroup.add( userRb );
Radio roleRb = new Radio( "roleRb", new Model( ROLES ) );
radioGroup.add( roleRb );
Radio adminRoleRb = new Radio( "adminRoleRb", new Model( ADMIN_ROLES ) );
radioGroup.add( adminRoleRb );
Radio ouRb = new Radio( "ouRb", new Model( OUS ) );
radioGroup.add( ouRb );
Radio permRb = new Radio( "permRb", new Model( new String( PERMS ) ) );
radioGroup.add( permRb );
radioGroup.setOutputMarkupId( true );
radioGroup.setRenderBodyOnly( false );
userformsearchfields.add( radioGroup );
selectedRadioButton = USERS;
addRoleSearchModal( roleRb );
addAdminRoleSearchModal( adminRoleRb );
addOUSearchModal( ouRb );
addPermSearchModal( permRb );
private void addSearchFields()
searchFields = new WebMarkupContainer( "searchfields" );
searchFieldsLbl = new Label( "searchFieldslabel", new PropertyModel<String>( this, "searchFieldsLabel" ) );
searchFields.add( searchFieldsLbl );
f1Lbl = new Label( "field1label", new PropertyModel<String>( this, "field1Label" ) );
searchFields.add( f1Lbl );
f2Lbl = new Label( "field2label", new PropertyModel<String>( this, "field2Label" ) );
searchFields.add( f2Lbl );
f1Fld = new TextField( GlobalIds.FIELD_1, new PropertyModel<String>( this, "searchData.field1" ) );
f1Fld.setOutputMarkupId( true );
AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior ajaxUpdater = new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior( GlobalIds.ONBLUR )
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onUpdate( final AjaxRequestTarget target )
target.add( f1Fld );
f1Fld.add( ajaxUpdater );
searchFields.add( f1Fld );
f2Fld = new TextField( GlobalIds.FIELD_2, new PropertyModel<String>( this, "searchData.field2" ) );
f2Fld.setOutputMarkupId( true );
ajaxUpdater = new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior( GlobalIds.ONBLUR )
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onUpdate( final AjaxRequestTarget target )
target.add( f2Fld );
f2Fld.add( ajaxUpdater );
f2Fld.setVisible( false );
searchFields.add( f2Fld );
searchFields.setOutputMarkupId( true );
userformsearchfields.add( searchFields );
private void addButtons()
userformsearchfields.add( new SecureIndicatingAjaxButton( GlobalIds.SEARCH, GlobalIds.REVIEW_MGR,
GlobalIds.FIND_USERS )
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onSubmit( AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form )
LOG.debug( ".search.onSubmit selected radio button: " + selectedRadioButton );
info( "Searching Users..." );
String searchVal = "";
if ( VUtil.isNotNullOrEmpty( searchData.getField1() ) )
searchVal = searchData.getField1();
if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( PERMS ) )
LOG.debug( ".onSubmit PERMS RB selected" );
Permission srchPerm = new Permission();
srchPerm.setObjName( searchData.getField1() );
srchPerm.setOpName( searchData.getField2() );
setDefaultModel( new UserListModel( srchPerm, GlobalUtils.getRbacSession( this ) ) );
User srchUser = new User();
if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( USERS ) )
LOG.debug( ".onSubmit USERS_PAGE RB selected" );
srchUser.setUserId( searchVal );
else if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( ROLES ) )
LOG.debug( ".onSubmit ROLES RB selected" );
srchUser.setRole( searchVal );
else if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( ADMIN_ROLES ) )
LOG.debug( ".onSubmit ADMIN ROLES RB selected" );
srchUser.setAdminRole( searchVal );
else if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( OUS ) )
LOG.debug( ".onSubmit OUS RB selected" );
srchUser.setOu( searchVal );
else if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( PERMS ) )
LOG.debug( ".onSubmit PERMS RB selected" );
setDefaultModel( new UserListModel( srchUser, GlobalUtils.getRbacSession( this ) ) );
List<User> users = ( List<User> ) getDefaultModelObject();
if ( VUtil.isNotNullOrEmpty( users ) )
for ( User user : users )
