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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.util.StringUtil
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package org.apache.derby.iapi.util;
import java.util.Locale;
A set of public static methods for dealing with Strings
public class StringUtil
* Used to print out a string for error messages,
* chops is off at 60 chars for historical reasons.
public final static String formatForPrint(String input)
if (input.length() > 60)
StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(input.substring(0, 60));
input = tmp.toString();
return input;
* A method that receive an array of Objects and return a
* String array representation of that array.
public static String [] toStringArray(Object [] objArray) {
int idx;
int len=objArray.length;
String [] strArray=new String[len];
for (idx=0 ; idx<len ; idx++) {
return strArray;
Get 7-bit ASCII character array from input String.
The lower 7 bits of each character in the input string is assumed to be
the ASCII character value.
Hexadecimal - Character
| 00 NUL| 01 SOH| 02 STX| 03 ETX| 04 EOT| 05 ENQ| 06 ACK| 07 BEL|
| 08 BS | 09 HT | 0A NL | 0B VT | 0C NP | 0D CR | 0E SO | 0F SI |
| 10 DLE| 11 DC1| 12 DC2| 13 DC3| 14 DC4| 15 NAK| 16 SYN| 17 ETB|
| 18 CAN| 19 EM | 1A SUB| 1B ESC| 1C FS | 1D GS | 1E RS | 1F US |
| 20 SP | 21 ! | 22 " | 23 # | 24 $ | 25 % | 26 &amp; | 27 ' |
| 28 ( | 29 ) | 2A * | 2B + | 2C , | 2D - | 2E . | 2F / |
| 30 0 | 31 1 | 32 2 | 33 3 | 34 4 | 35 5 | 36 6 | 37 7 |
| 38 8 | 39 9 | 3A : | 3B ; | 3C &lt; | 3D = | 3E &gt; | 3F ? |
| 40 @ | 41 A | 42 B | 43 C | 44 D | 45 E | 46 F | 47 G |
| 48 H | 49 I | 4A J | 4B K | 4C L | 4D M | 4E N | 4F O |
| 50 P | 51 Q | 52 R | 53 S | 54 T | 55 U | 56 V | 57 W |
| 58 X | 59 Y | 5A Z | 5B [ | 5C \ | 5D ] | 5E ^ | 5F _ |
| 60 ` | 61 a | 62 b | 63 c | 64 d | 65 e | 66 f | 67 g |
| 68 h | 69 i | 6A j | 6B k | 6C l | 6D m | 6E n | 6F o |
| 70 p | 71 q | 72 r | 73 s | 74 t | 75 u | 76 v | 77 w |
| 78 x | 79 y | 7A z | 7B { | 7C | | 7D } | 7E ~ | 7F DEL|
public static byte[] getAsciiBytes(String input)
char[] c = input.toCharArray();
byte[] b = new byte[c.length];
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
b[i] = (byte)(c[i] & 0x007F);
return b;
* Trim off trailing blanks but not leading blanks
* @param str
* @return The input with trailing blanks stipped off
public static String trimTrailing( String str)
if( str == null)
return null;
int len = str.length();
for( ; len > 0; len--)
if( ! Character.isWhitespace( str.charAt( len - 1)))
return str.substring( 0, len);
} // end of trimTrailing
Truncate a String to the given length with no warnings
or error raised if it is bigger.
@param value String to be truncated
@param length Maximum length of string
@return Returns value if value is null or value.length() is less or equal to than length, otherwise a String representing
value truncated to length.
public static String truncate(String value, int length)
if (value != null && value.length() > length)
value = value.substring(0, length);
return value;
* Return a slice (substring) of the passed in value, optionally trimmed.
* WARNING - endOffset is inclusive for historical reasons, unlike
* String.substring() which has an exclusive ending offset.
* @param value Value to slice, must be non-null.
* @param beginOffset Inclusive start character
* @param endOffset Inclusive end character
* @param trim To trim or not to trim
* @return Sliceed value.
public static String slice(String value,
int beginOffset, int endOffset,
boolean trim)
String retval = value.substring(beginOffset, endOffset + 1);
if (trim)
retval = retval.trim();
return retval;
private static char[] hex_table = {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
Convert a byte array to a String with a hexidecimal format.
The String may be converted back to a byte array using fromHexString.
