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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.drda.DDMWriter
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package org.apache.derby.impl.drda;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.CoderResult;
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
import java.sql.DataTruncation;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.DRDAConstants;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
The DDMWriter is used to write DRDA protocol. The DRDA Protocol is
described in the DDMReader class.
For more details, see DRDA Volume 3 (Distributed Data Management(DDM)
Architecture (DDS definition)
class DDMWriter
// number of nesting levels for collections. We need to mark the length
// location of the collection so that we can update it as we add more stuff
// to the collection
private final static int MAX_MARKS_NESTING = 10;
// Default buffer size
private final static int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 32767;
* The maximum length in bytes for strings sent by {@code writeLDString()},
* which is the maximum unsigned integer value that fits in two bytes.
final static int MAX_VARCHAR_BYTE_LENGTH = 0xFFFF;
* Output buffer.
private ByteBuffer buffer;
// A saved mark in the stream is saved temporarily to revisit the location.
private int[] markStack = new int[MAX_MARKS_NESTING];
// top of the stack
private int top;
// CCSID manager for translation of strings in the protocol to UTF-8 and EBCDIC
private EbcdicCcsidManager ebcdicCcsidManager;
private Utf8CcsidManager utf8CcsidManager;
// Current CCSID manager
private CcsidManager ccsidManager;
// DRDA connection thread for this writer
private DRDAConnThread agent;
// This Object tracks the location of the current
// Dss header length bytes. This is done so
// the length bytes can be automatically
// updated as information is added to this stream.
private int dssLengthLocation;
// Current correlation ID
private int correlationID;
// Next correlation ID
private int nextCorrelationID;
// is this DRDA protocol or CMD protocol
private boolean isDRDAProtocol;
// trace object of the associated session
private DssTrace dssTrace;
// Location of the start of the header
// of the DSS most recently written to the buffer.
private int prevHdrLocation;
// Correlation id of the last DSS that was written to buffer.
private int previousCorrId;
// Chaining bit of the last DSS that was written to buffer.
private byte previousChainByte;
// Whether or not the current DSS is a continuation DSS.
private boolean isContinuationDss;
// In situations where we want to "mark" a buffer location so that
// we can "back-out" of a write to handle errors, this holds the
// location within the buffer of the start of the header
// that immediately precedes the mark.
private int lastDSSBeforeMark;
/** Encoder which encodes strings with the server's default encoding. */
private final CharsetEncoder encoder;
// For JMX statistics. Volatile to ensure we
// get one complete long, but we don't bother to synchronize,
// since this is just statistics.
volatile long totalByteCount = 0;
DDMWriter (DRDAConnThread agent, DssTrace dssTrace)
// Create instances of the two ccsid managers and default to EBCDIC
this.ebcdicCcsidManager = new EbcdicCcsidManager();
this.utf8CcsidManager = new Utf8CcsidManager();
this.ccsidManager = this.ebcdicCcsidManager;
this.buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
this.agent = agent;
this.prevHdrLocation = -1;
this.previousCorrId = DssConstants.CORRELATION_ID_UNKNOWN;
this.previousChainByte = DssConstants.DSS_NOCHAIN;
this.isContinuationDss = false;
this.lastDSSBeforeMark = -1;
// create an encoder which inserts the charset's default replacement
// character for characters it can't encode
encoder = NetworkServerControlImpl.DEFAULT_CHARSET.newEncoder()
// Switch the ccsidManager to the UTF-8 instance
protected void setUtf8Ccsid() {
ccsidManager = utf8CcsidManager;
// Switch the ccsidManager to the EBCDIC instance
protected void setEbcdicCcsid() {
ccsidManager = ebcdicCcsidManager;
// Get the current ccsidManager
protected CcsidManager getCurrentCcsidManager() {
return ccsidManager;
* reset values for sending next message
protected void reset(DssTrace dssTrace)
top = 0;
dssLengthLocation = 0;
nextCorrelationID = 1;
correlationID = DssConstants.CORRELATION_ID_UNKNOWN;
isDRDAProtocol = true;
this.dssTrace = dssTrace;
* Get the current position in the output buffer.
* @return current position
protected int getBufferPosition() {
return buffer.position();
* Change the current position in the output buffer.
* @param position new position
protected void setBufferPosition(int position) {
* Get a copy of a subsequence of the output buffer, starting at the
* specified position and ending at the current buffer position.
* @param startPos the position of the first byte to copy
* @return all bytes from {@code startPos} up to the current position
protected byte[] getBufferContents(int startPos) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.position() - startPos];
System.arraycopy(buffer.array(), startPos, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
return bytes;
* set protocol to CMD protocol
protected void setCMDProtocol()
isDRDAProtocol = false;
* Create DSS reply object
protected void createDssReply()
beginDss(DssConstants.DSSFMT_RPYDSS, true);
* Create DSS request object
* NOTE: This is _ONLY_ used for testing the protocol
* (via the file in this package)!
* We should never create a DSS request in normal
* DRDA processing (we should only create DSS replies
* and DSS objects).
protected void createDssRequest()
beginDss(DssConstants.DSSFMT_RQSDSS, true);
* Create DSS data object
protected void createDssObject()
beginDss(DssConstants.DSSFMT_OBJDSS, true);
* Mark the DSS that we're currently writing as
* a continued DSS, which is done by setting
* the high-order bit to "1", per DDM spec.
* This means:
* 1. One or more continuation DSSes will immediately
* follow the current (continued) DSS.
* 2. All continuation DSSes will have a 2-byte
* continuation header, followed by data; in
* other words, chaining state, correlation
* id, dss format info, and code point will
* NOT be included. All of that info is
* present ONLY in the FIRST DSS in the
* list of continued DSSes.
