minor doc
index 51fe369..5f2a2b0 100644
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 1. Expedience in loading the realm tenant id with the context.xml file and the spring beans using fortress.properties because that is where properties for those components are usually set.
 2. Security Control.  It is necessary to allow the realm to use one tenant context, e.g. HOME, and the web app instance another, e.g. acme123.  For the why consider a use case.  One where many customer web app instances run from within one or more instances of a container (like Tomcat).
- Only corporate employees may administer security policies within the customer's web app instances.  Allowing each component to run within a separate context allows this to occur.  Of course we may want to enable the customer to administer their own data which is supported as well (e.g. setting both to acme123).
+ Only corporate employees may administer security policies within the customer's web app instances, not the customers themselves.  On the contraray, we may want to allow the customer to administer their own security data in which case we'd set both to acme123.
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