blob: 2fb0757c708c8426a7cc45a8741bf2803a94a51a [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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-- some negative test for error checking
xa_datasource 'wombat';
xa_connect user 'negativeTest' password 'xxx';
-- start new transaction
xa_start xa_noflags 0;
-- ERROR: cannot start without end
xa_start xa_noflags 1;
-- ERROR: cannot get connection again
-- ERROR: connot commit/rollback an xa connection
-- ERROR: connot commit/rollback an xa connection
drop table APP.negative;
create table APP.negative (a char(10), b int);
create unique index negativei on APP.negative(b);
run resource '/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/tests/store/global_xactTable.view';
insert into APP.negative values ('xyz', 1);
select * from APP.negative;
-- ERROR: cannot commit/prepare/rollback without end
xa_commit xa_1phase 0;
-- ERROR: cannot commit/prepare/rollback without end
xa_rollback 0;
-- ERROR: cannot commit/prepare/rollback without end
xa_prepare 0;
-- OK suspend it
xa_end xa_suspend 0;
-- ERROR: duplicate xid
xa_start xa_noflags 0;
-- ERROR: cannot commit/prepare/rollback with suspended
xa_commit xa_1phase 0;
-- ERROR: cannot commit/prepare/rollback with suspended
xa_rollback 0;
-- ERROR: cannot commit/prepare/rollback with suspended
xa_prepare 0;
-- ERROR: cannot commit/prepare/rollback with suspended
xa_commit xa_2phase 0;
xa_end xa_success 0;
xa_prepare 0;
xa_commit xa_2phase 0;
-- should be able to use this xid again
xa_start xa_noflags 0;
-- ERROR: cannot start without end
xa_start xa_noflags 0;
-- ERROR: duplicate key exception, statement level rollback
insert into APP.negative values ('rollback', 1);
select * from APP.negative;
insert into APP.negative values ('ok', 2);
select * from global_xactTable order by gxid, status, username, type;
xa_end xa_fail 0;
xa_start xa_noflags 2;
insert into APP.negative values ('ok', 3);
-- ERROR: cannot suspend some other xid
xa_end xa_suspend 3;
-- ERROR: cannot end some other xid while I am still attached
xa_end xa_success 0;
xa_end xa_suspend 2;
-- ERROR: cannot join an xid I just suspended have to resume
xa_start xa_join 2;
xa_start xa_resume 2;
xa_end xa_suspend 2;
xa_rollback 0;
-- ERROR: should not find this xid any more
xa_prepare 0;
select * from global_xactTable order by gxid, status, username, type;
xa_end xa_success 2;
-- ERROR: can only join a successful branch, not resume
xa_start xa_resume 2;
-- this is OK
xa_start xa_join 2;
-- ERROR: another dup
insert into APP.negative values ('rollback', 3);
xa_end xa_suspend 2;
xa_end xa_success 2;
-- ERROR: cannot call fail now
xa_end xa_fail 2;
-- rollback is OK
xa_rollback 2;
-- ERROR: cannot join something that is not there
xa_start xa_join 2;
-- ERROR: cannot join something that is not there
xa_start xa_resume 2;
-- start one
xa_start xa_noflags 1;
-- ERROR: can only forget heuristically completed transaction
xa_forget 1;
delete from APP.negative;
xa_end xa_success 1;
-- ERROR: now try some bad flag
xa_start xa_suspend 1;
-- ERROR: now try some bad flag
xa_start xa_fail 1;
xa_prepare 1;
-- can only forget heuristically completed transaction
xa_forget 1;
xa_start xa_noflags 2;
-- ERROR: deadlock, transaction trashed
select * from APP.negative;
-- ERROR: should have no connection underneath
select * from APP.negative;
-- ERROR: should have no connection underneath and xid 2 is gone
xa_end xa_suspend 2;
-- ERROR: should have no connection underneath and xid 2 is gone
xa_end xa_fail 2;
xa_rollback 2;
xa_start xa_noflags 3;
select * from global_xactTable order by gxid, status, username, type;
drop table foo;
create table foo (a int);
xa_end xa_suspend 3;
-- ERROR: cannot join a prepared transaction
xa_start xa_join 1;
-- ERROR: cannot resume a prepared transaction
xa_start xa_resume 1;
-- ERROR: bad flag
xa_start xa_fail 1;
-- ERROR: bad flag
xa_start xa_noflags 1;
-- rollback prepared transaction is OK
xa_rollback 1;
-- ERROR: dup id
xa_start xa_noflags 3;
xa_start xa_resume 3;
-- now that 1 is rolled back, this should succeed
select * from APP.negative;
select * from global_xactTable order by gxid, status, username, type;
-- ERROR: bad flag
xa_end xa_noflags 3;
xa_end xa_fail 3;
xa_rollback 3;
-- ensure switching back and forward does not commit
-- the xact due to the commit in setAutoCommit();
create table t44g(a int);
insert into t44g values 1,2;
select * from t44g where a > 4000;
create table t44(i int);
xa_start xa_noflags 44;
insert into t44g values(4400);
insert into t44g values(4401);
xa_end xa_suspend 44;
values (1,2,3);
insert into t44 values(1);
insert into t44 values(2);
insert into t44 values(3);
insert into t44 values(4);
-- fail with lock issues
select * from t44g;
xa_start xa_resume 44;
insert into t44g values(4500);
insert into t44g values(4501);
xa_end xa_success 44;
insert into t44 values(5);
insert into t44 values(6);
insert into t44 values(7);
insert into t44 values(8);
xa_start xa_join 44;
select * from t44g where a > 4000;
xa_end xa_success 44;
-- fail with lock issues
select * from t44g;
xa_rollback 44;
-- should be empty if no commit occurred in the middle;
select * from t44g where a > 4000;
select * from t44;