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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TriggerDescriptor
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package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Dependent;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Provider;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeUtilities;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.StatementType;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.DependableFinder;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.Dependable;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.DependencyManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Parser;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.Visitable;
* A trigger.
* <p>
* We are dependent on TableDescriptors, SPSDescriptors (for our
* WHEN clause and our action). Note that we don't strictly
* need to be dependent on out SPSes because we could just disallow
* anyone from dropping an sps of type 'T', but to keep dependencies
* uniform, we'll do be dependent.
* <p>
* We are a provider for DML (PreparedStatements or SPSes)
* The public methods for this class are:
* <ol>
* <li>getUUID
* <li>getName
* <li>getSchemaDescriptor
* <li> public boolean listensForEvent(int event);
* <li> public int getTriggerEventMask();
* <li> public Timestamp getCreationTimestamp();
* <li> public boolean isBeforeTrigger();
* <li> public boolean isRowTrigger();
* <li> public UUID getActionId();
* <li> public SPSDescriptor getActionSPS();
* <li> public UUID getWhenClauseId();
* <li> public SPSDescriptor getWhenClauseSPS()
* <li> public String getWhenClauseText();
* <li> public TableDescriptor getTableDescriptor()
* <li> public ReferencedColumns getReferencedColumnsDescriptor()
* <li> public int[] getReferencedCols();
* <li> public int[] getReferencedColsInTriggerAction();
* <li> public boolean enforced();
* <li> public void setEnabled();
* <li> public void setDisabled();
* <li> public boolean needsToFire(int stmtType, int[] modifiedCols)
* <li> public String getTriggerDefinition();
* <li> public boolean getReferencingOld();
* <li> public boolean getReferencingNew();
* <li> public String getOldReferencingName();
* <li> public String getNewReferencingName();
* </ol>
public class TriggerDescriptor extends UniqueSQLObjectDescriptor
implements Provider, Dependent, Formatable
// field that we want users to be able to know about
public static final int SYSTRIGGERS_STATE_FIELD = 8;
public static final int TRIGGER_EVENT_UPDATE = 1;
public static final int TRIGGER_EVENT_DELETE = 2;
public static final int TRIGGER_EVENT_INSERT = 4;
private UUID id;
private String name;
private String oldReferencingName;
private String newReferencingName;
private String triggerDefinition;
private SchemaDescriptor sd;
private int eventMask;
private boolean isBefore;
private boolean isRow;
private boolean referencingOld;
private boolean referencingNew;
private TableDescriptor td;
private UUID actionSPSId;
private SPSDescriptor actionSPS;
private UUID whenSPSId;
private SPSDescriptor whenSPS;
private boolean isEnabled;
private int[] referencedCols;
private int[] referencedColsInTriggerAction;
private Timestamp creationTimestamp;
private UUID triggerSchemaId;
private UUID triggerTableId;
private String whenClauseText;
* Niladic constructor, for formatable
public TriggerDescriptor() {}
* Constructor. Used when creating a trigger from SYS.SYSTRIGGERS
* @param dataDictionary the data dictionary
* @param sd the schema descriptor for this trigger
* @param id the trigger id
* @param name the trigger name
* @param eventMask TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_XXXX
* @param isBefore is this a before (as opposed to after) trigger
* @param isRow is this a row trigger or statement trigger
* @param isEnabled is this trigger enabled or disabled
* @param td the table upon which this trigger is defined
* @param whenSPSId the sps id for the when clause (may be null)
* @param actionSPSId the spsid for the trigger action (may be null)
* @param creationTimestamp when was this trigger created?
