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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile.CompilerContext
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package org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.compile;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Dependent;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.Provider;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.depend.ProviderList;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.AliasDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.ColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.PrivilegedSQLObject;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SchemaDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.SequenceDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.StatementPermission;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.TableDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.impl.sql.compile.ParameterNode;
* CompilerContext stores the parser and type id factory to be used by
* the compiler. Stack compiler contexts when a new, local parser is needed
* (if calling the compiler recursively from within the compiler,
* for example).
* CompilerContext objects are private to a LanguageConnectionContext.
* History:
* 5/22/97 Moved getExternalInterfaceFactory() to LanguageConnectionContext
* because it had to be used at execution. - Jeff
public interface CompilerContext extends Context
* this is the ID we expect compiler contexts
* to be stored into a context manager under.
String CONTEXT_ID = "CompilerContext";
// bit masks for query fragments which are potentially unreliable. these are used
// by setReliability() and checkReliability().
public static final int DATETIME_ILLEGAL = 0x00000001;
// NOTE: getCurrentConnection() is currently legal everywhere
public static final int CURRENT_CONNECTION_ILLEGAL = 0x00000002;
public static final int FUNCTION_CALL_ILLEGAL = 0x00000004;
public static final int UNNAMED_PARAMETER_ILLEGAL = 0x00000008;
public static final int DIAGNOSTICS_ILLEGAL = 0x00000010;
public static final int SUBQUERY_ILLEGAL = 0x00000020;
public static final int USER_ILLEGAL = 0x00000040;
public static final int COLUMN_REFERENCE_ILLEGAL = 0x00000080;
public static final int IGNORE_MISSING_CLASSES = 0x00000100;
public static final int SCHEMA_ILLEGAL = 0x00000200;
public static final int INTERNAL_SQL_ILLEGAL = 0x00000400;
* Calling procedures that modify sql data from before triggers is illegal.
public static final int MODIFIES_SQL_DATA_PROCEDURE_ILLEGAL = 0x00000800;
public static final int NON_DETERMINISTIC_ILLEGAL = 0x00001000;
public static final int SQL_IN_ROUTINES_ILLEGAL = 0x00002000;
public static final int NEXT_VALUE_FOR_ILLEGAL = 0x00004000;
/** Standard SQL is legal */
public static final int SQL_LEGAL = (INTERNAL_SQL_ILLEGAL);
/** Any SQL we support is legal */
public static final int INTERNAL_SQL_LEGAL = 0;
public static final int CHECK_CONSTRAINT = (
public static final int DEFAULT_RESTRICTION = (
public static final int GENERATION_CLAUSE_RESTRICTION = (
public static final int CASE_OPERAND_RESTRICTION =
public static final String WHERE_SCOPE = "whereScope";
* Get the Parser from this CompilerContext.
* *
* @return The parser associated with this CompilerContext
Parser getParser();
* Get the OptimizerFactory from this CompilerContext.
* @return The OptimizerFactory associated with this CompilerContext
OptimizerFactory getOptimizerFactory();
* Get the TypeCompilerFactory from this CompilerContext.
* @return The TypeCompilerFactory associated with this CompilerContext
TypeCompilerFactory getTypeCompilerFactory();
Return the class factory to use in this compilation.
ClassFactory getClassFactory();
* Get the JavaFactory from this CompilerContext.
* @return The JavaFactory associated with this CompilerContext
JavaFactory getJavaFactory();
* Get the current next column number (for generated column names)
* from this CompilerContext.
* @return int The next column number for the current statement.
int getNextColumnNumber();
* Reset compiler context (as for instance, when we recycle a context for
* use by another compilation.
void resetContext();
* Get the current next table number from this CompilerContext.
* @return int The next table number for the current statement.
int getNextTableNumber();
* Get the number of tables in the current statement from this CompilerContext.
* @return int The number of tables in the current statement.
int getNumTables();
* Get the current next subquery number from this CompilerContext.
* @return int The next subquery number for the current statement.
int getNextSubqueryNumber();
* Get the number of subquerys in the current statement from this CompilerContext.
