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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.load.ImportReadData
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package org.apache.derby.impl.load;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.sanity.SanityManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
final class ImportReadData implements<Object> {
//Read data from this file
private String inputFileName;
//The number of header lines to be skipped.
private short skipLines;
private int[] columnWidths;
private int rowWidth;
private char[] tempString;
private int numberOfCharsReadSoFar;
//temporary variables
private BufferedReader bufferedReader;
//temporary variable which holds each token as we are building it.
private static final int START_SIZE = 10240;
private char[] currentToken = new char[START_SIZE];
private int currentTokenMaxSize = START_SIZE;
//This tells whether to look for a matching stop pattern
boolean foundStartDelimiter;
int totalCharsSoFar;
//following is used to ignore whitespaces in the front
int positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront;
//following is used to ignore whitespaces in the back
int positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInBack;
int lineNumber;
int fieldStartDelimiterIndex;
int fieldStopDelimiterIndex;
int stopDelimiterPosition;
boolean foundStartAndStopDelimiters;
//in the constructor we open the stream only if it's delimited file to find out
//number of columns. In case of fixed, we know that already from the control file.
//then we close the stream. Now the stream is reopened when the first record is
//read from the file(ie when the first time next is issued. This was done for the
//bug 1032 filed by Dan
boolean streamOpenForReading;
static final int DEFAULT_FORMAT_CODE = 0;
static final int ASCII_FIXED_FORMAT_CODE = 1;
private int formatCode = DEFAULT_FORMAT_CODE;
private boolean hasColumnDefinition;
private char recordSeparatorChar0;
private char fieldSeparatorChar0;
private boolean recordSepStartNotWhite = true;
private boolean fieldSepStartNotWhite = true;
//get properties infr from following
protected ControlInfo controlFileReader;
//Read first row to find out how many columns make up a row and put it in
//the following variable
protected int numberOfColumns;
// the types of the columns that we are about to read
protected String [] columnTypes;
//Read control file properties and write it in here
protected char[] fieldSeparator;
protected int fieldSeparatorLength;
protected char[] recordSeparator;
protected int recordSeparatorLength;
protected String nullString;
protected String columnDefinition;
protected String format;
protected String dataCodeset;
protected char[] fieldStartDelimiter;
protected int fieldStartDelimiterLength;
protected char[] fieldStopDelimiter;
protected int fieldStopDelimiterLength;
protected boolean hasDelimiterAtEnd;
// variables realted to reading lob data from files.
private ImportLobFile[] lobFileHandles; // lob file handle object
private String lobFileName; // current file name
private long lobOffset; // offset of the current large object
private int lobLength; //length of the current large object
//load the control file properties info locally, since we need to refer to them
//all the time while looking for tokens
private void loadPropertiesInfo() throws Exception {
fieldSeparator = controlFileReader.getFieldSeparator().toCharArray();
fieldSeparatorLength = fieldSeparator.length;
recordSeparator = controlFileReader.getRecordSeparator().toCharArray();
recordSeparatorLength = recordSeparator.length;
nullString = controlFileReader.getNullString();
columnDefinition = controlFileReader.getColumnDefinition();
format = controlFileReader.getFormat();
dataCodeset = controlFileReader.getDataCodeset();
fieldStartDelimiter = controlFileReader.getFieldStartDelimiter().toCharArray();
fieldStartDelimiterLength = fieldStartDelimiter.length;
fieldStopDelimiter = controlFileReader.getFieldEndDelimiter().toCharArray();
fieldStopDelimiterLength = fieldStopDelimiter.length;
hasDelimiterAtEnd = controlFileReader.getHasDelimiterAtEnd();
// when record or field separators start with typical white space,
// we can't ignore it around values in the import file. So set up
// a boolean so we don't keep re-testing for it.
