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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.types.SQLDecimal
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package org.apache.derby.iapi.types;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
* SQLDecimal satisfies the DataValueDescriptor
* interfaces (i.e., OrderableDataType). It implements a numeric/decimal column,
* e.g. for * storing a column value; it can be specified
* when constructed to not allow nulls. Nullability cannot be changed
* after construction, as it affects the storage size and mechanism.
* <p>
* Because OrderableDataType is a subtype of DataType,
* SQLDecimal can play a role in either a DataType/Row
* or a OrderableDataType/Row, interchangeably.
* <p>
* We assume the store has a flag for nullness of the value,
* and simply return a 0-length array for the stored form
* when the value is null.
public final class SQLDecimal extends NumberDataType implements VariableSizeDataValue
* object state. Note that scale and precision are
* always determined dynamically from value when
* it is not null.
The field value can be null without the data value being null.
In this case the value is stored in rawData and rawScale. This
is to allow the minimal amount of work to read a SQLDecimal from disk.
Creating the BigDecimal is expensive as it requires allocating
three objects, the last two are a waste in the case the row does
not qualify or the row will be written out by the sorter before being
returned to the application.
This means that this field must be accessed for read indirectly through
the getBigDecimal() method, and when setting it the rawData field must
be set to null.
private BigDecimal value;
See comments for value
private byte[] rawData;
See comments for value
private int rawScale;
private static final int BASE_MEMORY_USAGE = ClassSize.estimateBaseFromCatalog( SQLDecimal.class);
private static final int BIG_DECIMAL_MEMORY_USAGE = ClassSize.estimateBaseFromCatalog( BigDecimal.class);
public int estimateMemoryUsage()
if( null != value)
sz += BIG_DECIMAL_MEMORY_USAGE + (value.unscaledValue().bitLength() + 8)/8;
if( null != rawData)
sz += rawData.length;
return sz;
/** no-arg constructor, required by Formattable */
public SQLDecimal()
public SQLDecimal(BigDecimal val)
value = val;
public SQLDecimal(BigDecimal val, int nprecision, int scale)
throws StandardException
value = val;
if ((value != null) && (scale >= 0))
value = value.setScale(scale, RoundingMode.DOWN);
public SQLDecimal(String val)
value = new BigDecimal(val);
* DataValueDescriptor interface
* (mostly implemented in DataType)
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure to convert
public int getInt() throws StandardException
if (isNull())
return 0;
try {
long lv = getLong();
if ((lv >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) && (lv <= Integer.MAX_VALUE))
return (int) lv;
} catch (StandardException se) {
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE, "INTEGER");
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure to convert
public byte getByte() throws StandardException
if (isNull())
return (byte)0;
try {
long lv = getLong();
if ((lv >= Byte.MIN_VALUE) && (lv <= Byte.MAX_VALUE))
return (byte) lv;
} catch (StandardException se) {
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE, "TINYINT");
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure to convert
public short getShort() throws StandardException
if (isNull())
return (short)0;
try {
long lv = getLong();
if ((lv >= Short.MIN_VALUE) && (lv <= Short.MAX_VALUE))
return (short) lv;
} catch (StandardException se) {
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE, "SMALLINT");
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure to convert
public long getLong() throws StandardException
BigDecimal localValue = getBigDecimal();
if (localValue == null)
return (long)0;
// Valid range for long is
// greater than Long.MIN_VALUE - 1
// *and*
// less than Long.MAX_VALUE + 1
// This ensures that DECIMAL values with an integral value
// equal to the Long.MIN/MAX_VALUE round correctly to those values.
