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Derby - Class
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import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Set;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseTestSuite;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.JDBC;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SecurityManagerSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
* Test cases for {@code CacheManagerMBean}.
public class CacheManagerMBeanTest extends MBeanTest {
private final static int DEFAULT_PAGE_CACHE_SIZE = 1000;
private final static int DEFAULT_CONTAINER_CACHE_SIZE = 100;
private final static int DEFAULT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE = 100;
private static String[] ALL_ATTRIBUTES = {
"CollectAccessCounts", "HitCount", "MissCount", "EvictionCount",
"MaxEntries", "AllocatedEntries", "UsedEntries"
public CacheManagerMBeanTest(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite();
// Test that the management bean can only be accessed with proper
// permissions. The custom policy files only have entries for jar
// files, so skip these test cases when running from classes.
if (TestConfiguration.loadingFromJars()) {
Test negative = new CacheManagerMBeanTest("withoutPermsTest");
negative = JMXConnectionDecorator.platformMBeanServer(negative);
negative = new SecurityManagerSetup(negative,
+ "CacheManagerMBeanTest.withoutPerm.policy");
Test positive = new CacheManagerMBeanTest("withPermsTest");
positive = JMXConnectionDecorator.platformMBeanServer(positive);
positive = new SecurityManagerSetup(positive,
+ "CacheManagerMBeanTest.withPerm.policy");
return suite;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
// Set up management.
// Shut down the database before running the test case, so that the
// test case can assume that it starts from a clean state where the
// cache beans have not started yet. shutdownDatabase() fails if
// the database is not already booted, so get a connection first to
// ensure that it is booted (otherwise, the test will fail if it
// runs standalone or first in a suite).
* Create an {@code ObjectName} that identifies a {@code CacheManager}
* management bean, or a pattern that potentially matches multiple
* beans.
* @param cacheName the name of the cache (such as PageCache), or
* {@code null} to create a pattern that matches all cache names
* @param dbName the name of the database, or {@code null} to create
* a pattern that matches all database names
* @return an {@code ObjectName} suitable for looking up beans
private ObjectName createObjectName(String cacheName, String dbName)
throws Exception {
Hashtable<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>();
props.put("type", "CacheManager");
props.put("name", cacheName == null ? "*" : cacheName);
props.put("db", dbName == null ? "*" : ObjectName.quote(dbName));
return getDerbyMBeanName(props);
* Test case that verifies that {@code CacheManagerMBean}s start when
* a database is started, and stop when the database is shut down.
public void testAllMBeansStartedAndStopped() throws Exception {
// This pattern matches all CacheManager management beans when used
// in a query.
ObjectName pattern = createObjectName(null, null);
// There should be no CacheManager MBeans before the database
// is booted.
Set<ObjectName> names = queryMBeans(pattern);
if (!names.isEmpty()) {
fail("Should not find MBeans before boot, found: " + names);
// Boot the database, so that the MBeans are started.
// There should be three CacheManager beans. One for the page cache,
// one for the container cache, and one for the statement cache.
names = queryMBeans(pattern);
assertEquals("Incorrect number of MBeans found in " + names,
3, names.size());
// Shut down the database.
// There should be no CacheManager MBeans after the database has
// been shut down.
names = queryMBeans(pattern);
if (!names.isEmpty()) {
fail("Should not find MBeans after shutdown, found: " + names);
* Test the {@code CacheManagerMBean} for the page cache.
public void testPageCache() throws Exception {
getConnection(); // boot the database
Set<ObjectName> names =
queryMBeans(createObjectName("PageCache", null));
assertEquals("Should have a single page cache", 1, names.size());
ObjectName name = names.iterator().next();
assertBooleanAttribute(false, name, "CollectAccessCounts");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "HitCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "MissCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "EvictionCount");
assertLongAttribute(DEFAULT_PAGE_CACHE_SIZE, name, "MaxEntries");
// Cannot reliably tell how many entries to expect.
// More than 0 for sure.
Long allocated = (Long) getAttribute(name, "AllocatedEntries");
assertTrue("Allocated entries: " + allocated, allocated > 0);
Long used = (Long) getAttribute(name, "UsedEntries");
assertTrue("Used entries: " + used, used > 0);
// Execute a statement against a table, so that the cache will be
// accessed.
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(
"select * from sysibm.sysdummy1");
// Since collection of access counts is disabled by default, don't
// expect the counts to be updated.
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "HitCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "MissCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "EvictionCount");
// Now enable the access counts and re-execute the query. It
// should result in a hit in the page cache.
setAttribute(name, "CollectAccessCounts", Boolean.TRUE);
assertBooleanAttribute(true, name, "CollectAccessCounts");
assertLongAttribute(1, name, "HitCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "MissCount");
// Disable the access counts.
setAttribute(name, "CollectAccessCounts", Boolean.FALSE);
assertBooleanAttribute(false, name, "CollectAccessCounts");
* Test the {@code CacheManagerMBean} for the page cache.
public void testContainerCache() throws Exception {
getConnection(); // boot the database
Set<ObjectName> names =
queryMBeans(createObjectName("ContainerCache", null));
assertEquals("Should have a single container cache", 1, names.size());
ObjectName name = names.iterator().next();
assertBooleanAttribute(false, name, "CollectAccessCounts");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "HitCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "MissCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "EvictionCount");
assertLongAttribute(DEFAULT_CONTAINER_CACHE_SIZE, name, "MaxEntries");
// Cannot reliably tell how many entries to expect.
