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Derby - Class org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbc4.ClobTest
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package org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.jdbc4;
import junit.framework.*;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;
import java.sql.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
/* This class is used to store the details of the methods that
* throw a SQLFeatureNotSupportedException in the implementation
* of java.sql.Clob.
* It store the following information about the methods
* a) Name
* b) Method Parameters
* c) Whether the method is exempted in the Embedded Sever
* d) Whether the method is exempted in the NetworkClient
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.CharAlphabet;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.streams.LoopingAlphabetReader;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.DatabasePropertyTestSetup;
class ExemptClobMD {
/** The Name of the method. */
private String methodName_;
/** The parameters of the method. */
private Class [] params_;
/** Tells if exempted in the client framework. */
private boolean isClientFramework_;
/** Tells if exempted in the embedded framework. */
private boolean isEmbeddedFramework_;
* The Constructor for the ExemptClobMD class that
* initialized the object with the details of the
* methods that have been exempted
* @param methodName A String that contains the name of the method
* that has been exempted.
* @param params A array of Class that contains the parameters
* of the methods.
* @param isClientFramework true if the method is exempted in the
* Client framework.
* @param isEmbeddedFramework true if the method is exempted in the
* Embedded framework.
public ExemptClobMD(String methodName,Class [] params,
boolean isClientFramework,
boolean isEmbeddedFramework) {
methodName_ = methodName;
params_ = params;
isClientFramework_ = isClientFramework;
isEmbeddedFramework_ = isEmbeddedFramework;
* Returns the name of the method.
* @return A String containing the name of the method.
public String getMethodName() { return methodName_; }
* Returns a array of Class containing the type of the parameters
* of this method.
* @return A array of Class containing the type of the parameters
* of the method.
public Class [] getParams() { return params_; }
* Returns if the method is exempted from the Client Framework.
* @return true if the method is exempted from the Client Framework.
public boolean getIfClientFramework() { return isClientFramework_; }
* Returns if the method is exempted from the Embedded Framework.
* @return true if the method is exempted from the Embedded Framework.
public boolean getIfEmbeddedFramework() { return isEmbeddedFramework_; }
* Tests of the JDBC 4.0 specific <code>Clob</code> methods.
public class ClobTest
extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
/** Default Clob object used by the tests. */
private Clob clob = null;
// Initialize with the details of the method that are exempted from
//throwing a SQLException when they are called after calling free()
//on a LOB.
private static final ExemptClobMD [] emd = new ExemptClobMD [] {
new ExemptClobMD( "getCharacterStream",
new Class[] { long.class, long.class } ,true,true),
new ExemptClobMD( "setString",
new Class[] { long.class, String.class } ,false,true),
new ExemptClobMD( "truncate",
new Class[] { long.class },false,true),
new ExemptClobMD( "free",
// An HashMap that is indexed by the Method which facilitated easy
//search for whether the given method has been exempted from the
//LOB interface.
private HashMap<Method,ExemptClobMD> excludedMethodSet =
new HashMap<Method,ExemptClobMD>();
* Create the test with the given name.
* @param name name of the test.
public ClobTest(String name) {
public void setUp()
throws SQLException {
// Life span of Clob objects are limited by the transaction. Need
// autocommit off so Clob objects survive closing of result set.
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
if (clob != null) {;
clob = null;
excludedMethodSet = null;
* Builds the HashSet which will be used to test whether the given methods
* can be exempted or not
void buildHashSet() {
Class<Clob> iface = Clob.class;
for(int i=0;i<emd.length;i++) {
try {
Method m = iface.getMethod(emd[i].getMethodName()
catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
fail("The method could not be found in the interface");
* Tests free() after implicit free
* @throws SQLException if an error occurs during free
public void testFreeAfterImplicitFree() throws SQLException
Connection conn = getConnection();
clob = BlobClobTestSetup.getSampleClob(conn);
// DERBY-5605
// free should not throw an exception even though it was
// implicitly freed with the commit.;
* Tests the implementation for the free() method in the
* Clob interface.
