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Derby - Class
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import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
* FormatableBitSet is implemented as a packed array of bytes.
public final class FormatableBitSet implements Formatable, Cloneable
** This class implements Formatable. That means that it
** can write itself to and from a formatted stream. If
** you add more fields to this class, make sure that you
** also write/read them with the writeExternal()/readExternal()
** methods.
** If, inbetween releases, you add more fields to this class,
** then you should bump the version number emitted by the getTypeFormatId()
** method.
** Bits are stored as an array of bytes.
** Bits are numbered starting at 0. Bits
** 0..7 go in byte[0], 8..15 in byte[1] and so on.
** The number of bytes is tracked as part
** of the byte array. The number of bits
** being used is derived by the number of
** bytes being used and the number of bits
** being used by the last byte. The partially
** unused byte is always byte[byte.length] with the
** lowest bits being unused.
** Zero length bits are stored using a
** zero length byte array, with all bits
** marked as unused.
// value is never null. An empty bitset is represented by a
// zero-length array.
private byte[] value;
private byte bitsInLastByte;
private transient int lengthAsBits;
private final void checkPosition(int p) {
if (p < 0 || lengthAsBits <= p) {
throw new
IllegalArgumentException("Bit position "+p+
" is outside the legal range");
// Division, multiplication and remainder calcuation of a positive
// number with a power of two can be done using shifts and bit
// masking. The compiler attempts this optimization but since Java
// does not have unsigned ints it will also have to create code to
// handle negative values. In this class the argument is
// frequently an array index or array length, which is known not
// to be negative. These utility methods allow us to perform
// "unsigned" operations with 8. Hopefully the extra function call
// will be inlined by the compiler.
private static int udiv8(int i) { return (i>>3); }
private static byte umod8(int i) { return (byte)(i&0x7); }
private static int umul8(int i) { return (i<<3); }
* Niladic Constructor
public FormatableBitSet()
value = ArrayUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
* Constructs a Bit with the initial number of bits
public FormatableBitSet(int numBits)
if (numBits < 0) {
throw new
IllegalArgumentException("Bit set size "+ numBits +
" is not allowed");
private void initializeBits(int numBits)
int numBytes = numBytesFromBits(numBits);
// the byte array is zero'ed out by the new operator
value = new byte[numBytes];
bitsInLastByte = numBitsInLastByte(numBits);
lengthAsBits = numBits;
* Constructs a Bit from an array of bytes. Assume
* bytes are all being used.
* @param newValue The array of bytes to make up the new Bit
public FormatableBitSet(byte[] newValue)
value = ArrayUtil.copy( newValue );
bitsInLastByte = 8;
lengthAsBits = calculateLength(newValue.length);
* Copy constructor
* @param original the FormatableBitSet to make a copy from
public FormatableBitSet (FormatableBitSet original)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
original != null, "cannot make copy from a null FormatableBitSet");
bitsInLastByte = original.bitsInLastByte;
lengthAsBits = original.lengthAsBits;
int lenInBytes = FormatableBitSet.numBytesFromBits(original.lengthAsBits);
value = new byte[lenInBytes];
if (lenInBytes > 0)
System.arraycopy(original.value, 0, value, 0, lenInBytes);
* Cloneable
public Object clone()
return new FormatableBitSet(this);
* This method returns true if the following conditions hold:
* 1. The number of bits in the bitset will fit into the allocated
* byte array. 2. 'lengthAsBits' and 'bitsInLastByte' are
* consistent. 3. All unused bits in the byte array are
* unset. This represents an invariant for the class, so this
* method should always return true.
