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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext
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package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.db.Database;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.db.TriggerExecutionContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.Activation;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.LanguageFactory;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.ParameterValueSet;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.PreparedStatement;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.ASTVisitor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.OptTrace;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.OptimizerFactory;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Provider;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ConstraintDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SchemaDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ConstantAction;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.CursorActivation;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecutionStmtValidator;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.RunTimeStatistics;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueFactory;
import org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.DeferredConstraintsMemory;
* LanguageConnectionContext keeps the result sets,
* and activations in use by the current connection.
* <p>
* More stable items, like other factories, are accessible through
* the LanguageConnectionFactory or the LanguageFactory.
* @see LanguageConnectionFactory
* @see org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.LanguageFactory
public interface LanguageConnectionContext extends Context {
* this is the ID we expect these contexts
* to be stored into a context manager under.
public static final String CONTEXT_ID = org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.ContextId.LANG_CONNECTION;
public static final int OUTERMOST_STATEMENT = 1;
// Constants describing how this connection handles schemas
public static final int SQL92_SCHEMAS = 0;
public static final int USER_NAME_SCHEMA = 1; // User names are schema names.
public static final int NO_SCHEMAS = 2; // Schemas not implemented.
/* String for logStatementText output */
public static final String xidStr = "(XID = ";
public static final String lccStr = "(SESSIONID = ";
public static final String dbnameStr = "(DATABASE = ";
public static final String drdaStr = "(DRDAID = ";
// Lock Management
public static final int SINGLE_TRANSACTION_LOCK = 1;
public static final int MULTI_TRANSACTION_LOCK = 2;
// controls casing of NON-delimited identifiers. ANSI casing forces all
// non-delimited identifiers to be lower case.
public static final int UNKNOWN_CASING = -1;
public static final int ANSI_CASING = 0;
public static final int ANTI_ANSI_CASING = 1;
* Initialize. For use after pushing the contexts that initialization needs.
* @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void initialize() throws StandardException;
* Get value of logStatementText.
* (Whether or not to write info on currently
* executing statement to error log.)
* @return value of logStatementText
public boolean getLogStatementText();
* Set value of logStatementText
* (Whether or not to write info on currently
* executing statement to error log.)
* @param logStatementText Whether or not logStatementText property is set.
public void setLogStatementText(boolean logStatementText);
* Get value of logQueryPlan.
* (Whether or not to write query plan info on currently
* executing statement to error log.)
* @return value of logQueryPlan
public boolean getLogQueryPlan();
* get the lock escalation threshold to use with this connection.
int getLockEscalationThreshold();
* Add the activation to those known about by this connection.
void addActivation(Activation a)
throws StandardException;
* Make a note that some activations are marked unused
void notifyUnusedActivation();
* Remove the activation from those known about by this connection.
* @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void removeActivation(Activation a)
throws StandardException;
* Return the number of activation known for this connection.
int getActivationCount();
* See if a given cursor is available for use. This is used
* to locate the cursor during its execution.
* @return the activation for the given cursor, null if none exists.
CursorActivation lookupCursorActivation(String cursorName);
* Return the last activation added
* This is used to find the drop activation in dropViewCascade
* so we can add warning messages to the activation
public Activation getLastActivation();
Get a connection unique system generated name for a cursor.
public String getUniqueCursorName();
Get a connection unique system generated name for an unnamed savepoint.
public String getUniqueSavepointName();
Get a connection unique system generated id for an unnamed savepoint.
public int getUniqueSavepointID();
* Check if there are any global temporary tables declared for this connection.
* @return true if there are declared temp tables for this connectoin else false
public boolean checkIfAnyDeclaredGlobalTempTablesForThisConnection();
* Mark the passed temporary table as modified in the current unit of work. That information will be used at rollback time
* The compile phase will generate code to call this method if the DML is on a temporary table
* @param tableName Mark the passed temporary table name as modified
public void markTempTableAsModifiedInUnitOfWork(String tableName);
* Add the declared global temporary table to the list of temporary tables known by this connection.