For each byte (b) two characaters are generated, the first character
represents the high nibble (4 bits) in hexidecimal (<code>b &amp; 0xf0</code>), the second character
represents the low nibble (<code>b &ampxs; 0x0f</code>).
The byte at <code>data[offset]</code> is represented by the first two characters in the returned String.
@param data byte array
@param offset starting byte (zero based) to convert.
@param length number of bytes to convert.
@return the String (with hexidecimal format) form of the byte array
public static String toHexString(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(length*2);
int end = offset+length;
for (int i = offset; i < end; i++)
int high_nibble = (data[i] & 0xf0) >>> 4;
int low_nibble = (data[i] & 0x0f);
return s.toString();
Convert a hexidecimal string generated by toHexString() back
into a byte array.
@param s String to convert
@param offset starting character (zero based) to convert.
@param length number of characters to convert.
@return the converted byte array. Returns null if the length is
not a multiple of 2.
public static byte[] fromHexString(String s, int offset, int length)
if ((length%2) != 0)
return null;
byte[] byteArray = new byte[length/2];
int j = 0;
int end = offset+length;
for (int i = offset; i < end; i += 2)
int high_nibble = Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16);
int low_nibble = Character.digit(s.charAt(i+1), 16);
if (high_nibble == -1 || low_nibble == -1)
// illegal format
return null;
byteArray[j++] = (byte)(((high_nibble << 4) & 0xf0) | (low_nibble & 0x0f));
return byteArray;
Convert a byte array to a human-readable String for debugging purposes.
public static String hexDump(byte[] data)
byte byte_value;
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(data.length * 3);
str.append("Hex dump:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += 16)
// dump the header: 00000000:
String offset = Integer.toHexString(i);
// "0" left pad offset field so it is always 8 char's long.
for (int offlen = offset.length(); offlen < 8; offlen++)
// dump hex version of 16 bytes per line.
for (int j = 0; (j < 16) && ((i + j) < data.length); j++)
byte_value = data[i + j];
// add spaces between every 2 bytes.
if ((j % 2) == 0)
str.append(" ");
// dump a single byte.
byte high_nibble = (byte) ((byte_value & 0xf0) >>> 4);
byte low_nibble = (byte) (byte_value & 0x0f);
// dump ascii version of 16 bytes
str.append(" ");
for (int j = 0; (j < 16) && ((i + j) < data.length); j++)
char char_value = (char) data[i + j];
// RESOLVE (really want isAscii() or isPrintable())
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(char_value))
// new line
// The functions below are used for uppercasing SQL in a consistent manner.
// Derby will uppercase Turkish to the English locale to avoid i
// uppercasing to an uppercase dotted i. In future versions, all
// casing will be done in English. The result will be that we will get
// only the 1:1 mappings in
// and avoid the 1:n mappings in
// Any SQL casing should use these functions
/** Convert string to uppercase
* Always use the java.util.ENGLISH locale
* @param s string to uppercase
* @return uppercased string
public static String SQLToUpperCase(String s)
return s.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
/** Compares two strings
* Strings will be uppercased in english and compared
* equivalent to s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2)
* throws NPE if s1 is null
* @param s1 first string to compare
* @param s2 second string to compare
* @return true if the two upppercased ENGLISH values are equal
* return false if s2 is null
public static boolean SQLEqualsIgnoreCase(String s1, String s2)
if (s2 == null)
return false;
return SQLToUpperCase(s1).equals(SQLToUpperCase(s2));
* Normalize a SQL identifer, up-casing if <regular identifer>,
* and handling of <delimited identifer> (SQL 2003, section 5.2).
* The normal form is used internally in Derby.
* @param id syntacically correct SQL identifier
public static String normalizeSQLIdentifier(String id) {
if (id.length() == 0) {
return id;
if (id.charAt(0) == '"' &&
id.length() >= 3 &&
id.charAt(id.length() - 1) == '"') {
// assume syntax is OK, thats is, any quotes inside are doubled:
return StringUtil.compressQuotes(
id.substring(1, id.length() - 1), "\"\"");
} else {
return StringUtil.SQLToUpperCase(id);
* Compress 2 adjacent (single or double) quotes into a single (s or d)
* quote when found in the middle of a String.
* NOTE: """" or '''' will be compressed into "" or ''.
* This function assumes that the leading and trailing quote from a
* string or delimited identifier have already been removed.
* @param source string to be compressed
* @param quotes string containing two single or double quotes.