* @return int The number of subquerys in the current statement.
int getNumSubquerys();
* Get the current next ResultSet number from this CompilerContext.
* @return int The next ResultSet number for the current statement.
int getNextResultSetNumber();
* Reset the next ResultSet number from this CompilerContext.
void resetNextResultSetNumber();
* Get the number of Results in the current statement from this CompilerContext.
* @return The number of ResultSets in the current statement.
int getNumResultSets();
* Get a unique Class name from this CompilerContext.
* Ensures it is globally unique for this JVM.
* @return String A unique-enough class name.
String getUniqueClassName();
* Set the current dependent from this CompilerContext.
* This should be called at the start of a compile to
* register who has the dependencies needed for the compilation.
* @param d The Dependent currently being compiled.
void setCurrentDependent(Dependent d);
* Get the current auxiliary provider list from this CompilerContext.
* @return The current AuxiliaryProviderList.
ProviderList getCurrentAuxiliaryProviderList();
* Set the current auxiliary provider list for this CompilerContext.
* @param apl The new current AuxiliaryProviderList.
void setCurrentAuxiliaryProviderList(ProviderList apl);
* Add a dependency for the current dependent.
* @param p The Provider of the dependency.
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure.
void createDependency(Provider p) throws StandardException;
* Add a dependency between two objects.
* @param d The Dependent object.
* @param p The Provider of the dependency.
* @exception StandardException thrown on failure.
void createDependency(Dependent d, Provider p) throws StandardException;
* Add an object to the pool that is created at compile time
* and used at execution time. Use the integer to reference it
* in execution constructs. Execution code will have to generate:
* <pre>
* (#objectType) (this.getPreparedStatement().getSavedObject(#int))
* </pre>
* @param o object to add to the pool of saved objects
* @return the entry # for the object
int addSavedObject(Object o);
* Get the saved object pool (for putting into the prepared statement).
* This turns it into its storable form, an array of objects.
* @return the saved object pool.
Object[] getSavedObjects();
* Set the saved object pool (for putting into the prepared statement).
* @param objs The new saved objects
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code objs} is null
void setSavedObjects(List<Object> objs);
* Set the in use state for the compiler context.
* @param inUse The new inUse state for the compiler context.
void setInUse(boolean inUse);
* Return the in use state for the compiler context.
* @return boolean The in use state for the compiler context.
boolean getInUse();
* Mark this CompilerContext as the first on the stack, so we can avoid
* continually popping and pushing a CompilerContext.
void firstOnStack();
* Is this the first CompilerContext on the stack?
boolean isFirstOnStack();
* Sets which kind of query fragments are NOT allowed. Basically,
* these are fragments which return unstable results. CHECK CONSTRAINTS
* and CREATE PUBLICATION want to forbid certain kinds of fragments.
* @param reliability bitmask of types of query fragments to be forbidden
* see the reliability bitmasks above
void setReliability(int reliability);
* Return the reliability requirements of this clause. See setReliability()
* for a definition of clause reliability.
* @return a bitmask of which types of query fragments are to be forbidden
int getReliability();
* Get the compilation schema descriptor for this compilation context.
Will be null if no default schema lookups have occured. Ie.
the statement is independent of the current schema.
* @return the compilation schema descirptor
SchemaDescriptor getCompilationSchema();
* Set the compilation schema descriptor for this compilation context.
* @param newDefault compilation schema
* @return the previous compilation schema descirptor
SchemaDescriptor setCompilationSchema(SchemaDescriptor newDefault);
* Push a default schema to use when compiling.
* <p>
* Sometimes, we need to temporarily change the default schema, for example
* when recompiling a view, since the execution time default schema may
* differ from the required default schema when the view was defined.
* Another case is when compiling generated columns which reference
* unqualified user functions.
* </p>
* @param sd schema to use
void pushCompilationSchema(SchemaDescriptor sd);
* Pop the default schema to use when compiling.
void popCompilationSchema();
* Get a StoreCostController for the given conglomerate.
* @param conglomerateNumber The conglomerate for which to get a
* StoreCostController.
* @return The appropriate StoreCostController.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
StoreCostController getStoreCostController(long conglomerateNumber)
throws StandardException;
* Get a SortCostController.
