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Derby - Class
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import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
A class StoredPage uses to cache record headers by passing instances
to BasePage, and to write stored versions of record headers.
1 byte - status
compressed int - record identifier
compressed long - overflow page } only if hasOverflow() is true
compressed int - overflow id } " " "
compressed int - first field } only if hasFirstField set - otherwise 0
compressed int - number of fields in this portion - only if hasOverflow()
is false OR hasFirstField is true - otherwise 0
public final class StoredRecordHeader
* Constants of the class
* Status bits for the record header:
* RECORD_DELETED - used to indicate the record has been deleted
* RECORD_OVERFLOW - used to indicate the record has been
* overflowed, it will point to the overflow
* page and ID
* RECORD_HAS_FIRST_FIELD - used to indicate that firstField is stored.
* RECORD_HAS_FIRST_FIELD both are set, part of
* record is on the page, the record header
* also stores the overflow pointer to the next
* part of the record.
* RECORD_VALID_MASK - A mask of valid bits that can be set
* currently, such that the following assert can
* be made:
* ASSERT((status &amp; ~RECORD_VALID_MASK) == 0))
private static final byte RECORD_DELETED = 0x01;
private static final byte RECORD_OVERFLOW = 0x02;
private static final byte RECORD_HAS_FIRST_FIELD = 0x04;
private static final byte RECORD_VALID_MASK = 0x0f;
* maximum length for row containing just an overflow pointer.
* <p>
* The maximum stored length of a row that just contains an overflow pointer
* is 17 bytes:
* stored sizeof(status byte) : 1 +
* stored sizeof(record id) : 4 +
* max stored size overflow page ptr: 8 +
* max stored size overflow record id: 4
public static final int MAX_OVERFLOW_ONLY_REC_SIZE =
1 + // stored status byte
CompressedNumber.MAX_INT_STORED_SIZE + // max stored record id size
CompressedNumber.MAX_LONG_STORED_SIZE + // max stored overflow page
CompressedNumber.MAX_INT_STORED_SIZE; // max stored overflow id
* Fields of the class
* Actual identifier of the record
* <BR> MT - Mutable
protected int id;
* Status of the record.
* See above for description of fields:
* <BR> MT - Mutable - single thread required.
private byte status;
* number of fields in the row.
protected int numberFields;
* A record handle that can represent the record, may be null.
protected RecordHandle handle;
* Class which holds the fields {@code overflowId}, {@code overflowPage}
* and {@code firstField}, which are not needed when there is no
* overflow. These fields are factored out to save Java heap space (see
* DERBY-3130).
private static class OverflowInfo {
/** Create an empty {@code OverflowInfo} object. */
private OverflowInfo() { }
/** Create a copy of a {@code OverflowInfo} object. */
private OverflowInfo(OverflowInfo from) {
overflowId = from.overflowId;
overflowPage = from.overflowPage;
firstField = from.firstField;
* If (hasOverflow()) then this is the id of the row on page
* overflowPage where the next portion of the row can be found. In this
* case there are no "real" fields on this page. This situation comes
* about if a row has been updated such that the real first field no
* longer fits on the head page.
private int overflowId;
* If (hasOverflow()) then this is the page where where the next
* portion of the row can be found. In this case there are no "real"
* fields on this page.
private long overflowPage;
* If (hasFirstField()) then this field is the number of the column in
* the orginal row which is now stored as the first field in this row.
* This row is 2nd through N'th portion of a long row.
* For example if a row has its first 3 fields on page 0 and its next 3
* fields on page 1, then the record header of the row portion on page
* 1 will have hasFirstField() set to true, and the value would be 4,
* indicating that the 4th field of the row is stored as the 1st field
* of the partial row portion stored on page 1.
private int firstField;
private OverflowInfo overflow;
* Constructors for This class:
public StoredRecordHeader()
public StoredRecordHeader(int id, int numberFields)
public StoredRecordHeader(
byte data[],
int offset)
read(data, offset);
public StoredRecordHeader(StoredRecordHeader loadTargetFrom)
this.status = loadTargetFrom.status; =;
this.numberFields = loadTargetFrom.numberFields;
handle = null;
if (loadTargetFrom.overflow != null) {
overflow = new OverflowInfo(loadTargetFrom.overflow);
* Public Accessor "Get" Methods of This class:
* Get a record handle for the record.
* <p>
* <BR> MT - single thread required
protected RecordHandle getHandle(
PageKey pageId,
int current_slot)
if (handle == null)
handle = new RecordId(pageId, id, current_slot);
return handle;
* Get the record identifier
* <BR> MT - thread safe
public final int getId()
return id;
public int getNumberFields()
return numberFields;
public long getOverflowPage()
return overflow == null ? 0 : overflow.overflowPage;
public int getOverflowId()
return overflow == null ? 0 : overflow.overflowId;
public int getFirstField()
return overflow == null ? 0 : overflow.firstField;
public final boolean hasOverflow()
protected final boolean hasFirstField()
* Get the deleted state of the record.