if (recordSeparatorLength >0) {
recordSepStartNotWhite = (Character.isWhitespace(recordSeparatorChar0)==false);
if (fieldSeparatorLength >0) {
fieldSepStartNotWhite = (Character.isWhitespace(fieldSeparatorChar0)==false);
//inputFileName: File to read data from
//controlFileReader: File used to interpret data in the inputFileName
ImportReadData(String inputFileName, ControlInfo controlFileReader,short skipLines)
throws Exception {
this.inputFileName = inputFileName;
this.controlFileReader = controlFileReader;
//load the control file properties info locally, since we need to refer to
//them all the time while looking for tokens
//read the first row to find how many columns make a row and then save that
//column information for further use
lobFileHandles = new ImportLobFile[numberOfColumns];
//just a getter returning number of columns for a row in the data file
int getNumberOfColumns() {
return numberOfColumns;
/**if columndefinition is true, ignore first row. The way to do that is to just
* look for the record separator
* @exception Exception if there is an error
protected void ignoreFirstRow() throws Exception {
readNextToken(recordSeparator, 0, recordSeparatorLength, true);
/**if skipHeaderLines is greater than 0, ignore skipHeaderLines number of lines. The way to do that is to just
* look for the record separator
* @exception Exception if there is an error
protected void ignoreHeaderLines() throws Exception {
for(int i =0;i<skipLines;i++){
if(!readNextToken(recordSeparator, 0, recordSeparatorLength, true))
throw LoadError.unexpectedEndOfFile(lineNumber+1);
/** load the column types from the meta data line to be analyzed
* later in the constructor of the ImportResultSetMetaData.
protected void loadColumnTypes() throws Exception {
int idx;
String [] metaDataArray;
// start by counting the number of columns that we have at the
// meta data line
// reopen the file to the start of the file to read the actual column types data
// make room for the meta data
metaDataArray=new String [numberOfColumns];
// read the meta data line line - meta data is always in a delimited format
// allocate space for the columnTypes meta data
// since the meta data line contains a combination of column name and
// column type for every column we actually have only half the number of
// columns that was counted.
columnTypes=new String[numberOfColumns/2];
for(idx=0 ; idx<numberOfColumns ; idx=idx+2) {
// reopen to the start of the file so the rest of the program will
// work as expected
// init the numberOfColumns variable since it is
// being accumulate by the findNumberOfColumnsInARow method
private void openFile() throws Exception {
try {;
} catch ( pae) {
throw pae.getException();
public final Object run() throws Exception {
return null;
//open the input data file for reading
private void realOpenFile() throws Exception {
InputStream inputStream;
try {
try {
URL url = new URL(inputFileName);
if (url.getProtocol().equals("file")) { //this means it's a file url
inputFileName = url.getFile(); //seems like you can't do openstream on file
throw new MalformedURLException(); //so, get the filename from url and do it ususal way
inputStream = url.openStream();
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(inputFileName);
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
throw LoadError.dataFileNotFound(inputFileName, ex);
} catch (SecurityException se) {
throw LoadError.dataFileNotFound(inputFileName, se);
} rd = dataCodeset == null ?
new InputStreamReader(inputStream) : new InputStreamReader(inputStream, dataCodeset);
bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(rd, 32*1024);
streamOpenForReading = true;
//read the first data row to find how many columns make a row and then save that
//column information for future use
private void loadMetaData() throws Exception {
//open the input data file for reading the metadata information
// if column definition is true, ignore the first row since that's not
// really the data do uppercase because the ui shows the values as True
// and False
if (columnDefinition.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).equals(ControlInfo.INTERNAL_TRUE.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH))) {
hasColumnDefinition = true;
if (formatCode == DEFAULT_FORMAT_CODE) {
/**close the input data file
* @exception Exception if there is an error
void closeStream() throws Exception {
if (streamOpenForReading) {
streamOpenForReading = false;
// close external lob file resources.
if (lobFileHandles != null) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfColumns ; i++)
if(lobFileHandles[i] != null)
//actually looks at the data file to find how many columns make up a row
int findNumberOfColumnsInARow() throws Exception {
// init the number of columns to 1 - no such thing as a table
// without columns
while (! readTokensUntilEndOfRecord() ) {
//what shall we do if there is delimeter after the last column?
//reducing the number of columns seems to work fine.
//this is necessary to be able to read delimited files that have a delimeter
//at the end of a row.
if (hasDelimiterAtEnd){
// a special check - if the imported file is empty then
// set the number of columns to 0
if (numberOfCharsReadSoFar==0) {
return numberOfColumns;
//keep track of white spaces in the front. We use positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront for
//that. It has the count of number of white spaces found so far before any non-white char
//in the token.
//Look for whitespace only if field start delimiter is not found yet. Any white spaces
//within the start and stop delimiters are ignored.
