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Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.load.ImportAbstract
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package org.apache.derby.impl.load;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLWarning;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import org.apache.derby.vti.VTITemplate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.StringUtil;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.PublicAPI;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.shared.common.error.StandardException;
* <P>
abstract class ImportAbstract extends VTITemplate {
ControlInfo controlFileReader;
ImportReadData importReadData;
String[] columnNames;
int numberOfColumns;
int[] columnWidths;
int lineNumber = 0;
String[] nextRow;
ImportResultSetMetaData importResultSetMetaData;
int noOfColumnsExpected;
protected boolean lobsInExtFile = false;
String tableColumnTypesStr;
int[] tableColumnTypes;
String columnTypeNamesString;
String[] columnTypeNames;
String udtClassNamesString;
HashMap udtClasses;
private boolean wasNull;
static final String COLUMNNAMEPREFIX = "COLUMN";
abstract ImportReadData getImportReadData() throws Exception;
/** Does all the work
* @exception Exception if there is an error
void doAllTheWork() throws Exception {
//prepare the input file for import. Get the number of columns per row
//from the input file.
importReadData = getImportReadData();
numberOfColumns = importReadData.getNumberOfColumns();
if(numberOfColumns == 0)
//file is empty. Assume same number of columns expected
//and return no data , But No rows gets insereted.
this.numberOfColumns = noOfColumnsExpected;
columnWidths = controlFileReader.getColumnWidths();
columnNames = new String[numberOfColumns];
nextRow = new String[numberOfColumns];
tableColumnTypes = ColumnInfo.getExpectedVtiColumnTypes(tableColumnTypesStr,
columnTypeNames = ColumnInfo.getExpectedColumnTypeNames( columnTypeNamesString, numberOfColumns );
udtClasses = ColumnInfo.getExpectedUDTClasses( udtClassNamesString );
// get the ResultSetMetaData now as we know it's needed
importResultSetMetaData =
new ImportResultSetMetaData(numberOfColumns, columnNames, columnWidths,
tableColumnTypes, columnTypeNames, udtClasses );
//FIXME don't go through the resultset here. just for testing
// while (next()) ;
//the column names will be Column#
void loadColumnNames() {
for (int i=1; i<=numberOfColumns; i++)
columnNames[i-1] = COLUMNNAMEPREFIX + i;
/** Gets the resultset meta data
* @exception SQLException if there is an error
public ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() {
return importResultSetMetaData;
//all the resultset interface methods
/** gets the next row
* @exception SQLException if there is an error
public int getRow() throws SQLException {
return (importReadData.getCurrentRowNumber());
/** gets the current line number */
public int getCurrentLineNumber() { return lineNumber; }
public boolean next() throws SQLException {
try {
return (importReadData.readNextRow(nextRow));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw importError(ex);
/** closes the resultset
* @exception SQLException if there is an error
public void close() throws SQLException {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw LoadError.unexpectedError(ex);
public boolean wasNull() {
return wasNull;
* @exception SQLException if there is an error
public String getString(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
if (columnIndex <= numberOfColumns) {
String val = nextRow[columnIndex-1];
if (isColumnInExtFile(columnIndex)) {
// a clob column data is stored in an external
// file, the reference to it is in the main file.
// read the data from the external file using the
// reference from the main file.
val = importReadData.getClobColumnFromExtFileAsString(val,
wasNull = (val == null);
return val;
else {
throw LoadError.invalidColumnNumber(numberOfColumns);
* Returns <code> java.sql.Clob </code> type object that
* contains the column data from the import file.
* @param columnIndex number of the column. starts at 1.
* @exception SQLException if any occurs during create of the clob object.
public java.sql.Clob getClob(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
java.sql.Clob clob = null;
if (lobsInExtFile)
// lob data is in another file, read from the external file.
clob = importReadData.getClobColumnFromExtFile(
nextRow[columnIndex-1], columnIndex);
} else {
// data is in the main export file.
String data = nextRow[columnIndex-1];
if (data != null) {
clob = new ImportClob(data);
wasNull = (clob == null);
return clob;
* Returns <code> java.sql.Blob </code> type object that
* contains the column data from the import file.
* @param columnIndex number of the column. starts at 1.
