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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.CatalogRowFactory
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package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecRow;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecutionFactory;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueFactory;
* Superclass of all row factories.
* @version 0.2
public abstract class CatalogRowFactory
protected String[] indexNames;
protected int[][] indexColumnPositions;
protected boolean[] indexUniqueness;
protected UUID tableUUID;
protected UUID heapUUID;
protected UUID[] indexUUID;
protected DataValueFactory dvf;
private final ExecutionFactory ef;
private UUIDFactory uuidf;
private int indexCount;
private int columnCount;
private String catalogName;
public CatalogRowFactory(UUIDFactory uuidf,
ExecutionFactory ef,
DataValueFactory dvf)
this.uuidf = uuidf;
this.dvf = dvf;
this.ef = ef;
* Gets a ExecutionFactory
* @return an execution factory
public ExecutionFactory getExecutionFactory() {return ef;}
* Get the UUID factory
* @return the UUID factory
public UUIDFactory getUUIDFactory() { return uuidf; }
/* Override the following methods in sub-classes if they have any
* indexes.
* Get the UUID of this catalog. This is the hard-coded uuid for
* this catalog that is generated for releases starting with Plato (1.3).
* Earlier releases generated their own UUIDs for system objectss on
* the fly.
* @return the name of this catalog
public UUID getCanonicalTableUUID() { return tableUUID; }
* Get the UUID of the heap underlying this catalog. See getCanonicalTableUUID()
* for a description of canonical uuids.
* @return the uuid of the heap
public UUID getCanonicalHeapUUID() { return heapUUID; }
* Get the UUID of the numbered index. See getCanonicalTableUUID()
* for a description of canonical uuids.
* @param indexNumber The (0-based) index number.
* @return the uuid of the heap
public UUID getCanonicalIndexUUID( int indexNumber )
return indexUUID[indexNumber];
* Get the number of columns in the index for the specified index number.
* @param indexNum The (0-based) index number.
* @return int The number of columns in the index for the specifed index number.
public int getIndexColumnCount(int indexNum)
return indexColumnPositions[indexNum].length;
* Get the name for the heap conglomerate underlying this catalog.
* See getCanonicalTableUUID() for a description of canonical uuids.
* @return String The name for the heap conglomerate.
public String getCanonicalHeapName() { return catalogName + "_HEAP"; }
* Get the name for the specified index number.
* @param indexNum The (0-based) index number.
* @return String The name for the specified index number.
public String getIndexName(int indexNum)
return indexNames[indexNum];
* Return whether or not the specified index is unique.
* @param indexNumber The (0-based) index number.
* @return boolean Whether or not the specified index is unique.
public boolean isIndexUnique(int indexNumber)
return (indexUniqueness != null ? indexUniqueness[indexNumber] : true);
* Gets the DataValueFactory for this connection.
* @return the data value factory for this connection
public DataValueFactory getDataValueFactory() { return dvf; }
* Generate an index name based on the index number.
* @param indexNumber Number of index
* @return the following index name: CatalogName + "_INDEX" + (indexNumber+1)
public String generateIndexName( int indexNumber )
return catalogName + "_INDEX" + indexNumber;
/** get the number of indexes on this catalog */
public int getNumIndexes() { return indexCount; }
/** get the name of the catalog */
public String getCatalogName() { return catalogName; };
* Initialize info, including array of index names and array of
* index column counts. Called at constructor time.
* @param columnCount number of columns in the base table.
* @param catalogName name of the catalog (the case might have to be converted).
* @param indexColumnPositions 2 dim array of ints specifying the base
* column positions for each index.
* @param indexUniqueness Uniqueness of the indices
* @param uuidStrings Array of stringified UUIDs for table and its conglomerates
public void initInfo(int columnCount,
String catalogName,
int[][] indexColumnPositions,
boolean[] indexUniqueness,
String[] uuidStrings)
indexCount = (indexColumnPositions != null) ?
indexColumnPositions.length : 0;
this.catalogName = catalogName;
this.columnCount = columnCount;
UUIDFactory uf = getUUIDFactory();
this.tableUUID = uf.recreateUUID(uuidStrings[0] );
this.heapUUID = uf.recreateUUID( uuidStrings[1] );
if (indexCount > 0)
indexNames = new String[indexCount];
indexUUID = new UUID[indexCount];
for (int ictr = 0; ictr < indexCount; ictr++)
indexNames[ictr] = generateIndexName(ictr);
indexUUID[ictr] = uf.recreateUUID(uuidStrings[ictr + 2 ]);
this.indexColumnPositions = ArrayUtil.copy2( indexColumnPositions );
this.indexUniqueness = ArrayUtil.copy( indexUniqueness );
* Get the Properties associated with creating the heap.
* @return The Properties associated with creating the heap.
public Properties getCreateHeapProperties()
Properties properties = new Properties();
// default properties for system tables:
return properties;
* Get the Properties associated with creating the specified index.
* @param indexNumber The specified index number.
* @return The Properties associated with creating the specified index.
public Properties getCreateIndexProperties(int indexNumber)
Properties properties = new Properties();
// default properties for system indexes:
return properties;
* Get the index number for the primary key index on this catalog.
* @return a 0-based number
public int getPrimaryKeyIndexNumber()
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
return 0;
* Get the number of columns in the heap.
* @return The number of columns in the heap.
public int getHeapColumnCount() throws StandardException
return columnCount;
* Return an empty row for this conglomerate.
public ExecRow makeEmptyRow() throws StandardException
return this.makeRow(null, null);
* <p>
* Create an empty row for this conglomerate, in the format that would
* be used in a database that was created with, or hard upgraded to,
* the currently running version. That is, even if the database is only
* soft-upgraded, this method should return a row in the new format.
* </p>
* <p>
* This method is for use in code that creates the catalogs, or that
* upgrades the format of the catalogs to the newest version. Other code
* should call {@link #makeEmptyRow()}, which returns a row in the format
* used in the old database version if the database is soft-upgraded.
* </p>
* @return an empty row
* @throws StandardException if an error happens when creating the row
public ExecRow makeEmptyRowForCurrentVersion() throws StandardException {
return makeEmptyRow();
* most subclasses should provide this method. One or two oddball cases in
* Replication and SysSTATEMENTSRowFactory don't. For those we call makeRow
* with the additional arguments.
public ExecRow makeRow(TupleDescriptor td, TupleDescriptor parent) throws StandardException
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) { SanityManager.THROWASSERT( "Should not get here." ); }
return null;
// abstract classes that should be implemented by subclasses.
/** builds a tuple descriptor from a row */
public abstract TupleDescriptor
buildDescriptor(ExecRow row,
TupleDescriptor parentTuple,
DataDictionary dataDictionary)
throws StandardException;
/** builds a column list for the catalog */
public abstract SystemColumn[] buildColumnList() throws StandardException;
/** Return the column positions for a given index number */
public int[] getIndexColumnPositions(int indexNumber)
return indexColumnPositions[indexNumber];