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Derby - Class
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import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueFactory;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
A set of static utility methods to work with rows.
A row or partial row is described by two or three parameters.
<LI>DataValueDescriptor[] row - an array of objects, one per column.
<LI>FormatableBitSet validColumns -
an indication of which objects in row map to which columns
These objects can describe a complete row or a partial row. A partial row is
one where a sub-set (e.g. columns 0, 4 and 7) of the columns are supplied
for update, or requested to be fetched on a read. Here's an example
of code to set up a partial column list to fetch the 0th (type FOO),
4th (type BAR), and 7th (type MMM) columns from a row with 10 columns, note
that the format for a partial row changed from a "packed" representation
in the 3.0 release to a "sparse" representation in later releases:
// allocate/initialize the row
DataValueDescriptor row = new DataValueDescriptor[10]
row[0] = new FOO();
row[4] = new BAR();
row[7] = new MMM();
// allocate/initialize the bit set
FormatableBitSet FormatableBitSet = new FormatableBitSet(10);
<BR><B>Column mapping<B><BR>
When validColumns is null:
<LI> The number of columns is given by row.length
<LI> Column N maps to row[N], where column numbers start at zero.
When validColumns is not null, then
<LI> The number of requested columns is given by the number of bits set in
<LI> Column N is not in the partial row if validColumns.isSet(N)
returns false.
<LI> Column N is in the partial row if validColumns.isSet(N) returns true.
<LI> If column N is in the partial row then it maps to row[N].
If N &gt;= row.length then the column is taken as non existent for an
insert or update, and not fetched on a fetch.
If row.length is greater than the number of columns indicated by validColumns
the extra entries are ignored.
public class RowUtil
private RowUtil() {}
An object that can be used on a fetch to indicate no fields
need to be fetched.
public static final DataValueDescriptor[] EMPTY_ROW =
new DataValueDescriptor[0];
An object that can be used on a fetch as a FormatableBitSet to indicate no fields
need to be fetched.
public static final FormatableBitSet EMPTY_ROW_BITSET =
new FormatableBitSet(0);
An object that can be used on a fetch as a FormatableBitSet to indicate no fields
need to be fetched.
public static final FetchDescriptor EMPTY_ROW_FETCH_DESCRIPTOR =
new FetchDescriptor(0);
private static final FetchDescriptor[] ROWUTIL_FETCH_DESCRIPTOR_CONSTANTS =
new FetchDescriptor(1, 1),
new FetchDescriptor(2, 2),
new FetchDescriptor(3, 3),
new FetchDescriptor(4, 4),
new FetchDescriptor(5, 5),
new FetchDescriptor(6, 6),
new FetchDescriptor(7, 7)};
Get the object for a column identifer (0 based) from a complete or
partial row.
@param row the row
@param columnList valid columns in the row
@param columnId which column to return (0 based)
@return the obejct for the column, or null if the column is not represented.
public static DataValueDescriptor getColumn(
DataValueDescriptor[] row,
FormatableBitSet columnList,
int columnId)
if (columnList == null)
return columnId < row.length ? row[columnId] : null;
if (!(columnList.getLength() > columnId && columnList.isSet(columnId)))
return null;
return columnId < row.length ? row[columnId] : null;
public static Object getColumn(
Object[] row,
FormatableBitSet columnList,
int columnId)
if (columnList == null)
return columnId < row.length ? row[columnId] : null;
if (!(columnList.getLength() > columnId && columnList.isSet(columnId)))
return null;
return columnId < row.length ? row[columnId] : null;
Get a FormatableBitSet representing all the columns represented in
a qualifier list.
@return a FormatableBitSet describing the valid columns.
public static FormatableBitSet getQualifierBitSet(Qualifier[][] qualifiers)
FormatableBitSet qualifierColumnList = new FormatableBitSet();
if (qualifiers != null)
for (int i = 0; i < qualifiers.length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < qualifiers[i].length; j++)
int colId = qualifiers[i][j].getColumnId();
// we are about to set bit colId, need length to be colId+1
return qualifierColumnList;
* Get the number of columns represented by a FormatableBitSet.
* <p>
* This is simply a count of the number of bits set in the FormatableBitSet.
* <p>
* @param maxColumnNumber Because the FormatableBitSet.size() can't be used as
* the number of columns, allow caller to tell
* the maximum column number if it knows.