* @exception SQLException if any occurs during create of the blob object.
public java.sql.Blob getBlob(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
java.sql.Blob blob = null;
if (lobsInExtFile)
// lob data is in another file, read from the external file.
blob = importReadData.getBlobColumnFromExtFile(
nextRow[columnIndex-1], columnIndex);
} else {
// data is in the main export file, stored in hex format.
String hexData = nextRow[columnIndex-1];
byte[] data = null;
if (hexData != null) {
// Derby export calls Resultset.getString() method
// when blob column data is not exported to an
// external file. Derby getString() method return
// the data in hex format for binary types, by
// calling StringUtil.toHexString(). If the data
// is being imported from a file that exported
// from non-derby source, hex data is expected to be
// same format as one written using
// StringUtil.toHexString(). StringUtil.fromHexString()
// is used to covert the hex data to byte array.
data = StringUtil.fromHexString(
hexData, 0, hexData.length());
// fromHexString() returns null if the hex string
// is invalid one. It is invalid if the data string
// length is not multiple of 2 or the data string
// contains non-hex characters.
if (data == null) {
throw PublicAPI.wrapStandardException(
blob = new ImportBlob(data);
wasNull = (blob == null);
return blob;
* Returns Object that contains the column data
* from the import file.
* @param columnIndex number of the column. starts at 1.
* @exception SQLException if any error occurs.
public Object getObject(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
byte[] bytes = getBytes( columnIndex );
try {
Class udtClass = importResultSetMetaData.getUDTClass( columnIndex );
Object obj = readObject( bytes );
// We need to make sure that the user is not trying to import some
// other object into the target column. This could happen if, for instance,
// you try to import the exported contents of a table which has the same
// shape as the target table except that its udt columns are of different type.
if ( (obj !=null) && (!udtClass.isInstance( obj )) )
throw new ClassCastException( obj.getClass().getName() + " -> " + udtClass.getName() );
return obj;
catch (Exception e) { throw importError( e ); }
/** Read a serializable from a set of bytes. */
public static Object readObject( byte[] bytes ) throws Exception
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( bytes );
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( bais );
return ois.readObject();
/** Read an object which was serialized to a string using StringUtil */
public static Object destringifyObject( String raw ) throws Exception
byte[] bytes = StringUtil.fromHexString( raw, 0, raw.length());
return readObject( bytes );
* Returns byte array that contains the column data
* from the import file.
* @param columnIndex number of the column. starts at 1.
* @exception SQLException if any error occurs.
public byte[] getBytes(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
// This method is called to import data into
// and CHAR FOR BIT DATA type columns. Data for
// these type of columns expected to be in the
// main import file in hex format.
// convert the binary data in the hex format to a byte array.
String hexData = nextRow[columnIndex-1];
// if hex data is null, then column value is SQL NULL
wasNull = (hexData == null);
byte[] data = null;
if (hexData != null) {
// Derby export calls Resultset.getString() method
// to write binary data types. Derby getString()
// method return the data in hex format for binary types,
// by calling StringUtil.toHexString(). If the data
// is being imported from a file that is exported
// from non-derby source, hex data is expected to be
// same format as one written using
// StringUtil.toHexString(). StringUtil.fromHexString()
// is used to covert the hex data to byte array.
data = StringUtil.fromHexString(hexData, 0, hexData.length());
// fromHexString() returns null if the hex string is invalid one.
// It is invalid if the data string length is not multiple of 2
// or the data string contains non-hex characters.
if (data == null) {
throw PublicAPI.wrapStandardException(
return data;
* Check if for this column type, real data is stored in an
* external file and only the reference is in the main import
* file.
* @param colIndex number of the column. starts at 1.
* @return true, if the column data in a different file
* from the main import file , otherwise false.
private boolean isColumnInExtFile(int colIndex)
if (lobsInExtFile &&
(tableColumnTypes[colIndex -1] == java.sql.Types.BLOB ||
tableColumnTypes[colIndex -1] == java.sql.Types.CLOB ))
return true;
return false;
* Close the stream and wrap exception in a SQLException
* @param ex Exception causing the import error
* @throws SQLException
public SQLException importError(Exception ex) {
Exception closeException = null;
if (importReadData != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
closeException = e;
SQLException le = LoadError.unexpectedError(ex);
if (closeException != null)
return le;