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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.AliasDescriptor
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package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.DependencyManager;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Dependent;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Provider;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.AliasInfo;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.types.AggregateAliasInfo;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.types.RoutineAliasInfo;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.types.UDTAliasInfo;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.AliasInfo;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.DependableFinder;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.Dependable;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.IdUtil;
* This class represents an Alias Descriptor.
* The public methods for this class are:
* <ol>
* <li>getUUID</li>
* <li>getJavaClassName</li>
* <li>getAliasType</li>
* <li>getNameSpace</li>
* <li>getSystemAlias</li>
* <li>getAliasId</li>
* </ol>
public final class AliasDescriptor
extends PrivilegedSQLObject
implements Provider, Dependent
private final UUID aliasID;
private final String aliasName;
private final UUID schemaID;
private final String javaClassName;
private final char aliasType;
private final char nameSpace;
private final boolean systemAlias;
private final AliasInfo aliasInfo;
private final String specificName;
private final SchemaDescriptor schemaDescriptor;
* Constructor for a AliasDescriptor
* @param dataDictionary The data dictionary that this descriptor lives in
* @param aliasID The UUID for this alias
* @param aliasName The name of the method alias
* @param schemaID The UUID for this alias's schema
* @param javaClassName The java class name of the alias
* @param aliasType The alias type
* @param nameSpace The alias name space
* @param aliasInfo The AliasInfo for the alias
public AliasDescriptor( DataDictionary dataDictionary, UUID aliasID,
String aliasName, UUID schemaID, String javaClassName,
char aliasType, char nameSpace, boolean systemAlias,
AliasInfo aliasInfo, String specificName)
throws StandardException
super( dataDictionary );
this.aliasID = aliasID;
this.aliasName = aliasName;
this.schemaID = schemaID;
this.schemaDescriptor = dataDictionary.getSchemaDescriptor(schemaID, null);
this.javaClassName = javaClassName;
this.aliasType = aliasType;
this.nameSpace = nameSpace;
this.systemAlias = systemAlias;
this.aliasInfo = aliasInfo;
if (specificName == null)
specificName = dataDictionary.getSystemSQLName();
this.specificName = specificName;
// Interface methods
* Gets the UUID of the method alias.
* @return The UUID String of the method alias.
public UUID getUUID()
return aliasID;
* @see PrivilegedSQLObject#getObjectTypeName
public String getObjectTypeName()
if ( aliasInfo instanceof UDTAliasInfo )
return PermDescriptor.UDT_TYPE;
else if ( aliasInfo instanceof AggregateAliasInfo )
return PermDescriptor.AGGREGATE_TYPE;
if( SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT( "Unsupported alias type: " + aliasInfo.getClass().getName() );
return null; // should never get here
* Gets the UUID of the schema for this method alias.
* @return The UUID String of the schema id.
public UUID getSchemaUUID()
return schemaID;
* Gets the SchemaDescriptor for this alias.
* @return SchemaDescriptor The SchemaDescriptor.
public final SchemaDescriptor getSchemaDescriptor()
return schemaDescriptor;
* Gets the name of the alias.
* @return A String containing the name of the statement.
public final String getName()
return aliasName;
* Gets the name of the schema that the alias lives in.
* @return A String containing the name of the schema that the alias
* lives in.
public String getSchemaName()
return schemaDescriptor.getSchemaName();
* Gets the full, qualified name of the alias.
* @return A String containing the name of the table.
public String getQualifiedName()
return IdUtil.mkQualifiedName(getSchemaName(), aliasName);
* Gets the java class name of the alias.
* @return The java class name of the alias.
public String getJavaClassName()
return javaClassName;
* Gets the type of the alias.
* @return The type of the alias.
public char getAliasType()
return aliasType;
* Gets the name space of the alias.
* @return The name space of the alias.
public char getNameSpace()
return nameSpace;
* Gets whether or not the alias is a system alias.
* @return Whether or not the alias is a system alias.
public boolean getSystemAlias()
return systemAlias;
* Gests the AliasInfo for the alias.
* @return The AliasInfo for the alias.
public AliasInfo getAliasInfo()
return aliasInfo;
// /**
// * Sets the ID of the method alias
// *
// * @param aliasID The UUID of the method alias to be set in the descriptor
// *
// * @return Nothing
// */
// public void setAliasID(UUID aliasID)
// {
// this.aliasID = aliasID;
// }
* Convert the AliasDescriptor to a String.
* @return A String representation of this AliasDescriptor
public String toString()
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
return "aliasID: " + aliasID + "\n" +
"aliasName: " + aliasName + "\n" +
"schemaID: " + schemaID + "\n" +
"javaClassName: " + javaClassName + "\n" +
"aliasType: " + aliasType + "\n" +
"nameSpace: " + nameSpace + "\n" +
"systemAlias: " + systemAlias + "\n" +
"aliasInfo: " + aliasInfo + "\n";
return "";
// Methods so that we can put AliasDescriptors on hashed lists
* Determine if two AliasDescriptors are the same.