* <p>
* <BR> MT - single thread required
public final boolean isDeleted()
return ((status & RECORD_DELETED) == RECORD_DELETED);
* return the size of the record header.
* <p>
* Calculates the size of the record header, mostly used to allow a
* reader to skip over the record header and position on the 1st field
* of the record.
* <p>
* This low level routine is performance critical to processing lots of
* rows, so calls to CompressNumber have been hand inlined.
* @return The length of the record header.
public int size()
// account for length of fieldDataLength field stored as a compressed
// int plus one byte for status.
// int len = CompressedNumber.sizeInt(id) + 1;
int len =
(id <= CompressedNumber.MAX_COMPRESSED_INT_ONE_BYTE) ?
2 :
(id <= CompressedNumber.MAX_COMPRESSED_INT_TWO_BYTES) ?
3 : 5;
// usual case, not a record overflow and does not have first field
len +=
(numberFields <= CompressedNumber.MAX_COMPRESSED_INT_ONE_BYTE) ?
1 :
(numberFields <= CompressedNumber.MAX_COMPRESSED_INT_TWO_BYTES) ?
2 : 4;
else if ((status & RECORD_OVERFLOW) == 0)
// not overflow, and has first field set.
len += CompressedNumber.sizeInt(numberFields);
len += CompressedNumber.sizeInt(overflow.firstField);
// is an overflow field
len += CompressedNumber.sizeLong(overflow.overflowPage);
len += CompressedNumber.sizeInt(overflow.overflowId);
if (hasFirstField())
len += CompressedNumber.sizeInt(overflow.firstField);
len += CompressedNumber.sizeInt(numberFields);
return len;
* Public Accessor "Set" Methods of This class:
* Set the deleted state of the record.
* <p>
* return 1, if delete status from not deleted to deleted
* return -1, if delete status from deleted to not deleted
* return 0, if status unchanged.
* <BR> MT - single thread required
public int setDeleted(boolean deleteTrue)
int retCode = 0;
if (deleteTrue)
if (!isDeleted())
// setting the bit from not deleted to deleted
retCode = 1;
if (isDeleted())
// setting the bit from deleted to not deleted
retCode = -1;
status &= ~RECORD_DELETED;
public void setFirstField(int firstField)
if (overflow == null) {
overflow = new OverflowInfo();
overflow.firstField = firstField;
public final void setId(int id)
{ = id;
public void setOverflowDetails(RecordHandle overflowHandle)
if (overflow == null) {
overflow = new OverflowInfo();
overflow.overflowPage = overflowHandle.getPageNumber();
overflow.overflowId = overflowHandle.getId();
public void setOverflowFields(StoredRecordHeader loadFromTarget)
if (overflow == null) {
overflow = new OverflowInfo();
this.status = (byte) (loadFromTarget.status | RECORD_OVERFLOW); =;
this.numberFields = loadFromTarget.numberFields;
overflow.firstField = loadFromTarget.overflow.firstField;
handle = null;
public final void setNumberFields(int numberFields)
this.numberFields = numberFields;
* Public Methods implmenting read/write of Storable Interface:
public int write(OutputStream out)
throws IOException
// check consistency of the status field - this has caught
// byte writing corruptions in StoredPage in the past.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if ((status & ~RECORD_VALID_MASK) != 0)
"Invalid status in StoredRecordHeaader = " + status);
// write status
int len = 1;
// write id
len += CompressedNumber.writeInt(out, id);
// write overflow information for overflow record headers
if (hasOverflow())
// if overflow bit is set, then write the overflow pointer info.
len += CompressedNumber.writeLong(out, overflow.overflowPage);
len += CompressedNumber.writeInt(out, overflow.overflowId);
// write first field info for long row parts
if (hasFirstField())
len += CompressedNumber.writeInt(out, overflow.firstField);
// write number of fields, except in the case of a record header
// which is solely a pointer to another row portion.
// see read
if (!hasOverflow() || hasFirstField())
len += CompressedNumber.writeInt(out, numberFields);
return len;
public void read( in)
throws IOException
// read status
int s =;
if (s < 0) {
throw new EOFException();
status = (byte) s;
// check consistency of the status field - this has caught
// byte writing corruptions in StoredPage in the past.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if ((s & ~RECORD_VALID_MASK) != 0)
"Invalid status in StoredRecordHeader = " + s);
// read the record id
id = CompressedNumber.readInt(in);
if (hasOverflow() || hasFirstField()) {
overflow = new OverflowInfo();
} else {
overflow = null;
// initialize the overflow pointer based on status.
if (hasOverflow())
overflow.overflowPage = CompressedNumber.readLong(in);
overflow.overflowId = CompressedNumber.readInt(in);
// initialize the 1st field overflow pointer based on status.
if (hasFirstField())
overflow.firstField = CompressedNumber.readInt(in);
// In releases prior to 1.3 an overflow record was handled
// by an overflow header pointing to a complete record on
// another page. This header had the overflow bit set but not
// the has first field bit. This header also did not have the
// number of fields written out, but it can be seen as
// a header with 0 fields and a first field of 0.
if (!hasOverflow() || hasFirstField())
numberFields = CompressedNumber.readInt(in);
numberFields = 0;
handle = null;
private int readOverFlowPage(
byte[] data,
int offset)
int int_value = data[offset++];
if ((int_value & ~0x3f) == 0)
// test for small case first - assuming this is usual case.