//Also if one of the white space chars is same as recordSeparator or fieldSeparator then
//disregard it.
private void checkForWhiteSpaceInFront() {
//if found white space characters so far, the following if will be true
if ((positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront + 1) == totalCharsSoFar &&
((!foundStartDelimiter) && (!foundStartAndStopDelimiters) )) {
char currentChar = currentToken[positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront];
if (//currentChar == '\t' ||
//currentChar == '\r' || alc: why isn't this included?
// alc: BTW, \r and \n should be replaced
// or amended with the first char of line.separator...
//currentChar == '\n' ||
//currentChar == ' ') {
// use String.trim()'s definition of whitespace.
// i18n - check for whitespace - avoid doing a hard coded character
// check and use the isWhitespace method to cover all the Unicode
// options
Character.isWhitespace(currentChar) == true) {
if ((recordSepStartNotWhite || (currentChar != recordSeparatorChar0))
(fieldSepStartNotWhite || (currentChar != fieldSeparatorChar0)))
//disregard if whitespace char is same as separator first char
//look for white spaces from the back towards the stop delimiter position.
//If there was no startdelimite & stopdelimiter combination, then we start from the back
//all the way to the beginning and stop when we find non-white char
//positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInBack keeps the count of whitespaces at the back
private void checkForWhiteSpaceInBack() {
boolean onlyWhiteSpaceSoFar = true;
positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInBack = 0;
for (int i = totalCharsSoFar; (i > stopDelimiterPosition) && onlyWhiteSpaceSoFar; i--) {
char currentChar = currentToken[i];
// replace test on \t,\n,' ' with String.trim's definition of white space
// i18n - check for whitespace - avoid doing a hard coded character
// check and use the isWhitespace method to cover all the Unicode
// options
if (Character.isWhitespace(currentChar)==true) {
if ((recordSepStartNotWhite || (currentChar != recordSeparatorChar0))
(fieldSepStartNotWhite || (currentChar != fieldSeparatorChar0)))
//disregard if whitespace char is same as separator first char
} else
onlyWhiteSpaceSoFar = false;
//keep looking for field and record separators simultaneously because we don't yet
//know how many columns make up a row in this data file. Stop as soon as we get
//the record separator which is indicated by a return value of true from this function
boolean readTokensUntilEndOfRecord() throws Exception {
int nextChar;
int fieldSeparatorIndex = 0;
int recordSeparatorIndex = 0;
fieldStopDelimiterIndex = 0;
fieldStartDelimiterIndex = 0;
totalCharsSoFar = 0;
//at the start of every new token, make white space in front count 0
positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront = 0;
foundStartDelimiter = false;
foundStartAndStopDelimiters = false;
numberOfCharsReadSoFar = 0;
while (true) {
nextChar =;
if (nextChar == -1)
return true;
//read the character into the token holder. If token holder reaches it's capacity,
//double it's capacity
currentToken[totalCharsSoFar++] = (char)nextChar;
//check if character read is white space char in front
if (totalCharsSoFar == currentTokenMaxSize) {
currentTokenMaxSize = currentTokenMaxSize * 2;
char[] tempArray = new char[currentTokenMaxSize];
System.arraycopy(currentToken, 0, tempArray, 0, totalCharsSoFar);
currentToken = tempArray;
//see if we can find fieldSeparator
fieldSeparatorIndex = lookForPassedSeparator(fieldSeparator,
nextChar, false);
//every time we find a column separator, the return false will indicate that count
//this token as column data value and keep lookin for more tokens or record
if (fieldSeparatorIndex == -1)
return false;
//if found start delimiter, then don't look for record separator, just look for
//end delimiter
if (!foundStartDelimiter ) {
//see if we can find recordSeparator
recordSeparatorIndex = lookForPassedSeparator(recordSeparator, recordSeparatorIndex,
recordSeparatorLength, nextChar, true);
if (recordSeparatorIndex == -1)
return true;
//if not inside a start delimiter, then look for the delimiter passed
//else look for stop delimiter first.
