blob: 0a490b1799d1aed31bf88e97284c3e5fbdfea333 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-- contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-- this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-- The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-- (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-- the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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-- limitations under the License.
-- This script demonstrates how to declare and use several sample
-- table functions.
connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:vtitest;create=true';
-- Declare the table functions.
-- Declare a table function which reads an Apache server log.
create function apacheNaturalLogFile( fileURL varchar( 32672 ) ) returns table
IP varchar(100),
accessDate timestamp,
request clob,
statusCode int,
fileSize int,
referrer varchar(200),
userAgent clob
language java parameter style derby_jdbc_result_set no sql
external name 'org.apache.derbyDemo.vtis.example.ApacheServerLogVTI.apacheNaturalLogFile';
-- Declare a table function which reads a Derby JIRA report
create function apacheNaturalJiraReport( fileURL varchar( 32672 ) ) returns table
keyCol int,
type varchar(20),
priority varchar(10),
status varchar(20),
component varchar(50),
customfieldvalue varchar(200),
title varchar(500)
language java parameter style derby_jdbc_result_set no sql
external name 'org.apache.derbyDemo.vtis.example.DerbyJiraReportVTI.apacheNaturalJiraReport';
-- Declare a table function which reads the output of an 'svn log' command
create function svnLogReader( logFileName varchar( 32672 ) )
returns TABLE
XID varchar( 15 ),
committer varchar( 20 ),
commit_time timestamp,
line_count varchar( 10 ),
description varchar( 32672 )
language java
parameter style DERBY_JDBC_RESULT_SET
no sql
external name 'org.apache.derbyDemo.vtis.example.SubversionLogVTI.subversionLogVTI'
-- Register a table function to read a Derby message file
create function propertyFileVTI( fileName varchar( 32672 ) )
returns TABLE
messageID varchar( 20 ),
messageText varchar( 32672 )
language java
parameter style DERBY_JDBC_RESULT_SET
no sql
external name 'org.apache.derbyDemo.vtis.example.PropertyFileVTI.propertyFileVTI'
-- Read a log file dumped as a flat file
-- how active were the committers in 2006?
select committer, count(*) as commits
from table( svnLogReader( 'svn_log.txt' ) ) s
where commit_time between timestamp( '2006-01-01 00:00:00' ) and timestamp( '2007-01-01 00:00:00' )
group by committer
-- Read a property file of Derby messages
-- find the messages which have not been translated into french
select messageID, substr( m_english.messageText, 1, 100 )
from table( propertyFileVTI( '' ) ) m_english
where m_english.messageID not in
select m_french.messageID
from table( propertyFileVTI( '' ) ) m_french
-- Read from the XML log file produced by an Apache web server
-- this vti treats accessDate as a timestamp and fileSize as an int
select s.*
from table( apacheNaturalLogFile( 'ApacheServerLog.xml' ) ) s
-- look for relevant status codes
select s.*
from table( apacheNaturalLogFile( 'ApacheServerLog.xml' ) ) s
where s.statusCode = 206
-- look for relevant IP addresses
select s.*
from table( apacheNaturalLogFile( 'ApacheServerLog.xml' ) ) s
where IP like '208%'
-- look for log records in a time range
select s.*
from table( apacheNaturalLogFile( 'ApacheServerLog.xml' ) ) s
where accessDate between timestamp( '2002-07-01 08:40:56.0' ) and timestamp( '2002-07-01 08:42:56.0' )
-- Read from the XML log file produced by a JIRA report
-- treat keys as ints and sort Derby JIRAs by key
select s.*
from table( apacheNaturalJiraReport( 'DerbyJiraReport.xml' ) ) s
where s.keyCol between 2800 and 2950
order by keyCol
-- eliminate uninteresting Derby JIRAs
select s.*
from table( apacheNaturalJiraReport( 'DerbyJiraReport.xml' ) ) s
where type != 'Sub-task'
order by keyCol