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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DDUtils
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package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.StatementType;
* Static Data dictionary utilities.
* @version 0.1
public class DDUtils
** For a foreign key, this is used to locate the referenced
** key using the ConstraintInfo. If it doesn't find the
** correct constraint it will throw an error.
public static ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor locateReferencedConstraint
DataDictionary dd,
TableDescriptor td,
String myConstraintName, // for error messages
String[] myColumnNames,
ConsInfo otherConstraintInfo
throws StandardException
TableDescriptor refTd = otherConstraintInfo.getReferencedTableDescriptor(dd);
if (refTd == null)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_INVALID_FK_NO_REF_TAB,
ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor refCd;
String[] refColumnNames = otherConstraintInfo.getReferencedColumnNames();
if (refColumnNames == null ||
refColumnNames.length == 0)
** There were no column names specified, just find
** the primary key on the table in question
refCd = refTd.getPrimaryKey();
if (refCd == null)
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_INVALID_FK_NO_PK,
ColumnDescriptorList cdl = getColumnDescriptors(dd, td, myColumnNames);
** Check the column list length to give a more informative
** error in case they aren't the same.
if (cdl.size() != refCd.getColumnDescriptors().size())
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_INVALID_FK_DIFFERENT_COL_COUNT,
myConstraintName, String.valueOf(cdl.size()),
** Make sure all types are the same.
if (!refCd.areColumnsComparable(cdl))
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_INVALID_FK_COL_TYPES_DO_NOT_MATCH,
return refCd;
** Check the referenced columns vs. each unique or primary key to
** see if they match the foreign key.
ConstraintDescriptor cd;
ColumnDescriptorList colDl = getColumnDescriptors(dd, td, myColumnNames);
ConstraintDescriptorList refCDL = dd.getConstraintDescriptors(refTd);
int refCDLSize = refCDL.size();
for (int index = 0; index < refCDLSize; index++)
cd = refCDL.elementAt(index);
** Matches if it is not a check or fk, and
** all the types line up.
if ((cd instanceof ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor) &&
cd.areColumnsComparable(colDl) &&
if (cd.deferrable()) {
final int onDelete = otherConstraintInfo.
if (onDelete == StatementType.RA_CASCADE ||
onDelete == StatementType.RA_SETNULL) {
// DERBY-532: Not yet implemented
throw StandardException.newException(
return (ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor)cd;
** If we got here, we didn't find anything
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_INVALID_FK_NO_REF_KEY, myConstraintName,
public static ColumnDescriptorList getColumnDescriptors
DataDictionary dd,
TableDescriptor td,
String[] columnNames
throws StandardException
ColumnDescriptorList cdl = new ColumnDescriptorList();
for (int colCtr = 0; colCtr < columnNames.length; colCtr++)
ColumnDescriptor cd = td.getColumnDescriptor(columnNames[colCtr]);
cdl.add(td.getUUID(), cd);
return cdl;
public static boolean columnNamesMatch(String []columnNames, ColumnDescriptorList cdl)
throws StandardException
if (columnNames.length != cdl.size())
return false;
for (int index = 0; index < columnNames.length; index++)
String name = cdl.elementAt(index).getColumnName();
if (!name.equals(columnNames[index]))
return false;
return true;
**checks whether the foreign key relation ships referential action
**is violating the restrictions we have in the current system.
public static void validateReferentialActions
DataDictionary dd,
TableDescriptor td,
String myConstraintName, // for error messages
ConsInfo otherConstraintInfo,
String[] columnNames
throws StandardException
int refAction = otherConstraintInfo.getReferentialActionDeleteRule();
//Do not allow ON DELETE SET NULL as a referential action
//if none of the foreign key columns are nullable.
if(refAction == StatementType.RA_SETNULL)
boolean foundNullableColumn = false;
//check if we have a nullable foreign key column
for (int colCtr = 0; colCtr < columnNames.length; colCtr++)
ColumnDescriptor cd = td.getColumnDescriptor(columnNames[colCtr]);
if ((cd.getType().isNullable()))
foundNullableColumn = true;
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_INVALID_FK_COL_FOR_SETNULL,
//check whether the foreign key relation ships referential action
//is not violating the restrictions we have in the current system.