//this routine returns -1 if it finds field delimiter or record delimiter
private int lookForPassedSeparator(char[] delimiter, int delimiterIndex,
int delimiterLength, int nextChar,
boolean lookForRecordSeperator) throws
//foundStartDelimiter will be false if we haven't found a start delimiter yet
//if we haven't found startdelimiter, then we look for both start delimiter
//and passed delimiter(which can be field or record delimiter). If we do find
//start delimiter, then we only look for stop delimiter and not the passed delimiter.
if (!foundStartDelimiter ) {
//look for start delimiter only if it's length is non-zero and only if haven't already
//found it at all so far.
if (fieldStartDelimiterLength != 0 && (!foundStartAndStopDelimiters) ) {
//the code inside following if will be executed only if we have gone past all the
//white characters in the front.
if (totalCharsSoFar != positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront &&
(totalCharsSoFar - positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront) <= fieldStartDelimiterLength) {
//After getting rid of white spaces in front, look for the start delimiter. If
//found, set foundStartDelimiter flag.
if (nextChar == fieldStartDelimiter[fieldStartDelimiterIndex]){
if (fieldStartDelimiterIndex == fieldStartDelimiterLength) {
foundStartDelimiter = true;
//since characters read so far are same as start delimiters, discard those chars
totalCharsSoFar = 0;
positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront = 0;
return 0;
} else {
//found a mismatch for the start delimiter
//see if found match for more than one char of this start delimiter before the
//current mismatch, if so check the remaining chars agains
//eg if stop delimiter is xa and data is xxa
if (fieldStartDelimiterIndex > 0) {
fieldStartDelimiter, fieldStartDelimiterLength);
/*look for typical record seperators line feed (\n), a carriage return
* (\r) or a carriage return followed by line feed (\r\n)
if(nextChar == '\r' || nextChar == '\n')
recordSeparatorChar0 = (char) nextChar;
if(nextChar == '\r' )
//omot the line feed character if it exists in the stream
totalCharsSoFar = totalCharsSoFar - 1 ;
return -1;
return delimiterIndex;
//look for passed delimiter
if (nextChar == delimiter[delimiterIndex]) {
if (delimiterIndex == delimiterLength) { //found passed delimiter
totalCharsSoFar = totalCharsSoFar - delimiterLength;
return -1;
return delimiterIndex; //this number of chars of delimiter have exact match so far
} else {
//found a mismatch for the delimiter
//see if found match for more than one char of this delimiter before the
//current mismatch, if so check the remaining chars agains
//eg if delimiter is xa and data is xxa
if (delimiterIndex > 0)
} else {
//see if we can find fieldStopDelimiter
if (nextChar == fieldStopDelimiter[fieldStopDelimiterIndex]) {
if (fieldStopDelimiterIndex == fieldStopDelimiterLength) {
boolean skipped = skipDoubleDelimiters(fieldStopDelimiter);
foundStartDelimiter = false;
//found stop delimiter, discard the chars corresponding to stop delimiter
totalCharsSoFar = totalCharsSoFar - fieldStopDelimiterLength;
//following is to take care of a case like "aa"aa This will result in an
//error. Also a case like "aa" will truncate it to just aa
stopDelimiterPosition = totalCharsSoFar;
//following is used to distinguish between empty string ,"", and null string ,,
foundStartAndStopDelimiters = true;
fieldStopDelimiterIndex =0 ;
return 0;
return 0;
} else {
//found a mismatch for the stop delimiter
//see if found match for more than one char of this stop delimiter before the
//current mismatch, if so check the remaining chars agains
//eg if stop delimiter is xa and data is xxa
if (fieldStopDelimiterIndex > 0) {
fieldStopDelimiter, fieldStopDelimiterLength);
return 0;
return 0;
//If after finding a few matching characters for a delimiter, find a mismatch,
//restart the matching process from character next to the one from which you
//were in the process of finding the matching pattern
private int reCheckRestOfTheCharacters(int startFrom,
char[] delimiter, int delimiterLength) {
int delimiterIndex = 0;
// alc: need to test delim of abab with abaabab
// if delimIndex resets to 0, i probably needs to reset to
// (an ever increasing) startFrom=startFrom+1, not stay where it is
for (int i = startFrom; i<totalCharsSoFar; i++) {
if (currentToken[i] == delimiter[delimiterIndex])
delimiterIndex = 0;
return delimiterIndex;
* skips the duplicate delimeter characters inserd character stringd ata
* to get the original string. In Double Delimter recognigation Delimiter
* Format strings are written with a duplicate delimeter if a delimiter is
* found inside the data while exporting.
* For example with double quote(") as character delimiter
* "What a ""nice""day!"
* will be imported as:
* What a "nice"day!
* In the case of export, the rule applies in reverse. For example,
* I am 6"tall.