rootNode.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode( user ) );
info( "Search returned " + users.size() + " matching objects" );
info( "No matching objects found" );
target.add( grid );
public void onError( AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form )
LOG.warn( ".search.onError" );
} );
userformsearchfields.add( new AjaxSubmitLink( GlobalIds.CLEAR )
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected void onSubmit( AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form )
setResponsePage( new UserPage() );
public void onError( AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form )
LOG.warn( "UserListPanel.clear.onError" );
protected void updateAjaxAttributes( AjaxRequestAttributes attributes )
super.updateAjaxAttributes( attributes );
AjaxCallListener ajaxCallListener = new AjaxCallListener()
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public CharSequence getFailureHandler( Component component )
attributes.getAjaxCallListeners().add( ajaxCallListener );
} );
private void addRoleSearchModal( Radio roleRb )
final ModalWindow rolesModalWindow;
userformsearchfields.add( rolesModalWindow = new ModalWindow( "rolesearchmodal" ) );
final RoleSearchModalPanel roleSearchModalPanel = new RoleSearchModalPanel( rolesModalWindow.getContentId(),
rolesModalWindow, false );
rolesModalWindow.setContent( roleSearchModalPanel );
rolesModalWindow.setWindowClosedCallback( new ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback()
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClose( AjaxRequestTarget target )
UserRole roleConstraint = roleSearchModalPanel.getRoleSelection();
if ( roleConstraint != null )
LOG.debug( "modal selected:" + roleConstraint.getName() );
searchData.setField1( roleConstraint.getName() );
selectedRadioButton = ROLES;
target.add( searchFields );
target.add( radioGroup );
} );
roleRb.add( new SecureIndicatingAjaxLink( "roleAssignLinkLbl", GlobalIds.REVIEW_MGR, GlobalIds.FIND_ROLES )
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClick( AjaxRequestTarget target )
String msg = "clicked on roles search";
msg += "roleSelection: " + searchData.getField1();
roleSearchModalPanel.setRoleSearchVal( searchData.getField1() );
roleSearchModalPanel.setAdmin( false );
target.prependJavaScript( GlobalIds.WICKET_WINDOW_UNLOAD_CONFIRMATION_FALSE ); target );
protected void updateAjaxAttributes( AjaxRequestAttributes attributes )
super.updateAjaxAttributes( attributes );
AjaxCallListener ajaxCallListener = new AjaxCallListener()
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public CharSequence getFailureHandler( Component component )
attributes.getAjaxCallListeners().add( ajaxCallListener );
} );
rolesModalWindow.setTitle( "RBAC Role Search Modal" );
rolesModalWindow.setInitialWidth( 700 );
rolesModalWindow.setInitialHeight( 450 );
rolesModalWindow.setCookieName( "role-assign-modal" );
private void addAdminRoleSearchModal( Radio adminRoleRb )
final ModalWindow adminRolesModalWindow;
userformsearchfields.add( adminRolesModalWindow = new ModalWindow( "adminrolesearchmodal" ) );
final RoleSearchModalPanel adminRoleSearchModalPanel = new RoleSearchModalPanel( adminRolesModalWindow
.getContentId(), adminRolesModalWindow, true );
adminRolesModalWindow.setContent( adminRoleSearchModalPanel );
adminRolesModalWindow.setWindowClosedCallback( new ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback()
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClose( AjaxRequestTarget target )
UserRole roleConstraint = adminRoleSearchModalPanel.getRoleSelection();
if ( roleConstraint != null )
searchData.setField1( roleConstraint.getName() );
selectedRadioButton = ADMIN_ROLES;
target.add( searchFields );
target.add( radioGroup );
} );
adminRoleRb.add( new SecureIndicatingAjaxLink( "adminRoleAssignLinkLbl", GlobalIds.DEL_REVIEW_MGR,