TableDescriptor refTd = otherConstraintInfo.getReferencedTableDescriptor(dd);
Hashtable<String,Integer> deleteConnHashtable = new Hashtable<String,Integer>();
//find whether the foreign key is self referencing.
boolean isSelfReferencingFk = (refTd.getUUID().equals(td.getUUID()));
String refTableName = refTd.getSchemaName() + "." + refTd.getName();
//look for the other foreign key constraints on this table first
int currentSelfRefValue = getCurrentDeleteConnections(dd, td, -1, deleteConnHashtable, false, true);
validateDeleteConnection(dd, td, refTd,
new Hashtable<String, Integer>(deleteConnHashtable),
true, myConstraintName, false ,
new StringBuffer(0), refTableName,
//if it not a selfreferencing key check for violation of exiting connections.
checkForAnyExistingDeleteConnectionViolations(dd, td,
* Finds the existing delete connection for the table and the referential
* actions that will occur and stores the information in the hash table.
* HashTable (key , value) = ( table name that this table is delete
* connected to, referential action that will occur if there is a delete on
* the table this table connected to [CASCADE, SET NULL, RESTRICT, NO
private static int getCurrentDeleteConnections
DataDictionary dd,
TableDescriptor td,
int refActionType,
Hashtable<String,Integer> dch,
boolean prevNotCascade,
boolean findSelfRef
throws StandardException
int selfRefValue = -1; //store the self reference referential action
//make sure we get any foreign key constraints added earlier in the same statement.
ConstraintDescriptorList cdl = dd.getConstraintDescriptors(td);
int cdlSize = cdl.size();
boolean passedInPrevNotCascade = prevNotCascade;
for (int index = 0; index < cdlSize; index++)
ConstraintDescriptor cd = cdl.elementAt(index);
//look for foreign keys
if ((cd instanceof ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor))
ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor fkcd = (ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor) cd;
String constraintName = fkcd.getConstraintName();
int raDeleteRule = fkcd.getRaDeleteRule();
int raUpdateRule = fkcd.getRaUpdateRule();
if(findSelfRef && fkcd.isSelfReferencingFK())
//All self references will have same referential actions type
selfRefValue = raDeleteRule;
findSelfRef = false;
ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor refcd =
TableDescriptor refTd = refcd.getTableDescriptor();
int childRefAction = refActionType == -1 ? raDeleteRule : refActionType;
String refTableName = refTd.getSchemaName() + "." + refTd.getName();
//check with the existing references.
Integer rAction = dch.get(refTableName);
if(rAction != null) // we already looked at this table
prevNotCascade = passedInPrevNotCascade;
//if we are not cascading, check whether the link before
//this was cascade or not. If we travel through two NON CASCADE ACTION
//links then the delete connection is broken(only a delete can have further
// referential effects)
if(raDeleteRule != StatementType.RA_CASCADE)
prevNotCascade = passedInPrevNotCascade;
prevNotCascade = true;
//store the delete connection info in the hash table,
//note that the referential action value is not what is
//not specified on the current link. It is actually the
//value of what happens to the table whose delete
// connections we are finding.
dch.put(refTableName, Integer.valueOf(childRefAction));
//find the next delete conectiions on this path for non
//self referencig delete connections.
getCurrentDeleteConnections(dd , refTd, childRefAction,
dch, true, false);
prevNotCascade = passedInPrevNotCascade;
return selfRefValue;
* The following function validates whether the new foreign key relationship
* violates any restriction on the referential actions. The current
* refAction implementation does not allow cases where we can possible land
* up having multiple action for the same row in a table. This could happen
* because the user can possibly define different actions through multiple
* foreign key paths. The following function throws an error while creating
* foreign keys if the new releationship leads to any such conditions.
* NOTE: The SQL99 standard also does not clearly says what we are supposed
* to do in these cases. Our implementation just follows what is done in
* DB2 and throws error messaged similar to DB2 (sql0632N, sql0633N,
* sql0634N).
private static void validateDeleteConnection
DataDictionary dd,
TableDescriptor actualTd, // the table we are adding the foriegn key.