* @throws SQLException if an error occurs during releasing
* the Clob resources
public void testFreeandMethodsAfterCallingFree()
throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, SQLException
clob = BlobClobTestSetup.getSampleClob(getConnection());
//call the buildHashSetMethod to initialize the
//HashSet with the method signatures that are exempted
//from throwing a SQLException after free has been called
//on the Clob object.
InputStream asciiStream = clob.getAsciiStream();
Reader charStream = clob.getCharacterStream();;
//testing the idempotence of the free() method
//the method can be called multiple times on
//the first are treated as no-ops;
//to the free method so testing calling
//a method on this invalid object should throw
//an SQLException
* Enumerate the methods of the Clob interface and
* get the list of methods present in the interface
* @param LOB an instance of the Clob interface implementation
void buildMethodList(Object LOB)
throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
//If the given method throws the correct exception
//set this to true and add it to the
boolean valid = true;
//create a list of the methods that fail the test
Vector<Method> methodList = new Vector<Method>();
//The class whose methods are to be verified
Class clazz = Clob.class;
//The list of the methods in the class that need to be invoked
//and verified
Method [] methods = clazz.getMethods();
//Check each of the methods to ensure that
//they throw the required exception
for(int i=0;i<methods.length;i++) {
if(!checkIfExempted(methods[i])) {
valid = checkIfMethodThrowsSQLException(LOB,methods[i]);
//add the method to the list if the method does
//not throw the required exception
if(valid == false) methodList.add(methods[i]);
//reset valid
valid = true;
if(!methodList.isEmpty()) {
int c=0;
String failureMessage = "The Following methods don't throw " +
"required exception - ";
for (Method m : methodList) {
c = c + 1;
if(c == methodList.size() && c != 1)
failureMessage += " & ";
else if(c != 1)
failureMessage += " , ";
failureMessage += m.getName();
* Checks if the method is to be exempted from testing or not.
* @param m the method to check for exemption
* @return <code>false</code> if the method shall be tested,
* <code>true</code> if the method is exempted and shall not be tested.
boolean checkIfExempted(Method m) {
ExemptClobMD md = excludedMethodSet.get(m);
boolean isExempted = false;
if (md != null) {
if (usingDerbyNetClient()) {
isExempted = md.getIfClientFramework();
} else if (usingEmbedded()) {
isExempted = md.getIfEmbeddedFramework();
} else {
fail("Unknown test environment/framework");
return isExempted;
* Checks if the invocation of the method throws a SQLExceptio
* as expected.
* @param LOB the Object that implements the Blob interface
* @param method the method that needs to be tested to ensure
* that it throws the correct exception
* @return true If the method throws the SQLException required
* after the free method has been called on the
* LOB object
boolean checkIfMethodThrowsSQLException(Object LOB,Method method)
throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
try {
} catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
Throwable cause = ite.getCause();
if (cause instanceof SQLException ) {
return ((SQLException)cause).getSQLState().equals("XJ215");
throw ite;
return false;
* Return a array of objects containing the default values for
* the objects passed in as parameters
* @param params an array containing the types of the parames to the method
* @return an array of Objects containing the null values for the
* parameter inputs
Object[] getNullValues(Class<?> [] params) {
Object[] args = new Object[params.length];
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
args[i] = getNullValueForType(params[i]);
return args;
* Returns the null value for the specific type
* @param type the type of the parameter for which the null
* value is required
* @return the null value for the specific type
Object getNullValueForType(Class type) {
if (!type.isPrimitive()) {
return null;
if (type == Boolean.TYPE) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
if (type == Character.TYPE) {
return (char) 0;
if (type == Byte.TYPE) {
return (byte) 0;
if (type == Short.TYPE) {
return (short) 0;
if (type == Integer.TYPE) {
return 0;
if (type == Long.TYPE) {
return 0L;
if (type == Float.TYPE) {
return 0f;
if (type == Double.TYPE) {
return 0d;
fail("Don't know how to handle type " + type);
return null; // unreachable statement
* Tests the implementation of getCharacterStream(long pos, long length).