GlobalIds.FIND_ROLES )
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClick( AjaxRequestTarget target )
String msg = "clicked on admin roles search";
msg += "adminRoleSelection: " + searchData.getField1();
adminRoleSearchModalPanel.setRoleSearchVal( searchData.getField1() );
adminRoleSearchModalPanel.setAdmin( true );
LOG.debug( msg );
target.prependJavaScript( GlobalIds.WICKET_WINDOW_UNLOAD_CONFIRMATION_FALSE ); target );
protected void updateAjaxAttributes( AjaxRequestAttributes attributes )
super.updateAjaxAttributes( attributes );
AjaxCallListener ajaxCallListener = new AjaxCallListener()
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public CharSequence getFailureHandler( Component component )
attributes.getAjaxCallListeners().add( ajaxCallListener );
} );
adminRolesModalWindow.setTitle( "Admin Role Search Modal" );
adminRolesModalWindow.setInitialWidth( 700 );
adminRolesModalWindow.setInitialHeight( 450 );
adminRolesModalWindow.setCookieName( "role-assign-modal" );
private void addOUSearchModal( Radio ouRb )
final ModalWindow ousModalWindow;
userformsearchfields.add( ousModalWindow = new ModalWindow( "ousearchmodal" ) );
final OUSearchModalPanel ouSearchModalPanel = new OUSearchModalPanel( ousModalWindow.getContentId(),
ousModalWindow, true );
ousModalWindow.setContent( ouSearchModalPanel );
ousModalWindow.setWindowClosedCallback( new ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback()
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClose( AjaxRequestTarget target )
OrgUnit ou = ouSearchModalPanel.getSelection();
if ( ou != null )
searchData.setField1( ou.getName() );
selectedRadioButton = OUS;
target.add( searchFields );
target.add( radioGroup );
} );
ouRb.add( new SecureIndicatingAjaxLink( "ouAssignLinkLbl", GlobalIds.DEL_REVIEW_MGR, "searchOU" )
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClick( AjaxRequestTarget target )
String msg = "clicked on ou search";
msg += "ouSelection: " + searchData.getField1();
ouSearchModalPanel.setSearchVal( searchData.getField1() );
target.prependJavaScript( GlobalIds.WICKET_WINDOW_UNLOAD_CONFIRMATION_FALSE ); target );
protected void updateAjaxAttributes( AjaxRequestAttributes attributes )
super.updateAjaxAttributes( attributes );
AjaxCallListener ajaxCallListener = new AjaxCallListener()
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public CharSequence getFailureHandler( Component component )
attributes.getAjaxCallListeners().add( ajaxCallListener );
} );
ousModalWindow.setTitle( "User Organizational Unit Search Modal" );
ousModalWindow.setInitialWidth( 450 );
ousModalWindow.setInitialHeight( 450 );
ousModalWindow.setCookieName( "userou-modal" );
public void onEvent( IEvent event )
if ( event.getPayload() instanceof SaveModelEvent )
SaveModelEvent modelEvent = ( SaveModelEvent ) event.getPayload();
switch ( modelEvent.getOperation() )
case ADD:
add( modelEvent.getEntity() );
case UPDATE:
case DELETE:
LOG.error( "onEvent caught invalid operation" );
AjaxRequestTarget target = ( ( SaveModelEvent ) event.getPayload() ).getAjaxRequestTarget();
LOG.debug( ".onEvent AJAX - UserListPanel - SaveModelEvent: " + target.toString() );
private void addPermSearchModal( Radio permRb )
final ModalWindow permsModalWindow;
userformsearchfields.add( permsModalWindow = new ModalWindow( "permsearchmodal" ) );
final PermSearchModalPanel permSearchModalPanel = new PermSearchModalPanel( permsModalWindow.getContentId(),
permsModalWindow, false );
permsModalWindow.setContent( permSearchModalPanel );
permsModalWindow.setWindowClosedCallback( new ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback()
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClose( AjaxRequestTarget target )
Permission permSelection = permSearchModalPanel.getSelection();
if ( permSelection != null )
searchData.setField1( permSelection.getObjName() );