* @param referencedCols what columns does this trigger reference (may be null)
* @param referencedColsInTriggerAction what columns does the trigger
* action reference through old/new transition variables
* (may be null)
* @param triggerDefinition The original user text of the trigger action
* @param referencingOld whether or not OLD appears in REFERENCING clause
* @param referencingNew whether or not NEW appears in REFERENCING clause
* @param oldReferencingName old referencing table name, if any, that appears in REFERCING clause
* @param newReferencingName new referencing table name, if any, that appears in REFERCING clause
* @param whenClauseText the SQL text of the WHEN clause, or {@code null}
* if there is no WHEN clause
DataDictionary dataDictionary,
SchemaDescriptor sd,
UUID id,
String name,
int eventMask,
boolean isBefore,
boolean isRow,
boolean isEnabled,
TableDescriptor td,
UUID actionSPSId,
Timestamp creationTimestamp,
int[] referencedCols,
int[] referencedColsInTriggerAction,
String triggerDefinition,
boolean referencingOld,
boolean referencingNew,
String oldReferencingName,
String newReferencingName,
String whenClauseText
super(dataDictionary); = id; = sd; = name;
this.eventMask = eventMask;
this.isBefore = isBefore;
this.isRow = isRow; = td;
this.actionSPSId = actionSPSId;
this.whenSPSId = whenSPSId;
this.isEnabled = isEnabled;
this.referencedCols = referencedCols;
setReferencedColsInTriggerAction( referencedColsInTriggerAction );
this.creationTimestamp = DataTypeUtilities.clone( creationTimestamp );
this.triggerDefinition = triggerDefinition;
this.referencingOld = referencingOld;
this.referencingNew = referencingNew;
this.oldReferencingName = oldReferencingName;
this.newReferencingName = newReferencingName;
this.whenClauseText = whenClauseText;
triggerSchemaId = sd.getUUID();
triggerTableId = td.getUUID();
* Get the trigger UUID
* @return the id
public UUID getUUID()
return id;
* Get the trigger name
* @return the name
public String getName()
return name;
public UUID getTableId() {
return triggerTableId;
* Get the triggers schema descriptor
* @return the schema descriptor
* @exception StandardException on error
public SchemaDescriptor getSchemaDescriptor()
throws StandardException
if (sd == null)
sd = getDataDictionary().getSchemaDescriptor(triggerSchemaId, null);
return sd;
* Indicate whether this trigger listens for this
* type of event.
* @param event TRIGGER_EVENT_XXXX
* @return true if it listens to the specified event.
public boolean listensForEvent(int event)
return (event & eventMask) == event;
* Get the trigger event mask. Currently, a trigger
* may only listen for a single event, though it may
* OR multiple events in the future.
* @return the trigger event mask
public int getTriggerEventMask()
return eventMask;
* Get the time that this trigger was created.
* @return the time the trigger was created
public Timestamp getCreationTimestamp()
return DataTypeUtilities.clone( creationTimestamp );
* Is this a before trigger
* @return true if it is a before trigger
public boolean isBeforeTrigger()
return isBefore;
* Is this a row trigger
* @return true if it is a before trigger
public boolean isRowTrigger()
return isRow;
* Get the trigger action sps UUID
* @return the uuid of the sps action
public UUID getActionId()
return actionSPSId;
* Get the trigger action sps from SYSSTATEMENTS. If we find that
* the sps is invalid and the trigger is defined at row level and it
* has OLD/NEW transient variables through REFERENCES clause, then
* the sps from SYSSTATEMENTS may not be valid anymore. In such a
* case, we regenerate the trigger action sql and use that for the
* sps and update SYSSTATEMENTS using this new sps. This update of
* SYSSTATEMENTS was introduced with DERBY-4874
* @param lcc The LanguageConnectionContext to use.
* @return the trigger action sps
* @exception StandardException on error
public SPSDescriptor getActionSPS(LanguageConnectionContext lcc)
throws StandardException
return getSPS(lcc, false /* isWhenClause */);
* Get the SPS for the triggered SQL statement or the WHEN clause.
* @param lcc the LanguageConnectionContext to use
* @param isWhenClause {@code true} if the SPS for the WHEN clause is
* requested, {@code false} if it is the triggered SQL statement
* @return the requested SPS
* @throws StandardException if an error occurs
private SPSDescriptor getSPS(LanguageConnectionContext lcc,
boolean isWhenClause)
throws StandardException
DataDictionary dd = getDataDictionary();
SPSDescriptor sps = isWhenClause ? whenSPS : actionSPS;
UUID spsId = isWhenClause ? whenSPSId : actionSPSId;
String originalSQL = isWhenClause ? whenClauseText : triggerDefinition;
if (sps == null) {
//bug 4821 - do the sysstatement look up in a nested readonly
//transaction rather than in the user transaction. Because of
//this, the nested compile transaction which is attempting to
//compile the trigger will not run into any locking issues with
//the user transaction for sysstatements.
sps = dd.getSPSDescriptor(spsId);
//We need to regenerate the trigger action sql if
//1)the trigger is found to be invalid,
//2)the trigger is defined at row level (that is the only kind of
// trigger which allows reference to individual columns from
// old/new row)
//3)the trigger action plan has columns that reference
// old/new row columns(if we are working with pre-10.9 db,
// meaning we are in soft-upgrade mode, then we won't have
// information about the actual trigger action columns since
// we didn't keep that info in those releases. For such dbs,
// we will just check if they are using REFERENCING OLD and/or
// NEW clause.)