* NOTE: A DSS can be a "continuation" DSS _and_
* a "continued" DSS at the same time. However,
* the FIRST DSS to be continued canNOT be
* a continuation DSS.
private void markDssAsContinued(boolean forLob)
if (!forLob) {
// continuation bit defaults to '1' for lobs, so
// we only have to switch it if we're not writing
// lobs.
byte b = (byte) (buffer.get(dssLengthLocation) | 0x80);
buffer.put(dssLengthLocation, b);
// We need to set the chaining state, but ONLY
// IF this is the FIRST DSS in the continuation
// list (only the first one has chaining state
// in it's header; the others do not).
if (!isContinuationDss)
* End DSS header by writing the length in the length location
* and setting the chain bit. Unlike the other two endDss
* methods, this one overrides the default chaining byte
* (which is set in beginDss) with the chaining byte that
* is passed in. NOTE: This method is only used in
* association with createDssRequest, and thus is for
* TESTING purposes only (via No calls
* should be made to this method in normal DRDA processing
* (because for normal processing, chaining must be
* determined automatically based on DSS requests).
protected void endDss(byte chainByte)
// Do regular endDss processing.
// Now override default chain state.
overrideChainByte(dssLengthLocation + 3, chainByte);
previousChainByte = chainByte;
* Override the default chaining byte with the chaining byte that is passed
* in.
* @param pos the position on which the chaining byte is located
* @param chainByte the chaining byte that overrides the default
private void overrideChainByte(int pos, byte chainByte) {
byte b = buffer.get(pos);
b &= 0x0F; // Zero out default
b |= chainByte;
buffer.put(pos, b);
* End DSS header by writing the length in the length location
* and setting the chain bit.
protected void endDss() {
* End DSS header by writing the length in the length location
* and setting the chain bit.
private void endDss (boolean finalizeLength)
if (finalizeLength)
if (isContinuationDss) {
// no chaining information for this DSS; so we're done.
isContinuationDss = false;
previousCorrId = correlationID;
prevHdrLocation = dssLengthLocation;
previousChainByte = DssConstants.DSSCHAIN_SAME_ID;
* End final DDM and DSS header by writing the length in the length location
protected void endDdmAndDss ()
endDdm(); // updates last DDM object
* Copy Data to End
* Create a buffer and copy from the position given to the end of data
* Note that the position given is treated as relative to the
* current DSS, for there may be other DSS blocks (chained, presumably)
* which are sitting unwritten in the buffer. The caller doesn't
* know this, though, and works only with the current DSS.
* getDSSLength, copyDSSDataToEnd, and truncateDSS work together to
* provide a sub-protocol for DRDAConnThread to use in its
* implementation of the LMTBLKPRC protocol. They enable the caller
* to determine when it has written too much data into the current
* DSS, to reclaim the extra data that won't fit, and to truncate
* that extra data once it has been reclaimed and stored elsewhere.
* Note that this support only works for the current DSS. Earlier,
* chained DSS blocks cannot be accessed using these methods. For
* additional background information, the interested reader should
* investigate bugs DERBY-491 and 492 at:
* and
* @param start
protected byte [] copyDSSDataToEnd(int start)
start = start + dssLengthLocation;
int length = buffer.position() - start;
byte [] temp = new byte[length];
return temp;
// Collection methods
* Mark the location of the length bytes for the collection so they
* can be updated later
protected void startDdm (int codePoint)
// save the location of the beginning of the collection so
// that we can come back and fill in the length bytes
final int offset = buffer.position();
markStack[top++] = offset;
ensureLength (4); // verify space for length bytes and code point
// move past the length bytes before writing the code point
buffer.position(offset + 2);
buffer.putShort((short) codePoint);
* Erase all writes for the current ddm and reset the
* top
protected void clearDdm ()
* Clear the entire send buffer
protected void clearBuffer()
top = 0;
dssLengthLocation = 0;
correlationID = DssConstants.CORRELATION_ID_UNKNOWN;
nextCorrelationID = 1;
isDRDAProtocol = true;
* End the current DDM
protected void endDdm ()
// remove the top length location offset from the mark stack
// calculate the length based on the marked location and end of data.
int lengthLocation = markStack[--top];
int length = buffer.position() - lengthLocation;
// determine if any extended length bytes are needed. the value returned
// from calculateExtendedLengthByteCount is the number of extended length
// bytes required. 0 indicates no exteneded length.
int extendedLengthByteCount = calculateExtendedLengthByteCount (length);
if (extendedLengthByteCount != 0)
// ensure there is enough room in the buffer for the extended length bytes.
ensureLength (extendedLengthByteCount);
// calculate the length to be placed in the extended length bytes.
// this length does not include the 4 byte llcp.
int extendedLength = length - 4;
// the extended length should be written right after the length and
// the codepoint (2+2 bytes)
final int extendedLengthLocation = lengthLocation + 4;
// shift the data to the right by the number of extended
// length bytes needed.
buffer.position(extendedLengthLocation + extendedLengthByteCount);
buffer.put(buffer.array(), extendedLengthLocation, extendedLength);
// write the extended length (a variable number of bytes in
// big-endian order)
for (int pos = extendedLengthLocation + extendedLengthByteCount - 1;
pos >= extendedLengthLocation; pos--) {
buffer.put(pos, (byte) extendedLength);
extendedLength >>= 8;
// the two byte length field before the codepoint contains the length
// of itself, the length of the codepoint, and the number of bytes used
// to hold the extended length. the 2 byte length field also has the first
// bit on to indicate extended length bytes were used.
length = extendedLengthByteCount + 4;
length |= DssConstants.CONTINUATION_BIT;
// write the 2 byte length field (2 bytes before codepoint).
buffer.putShort(lengthLocation, (short) length);
* Get the length of the current DSS block we're working on. This is
* used by the LMTBLKPRC protocol, which does its own conversational
* blocking protocol above the layer of the DRDA blocking. The LMTBLKPRC
* implementation (in DRDAConnThread) needs to be able to truncate a
* DSS block when splitting a QRYDTA response.