// e.g. 9223372036854775807.1 converts to 9223372036854775807
// this matches DB2 UDB behaviour
if ( (localValue.compareTo(MINLONG_MINUS_ONE) == 1)
&& (localValue.compareTo(MAXLONG_PLUS_ONE) == -1)) {
return localValue.longValue();
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE, "BIGINT");
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure to convert
public float getFloat() throws StandardException
BigDecimal localValue = getBigDecimal();
if (localValue == null)
return (float)0;
// If the BigDecimal is out of range for the float
// then positive or negative infinity is returned.
float value = NumberDataType.normalizeREAL(localValue.floatValue());
return value;
* If we have a value that is greater than the maximum double,
* exception is thrown. Otherwise, ok. If the value is less
* than can be represented by a double, ti will get set to
* the smallest double value.
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure to convert
public double getDouble() throws StandardException
BigDecimal localValue = getBigDecimal();
if (localValue == null)
return (double)0;
// If the BigDecimal is out of range for double
// then positive or negative infinity is returned.
double value = NumberDataType.normalizeDOUBLE(localValue.doubleValue());
return value;
private BigDecimal getBigDecimal()
if ((value == null) && (rawData != null))
value = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(rawData), rawScale);
return value;
* DECIMAL implementation. Convert to a BigDecimal using getObject
* which will return a BigDecimal
public int typeToBigDecimal()
return java.sql.Types.DECIMAL;
// 0 or null is false, all else is true
public boolean getBoolean()
BigDecimal localValue = getBigDecimal();
if (localValue == null)
return false;
return localValue.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0;
public String getString()
BigDecimal localValue = getBigDecimal();
return (localValue == null) ? null : localValue.toPlainString();
public Object getObject()
** BigDecimal is immutable
return getBigDecimal();
* Set the value from a correctly typed BigDecimal object.
* @throws StandardException
void setObject(Object theValue) throws StandardException
setValue((BigDecimal) theValue);
protected void setFrom(DataValueDescriptor theValue) throws StandardException {
public int getLength()
return getDecimalValuePrecision();
// this is for DataType's error generator
public String getTypeName()
return TypeId.DECIMAL_NAME;
* Storable interface, implies Externalizable, TypedFormat
Return my format identifier.
public int getTypeFormatId()
return StoredFormatIds.SQL_DECIMAL_ID;
* see if the decimal value is null.
/** @see Storable#isNull */
public boolean isNull()
return (value == null) && (rawData == null);
* Distill the BigDecimal to a byte array and
* write out: <UL>
* <LI> scale (zero or positive) as a byte </LI>
* <LI> length of byte array as a byte</LI>
* <LI> the byte array </LI> </UL>
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
// never called when value is null
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(! isNull());
int scale;
byte[] byteArray;
if (value != null) {
scale = value.scale();
// J2SE 5.0 introduced negative scale value for BigDecimals.
// In previouse Java releases a negative scale was not allowed
// (threw an exception on setScale and the constructor that took
// a scale).
// Thus the Derby format for DECIMAL implictly assumed a
// positive or zero scale value, and thus now must explicitly
// be positive. This is to allow databases created under J2SE 5.0
// to continue to be supported under JDK 1.3/JDK 1.4, ie. to continue
// the platform independence, independent of OS/cpu and JVM.
// If the scale is negative set the scale to be zero, this results
// in an unchanged value with a new scale. A BigDecimal with a
// negative scale by definition is a whole number.
// e.g. 1000 can be represented by:
// a BigDecimal with scale -3 (unscaled value of 1)
// or a BigDecimal with scale 0 (unscaled value of 1000)
if (scale < 0) {
scale = 0;
value = value.setScale(0);
BigInteger bi = value.unscaledValue();
byteArray = bi.toByteArray();
} else {
scale = rawScale;
byteArray = rawData;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (scale < 0)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("DECIMAL scale at writeExternal is negative "
+ scale + " value " + toString());
* Note the use of rawData: we reuse the array if the
* incoming array is the same length or smaller than
* the array length.