* will be exported to a file as:
* "I am 6""tall."
private boolean skipDoubleDelimiters(char [] characterDelimiter) throws IOException
boolean skipped = true;
int cDelLength = characterDelimiter.length ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < cDelLength ; i++)
int nextChar =;
if(nextChar != characterDelimiter[i])
//not a double delimter case
skipped = false;
return skipped;
//omit the line feed character(\n)
private void omitLineFeed() throws IOException
int nextChar =;
if(nextChar != '\n')
//not a Line Feed
/**returns the number of the current row
int getCurrentRowNumber() {
return lineNumber;
/**the way we read the next row from input file depends on it's format
* @exception Exception if there is an error
boolean readNextRow(String[] returnStringArray) throws Exception {
boolean readVal;
int idx;
if (!streamOpenForReading) {
//as earlier, ignore the first row if it's colum definition
//do uppercase because the ui shows the values as True and False
if (hasColumnDefinition){
if (formatCode == DEFAULT_FORMAT_CODE)
return readVal;
// made this a field so it isn't inited for each row, just
// set and cleared on the rows that need it (the last row
// in a file, typically, so it isn't used much)
private boolean haveSep = true;
//read the specified column width for each column
private boolean readNextFixedRow(String[] returnStringArray) throws Exception {
// readLength is how many bytes it has read so far
int readLength = 0;
int totalLength = 0;
// keep reading until rolWidth bytes have been read
while ((readLength +=, readLength,
< rowWidth) {
if (readLength == totalLength-1) {// EOF
if ( readLength == -1) { // no row, EOF
return false;
else {
// it's only a bad read if insufficient data was
// returned; missing the last record separator is ok
if (totalLength != rowWidth - recordSeparator.length) {
throw LoadError.unexpectedEndOfFile(lineNumber+1);
else {
haveSep = false;
// else, some thing is read, continue until the whole column is
// read
totalLength = readLength;
int colStart = 0;
for (int i=0; i< numberOfColumns; i++) {
int colWidth = columnWidths[i];
if (colWidth == 0) //if column width is 0, return null
returnStringArray[i] = null;
else {
// if found nullstring, return it as null value
String checkAgainstNullString = new String(tempString, colStart, colWidth);
if (checkAgainstNullString.trim().equals(nullString))
returnStringArray[i] = null;
returnStringArray[i] = checkAgainstNullString;
colStart += colWidth;
//if what we read is not recordSeparator, throw an exception
if (haveSep) {
for (int i=(recordSeparatorLength-1); i>=0; i--) {
if (tempString[colStart+i] != recordSeparator[i])
throw LoadError.recordSeparatorMissing(lineNumber+1);
} else haveSep = true; // reset for the next time, if any.
return true;
//by this time, we know number of columns that make up a row in this data file
//so first look for number of columns-1 field delimites and then look for record
private boolean readNextDelimitedRow(String[] returnStringArray) throws Exception {
int upperLimit = numberOfColumns-1; //reduce # field accesses
//no data in the input file for some reason
if (upperLimit < 0)
return false;
//look for number of columns - 1 field separators
for (int i = 0; i<upperLimit; i++) {
if (!readNextToken(fieldSeparator, 0, fieldSeparatorLength, false) ) {
if (i == 0) // still on the first check
return false;
throw LoadError.unexpectedEndOfFile(lineNumber+1);
//following is to take care of a case like "aa"aa This will result in an
//error. Also a case like "aa" will truncate it to just aa. valid blank
//chars are ' ' '\r' '\t'
if (stopDelimiterPosition!=0 && ((stopDelimiterPosition) != totalCharsSoFar)) {
for (int k=stopDelimiterPosition+1; k<totalCharsSoFar; k++) {
// alc: should change || to && since || case is never true --
// currentChar can't be three different things at once.
// alc: why no \n? BTW, \r and \n should be replaced
// or amended with the first char of line.separator...
//char currentChar = currentToken[k];
//if (currentChar != ' ' && currentChar != '\r' && currentChar != '\t')
// use String.trim()'s definition of whitespace.