* @return current DSS block length
protected int getDSSLength()
return buffer.position() - dssLengthLocation;
* Truncate the current DSS. Before making this call, you should ensure
* that you have copied the data to be truncated somewhere else, by
* calling copyDSSDataToEnd
* @param value DSS length
protected void truncateDSS(int value)
buffer.position(dssLengthLocation + value);
// Write routines
* Write byte
* @param value byte to be written
protected void writeByte (int value)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (value > 255)
"writeByte value: " + value +
" may not be > 255");
ensureLength (1);
buffer.put((byte) value);
* Write network short
* @param value value to be written
protected void writeNetworkShort (int value)
ensureLength (2);
buffer.putShort((short) value);
* Write network int
* @param value value to be written
protected void writeNetworkInt (int value)
ensureLength (4);
* Write byte array
* @param buf byte array to be written
* @param length - length to write
protected void writeBytes (byte[] buf, int length)
writeBytes(buf, 0,length);
* Write byte array
* @param buf byte array to be written
* @param start - starting position
* @param length - length to write
protected void writeBytes (byte[] buf, int start, int length)
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if (buf == null && length > 0)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Buf is null");
if (length + start - 1 > buf.length)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Not enough bytes in buffer");
ensureLength (length);
buffer.put(buf, start, length);
* Write byte array
* @param buf byte array to be written
protected void writeBytes (byte[] buf)
protected void writeLDBytes(byte[] buf)
writeLDBytes(buf, 0);
protected void writeLDBytes(byte[] buf, int index)
int writeLen = buf.length;
* Write code point and 4 bytes
* @param codePoint - code point to write
* @param value - value to write after code point
void writeCodePoint4Bytes (int codePoint, int value)
ensureLength (4);
buffer.putShort((short) codePoint);
buffer.putShort((short) value);
* Write scalar 1 byte object includes length, codepoint and value
* @param codePoint - code point to write
* @param value - value to write after code point
void writeScalar1Byte (int codePoint, int value)
ensureLength (5);
buffer.putShort((short) 0x0005);
buffer.putShort((short) codePoint);
buffer.put((byte) value);
* Write scalar 2 byte object includes length, codepoint and value
* @param codePoint - code point to write
* @param value - value to write after code point
protected void writeScalar2Bytes (int codePoint, int value)
ensureLength (6);
buffer.putShort((short) 0x0006);
buffer.putShort((short) codePoint);
buffer.putShort((short) value);
protected void writeScalar2Bytes ( int value)
ensureLength (2);
buffer.putShort((short) value);
protected void writeScalarStream (boolean chainedWithSameCorrelator,
int codePoint,
EXTDTAInputStream in,
boolean writeNullByte)
throws DRDAProtocolException
// Stream equivalent of "beginDss"...
int spareDssLength = prepScalarStream( chainedWithSameCorrelator,
// write the data
try {
OutputStream out =
placeLayerBStreamingBuffer( agent.getOutputStream() );
boolean isLastSegment = false;
while( !isLastSegment ){
if( SanityManager.DEBUG ){
if( PropertyUtil.getSystemBoolean("derby.debug.suicideOfLayerBStreaming") )
throw new IOException();
// read as many bytes as possible directly into the backing array
final int offset = buffer.position();
final int bytesRead =, offset,
Math.min(spareDssLength, buffer.remaining()));
// update the buffer position
buffer.position(offset + bytesRead);
spareDssLength -= bytesRead;
isLastSegment = peekStream(in) < 0;
if(isLastSegment ||
spareDssLength == 0){
flushScalarStreamSegment (isLastSegment,
if( ! isLastSegment )
spareDssLength = DssConstants.MAX_DSS_LENGTH - 2;
}catch(IOException e){
agent.markCommunicationsFailure (e,"DDMWriter.writeScalarStream()",
* Begins a DSS stream (for writing LOB data).
private void beginDss (boolean chainedToNextStructure,
int dssType)
beginDss(dssType, false); // false => don't ensure length.
// always turn on continuation flags... this is helpful for lobs...
// these bytes will get rest if dss lengths are finalized.
buffer.putShort(dssLengthLocation, (short) 0xFFFF);
// Set whether or not this DSS should be chained to
// the next one. If it's chained, it has to be chained
// with same id (that's the nature of EXTDTA chaining).
if (chainedToNextStructure) {
dssType |= DssConstants.GDSCHAIN_SAME_ID;
buffer.put(dssLengthLocation + 3, (byte) dssType);
* prepScalarStream does the following prep for writing stream data:
* 1. Flushes an existing DSS segment, if necessary
* 2. Determines if extended length bytes are needed
* 3. Creates a new DSS/DDM header and a null byte indicator, if applicable
* If value of length was less than 0, this method processes streaming as Layer B Streaming.
* cf. page 315 of specification of DRDA, Version 3, Volume 3
private int prepScalarStream( boolean chainedWithSameCorrelator,
int codePoint,
boolean writeNullByte) throws DRDAProtocolException
ensureLength( DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - buffer.position() );
final int nullIndicatorSize = writeNullByte ? 1:0;
// flush the existing DSS segment ,
// if this stream will not fit in the send buffer or
// length of this stream is unknown.