* @exception StandardException Thrown on error
SortCostController getSortCostController() throws StandardException;
* Set the parameter list.
* @param parameterList The parameter list.
void setParameterList(List<ParameterNode> parameterList);
* Get the parameter list.
* @return The parameter list.
List<ParameterNode> getParameterList();
* If callable statement uses ? = form
void setReturnParameterFlag();
* Is the callable statement uses ? for return parameter.
* @return true if ? = call else false
boolean getReturnParameterFlag();
* Get the cursor info stored in the context.
* @return the cursor info
Object getCursorInfo();
* Set params
* @param cursorInfo the cursor info
void setCursorInfo(Object cursorInfo);
* Set the isolation level for the scans in this query.
* @param isolationLevel The isolation level to use.
void setScanIsolationLevel(int isolationLevel);
* Get the isolation level for the scans in this query.
* @return The isolation level for the scans in this query.
int getScanIsolationLevel();
* Get the next equivalence class for equijoin clauses.
* @return The next equivalence class for equijoin clauses.
int getNextEquivalenceClass();
Add a compile time warning.
void addWarning(SQLWarning warning);
Get the chain of compile time warnings.
SQLWarning getWarnings();
* Sets the current privilege type context and pushes the previous on onto a stack.
* Column and table nodes do not know how they are
* being used. Higher level nodes in the query tree do not know what is being
* referenced. Keeping the context allows the two to come together.
* @param privType One of the privilege types in
* org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.conn.Authorizer.
void pushCurrentPrivType( int privType);
void popCurrentPrivType();
* Add a column privilege to the list of used column privileges.
* @param column
void addRequiredColumnPriv( ColumnDescriptor column);
* Add a table or view privilege to the list of used table privileges.
* @param table
void addRequiredTablePriv( TableDescriptor table);
* Add a schema privilege to the list of used privileges.
* @param schema Schema name of the object that is being accessed
* @param aid Requested authorizationId for new schema
void addRequiredSchemaPriv(String schema, String aid, int privType);
* Add a routine execute privilege to the list of used routine privileges.
* @param routine
void addRequiredRoutinePriv( AliasDescriptor routine);
* Add a usage privilege to the list of required privileges.
* @param usableObject
void addRequiredUsagePriv( PrivilegedSQLObject usableObject );
* Add a required role privilege to the list of privileges.
* @see CompilerContext#addRequiredRolePriv
void addRequiredRolePriv(String roleName, int privType);
* @return The list of required privileges.
List<StatementPermission> getRequiredPermissionsList();
* Add a sequence descriptor to the list of referenced sequences.
void addReferencedSequence( SequenceDescriptor sd );
* Report whether the given sequence has been referenced already.
boolean isReferenced( SequenceDescriptor sd );
* Add a filter for determining which QueryTreeNodes give rise to privilege checks
* at run time. The null filter (the default) says that all QueryTreeNodes potentially give
* rise to privilege checks.
public void addPrivilegeFilter( VisitableFilter vf );
* Remove a filter for determining which QueryTreeNodes give rise to privilege
* checks at run time.
public void removePrivilegeFilter( VisitableFilter vf );
* Return true if a QueryTreeNode passes all of the filters which determine whether
* the QueryTreeNode gives rise to run time privilege checks.
public boolean passesPrivilegeFilters( Visitable visitable )
throws StandardException;
* Record that the compiler is entering a named scope. Increment the
* depth counter for that scope.
public void beginScope( String scopeName );
* Record that the compiler is exiting a named scope. Decrement the
* depth counter for that scope.
public void endScope( String scopeName );
* Get the current depth for the named scope. For instance, if
* we are processing a WHERE clause inside a subquery which is
* invoked inside an outer WHERE clause, the depth of the whereScope
* would be 2. Returns 0 if the compiler isn't inside any such scope.
public int scopeDepth( String scopeName );
* Set whether we should skip adding USAGE privileges for user-defined types.
* Returns the previous setting of this variable.
public boolean skipTypePrivileges( boolean skip );
/** Return whether we are skipping USAGE privileges for user-defined types */
public boolean skippingTypePrivileges();