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Derby - Class
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import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
An InputStream that allows reading from an array of bytes. The array
of bytes that is read from can be changed without having to create a new
instance of this class.
public final class ArrayInputStream extends InputStream implements LimitObjectInput {
private byte[] pageData;
private int start;
private int end; // exclusive
private int position;
* Create an ArrayInputStream with a zero length byte array.
* The position is set to 0 and the limit is the entire byte array.
public ArrayInputStream() {
private ErrorObjectInput oi;
* Create an ArrayInputStream with the passed in data.
* The position is set to 0 and the limit is the entire byte array.
* @param data
public ArrayInputStream(byte[] data) {
oi = new;
** Public methods
Set the array of bytes to be read.
Position is set to zero.
public void setData(byte[] data) {
pageData = data;
start = position = 0;
end = data.length;
Return a reference to the array of bytes this stream is going to read
from so that caller may load it with stuff
public byte[] getData()
return pageData;
** Methods of InputStream
public int read() throws IOException {
if (position == end)
return -1; // end of file
return pageData[position++] & 0xff ;
public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
final int available = available();
if (len > available) {
// attempted to read more bytes than available
if (available == 0) {
// no bytes available, return -1 to report end of file
return -1;
// read all the available bytes
len = available;
System.arraycopy(pageData, position, b, off, len);
position += len;
return len;
* Skip as many bytes as possible, but no more than {@code count}.
* @param count the number of bytes to skip
* @return the number of bytes that were skipped
public long skip(long count) throws IOException {
// return 0 on non-positive count, per javadoc for
// InputStream.skip(long)
if (count <= 0) {
return 0;
// don't skip more bytes than we have available
long toSkip = Math.min(count, available());
position += toSkip;
return toSkip;
public int getPosition() {
return position;
public final void setPosition(int newPosition)
throws IOException {
if ((newPosition >= start) && (newPosition < end))
position = newPosition;
throw new EOFException();
public int available() throws IOException {
return end - position;
A setLimit which also sets the position to be offset.
@exception IOException limit is out of range
public void setLimit(int offset, int length) throws IOException {
start = offset;
end = offset + length;
position = start;
if ((offset < 0) || (length < 0) || (end > pageData.length)) {
start = end = position = 0;
throw new EOFException();
** Methods of Limit
public final void setLimit(int length) throws IOException {
start = position;
end = position + length;
if (end > pageData.length) {
start = end = position = 0;
throw new EOFException();
Clears the limit by setting the limit to be the entire byte array.
@see Limit#clearLimit
public final int clearLimit() {
start = 0;
int remainingBytes = end - position;
end = pageData.length;
return remainingBytes;
** Methods of DataInput
public final void readFully(byte b[]) throws IOException {
readFully(b, 0, b.length);
public final void readFully(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (len > available()) {
throw new EOFException();
System.arraycopy(pageData, position, b, off, len);
position += len;
* Skip as many bytes as possible, but no more than {@code n}.
* @param n the number of bytes to skip
* @return the number of bytes that were skipped
public final int skipBytes(int n) throws IOException {
return (int) skip(n);
public final boolean readBoolean() throws IOException {
if (position == end)
throw new EOFException(); // end of file
return pageData[position++] != 0;
public final byte readByte() throws IOException {
if (position == end)
throw new EOFException(); // end of file
return pageData[position++];
public final int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException {
if (position == end)
throw new EOFException(); // end of file
return pageData[position++] & 0xff ;
public final short readShort() throws IOException {
int pos = position;
byte[] data = pageData;
if (pos >= (end - 1))
throw new EOFException(); // end of file
int s = ((data[pos++] & 0xff) << 8) | (data[pos++] & 0xff);
position = pos;
return (short) s;
public final int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException {
int pos = position;
byte[] data = pageData;
if (pos >= (end - 1))
throw new EOFException(); // end of file
int us = ((data[pos++] & 0xff) << 8) | (data[pos++] & 0xff);
position = pos;
return us;
public final char readChar() throws IOException {
int pos = position;
byte[] data = pageData;
if (pos >= (end -1))
throw new EOFException(); // end of file
int c = ((data[pos++] & 0xff) << 8) | (data[pos++] & 0xff);
position = pos;
return (char) c;
public final int readInt() throws IOException {
int pos = position;
byte[] data = pageData;
if (pos >= (end - 3))
throw new EOFException(); // end of file
int i = ((data[pos++] & 0xff) << 24) |
((data[pos++] & 0xff) << 16) |
((data[pos++] & 0xff) << 8) |
((data[pos++] & 0xff) );
position = pos;
return i;
public final long readLong() throws IOException {
int pos = position;
byte[] data = pageData;
if (pos >= (end - 7))
throw new EOFException(); // end of file
long l =
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 56) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 48) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 40) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 32) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 24) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 16) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 8) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) );
position = pos;
return l;
public final float readFloat() throws IOException {
return Float.intBitsToFloat(readInt());
public final double readDouble() throws IOException {
return Double.longBitsToDouble(readLong());
public final String readLine() throws IOException {
return oi.readLine();
public final String readUTF() throws IOException {
return oi.readUTF();
* read in a Derby UTF formated string into a char[].