// i18n - check for whitespace - avoid doing a hard coded
// character check and use the isWhitespace method to cover all
// the Unicode options
if (Character.isWhitespace(currentToken[k])==false) {
throw LoadError.dataAfterStopDelimiter(lineNumber+1, i+1);
totalCharsSoFar = stopDelimiterPosition;
//totalCharsSoFar can become -1 in readNextToken
if (totalCharsSoFar != -1) {
returnStringArray[i] = new String(currentToken,
positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront, totalCharsSoFar);
returnStringArray[i] = null;
//look for record separator for the last column's value
//if I find endoffile and the it's only one column table, then it's a valid endoffile
//case. Otherwise, it's an error case. Without the following check for the return value
//of readNextToken, import was going into infinite loop for a table with single column
//import. end-of-file was getting ignored without the following if.
if (!readNextToken(recordSeparator, 0, recordSeparatorLength, true) ) {
if (upperLimit == 0)
return false;
throw LoadError.unexpectedEndOfFile(lineNumber+1);
//following is to take care of a case like "aa"aa This will result in an
//error. Also a case like "aa" will truncate it to just aa. valid blank
//chars are ' ' '\r' '\t'
if (stopDelimiterPosition!=0 && (stopDelimiterPosition != totalCharsSoFar)) {
for (int i=stopDelimiterPosition+1; i<totalCharsSoFar; i++) {
// alc: should change || to && since || case is never true --
// currentChar can't be three different things at once.
// alc: why no \n? BTW, \r and \n should be replaced
// or amended with the first char of line.separator...
//char currentChar = currentToken[i];
//if (currentChar != ' ' && currentChar != '\r' && currentChar != '\t')
// use String.trim()'s definition of whitespace.
// i18n - check for whitespace - avoid doing a hard coded character
// check and use the isWhitespace method to cover all the Unicode
// options
if (Character.isWhitespace(currentToken[i])==false) {
throw LoadError.dataAfterStopDelimiter(lineNumber+1, numberOfColumns);
totalCharsSoFar = stopDelimiterPosition;
//to be able to read delimited files that have a delimeter at the end,
//we have to reduce totalCharsSoFar by one when it is last column.
//Otherwise last delimeter becomes part of the data.
if (hasDelimiterAtEnd) {
if (!(fieldStopDelimiterLength > 0)) { //if there is no field stop delimeter specified,
//hopefully fieldStopDelimiterLength will not be >0
//there is weird behavior in the code that makes it read the last
//delimeter as part of the last column data, so this forces us to
//reduce number of read chars only if there is data stop delimeter
//Only if it is the last column:
//if (fieldStopDelimiter==null){
if (totalCharsSoFar > -1) {
/* This is a hack to fix a problem: When there is missing data in columns
and hasDelimiterAtEnd==true, then the last delimiter was read as the last column data.
Hopefully this will tackle that issue by skipping the last column which is in this case
just the delimiter.
We need to be careful about the case when the last column data itself is
actually same as the delimiter.
if (!hasDelimiterAtEnd) {//normal path:
returnStringArray[upperLimit] = new String(currentToken,
positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront, totalCharsSoFar);
else if (totalCharsSoFar==fieldSeparatorLength && isFieldSep(currentToken) ){
//means hasDelimiterAtEnd==true and all of the above are true
String currentStr = new String(currentToken,
positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront, totalCharsSoFar);
if (currentToken[totalCharsSoFar+1]==fieldStopDelimiter[0]){
returnStringArray[upperLimit] = currentStr;
else {
returnStringArray[upperLimit] = null;
else {
//means hasDelimiterAtEnd==true and previous case is wrong.
if (totalCharsSoFar>0) {
returnStringArray[upperLimit] = new String(currentToken,
positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront, totalCharsSoFar);
returnStringArray[upperLimit] = null;
returnStringArray[upperLimit] = null;
return true;
//tells if a char array is field separator:
private boolean isFieldSep(char[] chrArray){
for (int i=0; i<chrArray.length && i<fieldSeparatorLength; i++){
if (chrArray[i]!=fieldSeparator[i])
return false;
return true;
//read one column's value at a time
boolean readNextToken(char[] delimiter, int delimiterIndex,
int delimiterLength,
boolean isRecordSeperator) throws Exception {
int nextChar;
fieldStopDelimiterIndex = 0;
fieldStartDelimiterIndex = 0;
totalCharsSoFar = 0;
//at the start of every new token, make white space in front count 0
positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront = 0;
stopDelimiterPosition = 0;
foundStartAndStopDelimiters = false;
foundStartDelimiter = false;
int returnValue;
while (true) {
nextChar =;
if (nextChar == -1) //end of file
return false;
//read the character into the token holder. If token holder reaches it's capacity,
//double it's capacity
currentToken[totalCharsSoFar++] = (char)nextChar;
//check if character read is white space char in front
if (totalCharsSoFar == currentTokenMaxSize) {
currentTokenMaxSize = currentTokenMaxSize * 2;
char[] tempArray = new char[currentTokenMaxSize];
System.arraycopy(currentToken, 0, tempArray, 0, totalCharsSoFar);
currentToken = tempArray;
returnValue = lookForPassedSeparator(delimiter, delimiterIndex,
delimiterLength, nextChar,
if (returnValue == -1) {
//if no stop delimiter found that "" this means null
//also if no stop delimiter found then get rid of spaces around the token
if (!foundStartAndStopDelimiters ) {
if (totalCharsSoFar == 0)
totalCharsSoFar = -1;
else {
//get the count of white spaces from back and subtract that and white spaces in
//the front from the characters read so far so that we ignore spaces around the
totalCharsSoFar = totalCharsSoFar - positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInFront - positionOfNonWhiteSpaceCharInBack;
return true;
delimiterIndex = returnValue;
/* following are the routines that are used to read lob data stored
* in a external import file for clob/blob columns, the reference
* to external file is stored in the main import file.