* @throws Exception
public void testGetCharacterStreamLong()
throws Exception {
String str1 = "This is a test String. This is a test String";
Reader r1 = new;
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(
"insert into BLOBCLOB(ID, CLOBDATA) values(?,?)");
int id = BlobClobTestSetup.getID();
Statement st = createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select CLOBDATA from " +
"BLOBCLOB where ID="+id);;
Clob clob = rs.getClob(1);
Reader r_1 = clob.getCharacterStream(2L,5L);
String str2 = str1.substring(1,6);
Reader r_2 = new;
* Obtains streams from the Clob reading portions of the content, always
* including the last character in the Clob.
* <p>
* This case fills the Clob with latin lowercase characters.
public void testGetCharacterStreamLongLastCharLatin()
throws IOException, SQLException {
CharAlphabet alphabet = CharAlphabet.modernLatinLowercase();
// Insert a Clob
int length = 5000;
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(
"insert into BLOBCLOB(ID, CLOBDATA) values(?,?)");
int id = BlobClobTestSetup.getID();
ps.setInt(1, id);
new LoopingAlphabetReader(length, alphabet), length);
// Perform the actual test.
getCharacterStreamLongLastChar(id, length, alphabet);
* Obtains streams from the Clob reading portions of the content, always
* including the last character in the Clob.
* <p>
* This case fills the Clob with Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters.
public void testGetCharacterStreamLongLastCharCJK()
throws IOException, SQLException {
CharAlphabet alphabet = CharAlphabet.cjkSubset();
// Insert a Clob
int length = 9001;
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(
"insert into BLOBCLOB(ID, CLOBDATA) values(?,?)");
int id = BlobClobTestSetup.getID();
ps.setInt(1, id);
new LoopingAlphabetReader(length, alphabet), length);
// Perform the actual test.
getCharacterStreamLongLastChar(id, length, alphabet);
* Obtains streams from the Clob and makes sure we can always read the
* last char in the Clob.
* <p>
* See DERBY-4060.
* @param id id of the Clob to use
* @param length the length of the Clob
* @param alphabet the alphabet used to create the content
* @throws IOException if reading from a stream fails
* @throws SQLException if something goes wrong
private void getCharacterStreamLongLastChar(int id, int length,
CharAlphabet alphabet)
throws IOException, SQLException {
// Get last char from the source stream.
Reader cmpReader = new LoopingAlphabetReader(length, alphabet);
cmpReader.skip(length -1);
char srcLastChar = (char);
assertTrue( == -1);
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(
"select CLOBDATA from BLOBCLOB where ID=?");
ps.setInt(1, id);
// Read everything first.
int charsToRead = length;
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();;
Reader reader = rs.getClob(1).getCharacterStream(
length - charsToRead +1, charsToRead);
// Drain the stream, and make sure we are able to read the last char.
char lastCharRead = getLastCharInStream(reader, charsToRead);
assertEquals(srcLastChar, lastCharRead);
// Read a portion of the stream.
charsToRead = length / 4;
rs = ps.executeQuery();;
reader = rs.getClob(1).getCharacterStream(
length - charsToRead +1, charsToRead);
lastCharRead = getLastCharInStream(reader, charsToRead);
assertEquals(srcLastChar, lastCharRead);
// Read a very small portion of the stream.
charsToRead = 1;
rs = ps.executeQuery();;
reader = rs.getClob(1).getCharacterStream(
length - charsToRead +1, charsToRead);
lastCharRead = getLastCharInStream(reader, charsToRead);
assertEquals(srcLastChar, lastCharRead);
* Test that <code>Clob.getCharacterStream(long,long)</code> works on CLOBs
* that are streamed from store. (DERBY-2891)
public void testGetCharacterStreamLongOnLargeClob() throws Exception {
// create large (>32k) clob that can be read from store
final int size = 33000;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 10) {
final int id = BlobClobTestSetup.getID();
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(
"insert into blobclob(id, clobdata) values (?,cast(? as clob))");
ps.setInt(1, id);
ps.setString(2, sb.toString());
Statement s = createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(
"select clobdata from blobclob where id = " + id);
Clob c = rs.getClob(1);
// request a small region of the clob
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(c.getCharacterStream(4L, 3L));
assertEquals("456", r.readLine());
* Tests the exceptions thrown by the getCharacterStream
* (long pos, long length) for the following conditions
* a) pos &lt;= 0
* b) pos &gt; (length of LOB)
* c) length &lt; 0
* d) pos + length &gt; (length of LOB).