// Here, 10 stands for sum of headers of layer A and B.
try {
// The existing DSS segment was finalized by endDss; all
// we have to do is send it across the wire.
catch ( e) {
agent.markCommunicationsFailure ("DDMWriter.writeScalarStream()",
// buildStreamDss should not call ensure length.
beginDss(chainedWithSameCorrelator, DssConstants.GDSFMT_OBJDSS);
// write the null byte, if necessary
if (writeNullByte)
//Here, 6 stands for header of layer A and
//4 stands for header of layer B.
return DssConstants.MAX_DSS_LENGTH - 6 - 4 - nullIndicatorSize;
// method to determine if any data is in the request.
// this indicates there is a dss object already in the buffer.
protected boolean doesRequestContainData()
return buffer.position() != 0;
// Writes out a scalar stream DSS segment, along with DSS continuation
// headers if necessary.
private void flushScalarStreamSegment ( boolean lastSegment,
OutputStream out)
throws DRDAProtocolException
// either at end of data, end of dss segment, or both.
if (! lastSegment) {
// 32k segment filled and not at end of data.
try {
// Mark current DSS as continued, set its chaining state,
// then send the data across.
markDssAsContinued(true); // true => for lobs
sendBytes (out,
}catch ( ioe) {
agent.markCommunicationsFailure ("DDMWriter.flushScalarStreamSegment()",
// Prepare a DSS continuation header for next DSS.
dssLengthLocation = buffer.position();
buffer.putShort((short) 0xFFFF);
isContinuationDss = true;
// we're done writing the data, so end the DSS.
// insert a 4 byte length/codepoint pair into the buffer.
// total of 4 bytes inserted in buffer.
// Note: the length value inserted in the buffer is the same as the value
// passed in as an argument (this value is NOT incremented by 4 before being
// inserted).
void writeLengthCodePoint (int length, int codePoint)
ensureLength (4);
buffer.putShort((short) length);
buffer.putShort((short) codePoint);
* Write scalar object header includes length and codepoint
* @param codePoint - code point to write
* @param dataLength - length of object data
protected void writeScalarHeader (int codePoint, int dataLength)
ensureLength (dataLength + 4);
buffer.putShort((short) (dataLength + 4));
buffer.putShort((short) codePoint);
* Write scalar string object includes length, codepoint and value
* the string is converted into the appropriate codeset (EBCDIC)
* @param codePoint - code point to write
* @param string - string to be written
void writeScalarString (int codePoint, String string)
int stringLength = ccsidManager.getByteLength(string);
ensureLength ((stringLength * 2) + 4);
buffer.putShort((short) (stringLength + 4));
buffer.putShort((short) codePoint);
ccsidManager.convertFromJavaString(string, buffer);
* Write padded scalar string object includes length, codepoint and value
* the string is converted into the appropriate codeset (EBCDIC)
* @param codePoint - code point to write
* @param string - string to be written
* @param paddedLength - length to pad string to
void writeScalarPaddedString (int codePoint, String string, int paddedLength)
int stringLength = ccsidManager.getByteLength(string);
int fillLength = paddedLength - stringLength;
ensureLength (paddedLength + 4);
buffer.putShort((short) (paddedLength + 4));
buffer.putShort((short) codePoint);
ccsidManager.convertFromJavaString(string, buffer);
padBytes(, fillLength);
* Write padded scalar <code>DRDAString</code> object value. The
* string is converted into the appropriate codeset.
* @param drdaString string to be written
* @param paddedLength length to pad string to
protected void writeScalarPaddedString (DRDAString drdaString, int paddedLength)
/* This .length() call is valid as this is a DRDAString */
int stringLength = drdaString.length();
int fillLength = paddedLength - stringLength;
buffer.put(drdaString.getBytes(), 0, stringLength);
padBytes(, fillLength);
* Write padded scalar byte array object includes length, codepoint and value
* @param codePoint - code point to write
* @param buf - byte array to be written
* @param paddedLength - length to pad string to
* @param padByte - byte to be used for padding
protected void writeScalarPaddedBytes (int codePoint, byte[] buf, int paddedLength, byte padByte)
ensureLength (paddedLength + 4);
buffer.putShort((short) (paddedLength + 4));
buffer.putShort((short) codePoint);
padBytes(padByte, paddedLength - buf.length);
* Write padded scalar byte array object value
* @param buf - byte array to be written
* @param paddedLength - length to pad string to
* @param padByte - byte to be used for padding
protected void writeScalarPaddedBytes (byte[] buf, int paddedLength, byte padByte)
ensureLength (paddedLength);
padBytes(padByte, paddedLength - buf.length);
* Write scalar byte array object includes length, codepoint and value
* @param codePoint - code point to write
* @param buf - byte array to be written
protected void writeScalarBytes (int codePoint, byte[] buf)
ensureLength(buf.length + 4);
buffer.putShort((short) (buf.length + 4));
buffer.putShort((short) codePoint);
// The following methods write data in the platform format
// The platform format was indicated during connection time as ASC since
// JCC doesn't read JVM platform (yet)
* Write platform short
* @param v value to be written
protected void writeShort (int v)
* Write boolean as short
* @param b boolean value true = 1 false = 0
protected void writeShort(boolean b)
writeNetworkShort(b ? 1 : 0);
* Write platform int
* @param v value to be written
protected void writeInt (int v)
* Write platform long
* @param v value to be written
protected void writeLong (long v)
ensureLength (8);
* Write platform float
* @param v value to be written
protected void writeFloat (float v)
writeInt (Float.floatToIntBits (v));
* Write platform double
* @param v value to be written
protected void writeDouble (double v)
writeLong (Double.doubleToLongBits (v));
* Write platform boolean
* @param v value to be written
protected void writeBoolean (boolean v)
writeByte(v ? 1 : 0);
* Write length delimited string
* @param s value to be written with integer
* @exception DRDAProtocolException
protected void writeLDString(String s) throws DRDAProtocolException
writeLDString(s, 0, null, false);
* Write a value of a user defined type.