TableDescriptor refTd,
int refActionType,
Hashtable<String,Integer> dch,
Hashtable<String,Integer> ech, //existing delete connections
boolean checkImmediateRefTable,
String myConstraintName,
boolean prevNotCascade,
StringBuffer cycleString,
String currentRefTableName, //the name of the table we are referring too.
boolean isSelfReferencingFk,
int currentSelfRefValue
throws StandardException
Integer rAction;
** Validate the new referentail action value with respect to the
** already existing connections to this table we gathered from
** the getCurrentDeleteConnections() call.
String refTableName = refTd.getSchemaName() + "." + refTd.getName();
rAction = dch.get(refTableName);
// check possible invalide cases incase of self referencing foreign key
//All the relation ship referring to a table should have the
//same refaction except incase of SET NULL. In this case
//it is the same table , so we have to check with existing self
//referencing actions.
if(currentSelfRefValue != -1)
if(currentSelfRefValue != refActionType)
//If there is a SET NULL relation ship we can not have any
// other relation ship with it.
if(currentSelfRefValue == StatementType.RA_SETNULL)
myConstraintName, currentRefTableName);
** case where we can cleary say what the
** referential actions should be. Like,
** if there is NO ACTION relationsip
**already, new relation ship also shold be NO ACTION.
myConstraintName, currentSelfRefValue);
//more than one ON DELET SET NULL to the same table is not allowed
if(currentSelfRefValue == StatementType.RA_SETNULL &&
refActionType == StatementType.RA_SETNULL)
myConstraintName, currentRefTableName);
** If the new releation ship is self referencing and if
** the current existing relation ship to other tables is
** CASCADE type them new self reference should be of type
** CASCADE, otherwise we should throw error.
if( isSelfReferencingFk &&
dch.contains(Integer.valueOf(StatementType.RA_CASCADE)) &&
refActionType != StatementType.RA_CASCADE)
//end of possible error case scenarios for self reference key additions
//cases where the new reference is referring to another table
//check whether it matched with existing self references.
// If A self-referencing constraint exists with a delete rule of
// relationship with another table.
if(currentSelfRefValue != -1)
if(refActionType == StatementType.RA_CASCADE &&
currentSelfRefValue != StatementType.RA_CASCADE)
throw generateError(SQLState.LANG_DELETE_RULE_CANT_BE_CASCADE_ESELF, myConstraintName);
//check for the cases with existing relationships to the
//referenced table
if(rAction != null)
//mark the current connect to the reference table to identify the cycle.
if(refActionType != StatementType.RA_CASCADE)
prevNotCascade = true;
** cycle string is used to keep track of the referential actions of
** the nodes we visited, this is required to make sure that in case
** of cycles , all the nodes in the cycle have same type of
** referential action.
boolean passedInPrevNotCascade = prevNotCascade;
//delete connection is broken for if we see ON DELET SET NULL link
// one level deeper than the table we are adding the foreing key
//Where as to check for cycles we need to go for more level also;
// To check cases like CASCADE CASCADE SET NULL cycle is not valid.
//Following variable is used make the distinction.
boolean multiPathCheck = true;
// check for cases where the new connection we are forming to the
// reference table could create invalid any cycles or mutiple paths
// with the delete-connections the referencing table might have already.
ConstraintDescriptorList refCDL = dd.getConstraintDescriptors(refTd);
int refCDLSize = refCDL.size();
for (int index = 0; index < refCDLSize; index++)
ConstraintDescriptor cd = refCDL.elementAt(index);
if ((cd instanceof ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor))
ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor fkcd = (ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor) cd;
String constraintName = fkcd.getConstraintName();
int raDeleteRule = fkcd.getRaDeleteRule();
int raUpdateRule = fkcd.getRaUpdateRule();
ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor refcd =
TableDescriptor nextRefTd = refcd.getTableDescriptor();
//if we are not cascading, check whether the link before
//this was cascade or not. If we travel through two NON CASCADE ACTION
//links then the delete connection is broken(only a delete can have further
//referential effects)
if(raDeleteRule != StatementType.RA_CASCADE)
prevNotCascade = passedInPrevNotCascade;
prevNotCascade = true;
multiPathCheck = false;
//check whether the current link is a self referencing one
boolean isSelfRefLink = fkcd.isSelfReferencingFK();
//check for this is non self referencing cycles case
//In cases of cycle, whole cycle should have the same refAction
// value. Other wise we should throw an exception
boolean isFormingCycle = (nextRefTd.getUUID().equals(actualTd.getUUID()));
//make sure that all the nodes in the cycle have the same
//referential action value, otherwise we should throw an error.