* @param td Corresponding to the temporary table
public void addDeclaredGlobalTempTable(TableDescriptor td) throws StandardException;
* Drop (mark the declared global temporary table for dropping) from the list of temporary tables known by this connection.
* @param tableName look for this table name in the saved list and drop it if found
* @return true if dropped the temporary table. False if no such temporary table exists.
* @see org.apache.derby.impl.sql.conn.TempTableInfo
public boolean dropDeclaredGlobalTempTable(String tableName);
* Get table descriptor for the declared global temporary table from the list of temporary
* tables known by this connection.
* @param tableName Get table descriptor for the passed table name
* @return TableDescriptor if found the temporary table. Else return null
public TableDescriptor getTableDescriptorForDeclaredGlobalTempTable(String tableName);
Reset the connection before it is returned (indirectly) by
a PooledConnection object. See EmbeddedConnection.
public void resetFromPool()
throws StandardException;
Do a commit, as internally needed by Derby. E.g.
a commit for sync, or a commit for autocommit. Skips
checks that a user isn't doing something bad like issuing
a commit in a nested xact.
@param commitStore true if we should commit the Store transaction
@exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void internalCommit( boolean commitStore )
throws StandardException;
Similar to internalCommit() but has logic for an unsynchronized commit
@param commitflag the flags to pass to commitNoSync in the store's
@exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void internalCommitNoSync(int commitflag) throws StandardException;
Do a commit, as issued directly by a user (e.g. via Connection.commit()
or the JSQL 'COMMIT' statement.
@exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void userCommit() throws StandardException;
Commit a distrubuted transaction.
@param onePhase if true, allow it to commit without first going thru a
prepared state.
@exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void xaCommit(boolean onePhase) throws StandardException;
Do a rollback, as internally needed by Derby. E.g.
a rollback for sync, or a rollback for an internal error. Skips
checks that a user isn't doing something bad like issuing
a rollback in a nested xact.
@exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void internalRollback() throws StandardException;
Do a rollback, as issued directly by a user (e.g. via Connection.rollback()
or the JSQL 'ROLLBACK' statement.
@exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void userRollback() throws StandardException;
* Let the context deal with a rollback to savepoint
* @param savepointName Name of the savepoint that needs to be rolled back
* @param refreshStyle boolean indicating whether or not the controller should close
* open conglomerates and scans. Also used to determine if language should close
* open activations.
* @param kindOfSavepoint A NULL value means it is an internal savepoint (ie not a user defined savepoint)
* Non NULL value means it is a user defined savepoint which can be a SQL savepoint or a JDBC savepoint
* A String value for kindOfSavepoint would mean it is SQL savepoint
* A JDBC Savepoint object value for kindOfSavepoint would mean it is JDBC savepoint
* @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void internalRollbackToSavepoint
( String savepointName, boolean refreshStyle, Object kindOfSavepoint ) throws StandardException;
* Let the context deal with a release of a savepoint
* @param savepointName Name of the savepoint that needs to be released
* @param kindOfSavepoint A NULL value means it is an internal savepoint (ie not a user defined savepoint)
* Non NULL value means it is a user defined savepoint which can be a SQL savepoint or a JDBC savepoint
* A String value for kindOfSavepoint would mean it is SQL savepoint
* A JDBC Savepoint object value for kindOfSavepoint would mean it is JDBC savepoint
* @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void releaseSavePoint ( String savepointName, Object kindOfSavepoint ) throws StandardException;
Roll back a distrubuted transaction.
@exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void xaRollback() throws StandardException;
Sets a savepoint. Causes the Store to set a savepoint.
