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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLSmallint
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package org.apache.derby.iapi.types;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
* SQLSmallint satisfies the DataValueDescriptor
* interfaces (i.e., OrderableDataType). It implements a smallint column,
* e.g. for storing a column value; it can be specified
* when constructed to not allow nulls. Nullability cannot be changed
* after construction, as it affects the storage size and mechanism.
* <p>
* Because OrderableDataType is a subtype of ValueColumn,
* SQLSmallint can play a role in either a ValueColumn/Row
* or a OrderableDataType/Row, interchangeably.
* <p>
* We assume the store has a flag for nullness of the value,
* and simply return a 0-length array for the stored form
* when the value is null.
* <p>
* PERFORMANCE: There are likely alot of performance improvements
* possible for this implementation -- it new's Short
* more than it probably wants to.
public final class SQLSmallint
extends NumberDataType
* DataValueDescriptor interface
* (mostly implemented in DataType)
// JDBC is lax in what it permits and what it
// returns, so we are similarly lax
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getInt
public int getInt()
return (int) value;
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure to convert
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getByte
public byte getByte() throws StandardException
if (value > Byte.MAX_VALUE || value < Byte.MIN_VALUE)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE, "TINYINT");
return (byte) value;
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getShort
public short getShort()
return value;
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getLong
public long getLong()
return (long) value;
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getFloat
public float getFloat()
return (float) value;
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getDouble
public double getDouble()
return (double) value;
// for lack of a specification: 0 or null is false,
// all else is true
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getBoolean
public boolean getBoolean()
return (value != 0);
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getString
public String getString()
if (isNull())
return null;
return Short.toString(value);
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getLength
public int getLength()
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getObject
public Object getObject()
if (isNull())
return null;
return (int) value;
// this is for DataType's error generator
public String getTypeName()
return TypeId.SMALLINT_NAME;
* Storable interface, implies Externalizable, TypedFormat
Return my format identifier.
public int getTypeFormatId() {
return StoredFormatIds.SQL_SMALLINT_ID;
* always false for non-nullable columns
@see Storable#isNull
public boolean isNull()
return isnull;
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
// never called when value is null
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(! isNull());
/** @see */
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException {
value = in.readShort();
isnull = false;
* @see Storable#restoreToNull
public void restoreToNull()
value = 0;
isnull = true;
/** @exception StandardException Thrown on error */
protected int typeCompare(DataValueDescriptor arg) throws StandardException
/* neither are null, get the value */
/* Do comparisons with ints to avoid overflow problems */
int thisValue = this.getInt();
int otherValue = arg.getInt();
if (thisValue == otherValue)
return 0;
else if (thisValue > otherValue)
return 1;
return -1;
* DataValueDescriptor interface
/** @see DataValueDescriptor#cloneValue */
public DataValueDescriptor cloneValue(boolean forceMaterialization)
return new SQLSmallint(value, isnull);
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getNewNull
public DataValueDescriptor getNewNull()
return new SQLSmallint();
* @see DataValueDescriptor#setValueFromResultSet
* @exception SQLException Thrown on error
public void setValueFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet, int colNumber,
boolean isNullable)
throws SQLException
try {
value = resultSet.getShort(colNumber);
isnull = (isNullable && resultSet.wasNull());
} catch (SQLException selq) {
int i = resultSet.getInt(colNumber);
value = (short) i;
isnull = false;
Set the value into a PreparedStatement.
@exception SQLException Error setting value in PreparedStatement
public final void setInto(PreparedStatement ps, int position) throws SQLException {
if (isNull()) {
ps.setNull(position, java.sql.Types.SMALLINT);
ps.setShort(position, value);
Set this value into a ResultSet for a subsequent ResultSet.insertRow
or ResultSet.updateRow. This method will only be called for non-null values.
@exception SQLException thrown by the ResultSet object
@exception StandardException thrown by me accessing my value.
public final void setInto(ResultSet rs, int position) throws SQLException, StandardException {
rs.updateShort(position, value);
* class interface
* constructors
No-arg constructor, required by Formattable.
// This constructor also gets used when we are
// allocating space for a short.
public SQLSmallint()
isnull = true;
public SQLSmallint(short val)
value = val;
/* This constructor gets used for the cloneValue() method */
private SQLSmallint(short val, boolean isnull) {
value = val;
this.isnull = isnull;
public SQLSmallint(Short obj) {
if (isnull = (obj == null))
value = obj.shortValue();
@exception StandardException thrown if string not accepted
public void setValue(String theValue)
throws StandardException
if (theValue == null)
value = 0;
isnull = true;
try {
value = Short.valueOf(theValue.trim()).shortValue();
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw invalidFormat();
isnull = false;
public void setValue(short theValue)
value = theValue;
isnull = false;
public void setValue(byte theValue)
value = theValue;
isnull = false;
@exception StandardException if outsideRangeForSmallint
public void setValue(int theValue) throws StandardException
if (theValue > Short.MAX_VALUE || theValue < Short.MIN_VALUE)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE, "SMALLINT");
value = (short)theValue;
isnull = false;
@exception StandardException if outsideRangeForSmallint
public void setValue(long theValue) throws StandardException
if (theValue > Short.MAX_VALUE || theValue < Short.MIN_VALUE)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE, "SMALLINT");
value = (short)theValue;
isnull = false;
* @see NumberDataValue#setValue
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public void setValue(float theValue) throws StandardException
theValue = NumberDataType.normalizeREAL(theValue);
if (theValue > Short.MAX_VALUE || theValue < Short.MIN_VALUE)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE, "SMALLINT");
float floorValue = (float)Math.floor(theValue);
value = (short)floorValue;
isnull = false;
* @see NumberDataValue#setValue
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public void setValue(double theValue) throws StandardException
theValue = NumberDataType.normalizeDOUBLE(theValue);
if (theValue > Short.MAX_VALUE || theValue < Short.MIN_VALUE)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE, "SMALLINT");
double floorValue = Math.floor(theValue);
value = (short)floorValue;
isnull = false;
* @see NumberDataValue#setValue
public void setValue(boolean theValue)
value = theValue?(short)1:(short)0;
isnull = false;
protected void setFrom(DataValueDescriptor theValue) throws StandardException {
* DataValueDescriptor interface
/** @see DataValueDescriptor#typePrecedence */
public int typePrecedence()
** SQL Operators
* The = operator as called from the language module, as opposed to
* the storage module.
