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import org.apache.derbyTesting.unitTests.harness.T_MultiIterations;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.unitTests.harness.T_Fail;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
Protocol unit test for the LockManager.
@see LockFactory
@see org.apache.derbyTesting.unitTests.harness.UnitTest
public class T_LockFactory extends T_MultiIterations
protected final static int ITERATIONS = 100; // iterations of multi-user tests
protected LockFactory lf;
public T_LockFactory() {
** The tests
protected String getModuleToTestProtocolName() {
return org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Module.LockFactory;
Run all the tests, each test that starts with 'S' is a single user
test, each test that starts with 'M' is a multi-user test.
@exception T_Fail The test failed in some way.
protected void setupTest() throws T_Fail {
try {
lf = (LockFactory) startSystemModule(getModuleToTestProtocolName());
} catch (StandardException mse) {
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(mse);
if (lf == null) {
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg(getModuleToTestProtocolName() + " module not started.");
Run once per-iteration to run the actual test.
@exception T_Fail the test failed in some way.
protected void runTestSet() throws T_Fail {
// Set up the expected error handling
try {
} catch (StandardException se) {
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(se);
** Test functions
Single user API test 001.
Lock an single object in a single group with all lock methods and
then unlock the object with all unlock methods.
@exception StandardException An exception thrown by a method of LockFactory
@exception T_Fail Some behaviour of the LockFactory is incorrect
void S001() throws StandardException, T_Fail {
CompatibilitySpace cs = lf.createCompatibilitySpace(null);
Object g0 = new Object(); // create an object for a lock group
Lockable l0 = new T_L1(); // simple lockable
int count;
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
// lock and unlock specifically (no timeout)
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockCount(cs, 1);
count = lf.unlock(cs, g0, l0, null);
if (count != 1)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("invalid unlock count, expected 1, got " + count);
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
// lock twice and unlock all ...
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockCount(cs, 2);
lf.unlock(cs, g0, l0, null);
lf.unlock(cs, g0, l0, null);
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
// lock three times and unlock by group
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockCount(cs, 3);
lf.unlockGroup(cs, g0);
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
// lock three times and unlock explicitly
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockCount(cs, 3);
lf.unlock(cs, g0, l0, null);
checkLockCount(cs, 2);
lf.unlock(cs, g0, l0, null);
checkLockCount(cs, 1);
lf.unlock(cs, g0, l0, null);
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
// lock and unlock specifically with timeout
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, 1000 /*ms*/);
checkLockCount(cs, 1);
count = lf.unlock(cs, g0, l0, null);
if (count != 1)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("invalid unlock count, expected 1, got " + count);
Single user API test 002.
Lock an object in different groups and check unlocks
apply to a single group.
@exception StandardException An exception thrown by a method of LockFactory
@exception T_Fail Some behaviour of the LockFactory is incorrect
void S002() throws StandardException, T_Fail {
CompatibilitySpace cs = lf.createCompatibilitySpace(null);
Object g0 = new Object(); // create an object for a lock group
Object g1 = new Object();
Lockable l0 = new T_L1(); // simple lockable
int count;
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
// lock object in two groups and unlock specifically
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g1, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 1);
checkLockCount(cs, 2);
count = lf.unlock(cs, g0, l0, null);
if (count != 1)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("invalid unlock count, expected 1, got " + count);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 1);
checkLockCount(cs, 1);
count = lf.unlock(cs, g1, l0, null);
if (count != 1)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("invalid unlock count, expected 1, got " + count);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 0);
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
// lock object in two groups and unlock by group
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g1, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockCount(cs, 2);
lf.unlockGroup(cs, g1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 0);
checkLockCount(cs, 1);
lf.unlockGroup(cs, g0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 0);
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
Single user API test 003.
Lock multiple objects in different groups and check unlocks
apply to a single group.
@exception StandardException An exception thrown by a method of LockFactory
@exception T_Fail Some behaviour of the LockFactory is incorrect
void S003() throws StandardException, T_Fail {
CompatibilitySpace cs = lf.createCompatibilitySpace(null);
Object g0 = new Object(); // create an object for a lock group
Object g1 = new Object();
Lockable l0 = new T_L1(); // simple lockable
Lockable l1 = new T_L1();
Lockable l2 = new T_L1();
int count;
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
// lock l0 object in two groups and l1,l2 in group l1
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g1, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g1, l1, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g1, l2, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 3);
checkLockCount(cs, 4);
// quick check to see that no one is blocked
if (lf.anyoneBlocked())
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("anyoneBlocked() returned true on a set of private locks");
lf.unlock(cs, g1, l1, null);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 2);
checkLockCount(cs, 3);
lf.unlockGroup(cs, g1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 0);
checkLockCount(cs, 1);
lf.unlockGroup(cs, g0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 0);
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
Single user API test 004.