for(int i = 0 ; i < cycleString.length(); i++)
int otherRefAction = Character.getNumericValue(cycleString.charAt(i));
if(otherRefAction != refActionType)
//cases where one of the existing relation ships in
//the cycle is not cascade , so we can not have
// cascade relation ship.
if(otherRefAction != StatementType.RA_CASCADE)
throw generateError(SQLState.LANG_DELETE_RULE_CANT_BE_CASCADE_ECYCLE, myConstraintName);
//possibly all the other nodes in the cycle has
//cascade relationsship , we can not add a non
//cascade relation ship.
myConstraintName, currentRefTableName);
String nextRefTableName = nextRefTd.getSchemaName() + "." + nextRefTd.getName();
rAction = ech.get(nextRefTableName);
if(rAction != null)
** If the table name has entry in the hash table means, there
** is already a path to this table exists from the table
** the new foreign key relation ship is being formed.
** Note: refValue in the hash table is how the table we are
** adding the new relationsship is going to affected not
** current path refvalue.
if(!isSelfRefLink && multiPathCheck)
rAction = dch.get(nextRefTableName);
if(rAction == null)
if (multiPathCheck) {
validateDeleteConnection(dd, actualTd, nextRefTd,
refActionType, dch, ech, false,
cycleString, currentRefTableName,
isSelfReferencingFk, currentSelfRefValue);
prevNotCascade = passedInPrevNotCascade;
//removes the char added for the current call
cycleString.setLength(cycleString.length() -1);
**Check whether the mulitple path case is valid or not following
** cases are invalid:
** case 1: The relationship causes the table to be delete-connected to
** the indicated table through multiple relationships and the
** delete rule of the existing relationship is SET NULL.
** case 2: The relationship would cause the table to be
** delete-connected to the same table through multiple
** relationships and such relationships must have the same
** delete rule (NO ACTION, RESTRICT or CASCADE).
** case 3: The relationship would cause another table to be
** delete-connected to the same table through multiple paths
** with different delete rules or with delete rule equal to SET NULL.
private static void checkForMultiplePathInvalidCases(int currentRefAction,
int refActionType,
String myConstraintName,
String currentRefTableName)
throws StandardException
//All the relation ship referring to a table should have the
//same refaction except incase of SET NULL
if(currentRefAction != refActionType)
//If there is a SET NULL relation ship we can not have any
// other relation ship with it.
if(currentRefAction == StatementType.RA_SETNULL)
throw generateError(SQLState.LANG_CANT_BE_DEPENDENT_MPATH,
myConstraintName, currentRefTableName);
//This error say what the delete rule must be for the
// foreign key be valid
myConstraintName, currentRefAction);
//more than one ON DELET SET NULL to the same table is not allowed
if(currentRefAction == StatementType.RA_SETNULL &&
refActionType == StatementType.RA_SETNULL)
myConstraintName, currentRefTableName);
