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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.KeyConstraintDescriptor
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package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
* This interface is used to get information from a KeyConstraintDescriptor.
* A KeyConstraintDescriptor can represent a primary/unique/foreign key
* constraint.
* @version 0.1
public abstract class KeyConstraintDescriptor extends ConstraintDescriptor
/** interface to this class:
<li>public UUID getIndexId();</li>
<li>public ConglomerateDescriptor getIndexConglomerateDescriptor(DataDictionary dd)</li>
throws StandardException;</li>
<li>public String getIndexUUIDString();</li>
<li>public int[] getKeyColumns();</li>
// implementation
UUID indexId;
private ConglomerateDescriptor indexConglom;
* Constructor for a KeyConstraintDescriptor
* @param dataDictionary The data dictionary that this descriptor lives in
* @param table The descriptor of the table the constraint is on
* @param constraintName The name of the constraint.
* @param deferrable If the constraint can be deferred.
* @param initiallyDeferred If the constraint starts life deferred.
* @param referencedColumns columns that the constraint references
* @param constraintId UUID of constraint
* @param indexId The UUID for the backing index
* @param schemaDesc The SchemaDescriptor for the constraint
* @param enforced {@code true} if this constraint is enforced
DataDictionary dataDictionary,
TableDescriptor table,
String constraintName,
boolean deferrable,
boolean initiallyDeferred,
int[] referencedColumns,
UUID constraintId,
UUID indexId,
SchemaDescriptor schemaDesc,
boolean enforced
super(dataDictionary, table, constraintName, deferrable,
initiallyDeferred, referencedColumns,
constraintId, schemaDesc, enforced);
this.indexId = indexId;
* Gets the UUID of the backing index for the constraint.
* @return The UUID of the backing index for the constraint.
public UUID getIndexId()
return indexId;
* Gets the index conglomerate descriptor
* @return the index conglomerate descriptor
* @exception StandardException on error
public ConglomerateDescriptor getIndexConglomerateDescriptor(DataDictionary dd)
throws StandardException
if (indexConglom == null)
indexConglom = getTableDescriptor().getConglomerateDescriptor(indexId);
return indexConglom;
* Gets the UUID String of the backing index for the constraint.
* @return The UUID String of the backing index for the constraint.
public String getIndexUUIDString()
return indexId.toString();
* Does this constraint have a backing index?
* @return boolean Whether or not there is a backing index for this constraint.
public boolean hasBackingIndex()
return true;
* Get the UUID of the backing index, if one exists.
* @return The UUID of the backing index, if one exists, else null.
public UUID getConglomerateId()
return indexId;
* Convert the SubConstraintDescriptor to a String.
* @return A String representation of this SubConstraintDescriptor
public String toString()
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
return "indexId: " + indexId + "\n" +
return "";