Lock multiple objects in different groups and transfer
locks between groups.
@exception StandardException An exception thrown by a method of LockFactory
@exception T_Fail Some behaviour of the LockFactory is incorrect
void S004() throws StandardException, T_Fail {
CompatibilitySpace cs = lf.createCompatibilitySpace(null);
Object g0 = new Object(); // create an object for a lock group
Object g1 = new Object();
Object g2 = new Object();
Lockable l0 = new T_L1(); // simple lockable
Lockable l1 = new T_L1();
Lockable l2 = new T_L1();
int count = 0;
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
// lock l0 object in two groups and l1,l2 in group l1
lf.lockObject(cs, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g1, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g1, l1, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs, g1, l2, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 3);
checkLockCount(cs, 4);
lf.transfer(cs, g0, g1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 4);
checkLockCount(cs, 4);
// transfer an empty to a non-existent one
lf.transfer(cs, g0, g2);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 4);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g2, 0);
checkLockCount(cs, 4);
lf.lockObject(cs, g2, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g2, 1);
checkLockCount(cs, 5);
lf.transfer(cs, g1, g2);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g2, 5);
checkLockCount(cs, 5);
lf.transfer(cs, g2, g1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 5);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g2, 0);
checkLockCount(cs, 5);
lf.unlockGroup(cs, g2);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 5);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g2, 0);
checkLockCount(cs, 5);
lf.unlockGroup(cs, g1);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g2, 0);
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
Single user API test 005.
Create two compatability spaces and ensure that locks
block each other out.
@exception StandardException An exception thrown by a method of LockFactory
@exception T_Fail Some behaviour of the LockFactory is incorrect
void S005() throws StandardException, T_Fail {
CompatibilitySpace cs0 = lf.createCompatibilitySpace(null);
CompatibilitySpace cs1 = lf.createCompatibilitySpace(null);
Object g0 = new Object(); // create an object for a lock group
Object g1 = new Object(); // create an object for a lock group
Lockable l0 = new T_L1();
Lockable l1 = new T_L1();
Lockable l2 = new T_L1();
int count;
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs0, 0);
checkLockCount(cs1, 0);
lf.lockObject(cs0, g0, l0, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
lf.lockObject(cs1, g1, l1, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockCount(cs0, 1);
checkLockCount(cs1, 1);
lf.lockObject(cs0, g0, l2, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockCount(cs0, 2);
checkLockCount(cs1, 1);
// now attempt to lock l2 in cs1 with a timeout, should fail
try {
lf.lockObject(cs1, g1, l2, null, 200 /* ms */);
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("lock succeeded on already locked object");
catch (StandardException lfe) {
// we are expecting the timout exception, anything else is an error
if (!lfe.getMessageId().equals(SQLState.LOCK_TIMEOUT)) {
throw lfe;
checkLockCount(cs0, 2);
checkLockCount(cs1, 1);
// now unlock the object, and re-attempt the lock
lf.unlock(cs0, g0, l2, null);
checkLockCount(cs0, 1);
checkLockCount(cs1, 1);
lf.lockObject(cs1, g1, l2, null, C_LockFactory.WAIT_FOREVER);
checkLockCount(cs0, 1);
checkLockCount(cs1, 2);
lf.unlockGroup(cs0, g0);
lf.unlockGroup(cs1, g1);
checkLockCount(cs0, 0);
checkLockCount(cs1, 0);
Single user API test 007.
Tests on groups and compatibility spaces
never seen by the lock manager.
@exception StandardException An exception thrown by a method of LockFactory
@exception T_Fail Some behaviour of the LockFactory is incorrect
void S007() throws StandardException, T_Fail {
CompatibilitySpace cs = lf.createCompatibilitySpace(null);
Object g0 = new Object(); // create an object for a lock group
Object g1 = new Object(); // create an object for a lock group
Lockable l0 = new T_L1();
int count;
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 0);
lf.unlockGroup(cs, g0);
lf.unlockGroup(cs, cs);
lf.unlock(cs, g0, l0, null);
lf.transfer(cs, g0, g1);
lf.transfer(cs, g1, g0);
if (lf.anyoneBlocked())
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("anyoneBlocked() returned true on an empty space");
// check we have no locks held
checkLockCount(cs, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g0, 0);
checkLockGroupCount(cs, g1, 0);
** Multi-user tests.
Multi-user test 001.