//This code was added as part of DERBY-4874 where the Alter table
//had changed the length of a varchar column from varchar(30) to
//varchar(64) but the trigger action plan continued to use varchar(30).
//To fix varchar(30) in trigger action sql to varchar(64), we need
//to regenerate the trigger action sql. This new trigger action sql
//will then get updated into SYSSTATEMENTS table.
boolean in10_9_orHigherVersion = dd.checkVersion(DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_9,null);
boolean usesReferencingClause = (in10_9_orHigherVersion) ?
referencedColsInTriggerAction != null :
(referencingOld || referencingNew);
if ((!sps.isValid() ||
(sps.getPreparedStatement() == null)) &&
isRow &&
CompilerContext newCC = lcc.pushCompilerContext(
dd.getSchemaDescriptor(sps.getCompSchemaId(), null));
Parser pa = newCC.getParser();
Visitable stmtnode =
isWhenClause ? pa.parseSearchCondition(originalSQL)
: pa.parseStatement(originalSQL);
int[] cols;
cols = dd.examineTriggerNodeAndCols(stmtnode,
String newText = dd.getTriggerActionString(stmtnode,
if (isWhenClause) {
// The WHEN clause is not a full SQL statement, just a search
// condition, so we need to turn it into a statement in order
// to create an SPS.
newText = "VALUES " + newText;
//By this point, we are finished transforming the trigger action if
//it has any references to old/new transition variables.
return sps;
* Get the trigger when clause sps UUID
* @return the uuid of the sps action
public UUID getWhenClauseId()
return whenSPSId;
* Get the SQL text of the WHEN clause.
* @return SQL text for the WHEN clause, or {@code null} if there is
* no WHEN clause
public String getWhenClauseText() {
return whenClauseText;
* Get the trigger when clause sps
* @param lcc the LanguageConnectionContext to use
* @return the sps of the when clause
* @exception StandardException on error
public SPSDescriptor getWhenClauseSPS(LanguageConnectionContext lcc)
throws StandardException
if (whenSPSId == null) {
// This trigger doesn't have a WHEN clause.
return null;
return getSPS(lcc, true /* isWhenClause */);
* Get the trigger table descriptor
* @return the table descripor upon which this trigger
* is declared
* @exception StandardException on error
public TableDescriptor getTableDescriptor()
throws StandardException
if (td == null)
td = getDataDictionary().getTableDescriptor(triggerTableId);
return td;
* Get the referenced table descriptor for this trigger.
* @return the referenced table descriptor
* @exception StandardException on error
// caller converts referencedCols to referencedColsDescriptor...
// public ReferencedColumns getReferencedColumnsDescriptor()
// throws StandardException
// {
// return (referencedCols == null) ?
// (ReferencedColumns)null :
// new ReferencedColumnsDescriptorImpl(referencedCols);
// }
* Get the referenced column array for this trigger, used in "alter table
* drop column", we get the handle and change it
* @return the referenced column array
public int[] getReferencedCols()
return ArrayUtil.copy( referencedCols );
/** Update the array of referenced columns */
public void setReferencedCols( int[] newCols )
referencedCols = ArrayUtil.copy( newCols );
* Get the referenced column array for the trigger action columns.
* @return the referenced column array
public int[] getReferencedColsInTriggerAction()
return ArrayUtil.copy( referencedColsInTriggerAction );
/** Set the referenced column array for trigger actions */
public void setReferencedColsInTriggerAction( int[] referencedColsInTriggerAction )
this.referencedColsInTriggerAction = ArrayUtil.copy( referencedColsInTriggerAction );
* Is this trigger enforced
* @return true if it is enforced
public boolean isEnabled()
return isEnabled;
* Mark this trigger as enforced
public void setEnabled()
isEnabled = true;
* Mark this trigger as disabled
public void setDisabled()
isEnabled = false;
* Does this trigger need to fire on this type of
* DML?
* @param stmtType the type of DML
* (StatementType.INSERT|StatementType.UPDATE|StatementType.DELETE)
* @param modifiedCols the columns modified, or null for all
* @return true/false
* @exception StandardException on error
public boolean needsToFire(int stmtType, int[] modifiedCols)
throws StandardException
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (!((stmtType == StatementType.INSERT) ||
(stmtType == StatementType.BULK_INSERT_REPLACE) ||
(stmtType == StatementType.UPDATE) ||
(stmtType == StatementType.DELETE)))
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("invalid statement type "+stmtType);
** If we are disabled, we never fire
if (!isEnabled)
return false;
if (stmtType == StatementType.INSERT)
return (eventMask & TRIGGER_EVENT_INSERT) == eventMask;
if (stmtType == StatementType.DELETE)
return (eventMask & TRIGGER_EVENT_DELETE) == eventMask;
// this is a temporary restriction, but it may not be lifted
// anytime soon.
if (stmtType == StatementType.BULK_INSERT_REPLACE)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_NO_BULK_INSERT_REPLACE_WITH_TRIGGER,
getTableDescriptor().getQualifiedName(), name);
// if update, only relevant if columns intersect
return ((eventMask & TRIGGER_EVENT_UPDATE) == eventMask) &&
ConstraintDescriptor.doColumnsIntersect(modifiedCols, referencedCols);
* Get the original trigger definition.