* Returns a clob columnn data stored at the specified location.
* @param lobLocationStr location of the clob data.
* @param colIndex number of the column. starts at 1.
* @exception SQLException on any errors.
String getClobColumnFromExtFileAsString(String lobLocationStr, int colIndex)
throws SQLException
try {
initExternalLobFile(lobLocationStr, colIndex);
if (lobLength == -1 ){
// lob length -1 indicates columnn value is a NULL,
// just return null.
return null;
} else {
return lobFileHandles[colIndex-1].getString(lobOffset,lobLength);
}catch(Exception ex) {
throw LoadError.unexpectedError(ex);
* Returns a clob columnn data stored at the specified location as
* a java.sql.Clob object.
* @param lobLocationStr location of the clob data.
* @param colIndex number of the column. starts at 1.
* @exception SQLException on any errors.
java.sql.Clob getClobColumnFromExtFile(String lobLocationStr, int colIndex)
throws SQLException
try {
initExternalLobFile(lobLocationStr, colIndex);
if (lobLength == -1 ){
// lob length -1 indicates columnn value is a NULL,
// just return null.
return null;
} else {
return new ImportClob(lobFileHandles[colIndex -1],
}catch(Exception ex) {
throw LoadError.unexpectedError(ex);
* Returns a blob columnn data stored at the specified location as
* a java.sql.Blob object.
* @param lobLocationStr location of the clob data.
* @param colIndex number of the column. starts at 1.
* @exception SQLException on any errors.
java.sql.Blob getBlobColumnFromExtFile(String lobLocationStr, int colIndex)
throws SQLException
initExternalLobFile(lobLocationStr, colIndex);
if (lobLength == -1) {
// lob length -1 indicates columnn value is a NULL,
// just return null.
return null;
else {
return new ImportBlob(lobFileHandles[colIndex -1],
lobOffset, lobLength);
* Extract the file name, offset and length from the given lob
* location and setup the file resources to read the data from
* the file on first invocaton.
* @param lobLocationStr location of the clob data.
* @param colIndex number of the column. starts at 1.
* @exception SQLException on any errors.
private void initExternalLobFile(String lobLocationStr, int colIndex)
throws SQLException
// extract file name, offset, and the length from the
// given lob location. Lob location string format is
// <code > <fileName>.<lobOffset>.<size of lob>/ </code>.
// For a NULL blob, size will be -1
int lengthIndex = lobLocationStr.lastIndexOf(".") ;
int offsetIndex = lobLocationStr.lastIndexOf(".",
lengthIndex -1);
lobLength = Integer.parseInt(lobLocationStr.substring(
lengthIndex + 1,
lobLocationStr.length() -1));
lobOffset = Long.parseLong(lobLocationStr.substring(
lobFileName = lobLocationStr.substring(0 , offsetIndex);
if (lobFileHandles[colIndex-1] == null) {
// open external file where the lobs are stored.
try {
// each lob column in the table has it's own file handle.
// separate file handles are must, lob stream objects
// can not be reused until the whole row is inserted.
File lobsFile = new File (lobFileName);
if (lobsFile.getParentFile() == null) {
// lob file name is unqualified. lob file
// is expected to be in the same location as
// the import file.
lobsFile = new File((
new File(inputFileName)).getParentFile(),
lobFileHandles[colIndex-1] = new ImportLobFile(lobsFile,
}catch(Exception ex) {
throw LoadError.unexpectedError(ex);