* @param val object to be written
* @exception DRDAProtocolException
protected void writeUDT( Object val, int index ) throws DRDAProtocolException
// should not be called if val is null
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
if ( val == null )
SanityManager.THROWASSERT( "UDT is null" );
byte[] buffer = null;
int length = 0;
try {
DynamicByteArrayOutputStream dbaos = new DynamicByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream( dbaos );
oos.writeObject( val );
buffer = dbaos.getByteArray();
length = dbaos.getUsed();
} catch(IOException e)
( e,"DDMWriter.writeUDT()", "", e.getMessage(), "" );
if ( length > DRDAConstants.MAX_DRDA_UDT_SIZE )
( "DDMWriter.writeUDT()", "User defined type is longer than " + DRDAConstants.MAX_DRDA_UDT_SIZE + " bytes.", "", "" );
writeShort( length );
writeBytes( buffer, 0, length );
* Find the maximum number of bytes needed to represent the string in the
* default encoding.
* @param s the string to encode
* @return an upper limit for the number of bytes needed to encode the
* string
private int maxEncodedLength(String s) {
// maxBytesPerChar() returns a float, which can only hold 24 bits of an
// integer. Therefore, promote the float to a double so that all bits
// are preserved in the intermediate result.
return (int) (s.length() * (double) encoder.maxBytesPerChar());
* Write length delimited string
* @param s value to be written with integer
* @param index column index to put in warning
* @param stmt the executing statement (null if not invoked as
* part of statement execution)
* @param isParameter true if the value written is for an output
* parameter in a procedure call
* @exception DRDAProtocolException
protected void writeLDString(String s, int index, DRDAStatement stmt,
boolean isParameter)
throws DRDAProtocolException
// Position on which to write the length of the string (in bytes). The
// actual writing of the length is delayed until we have encoded the
// string.
final int lengthPos = buffer.position();
// Reserve two bytes for the length field and move the position to
// where the string should be inserted.
final int stringPos = lengthPos + 2;
// Write the string.
// Find out how long strings the client supports, and possibly
// truncate the string before sending it.
int maxByteLength = MAX_VARCHAR_BYTE_LENGTH;
boolean warnOnTruncation = true;
AppRequester appRequester = agent.getSession().appRequester;
if (appRequester != null && !appRequester.supportsLongerLDStrings()) {
// The client suffers from DERBY-5236, and it doesn't support
// receiving as long strings as newer clients do. It also doesn't
// know exactly what to do with a DataTruncation warning, so skip
// sending it to old clients.
maxByteLength = FdocaConstants.LONGVARCHAR_MAX_LEN;
warnOnTruncation = false;
int byteLength = buffer.position() - stringPos;
// If the byte representation of the string is too long, it needs to
// be truncated.
if (byteLength > maxByteLength) {
// Truncate the string down to the maximum byte length.
byteLength = maxByteLength;
// Align with character boundaries so that we don't send over
// half a character.
while (isContinuationByte(buffer.get(stringPos + byteLength))) {
// Check how many chars that were truncated.
int truncatedChars = 0;
for (int i = stringPos + byteLength; i < buffer.position(); i++) {
if (!isContinuationByte(buffer.get(i))) {
// Set the buffer position right after the truncated string.
buffer.position(stringPos + byteLength);
// If invoked as part of statement execution, and the client
// supports receiving DataTruncation warnings, add a warning about
// the string being truncated.
if (warnOnTruncation && stmt != null) {
DataTruncation dt = new DataTruncation(
true, // this is a warning for a read operation
s.length(), // dataSize
s.length() - truncatedChars); // transferSize
// Go back and write the length in bytes.
buffer.putShort(lengthPos, (short) byteLength);
* Check if a byte value represents a continuation byte in a UTF-8 byte
* sequence. Continuation bytes in UTF-8 always match the bit pattern
* {@code 10xxxxxx}.
* @param b the byte to check
* @return {@code true} if {@code b} is a continuation byte, or
* {@code false} if it is the first byte in a UTF-8 sequence
private static boolean isContinuationByte(byte b) {
// Check the values of the two most significant bits. If they are
// 10xxxxxx, it's a continuation byte.