* -1 means caller does not know.
* &gt;=0 number is the largest column number.
* @param columnList valid columns in the row
* @return The number of columns represented in the FormatableBitSet.
public static int getNumberOfColumns(
int maxColumnNumber,
FormatableBitSet columnList)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(columnList != null);
int max_col_number = columnList.getLength();
if (maxColumnNumber > 0 && maxColumnNumber < max_col_number)
max_col_number = maxColumnNumber;
int ret_num_cols = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max_col_number; i++)
if (columnList.isSet(i))
See if a row actually contains no columns.
Returns true if row is null or row.length is zero.
@return true if row is empty.
public static boolean isRowEmpty(
DataValueDescriptor[] row)
if (row == null)
return true;
if (row.length == 0)
return true;
return false;
Return the column number of the first column out of range, or a number
less than zero if all columns are in range.
public static int columnOutOfRange(
DataValueDescriptor[] row,
FormatableBitSet columnList,
int maxColumns)
if (columnList == null) {
if (row.length > maxColumns)
return maxColumns;
return -1;
int size = columnList.getLength();
for (int i = maxColumns; i < size; i++) {
if (columnList.isSet(i))
return i;
return -1;
Get the next valid column after or including start column.
Returns -1 if no valid columns exist after startColumn
public static int nextColumn(
Object[] row,
FormatableBitSet columnList,
int startColumn)
if (columnList != null) {
int size = columnList.getLength();
for (; startColumn < size; startColumn++) {
if (columnList.isSet(startColumn)) {
return startColumn;
return -1;
if (row == null)
return -1;
return startColumn < row.length ? startColumn : -1;
* Return a FetchDescriptor which describes a single column set.
* <p>
* This routine returns one of a set of constant FetchDescriptor's, and
* should not be altered by the caller.
public static final FetchDescriptor getFetchDescriptorConstant(
int single_column_number)
if (single_column_number < ROWUTIL_FETCH_DESCRIPTOR_CONSTANTS.length)
new FetchDescriptor(
single_column_number, single_column_number));
* Public Methods dealing with cloning and row copying util functions
* Generate a template row of DataValueDescriptor's
* <p>
* Generate an array of DataValueDescriptor objects which will be used to
* make calls to newRowFromClassInfoTemplate(), to repeatedly and
* efficiently generate new rows. This is important for certain
* applications like the sorter and fetchSet which generate large numbers
* of "new" empty rows.
* <p>
* @return The new row.
* @param column_list A bit set indicating which columns to include in row.
* @param format_ids an array of format id's, one per column in row.
* @exception StandardException Standard exception policy.
public static DataValueDescriptor[] newTemplate(
DataValueFactory dvf,
FormatableBitSet column_list,
int[] format_ids,
int[] collation_ids)
throws StandardException
int num_cols = format_ids.length;
DataValueDescriptor[] ret_row = new DataValueDescriptor[num_cols];
int column_listSize =
(column_list == null) ? 0 : column_list.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < num_cols; i++)
// does caller want this column?
if ((column_list != null) &&
!((column_listSize > i) &&
// no - column should be skipped.
// yes - create the column
// get empty instance of object identified by the format id.
ret_row[i] = dvf.getNull(format_ids[i], collation_ids[i]);
* Generate an "empty" row from an array of DataValueDescriptor objects.
* <p>
* Generate an array of new'd objects by using the getNewNull()
* method on each of the DataValueDescriptor objects.
* <p>
* @return The new row.
* @param template An array of DataValueDescriptor objects
* each of which can be used to create a new
* instance of the appropriate type to build a
* new empty template row.
* @exception StandardException Standard exception policy.
public static DataValueDescriptor[] newRowFromTemplate(
DataValueDescriptor[] template)
throws StandardException
DataValueDescriptor[] columns =
new DataValueDescriptor[template.length];
for (int column_index = template.length; column_index-- > 0;)
if (template[column_index] != null)
// get empty instance of DataValueDescriptor identified by
// the format id.
columns[column_index] = template[column_index].getNewNull();
return columns;
* return string version of row.
* <p>
* For debugging only.
* @return The string version of row.
* @param row The row.
public static String toString(Object[] row)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
String str = "";
if (row != null)
if (row.length == 0)
str = "empty row";
for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++)
str += "col[" + i + "]=" + row[i];
str = "row is null";
* return string version of a HashTable returned from a FetchSet.