searchData.setField2( permSelection.getOpName() );
selectedRadioButton = PERMS;
target.add( searchFields );
target.add( radioGroup );
} );
permRb.add( new SecureIndicatingAjaxLink( "permLinkLbl", GlobalIds.REVIEW_MGR, GlobalIds.FIND_PERMISSIONS )
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClick( AjaxRequestTarget target )
String msg = "clicked on perms search";
msg += "permSelection: " + permission;
String objectSearchVal = "";
if ( VUtil.isNotNullOrEmpty( searchData.getField1() ) )
objectSearchVal = searchData.getField1();
permSearchModalPanel.setSearchVal( objectSearchVal );
LOG.debug( msg );
target.prependJavaScript( GlobalIds.WICKET_WINDOW_UNLOAD_CONFIRMATION_FALSE ); target );
protected void updateAjaxAttributes( AjaxRequestAttributes attributes )
super.updateAjaxAttributes( attributes );
AjaxCallListener ajaxCallListener = new AjaxCallListener()
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public CharSequence getFailureHandler( Component component )
attributes.getAjaxCallListeners().add( ajaxCallListener );
} );
permsModalWindow.setTitle( "Admin Permission Search Modal" );
permsModalWindow.setInitialWidth( 650 );
permsModalWindow.setInitialHeight( 450 );
permsModalWindow.setCookieName( "perm-search-modal" );
private void removeSelectedItems( TreeGrid<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String> grid )
Collection<IModel<DefaultMutableTreeNode>> selected = grid.getSelectedItems();
for ( IModel<DefaultMutableTreeNode> model : selected )
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = model.getObject();
treeModel.removeNodeFromParent( node );
User user = ( User ) node.getUserObject();
LOG.debug( ".removeSelectedItems user node: " + user.getUserId() );
List<User> users = ( ( List<User> ) getDefaultModel().getObject() );
users.remove( user.getUserId() );
private DefaultTreeModel createTreeModel( List<User> users )
DefaultTreeModel model;
User rootUser = new User();
rootUser.setAddress( null );
rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode( rootUser );
model = new DefaultTreeModel( rootNode );
if ( users == null )
LOG.debug( "no Users found" );
LOG.debug( ".createTreeModel Users found:" + users.size() );
for ( User user : users )
rootNode.add( new DefaultMutableTreeNode( user ) );
return model;
private void addGrid()
List<IGridColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String>> columns = new ArrayList<IGridColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String>>();
columns.add( new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String,
String>( Model.of( "UserId" ), "userObject.UserId" ) );
columns.add( new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String,
String>( Model.of( "Name" ), "userObject.Name" ) );
PropertyColumn ou = new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String,
String>( Model.of( "User Organization" ), "userObject.Ou" );
ou.setInitialSize( 150 );
columns.add( ou );
columns.add( new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String,
String>( Model.of( "Description" ), "userObject.Description" ) );
columns.add( new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String,
String>( Model.of( "Address" ), "userObject.Address.Addresses" ) );
columns.add( new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String,
String>( Model.of( "City" ), "userObject.Address.City" ) );
PropertyColumn state = new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String,
String>( Model.of( "State" ), "userObject.Address.State" );
state.setInitialSize( 50 );
columns.add( state );
PropertyColumn locked = new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String, String>(
Model.of("Lock"), "userObject.locked");
PropertyColumn reset = new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String, String>(
Model.of("Reset"), "userObject.reset");