* @see
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException
// clear the previous value to ensure that the
// rawData value will be used
value = null;
rawScale = in.readUnsignedByte();
int size = in.readUnsignedByte();
** Allocate a new array if the data to read
** is larger than the existing array, or if
** we don't have an array yet.
Need to use readFully below and NOT just read because read does not
guarantee getting size bytes back, whereas readFully does (unless EOF).
if ((rawData == null) || size != rawData.length)
rawData = new byte[size];
* @see Storable#restoreToNull
public void restoreToNull()
value = null;
rawData = null;
/** @exception StandardException Thrown on error */
protected int typeCompare(DataValueDescriptor arg) throws StandardException
BigDecimal otherValue = SQLDecimal.getBigDecimal(arg);
return getBigDecimal().compareTo(otherValue);
* DataValueDescriptor interface
* @see DataValueDescriptor#cloneValue
public DataValueDescriptor cloneValue(boolean forceMaterialization)
return new SQLDecimal(getBigDecimal());
* @see DataValueDescriptor#getNewNull
public DataValueDescriptor getNewNull()
return new SQLDecimal();
* @see DataValueDescriptor#setValueFromResultSet
* @exception SQLException Thrown on error
public void setValueFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet, int colNumber,
boolean isNullable)
throws SQLException
value = resultSet.getBigDecimal(colNumber);
rawData = null;
Set the value into a PreparedStatement.
@exception SQLException Error setting value in PreparedStatement
public final void setInto(PreparedStatement ps, int position) throws SQLException {
if (isNull()) {
ps.setNull(position, java.sql.Types.DECIMAL);
ps.setBigDecimal(position, getBigDecimal());
* <B> WARNING </B> there is no checking to make sure
* that theValue doesn't exceed the precision/scale of
* the current SQLDecimal. It is just assumed that the
* SQLDecimal is supposed to take the precision/scale of
* the BigDecimalized String.
* @exception StandardException throws NumberFormatException
* when the String format is not recognized.
public void setValue(String theValue) throws StandardException
rawData = null;
if (theValue == null)
value = null;
theValue = theValue.trim();
value = new BigDecimal(theValue);
rawData = null;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
throw invalidFormat();
* @see NumberDataValue#setValue
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public void setValue(double theValue) throws StandardException
* @see NumberDataValue#setValue
public void setValue(float theValue)
throws StandardException
* @see NumberDataValue#setValue
public void setValue(long theValue)
value = BigDecimal.valueOf(theValue);
rawData = null;
* @see NumberDataValue#setValue
public void setValue(int theValue)
Only to be called when the application sets a value using BigDecimal
through setBigDecimal calls.
public void setBigDecimal(BigDecimal theValue) throws StandardException
Called when setting a DECIMAL value internally or from
through a procedure or function.
Handles long in addition to BigDecimal to handle
identity being stored as a long but returned as a DECIMAL.
public void setValue(Number theValue) throws StandardException
if (SanityManager.ASSERT)
if (theValue != null &&
!(theValue instanceof java.math.BigDecimal) &&
!(theValue instanceof java.lang.Long))
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("SQLDecimal.setValue(Number) passed a " + theValue.getClass());
if (theValue instanceof BigDecimal || theValue == null)
setCoreValue((BigDecimal) theValue);
* @see NumberDataValue#setValue
public void setValue(boolean theValue)
setCoreValue(theValue ? BigDecimal.ONE : BigDecimal.ZERO);
* DataValueDescriptor interface
/** @see DataValueDescriptor#typePrecedence */
public int typePrecedence()
// END DataValueDescriptor interface
private void setCoreValue(BigDecimal theValue)
value = theValue;
rawData = null;
private void setCoreValue(double theValue) {
value = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(theValue));
rawData = null;
* Normalization method - this method may be called when putting
* a value into a SQLDecimal, for example, when inserting into a SQLDecimal
* column. See NormalizeResultSet in execution.
* <p>
* Note that truncation is allowed on the decimal portion
* of a numeric only.