// More than 0 for sure.
Long allocated = (Long) getAttribute(name, "AllocatedEntries");
assertTrue("Allocated entries: " + allocated, allocated > 0);
Long used = (Long) getAttribute(name, "UsedEntries");
assertTrue("Used entries: " + used, used > 0);
* Test the {@code CacheManagerMBean} for the statement cache.
public void testStatementCache() throws Exception {
getConnection(); // boot the database
Set<ObjectName> names =
queryMBeans(createObjectName("StatementCache", null));
assertEquals("Should have a single statement cache", 1, names.size());
ObjectName name = names.iterator().next();
assertBooleanAttribute(false, name, "CollectAccessCounts");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "HitCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "MissCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "EvictionCount");
assertLongAttribute(DEFAULT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE, name, "MaxEntries");
// The statement cache is initially empty
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "AllocatedEntries");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "UsedEntries");
// Prepare a statement. Now there should be one allocated entry, and
// that entry is also a used entry.
prepareStatement("values 1").close();
assertLongAttribute(1, name, "AllocatedEntries");
assertLongAttribute(1, name, "UsedEntries");
// One more...
prepareStatement("values 2").close();
assertLongAttribute(2, name, "AllocatedEntries");
assertLongAttribute(2, name, "UsedEntries");
// Now clear the statement cache. One more entry is allocated (for
// the statement that clears the cache), but no entries should be
// used after the statement cache is cleared.
Statement s = createStatement();
s.execute("call syscs_util.syscs_empty_statement_cache()");
assertLongAttribute(3, name, "AllocatedEntries");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "UsedEntries");
// None of the accesses to the statement cache should have been
// counted so far.
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "HitCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "MissCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "EvictionCount");
// Enable counting of cache accesses.
setAttribute(name, "CollectAccessCounts", Boolean.TRUE);
assertBooleanAttribute(true, name, "CollectAccessCounts");
// Prepare a statement. Since the cache is empty, it must be a miss.
prepareStatement("values 1").close();
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "HitCount");
assertLongAttribute(1, name, "MissCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "EvictionCount");
// One more...
prepareStatement("values 2").close();
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "HitCount");
assertLongAttribute(2, name, "MissCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "EvictionCount");
// Now, this should cause a hit.
prepareStatement("values 1").close();
assertLongAttribute(1, name, "HitCount");
assertLongAttribute(2, name, "MissCount");
assertLongAttribute(0, name, "EvictionCount");
// Prepare so many statements that the cache is filled twice.
for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE * 2; i++) {
prepareStatement("values 1, " + i).close();
// None of the above statements were already in the cache, so expect
// all of them to cause misses.
assertLongAttribute(1, name, "HitCount");
2 + DEFAULT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE * 2, name, "MissCount");
// We have prepared 2 + (DEFAULT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE * 2) statements,
// and the cache can only hold DEFAULT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE of them,
// so expect DEFAULT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE + 2 statements to have been
// evicted from the cache.
name, "EvictionCount");
// Expect the cache to be full.
assertLongAttribute(DEFAULT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE, name, "MaxEntries");
name, "AllocatedEntries");
assertLongAttribute(DEFAULT_STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE, name, "UsedEntries");
// Disable the access counts.
setAttribute(name, "CollectAccessCounts", Boolean.FALSE);
assertBooleanAttribute(false, name, "CollectAccessCounts");
* Test that the CacheManagerMBean cannot be accessed if the code
* base lacks SystemPermission("engine", "monitor").
public void withoutPermsTest() throws Exception {
getConnection(); // boot the database
Set<ObjectName> names =
queryMBeans(createObjectName("StatementCache", null));
assertEquals("Should have a single statement cache", 1, names.size());
ObjectName name = names.iterator().next();
// This is the permission required to access the MBean, but we don't
// have it.
SystemPermission monitorPerm =
new SystemPermission("engine", "monitor");
// Reading attributes should cause security exception.
for (String attrName : ALL_ATTRIBUTES) {
try {
getAttribute(name, attrName);
} catch (RuntimeMBeanException e) {
vetException(e, monitorPerm);
// Modifying attributes should also cause security exception.
try {
setAttribute(name, "CollectAccessCounts", Boolean.FALSE);
} catch (RuntimeMBeanException e) {
vetException(e, monitorPerm);
* Check that an exception raised when accessing an MBean, is caused
* by missing a specific permission.
* @param e the exception to check
* @param perm the missing permission to check for
private void vetException(RuntimeMBeanException e, Permission perm) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof SecurityException) {
String msg = cause.getMessage();
if (msg != null && msg.contains(perm.toString())) {
// This is the expected exception.
fail("Unexpected exception", e);
* Test that the CacheManagerMBean can be accessed if the code base
* runs with the same permissions as the {@link #withoutPermsTest} test
* case plus SystemPermission("engine", "monitor").
public void withPermsTest() throws Exception {
getConnection(); // boot the database
Set<ObjectName> names =
queryMBeans(createObjectName("StatementCache", null));
assertEquals("Should have a single statement cache", 1, names.size());
ObjectName name = names.iterator().next();
// Expect no SecurityException when reading attributes ...
for (String attrName : ALL_ATTRIBUTES) {
getAttribute(name, attrName);
// ... or when modifying them.
setAttribute(name, "CollectAccessCounts", Boolean.FALSE);