@param savepointName name of savepoint
@param kindOfSavepoint A NULL value means it is an internal savepoint (ie not a user defined savepoint)
Non NULL value means it is a user defined savepoint which can be a SQL savepoint or a JDBC savepoint
A String value for kindOfSavepoint would mean it is SQL savepoint
A JDBC Savepoint object value for kindOfSavepoint would mean it is JDBC savepoint
@exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
void languageSetSavePoint( String savepointName, Object kindOfSavepoint ) throws StandardException;
* Begin a nested transaction.
* @param readOnly The nested transaction would be read only if param value true
* @exception StandardException on error.
* @see TransactionController#startNestedUserTransaction
void beginNestedTransaction(boolean readOnly) throws StandardException;
* commit a nested transaction.
* We do not provide a abortNestedTransaction.
* If a nested xaction is aborted, then this results in the parent xaction
* also being aborted. This is not what we need for releasing
* compile time locks or autoincrement-- hence we do not provide
* abortNestedTransaction.
* @exception StandardException thrown on erro
* @see TransactionController#startNestedUserTransaction
void commitNestedTransaction() throws StandardException;
Get the transaction controller to use with this language connection
context at compile time.
TransactionController getTransactionCompile();
Get the transaction controller to use with this language connection
context during execute time.
TransactionController getTransactionExecute();
Get the data dictionary
@return the data dictionary
public DataDictionary getDataDictionary();
Get the data value factory to use with this language connection
DataValueFactory getDataValueFactory();
Get the language factory to use with this language connection
LanguageFactory getLanguageFactory();
* get the optimizer factory to use with this language connection context.
OptimizerFactory getOptimizerFactory();
Get the language connection factory to use with this language connection
LanguageConnectionFactory getLanguageConnectionFactory();
* Get the Authorization Id of the current user
* @param a activation
* @return String the authorization id
public String getCurrentUserId(Activation a);
* Get the Authorization Id of the session user
* @return String the authorization id
public String getSessionUserId();
* Get the default schema (used at compile-time when no activation
* is yet available, cf. the activation argument overload version.
* @return SchemaDescriptor the default schema
public SchemaDescriptor getDefaultSchema();
* Get the default schema (used at execution time). At execution
* time, the current statement context is not always a reliable
* place to find the correct SQL session context, viz. when a
* dynamic result set referencing CURRENT SCHEMA is accessed after
* a called procedure has returned only the activation of the call
* is live and still holds the correct session context.
* @param a current activation
* @return SchemaDescriptor the default schema
public SchemaDescriptor getDefaultSchema(Activation a);
* Set the default schema (at compile-time, see explanations for
* getDefaultSchema overloads).
* @param sd the new default schema.
* If null, then the default schema descriptor is used.
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure
public void setDefaultSchema(SchemaDescriptor sd)
throws StandardException;
* Set the default schema (at execution time, see explanations for
* getDefaultSchema overloads); This version is used by SET SCHEMA.
* @param a current activation
* @param sd the new default schema.
* If null, then the default schema descriptor is used.
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure
public void setDefaultSchema(Activation a, SchemaDescriptor sd)
throws StandardException;
* Reset any occurence of schemaName as current default schema in
* the SQLSessionContext stack to the initial default,
* because schemaName is no longer a valid schema.
* @param activation current activation
* @param schemaName the schema name occurences of which is to be reset
* @throws StandardException
public void resetSchemaUsages(Activation activation, String schemaName)
throws StandardException;
* Get the current schema name (at compile-time, see explanations for
* getDefaultSchema overloads).
* @return SchemaDescriptor the current schema
public String getCurrentSchemaName();
* Get the current schema name (at execution time, see explanations for
* getDefaultSchema overloads); This version is used by CURRENT SCHEMA.
* @return SchemaDescriptor the current schema
public String getCurrentSchemaName(Activation a);
* Return true if this schema name is the initial default schema for the
* current session.
* @param schemaName
* @return true
public boolean isInitialDefaultSchema(String schemaName);
* Get the identity column value most recently generated.
* @return the generated identity column value
public Long getIdentityValue();
* Set the field of most recently generated identity column value.