return (b & 0xC0) == 0x80;
* Write string with default encoding
* @param s value to be written
* @exception DRDAProtocolException
protected void writeString(String s) throws DRDAProtocolException
CharBuffer input = CharBuffer.wrap(s);
CoderResult res = encoder.encode(input, buffer, true);
if (res == CoderResult.UNDERFLOW) {
res = encoder.flush(buffer);
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
SanityManager.ASSERT(res == CoderResult.UNDERFLOW,
"CharBuffer was not exhausted: res = " + res);
* Write pad bytes using spaceChar
* @param val value to be written
* @param length length to be written
protected void padBytes (byte val, int length)
final int offset = buffer.position();
final int end = offset + length;
Arrays.fill(buffer.array(), offset, end, val);
* Flush buffer to outputstream
* @exception IOException
protected void flush () throws
* Flush buffer to specified stream
* @param socketOutputStream
* @exception IOException
protected void flush(OutputStream socketOutputStream)
final byte[] bytes = buffer.array();
final int length = buffer.position();
try {
socketOutputStream.write (bytes, 0, length);
finally {
if ((dssTrace != null) && dssTrace.isComBufferTraceOn()) {
dssTrace.writeComBufferData (bytes,
totalByteCount += length;
// private methods
* Write DSS header
* DSS Header format is
* 2 bytes - length
* 1 byte - 'D0' - indicates DDM data
* 1 byte - DSS format
* |---|---------|----------|
* | 0 | flags | type |
* |---|---------|----------|
* | 0 | 1 2 3 | 4 5 6 7 |
* |---|---------|----------|
* bit 0 - '0'
* bit 1 - '0' - unchained, '1' - chained
* bit 2 - '0' - do not continue on error, '1' - continue on error
* bit 3 - '0' - next DSS has different correlator, '1' - next DSS has
* same correlator
* type - 1 - Request DSS
* - 2 - Reply DSS
* - 3 - Object DSS
* - 4 - Communications DSS
* - 5 - Request DSS where no reply is expected
private void beginDss (int dssType, boolean ensureLen)
// save length position, the length will be written at the end
dssLengthLocation = buffer.position();
// Should this really only be for non-stream DSSes?
if (ensureLen)
// Skip past length; we'll come back and set it later.
buffer.position(dssLengthLocation + 2);
// write gds info
buffer.put((byte) 0xD0);
// Write DSS type, and default chain bit to be
// DssConstants.DSSCHAIN_SAME_ID. This default
// will be overridden by calls to "finalizeChain()"
// and/or calls to "beginDss(boolean, int)" for
// writing LOB data.
buffer.put((byte) (dssType | DssConstants.DSSCHAIN_SAME_ID));
// save correlationID for use in error messages while processing
// this DSS
correlationID = getCorrelationID();
// write the reply correlation id
buffer.putShort((short) correlationID);
* Finish a DSS Layer A object.
* The length of dss object will be calculated based on the difference between the
* start of the dss, saved on the beginDss call, and the current
* offset into the buffer which marks the end of the data. In the event
* the length requires the use of continuation Dss headers, one for each 32k
* chunk of data, the data will be shifted and the continuation headers
* will be inserted with the correct values as needed.
private void finalizeDssLength ()
// initial position in the byte buffer
final int offset = buffer.position();
// calculate the total size of the dss and the number of bytes which would
// require continuation dss headers. The total length already includes the
// the 6 byte dss header located at the beginning of the dss. It does not
// include the length of any continuation headers.
int totalSize = offset - dssLengthLocation;
int bytesRequiringContDssHeader = totalSize - DssConstants.MAX_DSS_LENGTH;
// determine if continuation headers are needed
if (bytesRequiringContDssHeader > 0)
// the continuation headers are needed, so calculate how many.
// after the first 32767 worth of data, a continuation header is
// needed for every 32765 bytes (32765 bytes of data + 2 bytes of
// continuation header = 32767 Dss Max Size).
int contDssHeaderCount = bytesRequiringContDssHeader / 32765;
if (bytesRequiringContDssHeader % 32765 != 0)
// right now the code will shift to the right. In the future we may want
// to try something fancier to help reduce the copying (maybe keep
// space in the beginning of the buffer??).
// the offset points to the next available offset in the buffer to place
// a piece of data, so the last dataByte is at offset -1.
// various bytes will need to be shifted by different amounts
// depending on how many dss headers to insert so the amount to shift
// will be calculated and adjusted as needed. ensure there is enough room
// for all the conutinuation headers and adjust the offset to point to the
// new end of the data.
int dataByte = offset - 1;
int shiftSize = contDssHeaderCount * 2;
ensureLength (shiftSize);
// We're going to access the buffer with absolute positions, so
// just move the current position pointer right away to where it's
// supposed to be after we have finished the shifting.
buffer.position(offset + shiftSize);
// Notes on the behavior of the Layer B segmenting loop below:
// We start with the right most chunk. For a 3-segment object we'd
// shift 2 segments: shift the first (rightmost) one 4 bytes and
// the second one 2. Note that by 'first' we mean 'first time
// through the loop', but that is actually the last segment
// of data since we are moving right-to-left. For an object
// of K segments we will pass through this loop K-1 times.
// The 0th (leftmost) segment is not shifted, as it is
// already in the right place. When we are done, we will
// have made room in each segment for an additional
// 2 bytes for the continuation header. Thus, each
// segment K is shifted K*2 bytes to the right.
// Each time through the loop, "dataByte" points to the
// last byte in the segment; "dataToShift" is the amount of
// data that we need to shift, and "shiftSize" is the
// distance that we need to shift it. Since dataByte points
// at the last byte, not one byte beyond it (as with the
// "offset" variable used elsewhere in DDMWriter), the start
// of the segement is actually at (dataByte-dataToShift+1).
// After we have shifted the segment, we move back to the
// start of the segment and set the value of the 2-byte DSS
// continuation header, which needs to hold the length of
// this segment's data, together with the continuation flag
// if this is not the rightmost (passOne) segment.
// In general, each segment except the rightmost will contain
// 32765 bytes of data, plus the 2-byte header, and its
// continuation flag will be set, so the header value will
// be 0xFFFF. The rightmost segment will not have the
// continuation flag set, so its value may be anything from
// 0x0001 to 0x7FFF, depending on the amount of data in that
// segment.
// Note that the 0th (leftmost) segment also has a 2-byte
// DSS header, which needs to have its continuation flag set.
// This is done by resetting the "totalSize" variable below,
// at which point that variable no longer holds the total size
// of the object, but rather just the length of segment 0. The
// total size of the object was written using extended length
// bytes by the endDdm() method earlier.