** Check whether the delete rule of FOREIGN KEY must not be CASCADE because
** the new relationship would cause another table to be delete-connected to
** the same table through multiple paths with different delete rules or with
** delete rule equal to SET NULL.
** For example :
** t1
** / \
** t2 t3
** \ /
** SET NULL \ / CASCADE (Can we add this one ? NO)
** \ /
** existing links:
** t2 references t1 ON DELETE CASCADE (fkey1)
** t3 references t1 ON DELETE CASCADE (fkey2)
** t2 reference t4 ON DELETE SET NULL (fkey3)
** Now if if try to add a new link i.e
** t4 references t3 ON DELETE SET NULL (fkey4)
** Say if we add it, then if we execute 'delete from t1'
** Because of referential actions , we will try to delete a row through
** one path and tries to update through another path.
** Nothing in standard that say whether we are suppose to delete the row
** or update the row. DB2UDB raises error when we try to create the
** foreign key fkey4, Derby also does the same.
** How we catch the error case ?
** Point to note here is the table(t4) we are adding the foreign key does
** not have a problem in this scenarion because we are adding a
** a CASACDE link , some other table(t2) that is referring
** can get multiple referential action paths. We can not
** this error case for self referencing links.
** Algorithm:
** -Gather the foreign keys that are
** referring(ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor) to the table we are adding
** foreign key, in our example case we get (fkey3 - table t2 -t4 link)
** for each ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor
** {
** 1)find the delete connections of the referring table.
** [getCurrentDeleteConnections() will return this hash table]
** 2) we already have collected the Delete connections
** in validDeleteConnections() for the actual table we are adding the
** foreign key.
** 3) Now check whether the referring table is also
** referring any table that the table we are adding
** foreign key has delete connection.
** for each table referring table delete connection hash table
** {
** if it is there in the actual table delete connection hash table
** {
** //In our example case we find t1 in both the hash tables.
** make sure we are having valid referential action
** from the existing path and the new path we got from
** new foreign key relation ship.
** //In our example case t2 has CASCADE relations with t1
** //Because of new foreign key added we also get
** //SET NULL relation ship with t1. This is not valid
** //so we should throw error.
** }
** }
** }
private static void checkForAnyExistingDeleteConnectionViolations
DataDictionary dd,
TableDescriptor td,
int refActionType,
Hashtable<String,Integer> newDconnHashTable,
String myConstraintName
throws StandardException
//We need to check for the condition in this function only when we are
//adding ref action of type CASCADE
if(refActionType != StatementType.RA_CASCADE)
//find the tables that are referring to the table we
//are adding the foreign key and check whether we violate their existing rules.
String addTableName = td.getSchemaName() + "." + td.getName();;
for (ConstraintDescriptor cd : dd.getConstraintDescriptors(td))
if ((cd instanceof ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor))
ConstraintDescriptorList fkcdl = dd.getActiveConstraintDescriptors
( ((ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor)cd).getForeignKeyConstraints(ConstraintDescriptor.ALL));
int size = fkcdl.size();
if (size == 0)
//Note: More than one table can refer to the same
//ReferencedKeyConstraintDescriptor, so we need to find all the tables.
Hashtable<String,Integer> dConnHashtable = new Hashtable<String,Integer>();
for (int inner = 0; inner < size; inner++)
ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor fkcd = (ForeignKeyConstraintDescriptor) fkcdl.elementAt(inner);
TableDescriptor fktd = fkcd.getTableDescriptor();
//Delete rule that we have to the table we are adding the
// foreign key relation shop
int raDeleteRuleToAddTable = fkcd.getRaDeleteRule();
//This check should not be done on self referencing references.
//gather the delete connections of the table that is
//referring to the table we are adding foreign key relation ship
getCurrentDeleteConnections(dd, fktd, -1, dConnHashtable, false, true);
**Find out if we introduced more than one delete connection
**paths to the table that are referring the table we adding
**the foreign key relatiosn ship.
**If we have multiple paths they should have the same type
**referential action and only one SET NULL path.
for (Enumeration<String> e = dConnHashtable.keys() ; e.hasMoreElements() ;)
String tName = e.nextElement();
//we should not check for the table name to which we are
//adding the foreign key relation ship.
int currentDeleteRule = (dConnHashtable.get(tName)).intValue();
if((currentDeleteRule == StatementType.RA_SETNULL
&& raDeleteRuleToAddTable == StatementType.RA_SETNULL) ||
currentDeleteRule != raDeleteRuleToAddTable)
//same hash table can be used for the other referring tables
//so clear the hash table.
private static StandardException generateError(String messageId,
String myConstraintName)
String message = MessageService.getTextMessage(messageId);
return StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DELETE_RULE_VIOLATION,
myConstraintName, message);
private static StandardException generateError(String messageId,
String myConstraintName,
int raRule)
String raRuleStringId;
switch (raRule){
case StatementType.RA_CASCADE:
raRuleStringId = "CASCADE";
case StatementType.RA_RESTRICT:
raRuleStringId = "RESTRICT";
case StatementType.RA_SETNULL:
raRuleStringId = "SET NULL";
case StatementType.RA_SETDEFAULT:
raRuleStringId = "SET DEFAULT";
case StatementType.RA_NOACTION:
raRuleStringId = "NO ACTION";
String raRuleMessageString = MessageService.getTextMessage(raRuleStringId);
String message = MessageService.getTextMessage(messageId, raRuleMessageString);
return StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DELETE_RULE_VIOLATION,
myConstraintName, message);
private static StandardException generateError(String messageId,
String myConstraintName,
String refTableName)
String message = MessageService.getTextMessage(messageId, refTableName);
return StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_DELETE_RULE_VIOLATION,
myConstraintName, message);