* The method is public, but is primarily intended for testing and
* @return true if invariant holds, false otherwise
public boolean invariantHolds() {
// Check that all bits will fit in byte array
final int arrayLengthAsBits = value.length*8;
if (lengthAsBits > arrayLengthAsBits) { return false; }
// Check consistency of 'lengthAsBits' and 'bitsInLastByte'
final int partialByteIndex = (lengthAsBits-1)/8;
if (bitsInLastByte != (lengthAsBits - (8*partialByteIndex))) {
return false;
// Special case for empty bitsets since they will have
// 'partialByteIndex'==0, but this isn't a legal index into
// the byte array
if (value.length==0) { return true; }
// Check that the last used (possibly partial) byte doesn't
// contain any unused bit positions that are set.
byte partialByte = value[partialByteIndex];
partialByte <<= bitsInLastByte; // must be zero after shift
// Check the remaining completely unused bytes (if any)
for (int i = partialByteIndex+1; i < value.length; ++i) {
partialByte |= value[i];
return (partialByte==0);
* Get the length in bytes of a Bit value
* @return The length in bytes of this value
public int getLengthInBytes()
return FormatableBitSet.numBytesFromBits(lengthAsBits);
** Get the length in bits
** @return The length in bits for this value
** NOTE: could possibly be changed to a long. As is
** we are restricted to 2^(31-3) -&gt; 256meg instead
** of 2^31 (Integer.MAX_VALUE) like other datatypes
** (or 2 gig). If it is ever changed to a long
** be sure to change read/writeExternal which write
** out the length in bits.
public int getLength() {
return lengthAsBits;
private int calculateLength(int realByteLength)
if (realByteLength == 0)
return 0;
return ((realByteLength - 1) * 8) + bitsInLastByte;
* Get the length in bits -- alias for getLength()
* @return The length in bits for this value
public int size()
return getLength();
* Get the value of the byte array
* @return The value of the byte array
public byte[] getByteArray()
// In some cases the array is bigger than the actual number
// of valid bytes.
int realByteLength = getLengthInBytes();
// Currently the case is that the return from this
// call only includes the valid bytes.
if (value.length != realByteLength) {
byte[] data = new byte[realByteLength];
System.arraycopy(value, 0, data, 0, realByteLength);
value = data;
return ArrayUtil.copy( value );
* Grow (widen) a FormatableBitSet so that it contains at least N
* bits. If the bitset already has more than n bits, this is a
* noop. Negative values of n are not allowed.
* ASSUMPTIONS: that all extra bits in the last byte are
* zero.
* @param n The number of bits you want. The bits are
* always added as 0 and are appended to the
* least significant end of the bit array.
public void grow(int n)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(invariantHolds(), "broken invariant");
if (n < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bit set cannot grow from "+
lengthAsBits+" to "+n+" bits");
if (n <= lengthAsBits) {
int newNumBytes = FormatableBitSet.numBytesFromBits(n);
// is there enough room in the existing array
if (newNumBytes > value.length) {
** We didn't have enough bytes in value, so we need
** to create a bigger byte array and use that.
byte[] newValue = new byte[newNumBytes];
int oldNumBytes = getLengthInBytes();
System.arraycopy(value, 0, newValue, 0, oldNumBytes);
value = newValue;
bitsInLastByte = numBitsInLastByte(n);
lengthAsBits = n;
* Shrink (narrow) a FormatableBitSet to N bits. N may not be
* larger than the current bitset size, or negative.
* @param n The number of bits the caller wants. The
* bits are always removed from the
* least significant end of the bit array.
public void shrink(int n)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(invariantHolds(), "broken invariant");
if (n < 0 || n > lengthAsBits) {
throw new
IllegalArgumentException("Bit set cannot shrink from "+
lengthAsBits+" to "+n+" bits");
final int firstUnusedByte = numBytesFromBits(n);
bitsInLastByte = numBitsInLastByte(n);
lengthAsBits = n;
for (int i = firstUnusedByte; i < value.length; ++i) {
value[i] = 0;
if (firstUnusedByte > 0) {
// Mask out any left over bits in the
// last byte. Retain the highest bits.
value[firstUnusedByte-1] &= 0xff00 >> bitsInLastByte;
** Some of the operators required by SQL. These could alternatively
** be in SQLBit, but since they are so tightly bound to the implementation
** rather than return something that undermines the encapsulation
** of this type, i have chosen to put them in here.
* Bit equivalence. Compare this with other.