PropertyColumn roles = new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String,
String>( Model.of( "RBAC Role Assignments" ), "userObject.Roles" );
roles.setInitialSize( 400 );
columns.add( roles );
PropertyColumn adminRoles = new PropertyColumn<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String,
String>( Model.of( "Admin Role Assignments" ), "userObject.AdminRoles" );
adminRoles.setInitialSize( 400 );
columns.add( adminRoles );
List<User> users = ( List<User> ) getDefaultModel().getObject();
treeModel = createTreeModel( users );
grid = new TreeGrid<DefaultTreeModel, DefaultMutableTreeNode, String>( "usertreegrid", treeModel, columns )
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void selectItem( IModel itemModel, boolean selected )
node = ( DefaultMutableTreeNode ) itemModel.getObject();
if ( !node.isRoot() )
User user = ( User ) node.getUserObject();
LOG.debug( "TreeGrid.addGrid.selectItem selected user =" + user.getUserId() );
if ( super.isItemSelected( itemModel ) )
LOG.debug( "TreeGrid.addGrid.selectItem item is selected" );
super.selectItem( itemModel, false );
super.selectItem( itemModel, true );
SelectModelEvent.send( getPage(), this, user );
grid.setContentHeight( 50, SizeUnit.EM );
grid.setAllowSelectMultiple( false );
grid.setClickRowToSelect( true );
grid.setClickRowToDeselect( false );
grid.setSelectToEdit( false );
// expand the root node
grid.getTreeState().expandNode( ( TreeNode ) treeModel.getRoot() );
this.listForm = new Form( "userlistform" );
this.listForm.add( grid );
add( this.listForm );
grid.setOutputMarkupId( true );
public void add( FortEntity entity )
if ( getDefaultModelObject() != null )
List<User> users = ( ( List<User> ) getDefaultModelObject() );
users.add( ( User ) entity );
LOG.debug( "UserListPanel.add tree depth: " + rootNode.getChildCount() );
treeModel.insertNodeInto( new DefaultMutableTreeNode( entity ), rootNode, rootNode.getChildCount() );
//treeModel.insertNodeInto(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(entity), rootNode, users.size());
public void prune()
removeSelectedItems( grid );
private void enableOuSearch()
f2Fld.setVisible( false );
f2Lbl.setVisible( false );
field1Label = OU_LABEL;
searchFieldsLabel = OU_SEARCH_LABEL;
private void enableAdminSearch()
f2Fld.setVisible( false );
f2Lbl.setVisible( false );
field1Label = ADMIN_LABEL;
searchFieldsLabel = ADMIN_SEARCH_LABEL;
private void enableRoleSearch()
f2Fld.setVisible( false );
f2Lbl.setVisible( false );
field1Label = ROLE_LABEL;
searchFieldsLabel = ROLE_SEARCH_LABEL;
private void enableUserSearch()
f2Fld.setVisible( false );
f2Lbl.setVisible( false );
field1Label = USER_LABEL;
searchFieldsLabel = USER_SEARCH_LABEL;
private void enablePermSearch()
f2Fld.setVisible( true );
f2Lbl.setVisible( true );
field1Label = PERM_OBJ_LABEL;
field2Label = PERM_OP_LABEL;
searchFieldsLabel = PERM_SEARCH_LABEL;
private void processRadioButton( AjaxRequestTarget target )
LOG.debug( "RADIO Button: " + selectedRadioButton );
if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( USERS ) )
else if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( ROLES ) )
else if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( ADMIN_ROLES ) )
else if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( OUS ) )
else if ( selectedRadioButton.equals( PERMS ) )
searchData = new SearchFields();
target.add( searchFields );
class SearchFields implements Serializable
/** Default serialVersionUID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String field1;
private String field2;
private String field3;
String getField1()
return field1;
void setField1( String field1 )
this.field1 = field1;
String getField2()
return field2;
void setField2( String field2 )
this.field2 = field2;
String getField3()
return field3;
void setField3( String field3 )
this.field3 = field3;