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<title>Adding the Derby nature to a Java project</title>
<h2>Adding the Derby nature to a Java project</h2>
Once a Java project is created the Derby nature can be added from within
the Java perspective. To add the Derby nature to your project:
From the <b>Java</b> perspective, select the project in the <b>Package Explorer</b> view. Right-click the project to bring up the context menu and select
the menu item, <b>Apache Derby, Add Apache Derby nature</b>.
<img src="images/add_nature.GIF" alt="Adding the Derby nature to a project" width="720" height="615"></img>
Adding the Derby nature to your Java project does the following:
Adds the <b>derby.jar, derbynet.jar, derbytools.jar, derbyclient.jar</b> jar files to the Java Build Path of the project.<br/><br/>
Enables the Derby features for the project. The <b>ij</b> and <b>sysinfo</b>
tools are now accessible from the Eclipse menu, and the Apache Derby Network Server can now be started and stopped from within Eclipse. <br/><br/>
Allows Apache Derby properties to be set for the project.