* If the length is different, then cannot be
* equal so short circuit. Otherwise, rely on
* compare(). Note that two zero length bits are
* considered equal.
* @param other the other bit to compare to
* @return TRUE|FALSE
public boolean equals(Object other)
if (other instanceof FormatableBitSet)
FormatableBitSet that = (FormatableBitSet) other;
if (this.getLength() != that.getLength())
return false;
return ( == 0);
return false;
* Bit comparison. Compare this with other.
* Will always do a byte by byte compare.
* Given 2 similar bits of unequal lengths (x and y),
* where x.getLength() &lt; y.getLength() but where:
* x[0..x.getLength()] == y[0..x.getLength()]
* then x &lt; y.
* @param other the other bit to compare to
* @return -1 - if other &lt; this
* 0 - if other == this
* 1 - if other &gt; this
public int compare(FormatableBitSet other)
int otherCount, thisCount;
int otherLen, thisLen;
byte[] otherb;
otherb = other.value;
otherLen = other.getLengthInBytes();
thisLen = getLengthInBytes();
for (otherCount = 0, thisCount = 0;
otherCount < otherLen && thisCount < thisLen;
otherCount++, thisCount++)
if (otherb[otherCount] != this.value[thisCount])
** '==' if byte by byte comparison is identical and
** exact same length in bits (not bytes).
if ((otherCount == otherLen) && (thisCount == thisLen))
if (this.getLength() == other.getLength())
return 0;
** If subset of bits is identical, return 1
** if other.getLength() > this.getLength(); otherwise,
** -1
return (other.getLength() < this.getLength()) ? 1 : -1;
if (otherCount == otherLen)
return 1;
else if (thisCount == thisLen)
return -1;
** Ok, we have a difference somewhere. Now
** we have to go to the trouble of converting
** to a int and masking out the sign to get
** a valid comparision because bytes are signed.
int otherInt, thisInt;
otherInt = (int)otherb[otherCount];
otherInt &= (0x100 - 1);
thisInt = (int)this.value[thisCount];
thisInt &= (0x100 - 1);
return (thisInt > otherInt) ? 1 : -1;
* Produce a hash code by putting the value bytes into an int, exclusive OR'ing
* if there are more than 4 bytes.
* @return the hash code
public int hashCode()
int code = 0;
int i;
int shift = 0;
int byteLength = getLengthInBytes();
for( i = 0; i < byteLength; i++)
code ^= (value[i] & 0xff)<<shift;
shift += 8;
if( 32 <= shift)
shift = 0;
return code;
* Bit isSet
* @param position the bit to check
public final boolean isSet(int position)
final int byteIndex = udiv8(position);
final byte bitIndex = umod8(position);
return ((value[byteIndex] & (0x80>>bitIndex)) != 0);
* Bit get -- alias for isSet()
* @param position the bit to check
public final boolean get(int position)
return isSet(position);
* Bit set
* @param position the bit to set
public void set(int position)
final int byteIndex = udiv8(position);
final byte bitIndex = umod8(position);
value[byteIndex] |= (0x80>>bitIndex);
* Bit clear
* @param position the bit to clear
public void clear(int position)
final int byteIndex = udiv8(position);
final byte bitIndex = umod8(position);
value[byteIndex] &= ~(0x80>>bitIndex);
Clear all the bits in this FormatableBitSet
public void clear()
int byteLength = getLengthInBytes();
for (int ix=0; ix < byteLength; ix++)
value[ix] = 0;
* Figure out how many bytes are needed to
* store the input number of bits.
* @param bits bits
* @return the number of bytes
private static int numBytesFromBits(int bits) {
return (bits + 7) >> 3;
* Figure out how many bits are in the last
* byte from the total number of bits.
* @param bits bits
* @return the number of bits
private static byte
numBitsInLastByte(int bits)
if (bits == 0) return 0;
byte lastbits = umod8(bits);
return (lastbits != 0 ? lastbits : 8);
* Format the string into BitSet format: {0, 2, 4, 8} if bits 0, 2, 4, 8
* are set.