* <p>
* @return The string version of row.
// For debugging only.
public static String toString(Hashtable hash_table)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
String str = "";
Object row_or_vector;
for (Enumeration e = hash_table.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();)
row_or_vector = e.nextElement();
if (row_or_vector instanceof Object[])
// it's a row
str += RowUtil.toString((Object[]) row_or_vector);
str += "\n";
else if (row_or_vector instanceof Vector)
// it's a vector
Vector vec = (Vector) row_or_vector;
for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
str +=
"vec[" + i + "]:" +
RowUtil.toString((Object[]) vec.get(i));
str += "\n";
str += "BAD ENTRY\n";
* Process the qualifier list on the row, return true if it qualifies.
* <p>
* A two dimensional array is to be used to pass around a AND's and OR's in
* conjunctive normal form. The top slot of the 2 dimensional array is
* optimized for the more frequent where no OR's are present. The first
* array slot is always a list of AND's to be treated as described above
* for single dimensional AND qualifier arrays. The subsequent slots are
* to be treated as AND'd arrays or OR's. Thus the 2 dimensional array
* qual[][] argument is to be treated as the following, note if
* qual.length = 1 then only the first array is valid and it is and an
* array of and clauses:
* (qual[0][0] and qual[0][0] ... and qual[0][qual[0].length - 1])
* and
* (qual[1][0] or qual[1][1] ... or qual[1][qual[1].length - 1])
* and
* (qual[2][0] or qual[2][1] ... or qual[2][qual[2].length - 1])
* ...
* and
* (qual[qual.length - 1][0] or qual[1][1] ... or qual[1][2])
* @return true if the row qualifies.
* @param row The row being qualified.
* @param qual_list 2 dimensional array representing conjunctive
* normal form of simple qualifiers.
* @exception StandardException Standard exception policy.
public static final boolean qualifyRow(
DataValueDescriptor[] row,
Qualifier[][] qual_list)
throws StandardException
boolean row_qualifies = true;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(row != null);
// First do the qual[0] which is an array of qualifer terms.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
// routine should not be called if there is no qualifier
SanityManager.ASSERT(qual_list != null);
SanityManager.ASSERT(qual_list.length > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < qual_list[0].length; i++)
// process each AND clause
row_qualifies = false;
// process each OR clause.
Qualifier q = qual_list[0][i];
// Get the column from the possibly partial row, of the
// q.getColumnId()'th column in the full row.
DataValueDescriptor columnValue = row[q.getColumnId()];
row_qualifies =
if (q.negateCompareResult())
row_qualifies = !row_qualifies;
// Once an AND fails the whole Qualification fails - do a return!
if (!row_qualifies)
// all the qual[0] and terms passed, now process the OR clauses
for (int and_idx = 1; and_idx < qual_list.length; and_idx++)
// loop through each of the "and" clause.
row_qualifies = false;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
// Each OR clause must be non-empty.
SanityManager.ASSERT(qual_list[and_idx].length > 0);
for (int or_idx = 0; or_idx < qual_list[and_idx].length; or_idx++)
// Apply one qualifier to the row.
Qualifier q = qual_list[and_idx][or_idx];
int col_id = q.getColumnId();
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
(col_id < row.length),
"Qualifier is referencing a column not in the row.");
// Get the column from the possibly partial row, of the
// q.getColumnId()'th column in the full row.
DataValueDescriptor columnValue = row[q.getColumnId()];
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (columnValue == null)
"1:row = " + RowUtil.toString(row) +
"row.length = " + row.length +
";q.getColumnId() = " + q.getColumnId());
// do the compare between the column value and value in the
// qualifier.
row_qualifies =
if (q.negateCompareResult())
row_qualifies = !row_qualifies;
// SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("StoredPage.qual", "processing qual[" + and_idx + "][" + or_idx + "] = " + qual_list[and_idx][or_idx] );
// SanityManager.DEBUG_PRINT("StoredPage.qual", "value = " + row_qualifies);
// processing "OR" clauses, so as soon as one is true, break
// to go and process next AND clause.
if (row_qualifies)
// The qualifier list represented a set of "AND'd"
// qualifications so as soon as one is false processing is done.
if (!row_qualifies)