* @param val the generated identity column value
public void setIdentityValue(long val);
* Verify that there are no activations with open result sets
* on the specified prepared statement.
* @param pStmt The prepared Statement
* @param provider The object precipitating a possible invalidation
* @param action The action causing the possible invalidation
* @return Nothing.
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure
boolean verifyNoOpenResultSets(PreparedStatement pStmt, Provider provider,
int action)
throws StandardException;
* Verify that there are no activations with open held result sets.
* @return boolean Found no open resultsets.
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure
public boolean verifyAllHeldResultSetsAreClosed()
throws StandardException;
* Push a CompilerContext on the context stack with
* the current default schema as the default schema
* which we compile against.
* @return the compiler context
public CompilerContext pushCompilerContext();
* Push a CompilerContext on the context stack with
* the passed in default schema as the default schema
* we compile against.
* @param sd the default schema
* @return the compiler context
public CompilerContext pushCompilerContext(SchemaDescriptor sd);
* Pop a CompilerContext off the context stack.
* @param compilerContext The compiler context.
public void popCompilerContext(CompilerContext compilerContext);
* Push a StatementContext on the context stack.
* @param isAtomic whether a commit/rollback is permitted
* from a nested connection under this statement
* @param stmtText the text of the statement. Needed for any language
* statement (currently, for any statement that can cause a trigger
* to fire). Please set this unless you are some funky jdbc setXXX
* method or something.
* @param pvs parameter value set, if it has one
* @param rollbackParentContext True if 1) the statement context is
* NOT a top-level context, AND 2) in the event of a statement-level
* exception, the parent context needs to be rolled back, too.
* @param timeoutMillis Timeout value for this statement, in milliseconds.
* Zero means no timeout.
* @return StatementContext The statement context.
StatementContext pushStatementContext(boolean isAtomic, boolean isForReadOnly, String stmtText,
ParameterValueSet pvs, boolean rollbackParentContext, long timeoutMillis);
* Pop a StatementContext of the context stack.
* @param statementContext The statement context.
* @param error The error, if any (Only relevant for DEBUG)
public void popStatementContext(StatementContext statementContext,
Throwable error);
* Push a new execution statement validator. An execution statement
* validator is an object that validates the current statement to
* ensure that it is permitted given the current execution context.
* An example of a validator a trigger ExecutionStmtValidator that
* doesn't allow ddl on the trigger target table.
* <p>
* Multiple ExecutionStmtValidators may be active at any given time.
* This mirrors the way there can be multiple connection nestings
* at a single time. The validation is performed by calling each
* validator's validateStatement() method. This yields the union
* of all validations.
* @param validator the validator to add
public void pushExecutionStmtValidator(ExecutionStmtValidator validator);
* Remove the validator. Does an object identity (validator == validator)
* comparison. Asserts that the validator is found.
* @param validator the validator to remove
* @exception StandardException on error
public void popExecutionStmtValidator(ExecutionStmtValidator validator)
throws StandardException;
* Validate a statement. Does so by stepping through all the validators
* and executing them. If a validator throws and exception, then the
* checking is stopped and the exception is passed up.
* @param constantAction the constantAction that is about to be executed (and
* should be validated
* @exception StandardException on validation failure
public void validateStmtExecution(ConstantAction constantAction)
throws StandardException;
* Push a new trigger execution context.
* <p>
* Multiple TriggerExecutionContexts may be active at any given time.
* @param tec the trigger execution context
* @exception StandardException on trigger recursion error
public void pushTriggerExecutionContext(TriggerExecutionContext tec)
throws StandardException;
* Remove the tec. Does an object identity (tec == tec)
* comparison. Asserts that the tec is found.
* @param tec the tec to remove
* @exception StandardException on error
public void popTriggerExecutionContext(TriggerExecutionContext tec)
throws StandardException;
* Get the topmost tec.