* @param otherObject other descriptor
* @return true if they are the same, false otherwise
public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
if (!(otherObject instanceof AliasDescriptor))
{ return false; }
AliasDescriptor other = (AliasDescriptor) otherObject;
return aliasID.equals( other.getUUID() );
* Get a hashcode for this AliasDescriptor
* @return hashcode
public int hashCode()
return aliasID.hashCode();
// Provider interface
@return the stored form of this provider
@see Dependable#getDependableFinder
public DependableFinder getDependableFinder()
return getDependableFinder(StoredFormatIds.ALIAS_DESCRIPTOR_FINDER_V01_ID);
* Return the name of this Provider. (Useful for errors.)
* @return String The name of this provider.
public String getObjectName()
return aliasName;
* Get the provider's UUID
* @return String The provider's UUID
public UUID getObjectID()
return aliasID;
* Get the provider's type.
* @return String The provider's type.
public String getClassType()
return Dependable.ALIAS;
/** @see TupleDescriptor#getDescriptorType */
public String getDescriptorType()
return getAliasType(aliasType);
public static final String getAliasType(char nameSpace)
switch (nameSpace)
return "PROCEDURE";
return "FUNCTION";
return "SYNONYM";
return "TYPE";
return null;
/** @see TupleDescriptor#getDescriptorName */
public String getDescriptorName()
return aliasName;
Return the specific name for this object.
public String getSpecificName()
return specificName;
* Functions are persistent unless they are in the SYSFUN schema.
public boolean isPersistent()
return !getSchemaUUID().toString().equals(SchemaDescriptor.SYSFUN_SCHEMA_UUID);
* Report whether this descriptor describes a Table Function.
public boolean isTableFunction()
if ( getAliasType() != AliasInfo.ALIAS_TYPE_FUNCTION_AS_CHAR ) { return false; }
RoutineAliasInfo rai = (RoutineAliasInfo) getAliasInfo();
return rai.getReturnType().isRowMultiSet();
* Drop the routine or synonym.
* For a routine its permission descriptors will be dropped as well.
* For a synonym its TableDescriptor will be dropped as well.
* @param lcc
* @throws StandardException
public void drop(LanguageConnectionContext lcc) throws StandardException {
DataDictionary dd = getDataDictionary();
TransactionController tc = lcc.getTransactionExecute();
DependencyManager dm = dd.getDependencyManager();
/* Prepare all dependents to invalidate. (This is their chance
* to say that they can't be invalidated. For example, an open
* cursor referencing a table/view that the user is attempting to
* drop.) If no one objects, then invalidate any dependent objects.
* We check for invalidation before we drop the descriptor
* since the descriptor may be looked up as part of
* decoding tuples in SYSDEPENDS.
int invalidationType = 0;
switch (getAliasType())
invalidationType = DependencyManager.DROP_METHOD_ALIAS;
invalidationType = DependencyManager.DROP_SYNONYM;
invalidationType = DependencyManager.DROP_UDT;
invalidationType = DependencyManager.DROP_AGGREGATE;
dm.invalidateFor(this, invalidationType, lcc);
if (getAliasType() == AliasInfo.ALIAS_TYPE_SYNONYM_AS_CHAR)
SchemaDescriptor sd = dd.getSchemaDescriptor(schemaID, tc);
// Drop the entry from SYSTABLES as well.
DataDescriptorGenerator ddg = dd.getDataDescriptorGenerator();
TableDescriptor td = ddg.newTableDescriptor(aliasName, sd,
dd.dropTableDescriptor(td, sd, tc);
dd.dropAllRoutinePermDescriptors(getUUID(), tc);
/* Drop the alias */
dd.dropAliasDescriptor(this, tc);
* Check that all of the dependent's dependencies are valid.
* @return true if the dependent is currently valid
public synchronized boolean isValid()
return true;
* Prepare to mark the dependent as invalid (due to at least one of
* its dependencies being invalid).
* @param action The action causing the invalidation
* @param p the provider
* @exception StandardException thrown if unable to make it invalid
public void prepareToInvalidate(Provider p, int action,
LanguageConnectionContext lcc)
throws StandardException
DependencyManager dm = getDataDictionary().getDependencyManager();
switch (action)
** Currently, the only thing we are dependent
** on is an alias descriptor for an ANSI UDT.
throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_PROVIDER_HAS_DEPENDENT_ALIAS,
* Mark the dependent as invalid (due to at least one of
* its dependencies being invalid). Always an error
* for an alias -- should never have gotten here.
* @param action The action causing the invalidation
* @exception StandardException thrown if called in sanity mode
public void makeInvalid(int action, LanguageConnectionContext lcc)
throws StandardException
** We should never get here, we should have barfed on
** prepareToInvalidate().
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
DependencyManager dm;
dm = getDataDictionary().getDependencyManager();
") not expected to get called");