* @throws SQLException
public void testGetCharacterStreamLongExceptionConditions()
throws SQLException {
String str1 = "This is a test String. This is a test String";
Reader r1 = new;
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(
"insert into BLOBCLOB(ID, CLOBDATA) values(?,?)");
int id = BlobClobTestSetup.getID();
Statement st = createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select CLOBDATA from " +
"BLOBCLOB where ID="+id);;
Clob clob = rs.getClob(1);
// check the case where pos <= 0
try {
// set pos as negative
//Should not come here. The exception has to be thrown.
fail("FAIL: Expected SQLException for pos being negative " +
"not thrown");
catch(SQLException sqle) {
// The SQLState for the exception thrown when pos <= 0 is XJ070
assertSQLState("XJ070", sqle);
// check for the case pos > length of clob
try {
// set the pos to any value greater than the Clob length
clob.getCharacterStream(clob.length()+1, 5L);
//Should not come here. The exception has to be thrown.
fail("FAIL: Expected SQLException for position being greater than " +
"length of LOB not thrown");
catch(SQLException sqle) {
// The SQLState for the exception thrown when pos > length of Clob
// is XJ076
assertSQLState("XJ087", sqle);
//check for the case when length < 0
try {
// set length as negative
clob.getCharacterStream(2L, -5L);
// Should not come here. The exception has to be thrown.
fail("Fail: expected exception for the length being negative " +
"not thrown");
catch(SQLException sqle) {
// The SQLState for the exception thrown when length < 0 of Clob
// is XJ071
assertSQLState("XJ071", sqle);
//check for the case when pos + length > length of Clob
try {
// set pos + length > length of Clob
clob.getCharacterStream((clob.length() - 4), 10L);
// Should not come here. The exception has to be thrown.
fail("Fail: expected exception for the sum of position and length" +
" being greater than the LOB size not thrown");
catch(SQLException sqle) {
// The SQLState for the exception thrown when length < 0 of Clob
// is XJ087
assertSQLState("XJ087", sqle);
* Tests that the InputStream got from
* a empty Clob reflects new data in the
* underlying Clob.
* @throws Exception
public void testGetAsciiStreamCreateClob() throws Exception {
//The String that will be used
//to do the inserts into the
String str = "Hi I am the insert String";
//Create the InputStream that will
//be used for comparing the Stream
//that is obtained from the Blob after
//the update.
ByteArrayInputStream str_is = new ByteArrayInputStream
//create the empty Clob.
Clob clob = getConnection().createClob();
//Get the InputStream from this
InputStream is = clob.getAsciiStream();
//set the String into the clob.
clob.setString(1, str);
//Ensure that the Stream obtained from
//the clob contains the expected bytes
assertEquals(str_is, is);
* Tests that the Reader got from
* a empty Clob reflects new data in the
* underlying Clob.
* @throws Exception
public void testGetCharacterStreamCreateClob() throws Exception {
//The String that will be used
//to do the inserts into the
String str = "Hi I am the insert String";
//The string reader corresponding to this
//string that will be used in the comparison.
StringReader r_string = new StringReader(str);
//create the empty Clob.
Clob clob = getConnection().createClob();
//Get the Reader from this
Reader r_clob = clob.getCharacterStream();
//set the String into the clob.
clob.setString(1, str);
//Now compare the reader corresponding
//to the string and the reader obtained
//form the clob to see if they match.
assertEquals(r_string, r_clob);
* Tests that the data updated in a Clob
* is always reflected in the InputStream
* got. Here the updates into the Clob are
* done using both an OutputStream obtained
* from this Clob as well as using Clob.setString.
* @throws Exception
public void testGetAsciiStreamClobUpdates() throws Exception {
//The String that will be used
//to do the inserts into the
String str1 = "Hi I am the insert string";
//Stores the byte array representation of
//the insert string.
byte[] str1_bytes = str1.getBytes();
//The String that will be used in the
//second series of updates
String str2 = "Hi I am the update string";
//create the empty Clob.
Clob clob = getConnection().createClob();
//Get the InputStream from this
//Clob before any writes happen.