* @return the tec
public TriggerExecutionContext getTriggerExecutionContext();
* Set the trigger table descriptor. Used to compile
* statements that may special trigger pseudo tables.
* @param td the table that the trigger is
* defined upon
public void pushTriggerTable(TableDescriptor td);
* Remove the trigger table descriptor.
* @param td the table to remove from the stack.
public void popTriggerTable(TableDescriptor td);
* Get the topmost trigger table descriptor
* @return the table descriptor, or null if we
* aren't in the middle of compiling a create
* trigger.
public TableDescriptor getTriggerTable();
* Increment the DataDictionary bind count. This is for keeping track
* of nested binding, which can happen if SQL statements are bound from
* within static initializers.
* @return The new bind count
int incrementBindCount();
* Decrement the DataDictionary bind count.
* @return The new bind count
int decrementBindCount();
* Get the DataDictionary bind count.
* @return The current bind count.
int getBindCount();
* Remember that the DataDictionary is in write mode, so we can take
* it out of write mode at the end of the transaction.
void setDataDictionaryWriteMode();
* Return true if the data dictionary is in write mode (that is, this
* context was informed that is is in write mode by the method call
* setDataDictionaryWriteMode().
boolean dataDictionaryInWriteMode();
public void setRunTimeStatisticsMode(boolean onOrOff);
public boolean getRunTimeStatisticsMode();
* Turn STATISTICS TIMING on or off.
public void setStatisticsTiming(boolean onOrOff);
public boolean getStatisticsTiming();
public void setRunTimeStatisticsObject(RunTimeStatistics runTimeStatisticsObject);
public RunTimeStatistics getRunTimeStatisticsObject();
* Reports how many statement levels deep we are.
* @return a statement level &gt;= OUTERMOST_STATEMENT
public int getStatementDepth();
Returns the Database of this connection.
public Database getDatabase();
* Returns true if isolation level has been set using JDBC/SQL.
public boolean isIsolationLevelSetUsingSQLorJDBC();
* Reset the isolation level flag used to keep correct isolation level
* state in BrokeredConnection. This resetting will happen at the start
* and end of a global transaction, after the BrokeredConection's
* isolation level state is brought upto date with the EmbedConnection's
* isolation state.
* The flag gets set to true when isolation level is set using JDBC/SQL.
public void resetIsolationLevelFlagUsedForSQLandJDBC();
* Set current isolation level.
* @param isolationLevel The new isolationLevel.
public void setIsolationLevel(int isolationLevel) throws StandardException;
* Get the current isolation level.
* @return The current isolation level.
public int getCurrentIsolationLevel();
* Get the current isolation level in DB2 format.
* @return The current isolation level as a 2 character string.
public String getCurrentIsolationLevelStr();
public void setPrepareIsolationLevel(int isolationLevel) ;
* Get the prepare isolation level.
* If the isolation level has been explicitly set with a SQL statement or
* embedded call to setTransactionIsolation, this will return
* SET ISOLATION always takes priority.
public int getPrepareIsolationLevel();
* Set the readOnly status for the current connection. This can
* only be called when the current transaction has not done
* any work.
* @param onOrOff true sets the connection to be readOnly and
* false sets it to readWrite.
* @exception StandardException The call failed and the readOnly
* status has not changed.
public void setReadOnly(boolean onOrOff) throws StandardException;
* Get the readOnly status for the current connection.
public boolean isReadOnly();
* Get an Authorizer for this connection.
public Authorizer getAuthorizer();
* Get the current StatementContext.
StatementContext getStatementContext();
* Return a PreparedStatement object for the query.
* This method first tries to locate the PreparedStatement object from a statement
* cache. If the statement is not found in the cache, the query will be compiled and
* put into the cache.