* @return String where quotes have been compressed
public static String compressQuotes(String source, String quotes)
String result = source;
int index;
/* Find the first occurrence of adjacent quotes. */
index = result.indexOf(quotes);
/* Replace each occurrence with a single quote and begin the
* search for the next occurrence from where we left off.
while (index != -1) {
result = result.substring(0, index + 1) +
result.substring(index + 2);
index = result.indexOf(quotes, index + 1);
return result;
* Quote a string so that it can be used as an identifier or a string
* literal in SQL statements. Identifiers are surrounded by double quotes
* and string literals are surrounded by single quotes. If the string
* contains quote characters, they are escaped.
* @param source the string to quote
* @param quote the character to quote the string with (' or &quot;)
* @return a string quoted with the specified quote character
* @see #quoteStringLiteral(String)
* @see IdUtil#normalToDelimited(String)
static String quoteString(String source, char quote) {
// Normally, the quoted string is two characters longer than the source
// string (because of start quote and end quote).
StringBuffer quoted = new StringBuffer(source.length() + 2);
for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); i++) {
char c = source.charAt(i);
// if the character is a quote, escape it with an extra quote
if (c == quote) quoted.append(quote);
return quoted.toString();
* Quote a string so that it can be used as a string literal in an
* SQL statement.
* @param string the string to quote
* @return the string surrounded by single quotes and with proper escaping
* of any single quotes inside the string
public static String quoteStringLiteral(String string) {
return quoteString(string, '\'');
* Utility for formatting which bends a multi-line string into shape for
* outputting it in a context where there is <i>depth</i> tabs. Trailing
* newlines are discarded as well.
* <p>
* Replace "^[\t]*" with "depth" number of tabs.<br>
* Replace "\n+$" with "".
* Replace all "\n[\t]*" with "\n" + "depth" number of tabs.<br>
* </p>
* @param formatted string to sanitize
* @param depth indentation level the string is to be printed at (0,1,2..)
public static String ensureIndent(String formatted, int depth) {
StringBuffer indent = new StringBuffer();
while (depth-- > 0) {
if (formatted == null) {
return indent.toString() + "null";
* Sadly, we can't use java.util.regexp here since it's not supported
* by Foundation 1.1
formatted = doRegExpA(formatted, indent.toString());
formatted = doRegExpB(formatted);
formatted = doRegExpC(formatted, indent.toString());
return formatted;
* Reg.exp substitute:<br/>
* <p/>
* Pattern pat_a = Pattern.compile("\\A\\t*");<br/>
* Matcher m_a = pat_a.matcher(src);<br/>
* src = m_a.replaceFirst(indent.toString());<br/>
* @param src source string in which to substitute indent
* @param indent indentation to lead source
* @return new version of src after substitution
private static String doRegExpA(String src, String indent) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
int idx = 0;
while (idx < src.length() && src.charAt(idx) == '\t') {
return result.toString();
* Reg.exp substitute:<br/>
* <p/>
* Pattern pat_b = Pattern.compile("\\n+\\Z");<br/>
* Matcher m_b = pat_b.matcher(formatted);<br/>
* formatted = m_b.replaceFirst("");<br/>
* @param src source string in which to substitute
* @return new version of src after substitution
private static String doRegExpB(String src) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
int idx = src.length() - 1;
while (idx >= 0 && src.charAt(idx) == '\n') {
result.append(src.substring(0, idx + 1));
return result.toString();
* Reg.exp substitute:<br/>
* <p/>
* Pattern pat_c = Pattern.compile("\\n\\t*");<br/>
* Matcher m_c = pat_c.matcher(formatted);<br/>
* formatted = m_c.replaceAll("\n" + indent.toString());<br/>
* @param src source string in which to substitute indent
* @param indent indentation to lead source
* @return new version of src after substitution
private static String doRegExpC(String src, String indent) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
int idx = 0;
while (idx < src.length()) {
char c = src.charAt(idx);
if (c == '\n') {
int tabidx = idx + 1;
while (tabidx < src.length() && src.charAt(tabidx) == '\t') {
idx = tabidx;
} else {
return result.toString();
* Get the short database name from the canonical name.
public static String shortDBName
String canonicalDBName,
char separatorChar
int lastSep = canonicalDBName.lastIndexOf( separatorChar );
return canonicalDBName.substring( lastSep + 1 );