* @param desiredType The type to normalize the source column to
* @param source The value to normalize
* @throws StandardException Thrown for null into
* non-nullable column, and for
* truncation error
public void normalize(
DataTypeDescriptor desiredType,
DataValueDescriptor source)
throws StandardException
int desiredScale = desiredType.getScale();
int desiredPrecision = desiredType.getPrecision();
setWidth(desiredPrecision, desiredScale, true);
** SQL Operators
* This method implements the + operator for DECIMAL.
* @param addend1 One of the addends
* @param addend2 The other addend
* @param result The result of a previous call to this method, null
* if not called yet
* @return A SQLDecimal containing the result of the addition
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public NumberDataValue plus(NumberDataValue addend1,
NumberDataValue addend2,
NumberDataValue result)
throws StandardException
if (result == null)
result = new SQLDecimal();
if (addend1.isNull() || addend2.isNull())
return result;
return result;
* This method implements the - operator for "decimal - decimal".
* @param left The value to be subtracted from
* @param right The value to be subtracted
* @param result The result of a previous call to this method, null
* if not called yet
* @return A SQLDecimal containing the result of the subtraction
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public NumberDataValue minus(NumberDataValue left,
NumberDataValue right,
NumberDataValue result)
throws StandardException
if (result == null)
result = new SQLDecimal();
if (left.isNull() || right.isNull())
return result;
return result;
* This method implements the * operator for "double * double".
* @param left The first value to be multiplied
* @param right The second value to be multiplied
* @param result The result of a previous call to this method, null
* if not called yet
* @return A SQLDecimal containing the result of the multiplication
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public NumberDataValue times(NumberDataValue left,
NumberDataValue right,
NumberDataValue result)
throws StandardException
if (result == null)
result = new SQLDecimal();
if (left.isNull() || right.isNull())
return result;
return result;
* This method implements the / operator for BigDecimal/BigDecimal
* @param dividend The numerator
* @param divisor The denominator
* @param result The result of a previous call to this method, null
* if not called yet
* @return A SQLDecimal containing the result of the division
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public NumberDataValue divide(NumberDataValue dividend,
NumberDataValue divisor,
NumberDataValue result)
throws StandardException
return divide(dividend, divisor, result, -1);
* This method implements the / operator for BigDecimal/BigDecimal
* @param dividend The numerator
* @param divisor The denominator
* @param result The result of a previous call to this method, null
* if not called yet
* @param scale The result scale, if &lt; 0, calculate the scale according
* to the actual values' sizes
* @return A SQLDecimal containing the result of the division
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public NumberDataValue divide(NumberDataValue dividend,
NumberDataValue divisor,
NumberDataValue result,
int scale)
throws StandardException
if (result == null)
result = new SQLDecimal();
if (dividend.isNull() || divisor.isNull())
return result;
BigDecimal divisorBigDecimal = SQLDecimal.getBigDecimal(divisor);
if (divisorBigDecimal.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO);
BigDecimal dividendBigDecimal = SQLDecimal.getBigDecimal(dividend);
** Set the result scale to be either the passed in scale, whcih was
** calculated at bind time to be max(ls+rp-rs+1, 4), where ls,rp,rs
** are static data types' sizes, which are predictable and stable
** (for the whole result set column, eg.); otherwise dynamically
** calculates the scale according to actual values. Beetle 3901
scale > -1 ?
scale :
(dividendBigDecimal.scale() + SQLDecimal.getWholeDigits(divisorBigDecimal) + 1),
return result;
* This method implements the unary minus operator for double.
* @param result The result of a previous call to this method, null
* if not called yet
* @return A SQLDecimal containing the result of the division
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
public NumberDataValue minus(NumberDataValue result)
throws StandardException
if (result == null)
result = new SQLDecimal();
if (this.isNull())
return result;
return result;
* This method implements the isNegative method.
* @return A boolean. If this.value is negative, return true.