* <p>
* This routine inline's the code to read a UTF format string from a
* byte[] array (pageData), into a char[] array. The string will
* be read into the char[] array passed into this routine through
* rawData_array[0] if it is big enough. If it is not big enough
* a new char[] will be alocated and returned to the caller by putting
* it into rawData_array[0].
* <p>
* To see detailed description of the Derby UTF format see
* the writeExternal() routine of SQLChar.
* <p>
* The routine returns the number of char's read into the returned
* char[], note that this length may smaller than the actual length
* of the char[] array.
* <p>
* The stream must be positioned on the first user byte when this method
* is invoked.
* @return The the number of valid char's in the returned char[].
* @param rawData_array This parameter uses a element array to implement
* an in/out function parameter. The char[] array
* in rawData_array[0] is used to read the data into
* unless it is not big enough, then a new array
* is allocated and the old one discarded. In
* either case on return rawData_array[0] contains
* the filled in char[] - caller must allow that
* the array may or may not be different from the
* one passed in.
* @param utflen the byte length of the value, or {@code 0} if unknown
* @exception IOException if an I/O error happens
public final int readDerbyUTF(char[][] rawData_array, int utflen)
throws IOException
// copy globals locally, to give compiler chance to optimize.
byte[] data = pageData;
int end_pos = end;
int pos = position;
* 3 cases - can they all happen?
* o utflen == 0 and end is marked E0, 0, 0
* o utflen == 0 and there is no data (ie. 0 length string)
* o utflen != 0, utflen is exact length of following bytes
// requiredLength is the amount of bytes to read from the array,
// either the utflen in the header length, or the number of bytes
// available in the array. Throw an exception if we know up front
// that utflen is bigger than number of bytes in the array.
int requiredLength;
if (utflen != 0)
// this is the only place we need to check for end of file,
// the subsequent loop will not read past bytes_available_in_array.
if (utflen <= (end_pos - pos))
requiredLength = utflen;
throw new EOFException();
// the byte header returned 0, so read what is left in the array.
requiredLength = (end_pos - pos);
// Use the passed in char[] array if it is long enough, otherwise
// allocate a new array, and will pass it back to caller at the end.
// Note that requiredLength is the worst case length for the array,
// as the number of char characters must be <= number of bytes (ie.
// all characters were stored compressed in 1 byte each - the ascii
// default) - if there are any 2 or 3 byte stored characters then
// the array will have extra space at the end. "strlen" tracks the
// real number of char's in str[].
char[] str = rawData_array[0];
if ((str == null) || (requiredLength > str.length))
str = new char[requiredLength];
rawData_array[0] = str;
end_pos = pos + requiredLength;
int strlen = 0;
while (pos < end_pos)
int char1 = (data[pos++] & 0xff);
// top fours bits of the first unsigned byte that maps to a 1,2
// or 3 byte character
// 0000xxxx - 0 - 1 byte char
// 0001xxxx - 1 - 1 byte char
// 0010xxxx - 2 - 1 byte char
// 0011xxxx - 3 - 1 byte char
// 0100xxxx - 4 - 1 byte char
// 0101xxxx - 5 - 1 byte char
// 0110xxxx - 6 - 1 byte char
// 0111xxxx - 7 - 1 byte char
// 1000xxxx - 8 - error
// 1001xxxx - 9 - error
// 1010xxxx - 10 - error
// 1011xxxx - 11 - error
// 1100xxxx - 12 - 2 byte char
// 1101xxxx - 13 - 2 byte char
// 1110xxxx - 14 - 3 byte char
// 1111xxxx - 15 - error
int char2, char3;
if ((char1 & 0x80) == 0x00)
// one byte character
str[strlen++] = (char) char1;
else if ((char1 & 0x60) == 0x40) // we know the top bit is set here
// two byte character, make sure read of next byte is in bounds.
if (pos >= end_pos)
throw new UTFDataFormatException();
char2 = (data[pos++] & 0xff);
if ((char2 & 0xC0) != 0x80)
throw new UTFDataFormatException();
str[strlen++] = (char)(((char1 & 0x1F) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3F));
else if ((char1 & 0x70) == 0x60) // we know the top bit is set here
// three byte character
// 3 byte character, make sure read of next 2 bytes in bounds.
if (pos + 1 >= end_pos)
throw new UTFDataFormatException();
char2 = (data[pos++] & 0xff);
char3 = (data[pos++] & 0xff);
if ((char1 == 0xE0) &&
(char2 == 0) &&
(char3 == 0) &&
(utflen == 0))
// we reached the end of a long string,
// that was terminated with
// (11100000, 00000000, 00000000)
else if (((char2 & 0xC0) != 0x80) || ((char3 & 0xC0) != 0x80))
throw new UTFDataFormatException();
str[strlen++] = (char)
(((char1 & 0x0F) << 12) |
((char2 & 0x3F) << 6) |
((char3 & 0x3F) << 0));
throw new UTFDataFormatException();
// update global on successful read exit.
position = pos;
* Read a compressed int from the stream.