* @return A new String containing the formatted Bit value
public String toString()
// give it a reasonable size
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(getLength()*8*3);
boolean first = true;
for (int inPosition = 0; inPosition < getLength(); inPosition++)
if (isSet(inPosition))
if (!first)
str.append(", ");
first = false;
return new String(str);
* Statically calculates how many bits can fit into the number of
* bytes if this Bit object is externalized. Only valid for this
* implementation of Bit.
public static int maxBitsForSpace(int numBytes)
return (numBytes - 4)*8;
* A utility method which treats the byte argument as an 8-bit
* bitset and finds the first set bit in that byte. Assumes that
* at least one bit in v is set (v!=0).
* @param v a non-zero byte to check for set bits
* @return the zero-based index of the first set bit in the argument byte
private static byte firstSet(byte v) {
if ((v & 0x80) != 0) {
return 0;
if ((v & 0x40) != 0) {
return 1;
if ((v & 0x20) != 0) {
return 2;
if ((v & 0x10) != 0) {
return 3;
if ((v & 0x8) != 0) {
return 4;
if ((v & 0x4) != 0) {
return 5;
if ((v & 0x2) != 0) {
return 6;
return 7;
* If any bit is set, return the zero-based bit index of the first
* bit that is set. If no bit is set, return -1. By using
* anySetBit() and anySetBit(beyondBit), one can quickly go thru
* the entire bit array to return all set bit.
* @return the zero-based index of the first bit that is set, or
* -1 if no bit is set
public int anySetBit() {
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(invariantHolds(), "broken invariant");
final int numbytes = getLengthInBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < numbytes; ++i) {
final byte v = value[i];
if (v == 0) continue;
return (umul8(i) + firstSet(v));
return -1;
* Like anySetBit(), but return any set bit whose number is bigger than
* beyondBit. If no bit is set after beyondBit, -1 is returned.
* By using anySetBit() and anySetBit(beyondBit), one can quickly go
* thru the entire bit array to return all set bit.
* @param beyondBit Only look at bit that is greater than this bit number.
* Supplying a value of -1 makes the call equivalent to
* anySetBit().
* @return the bit number of a bit that is set, or -1 if no bit after
* beyondBit is set
public int anySetBit(int beyondBit) {
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(invariantHolds(), "broken invariant");
if (++beyondBit >= lengthAsBits) {
return -1;
int i = udiv8(beyondBit);
byte v = (byte)(value[i] << umod8(beyondBit));
if (v != 0) {
return (beyondBit + firstSet(v));
final int numbytes = getLengthInBytes();
for (++i; i < numbytes; ++i) {
v = value[i];
if (v == 0) continue;
return (umul8(i) + firstSet(v));
return -1;
* Bitwise OR this FormatableBitSet with another
* FormatableBitSet. The result is stored in this bitset. The
* operand is unaffected. A null operand is treated as an empty
* bitset (i.e. a noop). A bitset that is smaller than its operand
* is expanded to the same size.
* @param otherBit bitset operand
public void or(FormatableBitSet otherBit)
if (otherBit == null) {
int otherLength = otherBit.getLength();
if (otherLength > getLength()) {
int obByteLen = otherBit.getLengthInBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < obByteLen; ++i) {
value[i] |= otherBit.value[i];
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(invariantHolds(),"or() broke invariant");
* Copy the bytes from another FormatableBitSet. Assumes that this bit set
* is at least as large as the argument's bit set.
public void copyFrom( FormatableBitSet that )
System.arraycopy( that.getByteArray(), 0, value, 0, that.getLengthInBytes());
* Bitwise AND this FormatableBitSet with another
* FormatableBitSet. The result is stored in this bitset. The
* operand is unaffected. A null operand is treated as an empty
* bitset (i.e. clearing this bitset). A bitset that is smaller
* than its operand is expanded to the same size.