* For positive values or null, return false.
protected boolean isNegative()
return !isNull() && (getBigDecimal().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == -1);
* String display of value
public String toString()
if (isNull())
return "NULL";
return getString();
* Hash code
public int hashCode()
long longVal;
BigDecimal localValue = getBigDecimal();
double doubleVal = (localValue != null) ? localValue.doubleValue() : 0;
if (Double.isInfinite(doubleVal))
** This loses the fractional part, but it probably doesn't
** matter for numbers that are big enough to overflow a double -
** it's probably rare for numbers this big to be different only in
** their fractional parts.
longVal = localValue.longValue();
longVal = (long) doubleVal;
if (longVal != doubleVal)
longVal = Double.doubleToLongBits(doubleVal);
return (int) (longVal ^ (longVal >> 32));
// VariableSizeDataValue interface
* Set the precision/scale of the to the desired values.
* Used when CASTing. Ideally we'd recycle normalize(), but
* the use is different.
* @param desiredPrecision the desired precision -- IGNORE_PREICISION
* if it is to be ignored.
* @param desiredScale the desired scale
* @param errorOnTrunc throw error on truncation (ignored --
* always thrown if we truncate the non-decimal part of
* the value)
* @exception StandardException Thrown on non-zero truncation
* if errorOnTrunc is true
public void setWidth(int desiredPrecision,
int desiredScale,
boolean errorOnTrunc)
throws StandardException
if (isNull())
if (desiredPrecision != IGNORE_PRECISION &&
((desiredPrecision - desiredScale) < SQLDecimal.getWholeDigits(getBigDecimal())))
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE,
value = value.setScale(desiredScale, RoundingMode.DOWN);
rawData = null;
* Return the SQL scale of this value, number of digits after the
* decimal point, or zero for a whole number. This does not match the
* return from BigDecimal.scale() since in J2SE 5.0 onwards that can return
* negative scales.
public int getDecimalValuePrecision()
if (isNull())
return 0;
BigDecimal localValue = getBigDecimal();
return SQLDecimal.getWholeDigits(localValue) + getDecimalValueScale();
* Return the SQL scale of this value, number of digits after the
* decimal point, or zero for a whole number. This does not match the
* return from BigDecimal.scale() since in J2SE 5.0 onwards that can return
* negative scales.
public int getDecimalValueScale()
if (isNull())
return 0;
if (value == null)
return rawScale;
int scale = value.scale();
if (scale >= 0)
return scale;
// BigDecimal scale is negative, so number must have no fractional
// part as its value is the unscaled value * 10^-scale
return 0;
* Get a BigDecimal representing the value of a DataValueDescriptor
* @param value Non-null value to be converted
* @return BigDecimal value
* @throws StandardException Invalid conversion or out of range.
public static BigDecimal getBigDecimal(DataValueDescriptor value) throws StandardException
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (value.isNull())
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("NULL value passed to SQLDecimal.getBigDecimal");
switch (value.typeToBigDecimal())
case Types.DECIMAL:
return (BigDecimal) value.getObject();
case Types.CHAR:
try {
return new BigDecimal(value.getString().trim());
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_FORMAT_EXCEPTION, "java.math.BigDecimal");
case Types.BIGINT:
return BigDecimal.valueOf(value.getLong());
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("invalid return from " + value.getClass() + ".typeToBigDecimal() " + value.typeToBigDecimal());
return null;
* Calculate the number of digits to the left of the decimal point
* of the passed in value.
* @param decimalValue Value to get whole digits from, never null.
* @return number of whole digits.
private static int getWholeDigits(BigDecimal decimalValue)
* if ONE > abs(value) then the number of whole digits is 0
decimalValue = decimalValue.abs();
if (BigDecimal.ONE.compareTo(decimalValue) == 1)
return 0;
// precision is the number of digits in the unscaled value,
// subtracting the scale (positive or negative) will give the
// number of whole digits.
return decimalValue.precision() - decimalValue.scale();