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Derby - Class
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import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
A Conditional represents an if/then/else block.
When this is created the code will already have
the conditional check code. The code is optimized for branch
offsets that fit in 2 bytes, though will handle 4 byte offsets.
if condition
then code
else code
what actually gets built is
if !condition branch to eb:
then code
goto end: // skip else
else code
If no else condition was provided then the code is:
if !condition branch to end:
then code
Note all branches here are using relative offsets, not absolute program counters.
If the then code leads to the conditional branch offset being too big (&gt;32k)
because the then code is larger than 32767 bytes then this is built:
// when else code is present
if condition branch to tb: (relative offset +8)
goto_w eb: // indirect for else block (5 bytes)
then code (&gt; 32767 bytes)
goto end:
else code
// when only then code is present
if condition branch to tb: (relative offset +8)
goto_w end: // indirect for else block (5 bytes)
then code (&gt; 32767 bytes)
If there is an else branch and only it is larger than 32767 bytes then
the code is:
if !condition branch to eb: (offset increased by two over previous value)
then code
goto_w end: // skip else
else code (&gt; 32767 bytes)
This has one special case where the size of conditional branch to eb:
now must change from a 16bit value to a 32 bit value. The generated code
for this is the same as when both the then code and the else code require
32bit offsets for the branches. This code is:
if condition branch to tb: (relative offset +8)
goto_w eb: // indirect for else block (5 bytes)
then code (&gt; 32767 bytes)
goto_w end:
else code (&gt; 32767 bytes)
In theory, at the moment this should not happen as this would mean a total
code size that exceeds the limit on the code size for a method (64k). This
code handles this case as it does occur if the limit for a branch is lowered
for testing purposes, to ensure the complete set of branch re-write code works.
This lowering of the limit can be done by changing the constant BRANCH16LIMIT.
class Conditional {
* Limit of a 16 bit branch.
* <P>
* If broad testing of the switch from 16bit to 32bit
* offsets is required then this constant can be reduced
* to a lower value, say 50 and run complete tests. This
* will cover all the combinations. This works because the
* GOTO_W instruction works with any offset value.
private static final int BRANCH16LIMIT = 32767;
private final Conditional parent;
* pc of the 'if' opcode.
private final int if_pc;
private Type[] stack;
* pc of the GOTO added at the end of the then block
* to transfer control to the end of this conditional.
* That is at the end of the else block.
private int thenGoto_pc;
* Start a conditional block.
* @param parent Current conditional block, null if no nesting is going on.
* @param chunk CodeChunk this conditional lives in
* @param ifOpcode Opcode for the if check.
* @param entryStack Type stack on entering the conditional then block.
Conditional(Conditional parent, CodeChunk chunk, short ifOpcode, Type[] entryStack) {
this.parent = parent;
if_pc = chunk.getPC();
this.stack = entryStack;
// reserve the space for the branch, will overwrite later
// with the correct branch offset.
chunk.addInstrU2(ifOpcode, 0);
* Complete the 'then' block and start the 'else' block for this conditional
* @param chunk CodeChunk this conditional lives in
* @param thenStack Type stack on completing the conditional then block.
* @return the type stack on entering the then block
Type[] startElse(BCMethod mb, CodeChunk chunk, Type[] thenStack) {
// reserve space for the goto end we will be adding
chunk.addInstrU2(VMOpcode.GOTO, 0);
// fill in the branch opcode to branch to
// the code after the goto, which is the current pc.
fillIn(mb, chunk, if_pc, chunk.getPC());
// Cannot use the pc before adding the GOTO above
// as the fillIn may insert bytes that move the GOTO,
// thus calculate at the end, and subtract the number of
// instructions in a goto to get its pc.
thenGoto_pc = chunk.getPC() - 3;
Type[] entryStack = stack;
stack = thenStack;
return entryStack;
* Complete the conditional and patch up any jump instructions.
* @param chunk CodeChunk this conditional lives in
* @param elseStack Current stack, which is the stack at the end of the else
* @param stackNumber Current number of valid elements in elseStack
* @return The conditional this conditional was nested in, if any.
Conditional end(BCMethod mb, CodeChunk chunk, Type[] elseStack, int stackNumber) {
int branch_pc;
if (thenGoto_pc == 0) {
// no else condition, make the conditional branch to the end
branch_pc = if_pc;
} else {
// otherwise make the goto branch to the end
branch_pc = thenGoto_pc;
fillIn(mb, chunk, branch_pc, chunk.getPC());
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (stackNumber != stack.length) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("ByteCode Conditional then/else stack depths differ then:"
+ stack.length + " else: " + stackNumber);
sb.append("\nif stack:\n");
for (Type t: stack) {
sb.append("else stack:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < stackNumber; i++) {
Type t = elseStack[i];
for (int i = 0; i < stackNumber; i++)
if (stack[i].vmType() != elseStack[i].vmType()) {
if( !stack[i].vmName().equals(elseStack[i].vmName()))
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("ByteCode Conditional then/else stack mismatch: then: "
+ stack[i].vmName() +
" else: " + elseStack[i].vmName());
return parent;
* Fill in the offsets for a conditional or goto instruction that
* were dummied up as zero during code generation. Handles modifying
* branch logic when the offset for the branch is greater than can
* fit in 16 bits. In this case a GOTO_W with a 32 bit offset will
* be used, see details within the method for how this is acheived
* in all situations. This method might insert instructions in the
* already generated byte code, thus increasing the program counter.