* @param otherBit bitset operand
public void and(FormatableBitSet otherBit)
if (otherBit == null) {
int otherLength = otherBit.getLength();
if (otherLength > getLength()) {
// Since this bitset is at least as large as the other bitset,
// one can use the length of the other bitset in the iteration
int byteLength = otherBit.getLengthInBytes();
int i = 0;
for (; i < byteLength; ++i) {
value[i] &= otherBit.value[i];
// If the other bitset is shorter the excess bytes in this
// bitset must be cleared
byteLength = getLengthInBytes();
for (; i < byteLength; ++i) {
value[i] = 0;
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(invariantHolds(),"and() broke invariant");
* Bitwise XOR this FormatableBitSet with another
* FormatableBitSet. The result is stored in this bitset. The
* operand is unaffected. A null operand is treated as an empty
* bitset (i.e. a noop). A bitset that is smaller than its operand
* is expanded to the same size.
* @param otherBit bitset operand
public void xor(FormatableBitSet otherBit)
if (otherBit == null) {
int otherLength = otherBit.getLength();
if (otherLength > getLength()) {
int obByteLen = otherBit.getLengthInBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < obByteLen; ++i) {
value[i] ^= otherBit.value[i];
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(invariantHolds(),"xor() broke invariant");
* Get a count of the number of bits that are set.
* @return The number of bits that are set.
public int getNumBitsSet()
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(invariantHolds(),"broken invariant");
int bitsSet = 0;
final int numbytes = getLengthInBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < numbytes; ++i) {
byte v = value[i];
// "Truth table", bits set in half-nibble (2 bits):
// A | A>>1 | A-=A>>1 | bits set
// ------------------------------
// 00 | 00 | 0 | 0
// 01 | 00 | 1 | 1
// 10 | 01 | 1 | 1
// 11 | 01 | 2 | 2
// Calculate bits set in each half-nibble in parallel
// |ab|cd|ef|gh|
// - |>a|&c|&e|&g|>
// ----------------
// = |ij|kl|mn|op|
v -= ((v >> 1) & 0x55);
// Add the upper and lower half-nibbles together and store
// in each nibble
// |&&|kl|&&|op|
//+ |>>|ij|&&|mn|>>
//= |0q|rs|0t|uv|
v = (byte)((v & 0x33) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33));
// Add the nibbles together
// |&&&&|&tuv|
//+ |>>>>|0qrs|>>>>
//= |0000|wxyz|
v = (byte)((v & 0x7) + (v >> 4));
bitsSet += v;
return bitsSet;
* Format: <UL>
* <LI>int length in bits </LI>
* <LI>byte[] </LI></UL>
* @see
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
// never called when value is null
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT(value != null);
int byteLen = getLengthInBytes();
if (byteLen > 0)
out.write(value, 0, byteLen);
* Note: gracefully handles zero length
* bits -- will create a zero length array
* with no bits being used. Fortunately
* is ok with a zero length array
* so no special code.
* <p>
* WARNING: this method cannot be changed w/o
* changing SQLBit because SQLBit calls this
* directly w/o calling read/writeObject(), so
* the format id is not stored in that case.
* @see
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException
int lenInBits;
int lenInBytes;
lenInBits = in.readInt();
lenInBytes = FormatableBitSet.numBytesFromBits(lenInBits);
** How can lenInBytes be zero? The implication is
** that lenInBits is zero. Well, the reason this can
** happen is that the store will reset our stream
** out from underneath us if we are a Bit column that
** overflows onto another page because it assumes that
** we want to stream it in specially. Because of this warped
** API, our readInt() will return 0 even though our
** writeExternal() did a writeInt(xxx). The upshot
** is that you should leave the following alone.
value = new byte[lenInBytes];
bitsInLastByte = numBitsInLastByte(lenInBits);
lengthAsBits = lenInBits;
* Get the formatID which corresponds to this class.
* @return the formatID of this class
public int getTypeFormatId() { return StoredFormatIds.BITIMPL_V01_ID; }