InputStream is_BeforeWrite = clob.getAsciiStream();
//Get an OutputStream from this Clob
//into which the data can be written
OutputStream os = clob.setAsciiStream(1);
//Doing a setString now on the Clob
//should reflect the same extension
//in the InputStream also.
clob.setString((str1_bytes.length)+1, str2);
//Get the input stream from the
//Clob after the update
InputStream is_AfterWrite = clob.getAsciiStream();
//Now check if the two InputStreams
assertEquals(is_BeforeWrite, is_AfterWrite);
* Tests that the data updated in a Clob
* is always reflected in the Reader
* got. Here the updates are done using
* both a Writer obtained from this Clob
* and using Clob.setString.
* @throws Exception
public void testGetCharacterStreamClobUpdates() throws Exception {
//The String that will be used
//to do the inserts into the
String str1 = "Hi I am the insert string";
//The String that will be used in the
//second series of updates
String str2 = "Hi I am the update string";
//create the empty Clob.
Clob clob = getConnection().createClob();
//Get the Reader from this
Reader r_BeforeWrite = clob.getCharacterStream();
//Get a writer from this Clob
//into which the data can be written
Writer w = clob.setCharacterStream(1);
char [] chars_str1 = new char[str1.length()];
str2.getChars(0, str1.length(), chars_str1, 0);
//Doing a setString now on the Clob
//should reflect the same extension
//in the InputStream also.
clob.setString((str1.length())+1, str2);
//Now get the reader from the Clob after
//the update has been done.
Reader r_AfterWrite = clob.getCharacterStream();
//Now compare the two readers to see that they
//contain the same data.
assertEquals(r_BeforeWrite, r_AfterWrite);
* Test that a lock held on the corresponding row is released when free() is
* called on the Clob object.
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
public void testLockingAfterFree() throws SQLException
int id = initializeLongClob(); // Opens clob object
executeParallelUpdate(id, true); // Test that timeout occurs
// Test that update goes through after the clob is closed;
executeParallelUpdate(id, false);
* Test that a lock held on the corresponding row is NOT released when
* free() is called on the Clob object if the isolation level is
* Repeatable Read
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
public void testLockingAfterFreeWithRR() throws SQLException
int id = initializeLongClob(); // Opens clob object
executeParallelUpdate(id, true); // Test that timeout occurs
// Test that update still times out after the clob is closed;
executeParallelUpdate(id, true);
// Test that the update goes through after the transaction has committed
executeParallelUpdate(id, false);
* Test that a lock held on the corresponding row is released when
* free() is called on the Clob object if the isolation level is
* Read Uncommitted
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
public void testLockingAfterFreeWithDirtyReads() throws SQLException
int id = initializeLongClob(); // Opens clob object
executeParallelUpdate(id, true); // Test that timeout occurs
// Test that update goes through after the clob is closed;
executeParallelUpdate(id, false);
/** Inserts, fetches and checks the length of a Clob using a stream. */
public void testInsertAndFetchZeroLength()
throws IOException, SQLException {
/** Inserts, fetches and checks the length of a Clob using a stream. */
public void testInsertAndFetchVerySmall()
throws IOException, SQLException {
/** Inserts, fetches and checks the length of a Clob using a stream. */
public void testInsertAndFetchSmall()
throws IOException, SQLException {
/** Inserts, fetches and checks the length of a Clob using a stream. */
public void testInsertAndFetchMedium()
throws IOException, SQLException {
/** Inserts, fetches and checks the length of a Clob using a stream. */
public void testInsertAndFetchMediumPlus()
throws IOException, SQLException {
/** Inserts, fetches and checks the length of a Clob using a stream. */
public void testInsertAndFetchLarge()
throws IOException, SQLException {
/** Inserts, fetches and checks the length of a Clob using a stream. */
public void testInsertAndFetchLarger()
throws IOException, SQLException {
* Inserts a Clob with the specified length, using a stream source, then
* fetches it from the database and checks the length.