* @param mb Method this conditional is for
* @param chunk Our code chunk
* @param branch_pc pc of the branch or goto opcode in the code stream
* @param target_pc pc where we want to jump to.
private void fillIn(BCMethod mb, CodeChunk chunk,
int branch_pc, int target_pc) {
int offset = target_pc - branch_pc;
// Following code assumes that this class only
// generates forward jumps. Jump of zero is
// wrong as well, would be infinite loop or stack problems.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (offset <= 0)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Conditional branch zero or negative " + offset);
// Original opcode written.
short branchOpcode = chunk.getOpcode(branch_pc);
// Handle 16bit offsets, two byte.
if (offset <= BRANCH16LIMIT)
// Code was already setup for two byte offsets,
// branch or goto instruction was written with
// offset zero, ready to be overwritten by this code.
CodeChunk mod = chunk.insertCodeSpace(branch_pc, 0);
mod.addInstrU2(branchOpcode, offset);
if (branchOpcode == VMOpcode.GOTO)
// The goto could be beyond the code length
// supported by the virtual machine: VMOpcode.MAX_CODE_LENGTH
// We allow this because later splits may bring the goto
// offset to within the required limits. If the goto
// still points outside the limits of the JVM then
// building the class will fail anyway since the code
// size will be too large. So no need to flag an error here.
// Change the GOTO to a GOTO_W, which means
// inserting 2 bytes into the stream.
CodeChunk mod = chunk.insertCodeSpace(branch_pc, 2);
// Offset we are jumping to is now two bytes futher away
offset += 2;
// replace the original GOTO with a GOTO_W
mod.addInstrU4(VMOpcode.GOTO_W, offset);
// Now need to patch up the original conditional
// as the else code it was branching to is now
// another two bytes away.
// There are three cases, given the original branch_offset:
// 1) branch_offset 16bit, branch_offset+2 16 bit
// 2) branch_offset 16bit, branch_offset+2 32 bit
// 3) branch_offset 32bit, branch_offset+2 32 bit
int startElse_pc = mod.getPC();
int branchOffset = startElse_pc - if_pc;
if (branchOffset <= BRANCH16LIMIT + 2)
// case 1) branch_offset 16bit, branch_offset+2 16 bit
// case 2) branch_offset 16bit, branch_offset+2 32 bit
// Branch to the else code is on the original conditional
// both handled by the standard fillIn method.
fillIn(mb, chunk, if_pc, mod.getPC());
// branch to the else code was changed from the conditional
// to a GOTO_W as the branch was out of the range of the
// conditional.
// Overwrite the offset of the existing GOTO_W, the instruction
// after the conditional instruction, which is three bytes long
mod = chunk.insertCodeSpace(if_pc + 3, 0);
// Above branchOffset was calculated from the conditional
// but we need to branch from the GOTO_W that was inserted
// which is three bytes after the conditional.
branchOffset -= 3;
mod.addInstrU4(VMOpcode.GOTO_W, branchOffset);
// Ensure the pc we are jumping to (the current pc)
// is within bounds of a valid method *after*
// we have added the extra bytes.
if ((target_pc + 5) >= VMOpcode.MAX_CODE_LENGTH)
"branch_target", VMOpcode.MAX_CODE_LENGTH, target_pc + 5);
// even if we fail continue to generate the correct code
// so that the assumptions in the patch up code are not broken.
// Conditional branch
// branch on the conditional, need to add
// indirection. Basically changing
// (actual conditional might be different)
// Note branch inverting.
// IFNONNULL branch offset (to else code)
// <then code>
// GOTO end:
// <else code>
// end:
// to
// IFNULL branch +8 (to then code, 3 bytes in stream)
// GOTO_W offset* (to else code, 5 new bytes in stream)
// <then code>
// GOTO end:
// <else code>
// Invert branch.
switch (branchOpcode)
case VMOpcode.IFNONNULL:
branchOpcode = VMOpcode.IFNULL;
case VMOpcode.IFEQ:
branchOpcode = VMOpcode.IFNE;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Conditional does not handle opcode " + branchOpcode);
// Thus we need to insert 5 bytes
CodeChunk mod = chunk.insertCodeSpace(branch_pc, 5);
// mod is positioned at the current branch.
mod.addInstrU2(branchOpcode, 8);
// Indirect goto for the conditional else block or end.
// Offset was from the comparision instruction to the
// start of the real code. Now the branch location
// is an additional two bytes away, because this
// GOTO_W instruction occupies 5 bytes, and the original
// branch 3.
offset += 2;
mod.addInstrU4(VMOpcode.GOTO_W, offset);