* <p>
* Read a compressed int from the stream, which is assumed to have
* been written by a call to CompressNumber.writeInt().
* <p>
* Code from CompressedNumber is inlined here so that these fields can
* be read from the array with a minimum of function calls.
* <p>
* The format of a compressed int is as follows:
* Formats are (with x representing value bits):
* <PRE>
* 1 Byte- 00xxxxxx val &lt;= 63 (0x3f)
* 2 Byte- 01xxxxxx xxxxxxxx val &gt; 63 &amp;&amp; &lt;= 16383 (0x3fff)
* 4 byte- 1xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx val &gt; 16383 &amp;&amp; &lt;= MAX_INT
* </PRE>
* @exception IOException if an I/O error happens
public final int readCompressedInt()
throws IOException
int pos = position;
byte[] data = pageData;
int value = data[pos++];
if ((value & ~0x3f) == 0)
// entire value is stored in this byte, we also know that the
// 0x80 bit was not set, so no need to mask off the sign
// extension from the byte to int conversion.
else if ((value & 0x80) == 0)
// value stored in 2 bytes. only use low 6 bits from 1st byte.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT((value & 0x40) == 0x40);
// top 8 bits of 2 byte value is stored in this byte, we also
// know that the 0x80 bit was not set, so no need to mask off
// the sign extension from the 1st byte to int conversion.
// Need to mask the byte in data[pos + 1] to account for
// possible sign extension.
value =
(((value & 0x3f) << 8) | (data[pos++] & 0xff));
// value stored in 4 bytes. only use low 7 bits from 1st byte.
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
SanityManager.ASSERT((value & 0x80) == 0x80);
// top 8 bits of 4 byte value is stored in this byte, we also
// know that the 0x80 bit was set, so need to mask off the
// sign extension from the 1st byte to int conversion. Need to
// mask the bytes from the next 3 bytes data[pos + 1,2,3] to
// account for possible sign extension.
value =
((value & 0x7f) << 24) |
((data[pos++] & 0xff) << 16) |
((data[pos++] & 0xff) << 8) |
((data[pos++] & 0xff) );
position = pos;
catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex)
throw new EOFException(); // end of file
* Read a compressed long from the stream.
* <p>
* Read a compressed long from the stream, which is assumed to have
* been written by a call to CompressNumber.writeLong().
* <p>
* Code from CompressedNumber is inlined here so that these fields can
* be read from the array with a minimum of function calls.
* <p>
* The format of a compressed int is as follows:
* Formats are (with x representing value bits):
* <PRE>
* value &gl;= 16383 (0x3fff):
* 2 byte - 00xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
* value &gt; 16383 &amp;&amp; &lt;= 0x3fffffff:
* 4 byte - 01xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
* value &lt; 0x3fffffff &amp;&lt; &lt;= MAX_LONG:
* 8 byte - 1xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
* </PRE>
public final long readCompressedLong()
throws IOException
// copy globals locally, to give compiler chance to optimize.
int pos = position;
byte[] data = pageData;
// int_value tells whether it is 1, 4, or 8 bytes long.
int int_value = data[pos++];
// build up long value and return it through this variable.
long long_value;
if ((int_value & ~0x3f) == 0)
// 2 byte representation
// 1st byte of value is stored in int_value, we also know that
// the 0x80 bit was not set, so no need to mask off the sign
// extension from the 1st byte to int conversion.
long_value = ((int_value << 8) | (data[pos++] & 0xff));
else if ((int_value & 0x80) == 0)
// value stored in 4 bytes. only use low 6 bits from 1st byte.
// Need to mask the bytes from the next 3 bytes
// data[pos + 1,2,3] to account for possible sign extension.
long_value =
((int_value & 0x3f) << 24) |
((data[pos++] & 0xff) << 16) |
((data[pos++] & 0xff) << 8) |
((data[pos++] & 0xff) );
// top 7 bits of 8 byte value is stored in int_value, we also
// know that the 0x80 bit was set, so need to mask off the
// sign extension from the 1st byte to int conversion. Need to
// mask the bytes from the next 7 bytes data[pos + 1,2,...] to
// account for possible sign extension.
// value stored in 8 bytes. only use low 7 bits from 1st byte.
long_value =
(((long) (int_value & 0x7f)) << 56) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 48) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 40) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 32) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 24) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 16) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) << 8) |
(((long) (data[pos++] & 0xff)) );
position = pos;
catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex)
// let java figure out if we went past end of data[] array.
throw new EOFException(); // end of file
public Object readObject() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
return oi.readObject();
public String getErrorInfo() {
return oi.getErrorInfo();
public Exception getNestedException() {
return oi.getNestedException();