* @param length number of characters in the Clob
* @throws IOException if reading from the source fails
* @throws SQLException if something goes wrong
private void insertAndFetchTest(long length)
throws IOException, SQLException {
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(
"insert into BLOBCLOB(ID, CLOBDATA) values(?,?)");
int id = BlobClobTestSetup.getID();
ps.setInt(1, id);
ps.setCharacterStream(2, new LoopingAlphabetReader(length), length);
long tsStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
println("Inserted " + length + " chars (length specified) in " +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - tsStart) + " ms");
Statement stmt = createStatement();
tsStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(
"select CLOBDATA from BLOBCLOB where id = " + id);
assertTrue("Clob not inserted",;
Clob aClob = rs.getClob(1);
assertEquals("Invalid length", length, aClob.length());
println("Fetched length (" + length + ") in " +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - tsStart) + " ms");
// Insert same Clob again, using the lengthless override.
id = BlobClobTestSetup.getID();
ps.setInt(1, id);
ps.setCharacterStream(2, new LoopingAlphabetReader(length));
tsStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
println("Inserted " + length + " chars (length unspecified) in " +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - tsStart) + " ms");
rs = stmt.executeQuery(
"select CLOBDATA from BLOBCLOB where id = " + id);
assertTrue("Clob not inserted",;
aClob = rs.getClob(1);
assertEquals("Invalid length", length, aClob.length());
println("Fetched length (" + length + ") in " +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - tsStart) + " ms");
* Insert a row with a large clob into the test table. Read the row from
* the database and assign the clob value to <code>clob</code>.
* @return The id of the row that was inserted
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
private int initializeLongClob() throws SQLException
// Clob needs to be larger than one page for locking to occur
final int lobLength = 40000;
// Insert a long Clob
PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(
"insert into BLOBCLOB(ID, CLOBDATA) values(?,?)");
int id = BlobClobTestSetup.getID();
ps.setCharacterStream(2, new LoopingAlphabetReader(lobLength), lobLength);
// Fetch the Clob object from the database
Statement st = createStatement();
ResultSet rs =
st.executeQuery("select CLOBDATA from BLOBCLOB where ID=" + id);;
clob = rs.getClob(1);
return id;
* Try to update the row with the given error. Flag a failure if a
* timeout occurs when not expected, and vice versa.
* @param id The id of the row to be updated
* @param timeoutExpected true if it is expected that the update times out
* @throws java.sql.SQLException
private void executeParallelUpdate(int id, boolean timeoutExpected)
throws SQLException
Connection conn2 = openDefaultConnection();
Statement stmt2 = conn2.createStatement();
try {
stmt2.executeUpdate("update BLOBCLOB set BLOBDATA = " +
"cast(X'FFFFFF' as blob) where ID=" + id);
if (timeoutExpected) {
fail("FAIL - should have gotten lock timeout");
} catch (SQLException se) {
if (timeoutExpected) {
assertSQLState(LOCK_TIMEOUT, se);
} else {
throw se;
* Drains the stream and returns the last char read from the stream.
* @param reader stream to drain
* @param expectedCount expected number of chars (remaining) in the stream
* @return The last char read.
* @throws AssertionError if there are too many/few chars in the stream
* @throws IOException if reading from the stream fails
public static char getLastCharInStream(Reader reader, int expectedCount)
throws IOException {
int read = 0;
final char[] buf = new char[256];
assertTrue(buf.length > 0); // Do not allow an infinite loop here.
while (true) {
int readThisTime =, 0, buf.length);
// -1 is expected, but catch all cases with a negative return value.
if (readThisTime < 0) {
assertEquals("Invalid return value from stream",
-1, readThisTime);
fail("Reached EOF prematurely, expected " + expectedCount +
", got " + read);
} else if (readThisTime == 0) {
// Another special case that should not happen.
fail("Stream breaks contract, read zero chars: " + reader);
read += readThisTime;
if (read == expectedCount) {
return buf[readThisTime -1];
} else if (read > expectedCount) {
fail("Too many chars in stream, expected " + expectedCount +
"have " + read + "(EOF not reached/confirmed)");
* Create test suite for this test.
public static Test suite()
return new BlobClobTestSetup(
// Reduce lock timeouts so lock test case does not take too long
TestConfiguration.defaultSuite(ClobTest.class, false),
private static final String LOCK_TIMEOUT = "40XL1";
} // End class ClobTest