* @param left The value on the left side of the =
* @param right The value on the right side of the =
* @return A SQL boolean value telling whether the two parameters are equal
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public BooleanDataValue equals(DataValueDescriptor left,
DataValueDescriptor right)
throws StandardException
return SQLBoolean.truthValue(left,
left.getShort() == right.getShort());
* The &lt;&gt; operator as called from the language module, as opposed to
* the storage module.
* @param left The value on the left side of the operator
* @param right The value on the right side of the operator
* @return A SQL boolean value telling whether the two parameters
* are not equal
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public BooleanDataValue notEquals(DataValueDescriptor left,
DataValueDescriptor right)
throws StandardException
return SQLBoolean.truthValue(left,
left.getShort() != right.getShort());
* The &lt; operator as called from the language module, as opposed to
* the storage module.
* @param left The value on the left side of the operator
* @param right The value on the right side of the operator
* is not.
* @return A SQL boolean value telling whether the first operand is less
* than the second operand
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public BooleanDataValue lessThan(DataValueDescriptor left,
DataValueDescriptor right)
throws StandardException
return SQLBoolean.truthValue(left,
left.getShort() < right.getShort());
* The &gt; operator as called from the language module, as opposed to
* the storage module.
* @param left The value on the left side of the operator
* @param right The value on the right side of the operator
* @return A SQL boolean value telling whether the first operand is greater
* than the second operand
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public BooleanDataValue greaterThan(DataValueDescriptor left,
DataValueDescriptor right)
throws StandardException
return SQLBoolean.truthValue(left,
left.getShort() > right.getShort());
* The &lt;= operator as called from the language module, as opposed to
* the storage module.
* @param left The value on the left side of the operator
* @param right The value on the right side of the operator
* @return A SQL boolean value telling whether the first operand is less
* than or equal to the second operand
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public BooleanDataValue lessOrEquals(DataValueDescriptor left,
DataValueDescriptor right)
throws StandardException
return SQLBoolean.truthValue(left,
left.getShort() <= right.getShort());
* The &gt;= operator as called from the language module, as opposed to
* the storage module.
* @param left The value on the left side of the operator
* @param right The value on the right side of the operator
* @return A SQL boolean value telling whether the first operand is greater
* than or equal to the second operand
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public BooleanDataValue greaterOrEquals(DataValueDescriptor left,
DataValueDescriptor right)
throws StandardException
return SQLBoolean.truthValue(left,
left.getShort() >= right.getShort());
* This method implements the * operator for "smallint * smallint".
* @param left The first value to be multiplied
* @param right The second value to be multiplied
* @param result The result of a previous call to this method, null
* if not called yet
* @return A SQLSmallint containing the result of the multiplication
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public NumberDataValue times(NumberDataValue left,
NumberDataValue right,
NumberDataValue result)
throws StandardException
if (result == null)
result = new SQLSmallint();
if (left.isNull() || right.isNull())
return result;
** Java does not check for overflow with integral types. We have to
** check the result ourselves.
The setValue(int) will perform the overflow check.
int product = left.getShort() * right.getShort();
return result;
mod(smallint, smallint)
public NumberDataValue mod(NumberDataValue dividend,
NumberDataValue divisor,
NumberDataValue result)
throws StandardException
if (result == null)
result = new SQLSmallint();
if (dividend.isNull() || divisor.isNull())
return result;
/* Catch divide by 0 */
short shortDivisor = divisor.getShort();
if (shortDivisor == 0)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);
result.setValue(dividend.getShort() % shortDivisor);
return result;
* This method implements the unary minus operator for smallint.
* @param result The result of a previous call to this method, null
* if not called yet
* @return A SQLSmalllint containing the result of the division
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public NumberDataValue minus(NumberDataValue result)
throws StandardException
if (result == null)
result = new SQLSmallint();
if (this.isNull())
return result;
int operandValue = this.getShort();
return result;
* This method implements the isNegative method.
* @return A boolean. If this.value is negative, return true.
* For positive values or null, return false.
protected boolean isNegative()
return !isNull() && value < 0;
* String display of value
public String toString()
if (isNull())
return "NULL";
return Short.toString(value);
* Hash code
public int hashCode()
return (int) value;
* useful constants...
static final int SMALLINT_LENGTH = 2;
private static final int BASE_MEMORY_USAGE = ClassSize.estimateBaseFromCatalog( SQLSmallint.class);
public int estimateMemoryUsage()
* object state
private short value;
private boolean isnull;