* @param compilationSchema schema
* @param sqlText sql query string
* @param isForReadOnly read only status for resultset. Set to true if the concurrency mode for the resultset
* @param allowInternalSyntax If true, then this query is allowed to use internal
* sql syntax. One instance where this will be true is if a
* metadata query is getting executed.
public PreparedStatement prepareInternalStatement(SchemaDescriptor compilationSchema,
String sqlText, boolean isForReadOnly, boolean allowInternalSyntax)
throws StandardException;
* Return a PreparedStatement object for the query.
* This method first tries to locate the PreparedStatement object from a statement
* cache. If the statement is not found in the cache, the query will be compiled and
* put into the cache.
* The schema used when compiling the statement is the same schema as returned by
* getDefaultSchema(). For internal statements, the read only status is set to
* true.
* Calling this method is equivalent to calling
* prepareExternalStatement(lcc.getDefaultSchema(), sqlText, true);
* @param sqlText sql query string
public PreparedStatement prepareInternalStatement(String sqlText)
throws StandardException;
* Install an optimizer tracer (to enable tracing) or uninstall the current optimizer tracer
* (to disable tracing).
* @param tracer Null if tracing is being turned off, otherwise an optimizer tracer
public void setOptimizerTracer( OptTrace tracer );
* Get the optimizer tracer (could be null if we aren't tracing the optimizer).
public OptTrace getOptimizerTracer();
* Get whether or not optimizer trace is on.
* @return Whether or not optimizer trace is on.
public boolean optimizerTracingIsOn();
* Reports whether there is any outstanding work in the transaction.
* @return true if there is outstanding work in the transaction
* false otherwise
public boolean isTransactionPristine();
* Returns the last autoincrement value inserted by this connection.
* If no values have been inserted into the given column a NULL value
* is returned.
* @param schemaName
* @param tableName
* @param columnName
public Long lastAutoincrementValue(String schemaName,
String tableName,
String columnName);
* Sets autoincrementUpdate-- this variable allows updates to autoincrement
* columns if it is set to true. The default is ofcourse false; i.e
* ai columns cannot be directly modified by the user. This is set to
* true by AlterTableConstantAction, when a new ai column is being added
* to an existing table.
* @param flag the value for autoincrementUpdate (TRUE or FALSE)
public void setAutoincrementUpdate(boolean flag);
* Returns the current value of autoincrementUpdate.
* @return true if updates to autoincrement columns is permitted.
public boolean getAutoincrementUpdate();
* Copy a map of autoincrement key value pairs into the cache of
* ai values stored in the language connection context.
public void copyHashtableToAIHT(Map<String,Long> from);
* returns the <b>next</b> value to be inserted into an autoincrement col.
* This is used internally by the system to generate autoincrement values
* which are going to be inserted into a autoincrement column. This is
* used when as autoincrement column is added to a table by an alter
* table statemenet and during bulk insert.
* @param schemaName
* @param tableName
* @param columnName identify the column uniquely in the system.
* @exception StandardException on error.
public long nextAutoincrementValue(String schemaName, String tableName,
String columnName)
throws StandardException;
* Flush the cache of autoincrement values being kept by the lcc.
* This will result in the autoincrement values being written to the
* SYSCOLUMNS table as well as the mapping used by lastAutoincrementValue
* @param tableUUID the table which is being flushed; we need this value to
* identify the table for which the autoincrement counter is being
* maintained.
* @exception StandardException thrown on error.
* @see LanguageConnectionContext#lastAutoincrementValue
* @see org.apache.derby.impl.sql.conn.GenericLanguageConnectionContext#lastAutoincrementValue
public void autoincrementFlushCache(UUID tableUUID)
throws StandardException;
* Create an autoincrement counter to be used on behalf of a SQL-J
* statement. The counter is identified by (schemaName, tableName,
* columnName). The counter must be freed up by calling
* autoincrementFlushCache at the end of the statement. It is expected
* that a ai-counter with the same signaure doesn't exist when the
* method is called.
* @param s SchemaName
* @param t TableName
* @param c ColumnName
* @param initialValue initial value of the counter.
* @param increment increment for the counter.