* @return The trigger definition.
public String getTriggerDefinition()
return triggerDefinition;
* Get whether or not OLD was replaced
* in the REFERENCING clause.
* @return Whether or not OLD was replaced
* in the REFERENCING clause.
public boolean getReferencingOld()
return referencingOld;
* Get whether or not NEW was replaced
* in the REFERENCING clause.
* @return Whether or not NEW was replaced
* in the REFERENCING clause.
public boolean getReferencingNew()
return referencingNew;
* Get the old Referencing name, if any,
* from the REFERENCING clause.
* @return The old Referencing name, if any,
* from the REFERENCING clause.
public String getOldReferencingName()
return oldReferencingName;
* Get the new Referencing name, if any,
* from the REFERENCING clause.
* @return The new Referencing name, if any,
* from the REFERENCING clause.
public String getNewReferencingName()
return newReferencingName;
public String toString()
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
return "TRIGGER: "+name;
return "";
* @return the stored form of this provider
* @see Dependable#getDependableFinder
public DependableFinder getDependableFinder()
return getDependableFinder(StoredFormatIds.TRIGGER_DESCRIPTOR_FINDER_V01_ID);
* Return the name of this Provider. (Useful for errors.)
* @return String The name of this provider.
public String getObjectName()
return name;
* Get the provider's UUID
* @return The provider's UUID
public UUID getObjectID()
return id;
* Get the provider's type.
* @return char The provider's type.
public String getClassType()
return Dependable.TRIGGER;
// Triggers are dependent on the underlying table,
// and their spses (for the trigger action and the WHEN
// clause).
* Check that all of the dependent's dependencies are valid.
* @return true if the dependent is currently valid
public synchronized boolean isValid()
return true;
* Prepare to mark the dependent as invalid (due to at least one of
* its dependencies being invalid).
* @param action The action causing the invalidation
* @param p the provider
* @param lcc the language connection context
* @exception StandardException thrown if unable to make it invalid
public void prepareToInvalidate
Provider p,
int action,
LanguageConnectionContext lcc
) throws StandardException
switch (action)
** We are dependent on the underlying table, our SPSs, any tables
** or other SQL objects that are referenced from the trigger, and
** privileges on various objects. (we should be dropped before our
** table is dropped. Also, we should be dropped before revoke
** RESTRICT privilege is issued otherwise revoke RESTRICT will
** throw an exception).
** Currently, in Derby, an execute routine privilege can be revoked
** only if there are no dependents on that privilege. When revoke
** execute RESTRICT is exectued, all the dependents will receive
** REVOKE_PRIVILEGE_RESTRICT and they should throw exception.
** We handle this for TriggerDescriptor by throwning an exception
** below. For all the other types of revoke privileges, for
** TRIGGER, we don't do anything here and later in makeInvalid, we
** make the TriggerDescriptor drop itself.
case DependencyManager.DROP_TABLE:
case DependencyManager.DROP_SYNONYM:
case DependencyManager.DROP_SPS:
case DependencyManager.DROP_VIEW:
case DependencyManager.RENAME:
case DependencyManager.DROP_METHOD_ALIAS:
DependencyManager dm = getDataDictionary().getDependencyManager();
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_PROVIDER_HAS_DEPENDENT_OBJECT,
p.getObjectName(), "TRIGGER", name);
** The trigger descriptor depends on the trigger table.
** This means that we get called whenever anything happens
** to the trigger table. There are so many cases where this
** can happen that it doesn't make sense to have an assertion
** here to check whether the action was expected (it makes
** the code hard to maintain, and creates a big switch statement).
* Mark the dependent as invalid (due to at least one of
* its dependencies being invalid). Always an error
* for a trigger -- should never have gotten here.