Create two lockable objects and pass them off to two threads.
Each thread will run lock the first object, set its value then lock
the second object and set its value, yield and then release the lock
on one and then on two. Various checks are made to ensure the
values are as expected.
@exception StandardException An exception thrown by a method of LockFactory
@exception T_Fail Some behaviour of the LockFactory is incorrect
void M001() throws StandardException, T_Fail {
Lockable[] locks = new T_L1[2];
locks[0] = new T_L1();
locks[1] = new T_L1();
T_User u1 = new T_User(1, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 10 * ITERATIONS);
T_User u2 = new T_User(1, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 20 * ITERATIONS);
Thread t1 = new Thread(u1);
Thread t2 = new Thread(u2);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(ie);
if (u1.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u1.error);
if (u2.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u2.error);
Multi-user test 002
Create a single lockable and have three threads lock it, yield and
then release it. The single lockable can only have one locker.
@exception StandardException An exception thrown by a method of LockFactory
@exception T_Fail Some behaviour of the LockFactory is incorrect
void M002() throws StandardException, T_Fail {
Lockable[] locks = new T_L1[1];
locks[0] = new T_L1();
T_User u1 = new T_User(2, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 10 * ITERATIONS);
T_User u2 = new T_User(2, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 20 * ITERATIONS);
T_User u3 = new T_User(2, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 30 * ITERATIONS);
Thread t1 = new Thread(u1);
Thread t2 = new Thread(u2);
Thread t3 = new Thread(u3);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(ie);
if (u1.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u1.error);
if (u2.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u2.error);
if (u3.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u3.error);
Multi-user test 003
Create a single lockable and have three threads lock it, yield and
then release it. The single lockable is a semaphore that can have two lockers.
@exception StandardException An exception thrown by a method of LockFactory
@exception T_Fail Some behaviour of the LockFactory is incorrect
void M003() throws StandardException, T_Fail {
Lockable[] locks = new Lockable[1];
locks[0] = new T_L2(2);
T_User u1 = new T_User(3, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 0);
T_User u2 = new T_User(3, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 0);
T_User u3 = new T_User(3, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 0);
Thread t1 = new Thread(u1);
Thread t2 = new Thread(u2);
Thread t3 = new Thread(u3);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(ie);
if (u1.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u1.error);
if (u2.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u2.error);
if (u3.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u3.error);
Multi-user test 004
As M003 but each thread will lock the object twice, to ensure that
lock manager grantes the lock when the compatability space and qualifier
@exception StandardException An exception thrown by a method of LockFactory
@exception T_Fail Some behaviour of the LockFactory is incorrect
void M004() throws StandardException, T_Fail {
Lockable[] locks = new Lockable[1];
locks[0] = new T_L2(2);
T_User u1 = new T_User(4, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 0);
T_User u2 = new T_User(4, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 0);
T_User u3 = new T_User(4, lf, locks, ITERATIONS, 0);
Thread t1 = new Thread(u1);
Thread t2 = new Thread(u2);
Thread t3 = new Thread(u3);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(ie);
if (u1.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u1.error);
if (u2.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u2.error);
if (u3.error != null)
throw T_Fail.exceptionFail(u3.error);
** Utility functions
Check to see if the total number of locks we have is as expected.
@exception T_Fail Number of locks is not as expected.
void checkLockCount(CompatibilitySpace cs, int expected) throws T_Fail {
boolean expect = expected != 0;
boolean got = lf.areLocksHeld(cs);
if (got != expect)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("Expected lock count (" + expect + "), got (" + got + ")");
Check to see if the number of locks in a group we have is as expected.
@exception T_Fail Number of locks is not as expected.
void checkLockGroupCount(CompatibilitySpace cs, Object group, int expected)
throws T_Fail {
boolean expect = expected != 0;
boolean got = lf.areLocksHeld(cs, group);
if (got != expect)
throw T_Fail.testFailMsg("Expected lock count (" + expect + "), got (" + got + ")");
* Privileged startup. Must be private so that user code
* can't call this entry point.
private static Object startSystemModule( final String factoryInterface )
throws StandardException
try {
return AccessController.doPrivileged
new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>()
public Object run()
throws StandardException
return Monitor.startSystemModule( factoryInterface );
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae)
throw StandardException.plainWrapException( pae );