// Additional information about this routine is available in the
// bug notes for DERBY-125:
// mark passOne to help with calculating the length of the final (first or
// rightmost) continuation header.
boolean passOne = true;
do {
// calculate chunk of data to shift
int dataToShift = bytesRequiringContDssHeader % 32765;
if (dataToShift == 0)
dataToShift = 32765;
int startOfCopyData = dataByte - dataToShift + 1;
// perform the shift directly on the backing array
final byte[] bytes = buffer.array();
System.arraycopy(bytes,startOfCopyData, bytes,
startOfCopyData + shiftSize, dataToShift);
dataByte -= dataToShift;
// calculate the value the value of the 2 byte continuation dss
// header which includes the length of itself. On the first pass,
// if the length is 32767
// we do not want to set the continuation dss header flag.
int twoByteContDssHeader = dataToShift + 2;
if (passOne)
passOne = false;
if (twoByteContDssHeader == DssConstants.MAX_DSS_LENGTH)
twoByteContDssHeader = (twoByteContDssHeader |
// insert the header's length bytes
buffer.putShort(dataByte + shiftSize - 1,
(short) twoByteContDssHeader);
// adjust the bytesRequiringContDssHeader and the amount to shift for
// data in upstream headers.
bytesRequiringContDssHeader -= dataToShift;
shiftSize -= 2;
// shift and insert another header for more data.
while (bytesRequiringContDssHeader > 0);
// set the continuation dss header flag on for the first header
totalSize = (DssConstants.MAX_DSS_LENGTH |
// insert the length bytes in the 6 byte dss header.
buffer.putShort(dssLengthLocation, (short) totalSize);
protected void writeExtendedLength(long size)
int numbytes = calculateExtendedLengthByteCount(size);
if (size > 0)
writeInt(0x8000 | numbytes);
* Calculate extended length byte count which follows the DSS header
* for extended DDM.
* @param ddmSize - size of DDM command
* @return minimum number of extended length bytes needed. 0 indicates no
* extended length needed.
private int calculateExtendedLengthByteCount (long ddmSize)
if (ddmSize <= 0x7fff)
return 0;
// JCC does not support 2 at this time, so we always send
// at least 4
// else if (ddmSize <= 0xffff)
// return 2;
else if (ddmSize <= 0xffffffffL)
return 4;
else if (ddmSize <= 0xffffffffffffL)
return 6;
else if (ddmSize <= 0x7fffffffffffffffL)
return 8;
// shouldn't happen
// XXX - add sanity debug stuff here
return 0;
* Ensure that there is space in the buffer
* @param length space required
private void ensureLength (int length)
if (buffer.remaining() < length) {
if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
agent.trace("DANGER - Expensive expansion of buffer");
int newLength =
Math.max(buffer.capacity() * 2, buffer.position() + length);
// copy the old buffer into a new one
buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(newLength).put(buffer);
* Write a Java <code>java.math.BigDecimal</code> to packed decimal bytes.
* @param b BigDecimal to write
* @param precision Precision of decimal or numeric type
* @param scale declared scale
* @exception SQLException Thrown if # digits &gt; 31
void writeBigDecimal(BigDecimal b, int precision, int scale)
throws SQLException
final int encodedLength = precision / 2 + 1;
// The bytes are processed from right to left. Therefore, save starting
// offset and use absolute positioning.
final int offset = buffer.position();
// Move current position to the end of the encoded decimal.
buffer.position(offset + encodedLength);
int declaredPrecision = precision;
int declaredScale = scale;
// packed decimal may only be up to 31 digits.
if (declaredPrecision > 31) // this is a bugcheck only !!!
clearDdm ();
throw new java.sql.SQLException ("Packed decimal may only be up to 31 digits!");
// get absolute unscaled value of the BigDecimal as a String.
String unscaledStr = b.unscaledValue().abs().toString();
// get precision of the BigDecimal.
int bigPrecision = unscaledStr.length();
if (bigPrecision > 31)
clearDdm ();
throw new SQLException ("The numeric literal \"" +
b.toString() +
"\" is not valid because its value is out of range.",
int bigScale = b.scale();
int bigWholeIntegerLength = bigPrecision - bigScale;
if ( (bigWholeIntegerLength > 0) && (!unscaledStr.equals ("0")) ) {
// if whole integer part exists, check if overflow.
int declaredWholeIntegerLength = declaredPrecision - declaredScale;
if (bigWholeIntegerLength > declaredWholeIntegerLength)
clearDdm ();
throw new SQLException ("Overflow occurred during numeric data type conversion of \"" +
b.toString() +
// convert the unscaled value to a packed decimal bytes.
// get unicode '0' value.
int zeroBase = '0';
// start index in target packed decimal.
int packedIndex = declaredPrecision-1;
// start index in source big decimal.
int bigIndex;
byte signByte = (byte) ((b.signum() >= 0) ? 12 : 13);
if (bigScale >= declaredScale) {
// If target scale is less than source scale,
// discard excessive fraction.
// set start index in source big decimal to ignore excessive fraction.
bigIndex = bigPrecision-1-(bigScale-declaredScale);
if (bigIndex >= 0) {
// process the last nybble together with the sign nybble.
signByte |= (unscaledStr.charAt(bigIndex) - zeroBase) << 4;
buffer.put(offset + (packedIndex+1)/2, signByte);
else {
// If target scale is greater than source scale,
// pad the fraction with zero.