// this is stored in 2 bytes.
overflow.overflowPage = ((int_value << 8) | (data[offset] & 0xff));
else if ((int_value & 0x80) == 0)
// value is stored in 4 bytes. only use low 6 bits from 1st byte.
overflow.overflowPage =
((int_value & 0x3f) << 24) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) << 16) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) << 8) |
((data[offset] & 0xff) );
// value is stored in 8 bytes. only use low 6 bits from 1st byte.
overflow.overflowPage =
(((long) (int_value & 0x7f)) << 56) |
(((long) (data[offset++] & 0xff)) << 48) |
(((long) (data[offset++] & 0xff)) << 40) |
(((long) (data[offset++] & 0xff)) << 32) |
(((long) (data[offset++] & 0xff)) << 24) |
(((long) (data[offset++] & 0xff)) << 16) |
(((long) (data[offset++] & 0xff)) << 8) |
(((long) (data[offset] & 0xff)) );
private int readOverFlowId(
byte[] data,
int offset)
int value = data[offset++];
if ((value & ~0x3f) == 0)
// length stored in this byte.
overflow.overflowId = value;
else if ((value & 0x80) == 0)
// length is stored in 2 bytes. only use low 6 bits from 1st byte.
overflow.overflowId =
(((value & 0x3f) << 8) | (data[offset] & 0xff));
// length is stored in 4 bytes. only use low 7 bits from 1st byte.
overflow.overflowId =
((value & 0x7f) << 24) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) << 16) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) << 8) |
((data[offset] & 0xff) );
private int readFirstField(
byte[] data,
int offset)
int value = data[offset++];
if ((value & ~0x3f) == 0)
// length stored in this byte.
overflow.firstField = value;
else if ((value & 0x80) == 0)
// length is stored in 2 bytes. only use low 6 bits from 1st byte.
overflow.firstField =
(((value & 0x3f) << 8) | (data[offset] & 0xff));
// length is stored in 4 bytes. only use low 7 bits from 1st byte.
overflow.firstField =
((value & 0x7f) << 24) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) << 16) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) << 8) |
((data[offset] & 0xff) );
private void readNumberFields(
byte[] data,
int offset)
int value = data[offset++];
if ((value & ~0x3f) == 0)
// length stored in this byte.
numberFields = value;
else if ((value & 0x80) == 0)
// length is stored in 2 bytes. only use low 6 bits from 1st byte.
numberFields = (((value & 0x3f) << 8) | (data[offset] & 0xff));
// length is stored in 4 bytes. only use low 7 bits from 1st byte.
numberFields =
((value & 0x7f) << 24) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) << 16) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) << 8) |
((data[offset] & 0xff) );
private void read(
byte[] data,
int offset)
status = data[offset++];
int value = data[offset++];
if ((value & ~0x3f) == 0)
// value stored in this byte.
id = value;
else if ((value & 0x80) == 0)
// value is stored in 2 bytes. only use low 6 bits from 1st byte.
id = (((value & 0x3f) << 8) | (data[offset++] & 0xff));
// value is stored in 4 bytes. only use low 7 bits from 1st byte.
id =
((value & 0x7f) << 24) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) << 16) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) << 8) |
((data[offset++] & 0xff) );
// usual case, not a record overflow and does not have first field
overflow = null;
readNumberFields(data, offset);
else if ((status & RECORD_OVERFLOW) == 0)
// not overflow, and has first field set.
overflow = new OverflowInfo();
offset += readFirstField(data, offset);
readNumberFields(data, offset);
// is an overflow field
overflow = new OverflowInfo();
offset += readOverFlowPage(data, offset);
offset += readOverFlowId(data, offset);
if (hasFirstField())
offset += readFirstField(data, offset);
readNumberFields(data, offset);
numberFields = 0;
handle = null;
* Return length on disk of the record id portion of the record header
* Record id is part of the record header and is stored in an internal
* compressed format. The length of this format depends on the value
* of the record id.
* @return length of encoded record id on disk.
public static final int getStoredSizeRecordId(int record_id)
public String toString()
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
String str = "recordHeader: Id=" + getId();
str += "\n isDeleted = " + isDeleted();
str += "\n hasOverflow = " + hasOverflow();
str += "\n hasFirstField = " + hasFirstField();
str += "\n numberFields = " + getNumberFields();
str += "\n firstField = " + getFirstField();
str += "\n overflowPage = " + getOverflowPage();
str += "\n overflowId = " + getOverflowId();
str += "\n header length = " + size();
return str;
return null;