* @param position column position (1-based).
public void autoincrementCreateCounter(String s, String t, String c,
Long initialValue, long increment,
int position);
* Get the instance number of this LCC.
* @return instance number of this LCC.
public int getInstanceNumber();
* Get the DRDA ID of this LCC.
* @return DRDA ID this LCC.
public String getDrdaID();
* Set the DRDA ID of this LCC.
* @param drdaID DRDA ID.
public void setDrdaID(String drdaID);
* Get the database name of this LCC.
* @return database name of this LCC.
public String getDbname();
* Check if in SQL standard mode, with support for Grant and Revoke
* @return True if SQL standard permissions are being used
public boolean usesSqlAuthorization();
* Close any unused activations in this connection context.
public void closeUnusedActivations() throws StandardException;
* Set the current role
* @param a activation of set role statement
* @param role the id of the role to be set to current
public void setCurrentRole(Activation a, String role);
* Get the current role authorization identifier of the dynamic
* call context associated with this activation.
* @param a activation of statement needing current role
* @return String the role id
public String getCurrentRoleId(Activation a);
* Get the current role authorization identifier in external delimited form
* (not case normal form) of the dynamic call context associated with this
* activation.
* @param a activation of statement needing current role
* @return String the role id in delimited form (i.e. <b>not</b>
* internal case normal form</b>)
* @throws StandardException standard exception policy
public String getCurrentRoleIdDelimited(Activation a)
throws StandardException;
* Checks whether the given role can be legally set for the current user.
* This method will read (potentially) the dictionary, so it needs
* a transaction context.
* @param a activation
* @param role string containing role name
* @return true if the role can be set
* @throws StandardException standard exception policy
public boolean roleIsSettable(Activation a, String role)
throws StandardException;
* Create a new SQL session context for the current activation on the basis
* of the existing SQL session context. This happens when a stored
* procedure or function that can contain SQL is invoked, cf. SQL 2003
* section 4.27.3, since this gives rise to a nested connection.
* <p>
* Called from generated code, see
* {@link org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.StaticMethodCallNode#generatePushNestedSessionContext}.
* <p>
* The new SQL session context is also set in the current statement
* context (of the invocation).
* @see org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.StaticMethodCallNode#generatePushNestedSessionContext
* @see StatementContext#getSQLSessionContext
* @see #setupSubStatementSessionContext
* @param a activation of the statement which performs the call.
* @param definersRights if the method should run with definer's rights
* @param definer authorization id of the definer
* @throws StandardException standard error policy
public void pushNestedSessionContext(Activation a,
boolean definersRights,
String definer)
throws StandardException;
* If returning from a routine that can execute SQL, perform any
* actions needed when popping the SQL session context.
* @param a activation
* @throws StandardException standard error policy
public void popNestedSessionContext(Activation a) throws StandardException;
* Get the value of top level session context of the top level connection.
* @return the requested session context
public SQLSessionContext getTopLevelSQLSessionContext();
* Used when a statement as part of its operation executes an other
* statement. In contrast to pushNestedSessionContext, the activation (for
* the substatement) just inherits the current session context from the
* parent statements activation, it does <b>not</b> push a new copy on the
* stack of session contexts.
* Currently, this is used in the following situations:
* <ul>
* <li>With {@code ALTER TABLE} adding a column which has a default
* values, the default value for all the existing rows is added
* using an {@code UPDATE} substatement.
* <li>With {@code ALTER TABLE} adding a a check constraint, we will use
* a substatement {@code SELECT} to check if all rows satisfy the
* constraint.
* <li>{@code ResultSet.insertRow}, {@code updateRow}
* and {@code deleteRow}.
* <li>During trigger body execution.
* </ul>
* @see #pushNestedSessionContext
public void setupSubStatementSessionContext(Activation a)
throws StandardException;
* Create a fresh SQLSessionContext for this connection.