* @param lcc the language connection context
* @param action The action causing the invalidation
* @exception StandardException thrown if called in sanity mode
public void makeInvalid(int action, LanguageConnectionContext lcc) throws StandardException
// No sanity check for valid action. Trigger descriptors depend on
// the trigger table, so there is a very large number of actions
// that we would have to check against. This is hard to maintain,
// so don't bother.
switch (action)
// invalidate this trigger descriptor
case DependencyManager.USER_RECOMPILE_REQUEST:
DependencyManager dm = getDataDictionary().getDependencyManager();
dm.invalidateFor(this, DependencyManager.PREPARED_STATEMENT_RELEASE, lcc);
// When REVOKE_PRIVILEGE gets sent (this happens for privilege
// make the TriggerDescriptor drop itself.
// Ditto for revoking a role conferring a privilege.
case DependencyManager.REVOKE_PRIVILEGE:
case DependencyManager.REVOKE_ROLE:
this.getObjectName() ));
public void drop(LanguageConnectionContext lcc) throws StandardException
DataDictionary dd = getDataDictionary();
DependencyManager dm = getDataDictionary().getDependencyManager();
TransactionController tc = lcc.getTransactionExecute();
dm.invalidateFor(this, DependencyManager.DROP_TRIGGER, lcc);
// Drop the trigger
dd.dropTriggerDescriptor(this, tc);
// Clear the dependencies for the trigger
dm.clearDependencies(lcc, this);
// Drop the spses
SPSDescriptor spsd = dd.getSPSDescriptor(this.getActionId());
// there shouldn't be any dependencies, but in case
// there are, lets clear them
dm.invalidateFor(spsd, DependencyManager.DROP_TRIGGER, lcc);
dm.clearDependencies(lcc, spsd);
dd.dropSPSDescriptor(spsd, tc);
if (getWhenClauseId() != null)
spsd = dd.getSPSDescriptor(getWhenClauseId());
dm.invalidateFor(spsd, DependencyManager.DROP_TRIGGER, lcc);
dm.clearDependencies(lcc, spsd);
dd.dropSPSDescriptor(spsd, tc);
* Read this object from a stream of stored objects.
* @param in read this.
* @exception IOException thrown on error
* @exception ClassNotFoundException thrown on error
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
id = (UUID)in.readObject();
name = (String)in.readObject();
triggerSchemaId = (UUID)in.readObject();
triggerTableId = (UUID)in.readObject();
eventMask = in.readInt();
isBefore = in.readBoolean();
isRow = in.readBoolean();
isEnabled = in.readBoolean();
whenSPSId = (UUID)in.readObject();
actionSPSId = (UUID)in.readObject();
int length = in.readInt();
if (length != 0)
referencedCols = new int[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
referencedCols[i] = in.readInt();
length = in.readInt();
if (length != 0)
referencedColsInTriggerAction = new int[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
referencedColsInTriggerAction[i] = in.readInt();
triggerDefinition = (String)in.readObject();
referencingOld = in.readBoolean();
referencingNew = in.readBoolean();
oldReferencingName = (String)in.readObject();
newReferencingName = (String)in.readObject();
whenClauseText = (String) in.readObject();
protected DataDictionary getDataDictionary()
note: we need to do this since when this trigger is read back from
disk (when it is associated with a sps), the dataDictionary has not
been initialized and therefore can give a NullPointerException
DataDictionary dd = super.getDataDictionary();
if (dd == null)
LanguageConnectionContext lcc = (LanguageConnectionContext)
dd = lcc.getDataDictionary();
return dd;
* Write this object to a stream of stored objects.
* @param out write bytes here.
* @exception IOException thrown on error
public void writeExternal( ObjectOutput out )
throws IOException
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(triggerSchemaId != null,
"triggerSchemaId expected to be non-null");
SanityManager.ASSERT(triggerTableId != null,
"triggerTableId expected to be non-null");
if (referencedCols == null)
for (int i = 0; i < referencedCols.length; i++)
if (referencedColsInTriggerAction == null)
for (int i = 0; i < referencedColsInTriggerAction.length; i++)
* Get the formatID which corresponds to this class.
* @return the formatID of this class
public int getTypeFormatId() {
return StoredFormatIds.TRIGGER_DESCRIPTOR_V01_ID;
/** @see TupleDescriptor#getDescriptorType */
public String getDescriptorType()
return "Trigger";
/** @see TupleDescriptor#getDescriptorName */
public String getDescriptorName() { return name; }
* Privileged lookup of a Context. Must be private so that user code
* can't call this entry point.
private static Context getContext( final String contextID )
if ( System.getSecurityManager() == null )
return ContextService.getContext( contextID );
return AccessController.doPrivileged
new PrivilegedAction<Context>()
public Context run()
return ContextService.getContext( contextID );