// set start index in source big decimal to pad fraction with zero.
bigIndex = declaredScale-bigScale-1;
// process the sign nybble.
buffer.put(offset + (packedIndex+1)/2, signByte);
for (packedIndex-=2, bigIndex-=2; bigIndex>=0; packedIndex-=2, bigIndex-=2)
buffer.put(offset + (packedIndex+1)/2, (byte) 0);
if (bigIndex == -1) {
byte bt = (byte)
((unscaledStr.charAt(bigPrecision - 1) - zeroBase) << 4);
buffer.put(offset + (packedIndex+1)/2, bt);
bigIndex = bigPrecision-3;
else {
bigIndex = bigPrecision-2;
// process the rest.
for (; bigIndex>=0; packedIndex-=2, bigIndex-=2) {
byte bt = (byte)
(((unscaledStr.charAt(bigIndex)-zeroBase) << 4) | // high nybble
(unscaledStr.charAt(bigIndex+1)-zeroBase)); // low nybble
buffer.put(offset + (packedIndex+1)/2, bt);
// process the first nybble when there is one left.
if (bigIndex == -1) {
buffer.put(offset + (packedIndex+1)/2,
(byte) (unscaledStr.charAt(0) - zeroBase));
// pad zero in front of the big decimal if necessary.
for (; packedIndex>=-1; packedIndex-=2)
buffer.put(offset + (packedIndex+1)/2, (byte) 0);
private void sendBytes ( socketOutputStream)
private void sendBytes ( socketOutputStream,
boolean flashStream )
final byte[] bytes = buffer.array();
final int length = buffer.position();
try {
socketOutputStream.write(bytes, 0, length);
totalByteCount += length;
finally {
if ((dssTrace != null) && dssTrace.isComBufferTraceOn()) {
dssTrace.writeComBufferData (bytes,
* Reset any chaining state that needs to be reset
* at time of the send
protected void resetChainState()
prevHdrLocation = -1;
* Looks at chaining info for previous DSS written, and use
* that to figure out what the correlation id for the current
* DSS should be. Return that correlation id.
private int getCorrelationID() {
int cId;
if (previousCorrId != DssConstants.CORRELATION_ID_UNKNOWN) {
if (previousChainByte == DssConstants.DSSCHAIN_SAME_ID)
// then we have to use the last correlation id we sent.
cId = previousCorrId;
// get correlation id as normal.
cId = nextCorrelationID++;
else {
// must be the case that this is the first DSS we're
// writing for this connection (because we haven't
// called "endDss" yet). So, get the corr id as
// normal.
cId = nextCorrelationID++;
return cId;
* Finalize the current DSS chain and send it if
* needed.
* Updates the chaining state of the most recently-written-
* to-buffer DSS to correspond to the most recently-read-
* from-client request. If that chaining state indicates
* we've reached the end of a chain, then we go ahead
* and send the buffer across the wire.
* @param socketOutputStream Output stream to which we're flushing.
protected void finalizeChain(byte currChainByte,
OutputStream socketOutputStream) throws DRDAProtocolException
// Go back to previous DSS and override the default
// chain state (WITH_SAME_ID) with whatever the last
// request dictates.
if (prevHdrLocation != -1) {
// Note: == -1 => the previous DSS was already sent; this
// should only happen in cases where the buffer filled up
// and we had to send it (which means we were probably
// writing EXTDTA). In such cases, proper chaining
// should already have been handled @ time of send.
overrideChainByte(prevHdrLocation + 3, currChainByte);
// previousChainByte needs to match what we just did.
previousChainByte = currChainByte;
if (currChainByte != DssConstants.DSS_NOCHAIN)
// then we're still inside a chain, so don't send.
// Else, we just ended the chain, so send it across.
if ((SanityManager.DEBUG) && (agent != null))
agent.trace("Sending data");
if (doesRequestContainData()) {
try {
} catch ( e) {
* Takes note of the location of the most recently completed
* DSS in the buffer, and then returns the current offset.
* This method is used in conjunction with "clearDSSesBackToMark"
* to allow for DRDAConnThread to "back-out" DSSes in the
* event of errors.
protected int markDSSClearPoint()
lastDSSBeforeMark = prevHdrLocation;
return buffer.position();
* Does a logical "clear" of everything written to the buffer after
* the received mark. It's assumed that this method will be used
* in error cases when we've started writing one or more DSSes,
* but then hit an error and need to back out. After backing out,
* we'll always need to write _something_ back to the client to
* indicate an error (typically, we just write an SQLCARD) but what
* exactly gets written is handled in DRDAConnThread. Here, we
* just do the necessary prep so that whatever comes next will
* succeed.
protected void clearDSSesBackToMark(int mark)
// Logical clear.
// Because we've just cleared out the most recently-
// written DSSes, we have to make sure the next thing
// we write will have the correct correlation id. We
// do this by setting the value of 'nextCorrelationID'
// based on the chaining byte from the last remaining
// DSS (where "remaining" means that it still exists
// in the buffer after the clear).
if (lastDSSBeforeMark == -1)
// we cleared out the entire buffer; reset corr id.
nextCorrelationID = 1;
else {
// last remaining DSS had chaining, so we set "nextCorrelationID"
// to be 1 greater than whatever the last remaining DSS had as
// its correlation id.
nextCorrelationID =
(buffer.getShort(lastDSSBeforeMark + 4) & 0xFFFF) + 1;
private static int peekStream(InputStream in) throws IOException{
private static int getLayerBStreamingBufferSize(){
return PropertyUtil.getSystemInt( Property.DRDA_PROP_STREAMOUTBUFFERSIZE , 0 );
private static OutputStream placeLayerBStreamingBuffer(OutputStream original){
int size = getLayerBStreamingBufferSize();
if(size < 1)
return original;
return new BufferedOutputStream( original, size );