* @return new SQLSessionContext
public SQLSessionContext createSQLSessionContext();
* Debug method for remembering the last query tree.
public void setLastQueryTree( Object queryTree );
* Debug method for retrieving the last query tree.
public Object getLastQueryTree();
* Return a map of AST nodes that have already been printed during a
* compiler phase, so as to be able to avoid printing a node more than once.
* @see org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.QueryTreeNode#treePrint(int)
* @return the map
public Map<Object,Object> getPrintedObjectsMap();
* sets the XplainOnlyMode.
* If a connection is in XplainOnlyMode, then the statements are not
* actually being executed, but are just being compiled and the
* runtime statistics collected into the XPLAIN tables. This can be
* set on and off by calling SYSCS_SET_XPLAIN_MODE.
* @param onOrOff true if statements are to be XPLAINed only.
public void setXplainOnlyMode(boolean onOrOff);
* gets the current set XplainOnlyMode
public boolean getXplainOnlyMode();
* sets the XplainSchema
* @param schema the schema to use for storing XPLAIN'd statements
* null means don't store the xplain information
* non-null means persistent style, use the indicated schema
public void setXplainSchema(String schema);
* gets the current set XplainSchema
* @return the Schema of Xplain, may be null.
public String getXplainSchema();
public void setXplainStatement(Object key, Object stmt);
public Object getXplainStatement(Object key);
* Set a Visitor which walks the AST at various stages. This is useful
* for poking user-written inspectors into the parse, bind, and optimize phases.
* @param visitor The Visitor which should walk the tree. Could be null.
public void setASTVisitor( ASTVisitor visitor );
* Get the Visitor which should walk the AST.
* @return The Visitor for that phase. Could be null.
public ASTVisitor getASTVisitor( );
* Set the exception created and associated with the detected interruped
* status flag.
* @param e the created exception
public void setInterruptedException(StandardException e);
* Get exception created when we detected interruped status
* flag.
* @return saved exception
public StandardException getInterruptedException();
* Get the referenced column map for a table
* @return the map
public FormatableBitSet getReferencedColumnMap(TableDescriptor td);
* Set the referenced column map for a table
* @param td the table descriptor
* @param map the map
public void setReferencedColumnMap(TableDescriptor td,
FormatableBitSet map);
* Set the constraint mode for this constraint to {@code deferred}.
* If {@code deferred} is {@code false}, to immediate checking,
* if {@code true} to deferred checking.
* @param a Activation
* @param cd The descriptor of the constraint
* @param deferred The new constraint mode
* @throws StandardException
public void setConstraintDeferred(Activation a,
ConstraintDescriptor cd,
boolean deferred) throws StandardException;
* Determines if a check or foreign key constraint has deferred
* mode.
* @param sc The SQL session context for which we are asking the status
* @param constraintId The constraint id we are inquiring about.
* @return {@code true} if the constraint is deferred
* @throws StandardException
* Standard error policy
public boolean isEffectivelyDeferred(SQLSessionContext sc, UUID constraintId)
throws StandardException;
* Set the constraint mode of all deferrable constraints to the value of
* {@code deferred}. If the value is {@code false}, this method might
* throw with a constraint violation error, i.e. if some constraint
* has deferred mode before this call and had seen violations.
* @param a The activation
* @param deferred The value which holds the constraint mode
* @throws StandardException Standard error policy
public void setDeferredAll(Activation a, boolean deferred)
throws StandardException;
* Get the set of disk backed hash tables containing any index
* rows saved for deferred unique/PK constraints in this
* transaction, keyed by the conglomerate id, or rows saved
* containing row locations violating rows for deferred check
* constraints.
* @return the set
HashMap<UUID, DeferredConstraintsMemory.ValidationInfo>
* Check that deferred constraints are valid, if not roll back the
* transaction.
* @throws StandardException
public void checkIntegrity() throws StandardException;
* Get the SQL session context of the given activation.
* @param activation The activation
* @return The SQL session object
public SQLSessionContext getCurrentSQLSessionContext(Activation activation);